Chapter 1 Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies

Chapter 1 Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies

Introduction (2700) (A-B)

интенсификация /возбуждениедобычи /притока stimulation [ˌstɪmjə'leɪʃən
в отношении, относительно with respect to
содержать, включать contain [kən'teɪn]–
– поровое пространство pore [pɔː] space
– проницаемость; проходимость permeability [ˌpɜːmɪə'bɪlətɪ]
– вызывать induce [ɪn'djuːs]
происходить, случаться, с occur [ə'kɜː] –
– перфорация; перфорационное отверстие / канал perforation [ˌpɜːfə'reɪʃən]
– обсадная колонна /трубы casing ['keɪsɪŋ]
отложение, твердый осадок на стенках scale –
] – осаждение; выпадение осадка; образование отложений precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪ'teɪʃən
– прямой, непосредственный immediate [ɪ'miːdɪət]
] – близость, окрестность vicinity [vɪ'sɪnətɪ
– помеха, нарушение; повреждение disturbance [dɪ'stɜːbəns]
химическое взаимодействие chemical ['kemɪkəl] interaction [ˌɪntər'ækʃən] –
– забивать, закупоривать plug [plʌg]
твердые частицы; взвесь particulates [pɑː'tɪkjʊləts, -eɪt, pə-] –
– разбухающая / набухающая глина swelling ['swelɪŋ] clay
– тонкодисперсные включения fine particles['pɑːtɪkl]
дробление породы rock crushing –
– уплотнение, сжатие compaction [kəm'pækʃən]
– высоконапорная / высокоскоростная струя high-velocity [vɪ'lɔsətɪ] jet
– кумулятивный заряд shaped charge [ʧɑːʤ]
отрицательное /неблагоприятное влияние adverse ['ædvɜːs] impact ['ɪmpækt] –
– устранение, очистка clearing
– закупоривание; забивание; образование пробки blockage ['blɔkɪʤ]
– восстановление restoring
– называть, обозначать term [tɜːm]
– 1) техническое обслуживание и текущий ремонт 2) уход; содержание в исправности maintenance ['meɪntənənts]  
] – затронутый; испытывающий / подвергшийся негативному воздействию affected [ə'fektɪd
– проницаемый, проходимый permeable ['pɜːmɪəbl]
–ненарушенный (пласт) undisturbed[ˌʌndɪ'stɜːbd]
– линия тока пластового флюида; пути движения флюидов flowpath
– экономический показатель /коэффицент economic rate
– проводить, пропускать conduct [kən'dʌkt]
] – при случае, иногда; время от времени on occasion[ə'keɪʒən
– точно, строго precisely [prɪ'saɪslɪ]
– функциональный показатель function ['fʌŋkʃən]
] – радиус проводимости /приводимости wellradius['reɪdɪəs
– порог, граница thres hold ['θreʃ(h)əuld]
– вероятность likelihood ['laɪklɪhud]  

The term stimulation with respect to petroleum production refers to a range of activities used to increase the petroleum production from reservoirs (rocks containing oil and gas in pore spaces or in natural fractures) by increasing reservoir permeability. There are two distinct situations that lead to the use of stimulation technologies.

The first is damage induced by well drilling and construction and through oil and gas production operations. Damage may occur in the form of blocked perforations in the well casing through which oil and gas flows, e.g., by scale formation (mineral precipitation) or sand production from the reservoir into the well.

Damage can also occur to the rock in the immediate vicinity of the well as a result of mechanical disturbances and chemical interaction with the fluids (drilling mud) used during drilling. For example, pores may be plugged by drilling mud, particulates or swelling clays, or fine particles in the rock may migrate into the well.

Mechanical damage in the form of crushing and compaction of the rock may occur as a result of creating the perforations (holes) through the casing. The perforation process is carried out by shooting a high-velocity jet produced by a shaped charge through the steel casing and cement and penetrate a short distance into the rock. The perforations connect the well to the reservoir. Techniques to correct these adverse impacts of well construction by clearing blockages in the well, or restoring the permeability of the rock, are termed well stimulation. These forms of well stimulation are considered maintenance activities that are directed at the well or the immediate vicinity of the well affected by drilling or well construction.

The term stimulation also refers to the use of techniques to open permeable flow paths between the undisturbed reservoir rock and the well or increase reservoir permeability, such that it can provide economic rates of hydrocarbon production (permeability is the ability of the rocks to conduct fluid including oil, gas, or water). This stimulation is also on occasion termed well stimulation, but is perhaps more precisely called reservoir stimulation.

As described above, the production of oil and gas from a reservoir depends on reservoir permeability, but it is also a function of reservoir thickness, the viscosity of the fossil fuels produced, well radius, and other factors. Because of the complexity of the problem, an exact permeability threshold for the use of well stimulation technologies does not exist. However, the likelihood that well stimulation is needed to economically produce oil and gas increases as the reservoir permeability falls below about 10-15 square meters (m2; about 1 millidarcy, md).

