Ex. 2. Write the sentences in the Passive Voice.

A) 1. We write many tests. 2. I invite many friends to my birthday. 3. The police test the machines. 4. The students attend many lectures.

B) 1. People plant the trees every spring. 2. They buy many toys for the party. 3. We eat soup every day. 4. Many people visit the Tretyakov Gallery.

Ex. 3. Translate into English.

A) 1.Мы встречаем. Нас встречают.(to meet) 2. Я пишу. Мне пишут.(to write) 3.Они учат. Их учат.(to teach)

B) 1.Я показываю. Мне показывают.(to show) 2.Она учит. Её учат. (to teach) 3.Он приглашает. Его приглашают. (to invite)

Past Simple Passive

Ex. 4. Open the brackets.

A) 1. Many houses (destroy) by the fire last year. 2. America (discover) by Columbus. 3. The letters (type) by the secretary yesterday. 4. This museum (visit) by many tourists last year. 5. The topic (speak) much about last month. 6. Many films (make) in Hollywood last year. 7. The translation of the book (finish) last week. 8. A taxi (call) 10 minutes ago. 9. St. Petersburg (found) in 1703. 10. The texts (translate) by his sister yesterday.

B) 1. The room (clean) by my mother yesterday. 2. Many new words (learn) by the students last year. 3. The scholarship (raise) a month ago. 4. The Mickey Mouse (create) by Walt Disney. 5. The children (teach) English last year. 6. The documents (write) by the director yesterday. 7. The picnic (arrange) by my friends 2 weeks ago. 8. The shop (open) last month. 9. The novel (discus) by the pupils at the last lesson. 10. Some people (arrest) by the police yesterday.

Ex. 5. Write the sentences in the Passive Voice.

A) 1. The teacher collected the copybooks at the last lesson. 2. Amundsen discovered the South Pole in 1912. 3. Children played tennis at the last P.T. lesson. 4. The fire destroyed many churches in London in 1666.

B) 1. I received a letter from my friend yesterday. 2. The students translated this article at the last lesson. 3. Lomonosov founded the Moscow University. 4.The English TV interviewed the Russian president yesterday.

Ex. 6. Translate into English.

A) 1. Она спрашивала. Её спрашивали.(to ask) 2. Он разговаривал. О нём разговаривали. (to speak) 3. Мы навестили. Нас навестили. (to visit)

B) 1. Мы понимали. Нас понимали. (to understand) 2. Они помогали. Им помогали.(to help) 3. Ты показал. Тебе показали. (to show)

Future Simple Passive

Ex. 7. Open the brackets.

A) 1. The New Year tree (decorate) next week. 2. The new magazine (sell) in all shops soon. 3. The classroom (air) in 10 minutes. 4. The documents (type) tomorrow. 5. The exhibition (open) in the museum next month. 6. The text (translate) at the next lesson. 7. The telegram (receive) in 2 hours. 8. The article (publish) in the newspaper next week. 9. The dialogue (listen) to at the next lesson. 10. The answer to this difficult question (give) in several days.

B) 1. The rule (explain) by the teacher tomorrow. 2. The trousers (iron) by me soon. 3. The dishes (wash) by my sister in 10 minutes. 4. This film (speak) at the next lesson. 5. The pies (bake) by Jenny tomorrow. 6. The car (sell) next month. 7. The new museum (open) in the centre of the town soon. 8. Our garage (build) in 2 months. 9. Supper (cook) in 20 minutes. 10. The window (open) by the secretary.

Ex. 8. Write the sentences in the Passive Voice.

A) 1. My grandmother will plant fruit trees next spring. 2. Children will learn this poem tomorrow. 3. They will receive a letter in 2 days. 4. We shall cut the grass in the garden next evening.

B) 1. He will invite his friends to the birthday party tomorrow. 2. They will do this exercise at the next English lesson. 3. My mother will make meat salad in half an hour. 4. He will buy a new sport suit next week.

Ex. 9. Translate into English.

A) 1. Я спрошу. Меня спросят. (to ask) 2. Мы напишем. Нам напишут. (to write) 3. Они встретят. Их встретят. (to meet)

B) 1. Он научит. Его научат. (to teach) 2. Я помогу. Мне помогут. (to help) 3. Мы навестим. Нас навестят. (to visit)

Present, Past, Future Simple Passive

Ex. 10. Open the brackets.

A) 1. A new school (to build) in our street not long ago. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. Many parties (to hold) in this large hall. 4. The poem (to learn) by everybody. 5. The taxi (to call) 15 minutes ago. 6. English (to teach) by Mr. Wilson next year. 7. The window (to break) by the students last month 8.The translation (to do) by them in 2 days. 9. The article (to publish) last week. 10. The work (to do) very carefully yesterday.

B) 1.The invitation (to accept) by everybody last week. 2. This palace (to build) in1828. 3. The young man (to introduce) to me yesterday. 4. The house (to paint) by them next month. 5. The first prize usually (to win) by our team. 6. The film (to show) on TV next week. 7. Many stories (to tell) by our mother in the evening. 8. The composition (to check) by the teacher in a few days. 9. The book (to discuss) at the last conference. 10. A new book (to show) by Lydia tomorrow.

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