B. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные выше предложения на русский язык.

IX. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык:

Clock Measuring Time

The sundial may be the oldest device for measuring time, going back to the Fertile Crescent of about 2000 B.C. Its operation is based on the fact that the shadow of a fixed object will move around it from one side to the other as the sun moves from east to west. Along with sundials, ancient peoples used water clocks. Sand flowing from one compartment into another also was used in late medieval Europe to measure time. These last two methods could be used at night; they also counted more uniform units of time.

With the invention of mechanical clocks, the hours became uniform. The first mechanical clocks appeared in Europe in the fourteenth century. Next came spring-driven clocks, though they had the disadvantage of running differently when the spring was just wound and at its most tense position and after it had unwound somewhat. The workings of all clocks depend on a motion or vibration that is constant and regular.

Circa 1581 the great Italian physicist Galileo (1564-1642) observed that the time it took for a pendulum to complete one total swing (called the period of oscillation) was almost independent of its magnitude, that is, how far it swung from side to side. He understood that this could be used as a frequency mechanism for regulating a clock. In 1656 a Dutch inventor, Christian Huygens (1629-95), working independently, constructed the first pendulum clock. Pendulum clocks remained the most precise means of measuring time into the twentieth century. Pendulums could be constructed to osculate at specified frequencies once such factors as latitude, the pull of gravity, and weather and its effect on me materials out of which the clock was made had been compensated for.

Quartz clocks, introduced in the 1930s, improved on the pendulum, though only after years of development.

In the 1940s atomic clocks were introduced. Their frequencies are based on the vibrations of certain atoms and molecules that vibrate the same number of times per second. Atomic clocks are constant to within a few seconds every 100,000 years.

X. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения:

1. The appearance of the first mechanical clocks in Europe goes back to the sixteenth century.

a) да b) нет

2. The workings of quartz clocks depend on a motion or vibration that is constant and regular.

a) да b) нет

II вариант

I.A. Видовременной формой глагола – сказуемого в действительном залоге в следующих предложениях являются:

1. In 1913 a group of Chinese hunters captured a snowman.

a) Present Perfect Active Voice (A.V.);

b) Present Progressive (Continuous) A.V.;

c) Past Simple (A.V.); d) Present Simple A.V.

2. The horse will instinctively keep away dart from a snowman.

a) Future Perfect A.V.; b) Future Simple A.V.;

c) Present Simple A.V.; d) Present Progressive (Continuous) A.V.

3. Modern medical science is still seekingclues to the riddle of Napoleon’s death.

a) Present Perfect A.V.; b) Present Progressive (Continuous) A.V.;

c) Past Progressive (Continuous) A.V.; d) Present Simple A.V.

4. In December the sun rises late in our region.

a)Past Simple Active Voice (A.V.); b) Present Perfect A.V.;

c) Present Simple A.V.; d) Present Progressive (Continuous ) A.V.

5. Many scientists have conducted a lot of experiments with atomic nuclei.

a) Present Perfect A.V.; b) Present Progressive (Continuous) A.V.;

c) Past Perfect A.V.; d) Present Simple A.V.

B. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык данные выше предложения .

II.A. Видовременной формой глагола – сказуемого в страдательном залоге являются:

1.Many new houses are built in our city every year.

a) Present Simple Passive Voice (P.V.) ; b) Present Perfect P.V.;

c) Past Simple P.V.; d) Present Progressive P.V.

2.The door was bolted with a heavy bolt.

a) Present Simple Passive Voice (P.V.); b) Past Perfect P.V.;

c) Past Simple P.V.; d) Past Progressive P.V.

3.Many automatic devices are being introduced at our plant.

a) Present Simple Passive Voice (P.V.); b) Present Perfect P.V.;

c) Past Progressive P.V.; d) Present Progressive P.V.

4.By the end of the year the production of polymers will have been increased considerably.

a) Future Simple Passive Voice (P.V.); b) Future Perfect P.V.;

c) Past Perfect P.V.; d) Future Progressive P.V.

5.The lost papers will have been found by tomorrow.

a) Future Simple Passive Voice (P.V.); b) Future Perfect P.V.;

c) Past Perfect P.V.; d) Future Progressive P.V.

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