Chapter 1 Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies

Introduction (2700) (A-B)

интенсификация /возбуждениедобычи /притока stimulation [ˌstɪmjə'leɪʃən
в отношении, относительно with respect to
содержать, включать contain [kən'teɪn]–
– поровое пространство pore [pɔː] space
– проницаемость; проходимость permeability [ˌpɜːmɪə'bɪlətɪ]
– вызывать induce [ɪn'djuːs]
происходить, случаться, с occur [ə'kɜː] –
– перфорация; перфорационное отверстие / канал perforation [ˌpɜːfə'reɪʃən]
– обсадная колонна /трубы casing ['keɪsɪŋ]
отложение, твердый осадок на стенках scale –
] – осаждение; выпадение осадка; образование отложений precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪ'teɪʃən
– прямой, непосредственный immediate [ɪ'miːdɪət]
] – близость, окрестность vicinity [vɪ'sɪnətɪ
– помеха, нарушение; повреждение disturbance [dɪ'stɜːbəns]
химическое взаимодействие chemical ['kemɪkəl] interaction [ˌɪntər'ækʃən] –
– забивать, закупоривать plug [plʌg]
твердые частицы; взвесь particulates [pɑː'tɪkjʊləts, -eɪt, pə-] –
– разбухающая / набухающая глина swelling ['swelɪŋ] clay
– тонкодисперсные включения fine particles['pɑːtɪkl]
дробление породы rock crushing –
– уплотнение, сжатие compaction [kəm'pækʃən]
– высоконапорная / высокоскоростная струя high-velocity [vɪ'lɔsətɪ] jet
– кумулятивный заряд shaped charge [ʧɑːʤ]
отрицательное /неблагоприятное влияние adverse ['ædvɜːs] impact ['ɪmpækt] –
– устранение, очистка clearing
– закупоривание; забивание; образование пробки blockage ['blɔkɪʤ]
– восстановление restoring
– называть, обозначать term [tɜːm]
– 1) техническое обслуживание и текущий ремонт 2) уход; содержание в исправности maintenance ['meɪntənənts]  
] – затронутый; испытывающий / подвергшийся негативному воздействию affected [ə'fektɪd
– проницаемый, проходимый permeable ['pɜːmɪəbl]
–ненарушенный (пласт) undisturbed[ˌʌndɪ'stɜːbd]
– линия тока пластового флюида; пути движения флюидов flowpath
– экономический показатель /коэффицент economic rate
– проводить, пропускать conduct [kən'dʌkt]
] – при случае, иногда; время от времени on occasion[ə'keɪʒən
– точно, строго precisely [prɪ'saɪslɪ]
– функциональный показатель function ['fʌŋkʃən]
] – радиус проводимости /приводимости wellradius['reɪdɪəs
– порог, граница thres hold ['θreʃ(h)əuld]
– вероятность likelihood ['laɪklɪhud]  

The term stimulation with respect to petroleum production refers to a range of activities used to increase the petroleum production from reservoirs (rocks containing oil and gas in pore spaces or in natural fractures) by increasing reservoir permeability. There are two distinct situations that lead to the use of stimulation technologies.

The first is damage induced by well drilling and construction and through oil and gas production operations. Damage may occur in the form of blocked perforations in the well casing through which oil and gas flows, e.g., by scale formation (mineral precipitation) or sand production from the reservoir into the well.

Damage can also occur to the rock in the immediate vicinity of the well as a result of mechanical disturbances and chemical interaction with the fluids (drilling mud) used during drilling. For example, pores may be plugged by drilling mud, particulates or swelling clays, or fine particles in the rock may migrate into the well.

Mechanical damage in the form of crushing and compaction of the rock may occur as a result of creating the perforations (holes) through the casing. The perforation process is carried out by shooting a high-velocity jet produced by a shaped charge through the steel casing and cement and penetrate a short distance into the rock. The perforations connect the well to the reservoir. Techniques to correct these adverse impacts of well construction by clearing blockages in the well, or restoring the permeability of the rock, are termed well stimulation. These forms of well stimulation are considered maintenance activities that are directed at the well or the immediate vicinity of the well affected by drilling or well construction.

The term stimulation also refers to the use of techniques to open permeable flow paths between the undisturbed reservoir rock and the well or increase reservoir permeability, such that it can provide economic rates of hydrocarbon production (permeability is the ability of the rocks to conduct fluid including oil, gas, or water). This stimulation is also on occasion termed well stimulation, but is perhaps more precisely called reservoir stimulation.

As described above, the production of oil and gas from a reservoir depends on reservoir permeability, but it is also a function of reservoir thickness, the viscosity of the fossil fuels produced, well radius, and other factors. Because of the complexity of the problem, an exact permeability threshold for the use of well stimulation technologies does not exist. However, the likelihood that well stimulation is needed to economically produce oil and gas increases as the reservoir permeability falls below about 10-15 square meters (m2; about 1 millidarcy, md).

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