Information about the theatre

The Chelyabinsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Michael Glinka is one of the greatest theaters in Russia. It is a true landmark of the South Ural’s capital.

The theater building is located at the end of the pedestrian street Kirovka. It is visually attractive due to the classical style of architecture: the high stairs, columns, fretwork and statues on the dome.

Its construction began in the prewar years, but during the Great Patriotic War the building of the theater was used as a munitions factory. Later it was returned to the cultural institution. The building received its modern form after extensive renovation in 1983.

In front of the theater there is a monument to Michael Glinka, composer and «father» of Russian classical music.

Another reason to visit this theater is the great painting inside of the building that was created by a team of artists under the leadership of Deineka.

The undoubted value of Opera and Ballet Theatre is a troupe of professional actors. More than 20 performers have the titles of People’s Artists and Honored Artists of Russia, and many theatrical performances awarded prestigious prizes.

In any day guests can visit the theater and enjoy the atmosphere of high art. Tickets for the performances are being sold inside of the building.

Ninety performances were played at the stage of the theater during its history - both classic and modern. The troupe toured to 70 cities in Russia, traveled to Austria, Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Turkey, China and the U.S.


As we have said the main information to you about this theatre, the next stage of our plane is visiting this place. So we have chosen one performance there that is called “The Nutcracker”. Everybody knows this ballet, and I can add that this ballet is one of the greatest performances in the world. Let me remind you the story of this performance.

The Nutcracker ballet begins on a Christmas Eve party and the characters are full of spirits, greeting their friends and passing on their presents.

The Christmas tree is all set, there are gifts and everybody is cheery with a party atmosphere.

A young girl, Clara, welcomes all her friends along with her little brother Fritz.

The young children are wildly entertained by magician Drosselmeyer and he captures everybody's attention. He is full of tricks and keeps the party alive, presenting life-size dolls where they each take a turn to dance.

Drosselmeyer has brought gifts for the young children and for Clara. She gets a Nutcracker doll. Clara is thrilled with her present and already falls in love with her precious doll, but her brother Fritz grabs the doll off her and breaks the Nutcracker.

Luckily, Drosselmeyer managed to repair the poor broken Nutcracker and Clara is reunited with her beloved doll.

As the party draws to a close, the guests leave and the family gets ready for bed. After everyone is asleep, Clara sneaks downstairs looking for the Nutcracker but when the clock strikes midnight, everything changes.

The Christmas tree grows is a gigantic size and fills the whole room. The toys around the Christmas tree begin to come to life and Clara is suddenly surrounded by an army of mice, lead by the Mouse King.

The Nutcracker springs to life and leads his toy soldiers into battle with the mice. The fight continues, but Clara can see the Nutcracker is in trouble and he about to be overpowered by the Mouse King.

Clara makes a daring move to try and save the Nutcracker and she throws her shoe at the Mouse King. The shoe hits the Mouse King straight on the head and he drops to the floor. The rest of the mice run away, taking their King's body with them.

The Nutcracker drops to the floor; he's exhausted and lifeless. Clara takes him in her arms and desperately tries to bring him back to life.

He steadily comes back and Clara is amazed to see he is a handsome prince. They dance together and he guides Clara to the Land of Snow.

Then Clara and the Nutcracker ballet arrive at the Kingdom of Sweets, a fantasy world which is ruled by the Sugar Plum Fairy. The characters in the Kingdom of Sweets perform special dances for Clara and the Nutcracker.

There is a Spanish Dance, a Chinese Dance, an Arabian Dance and a Russian Dance, all from the different lands of the Kingdom. The Sugar Plum Fairy appears and performs a beautiful solo and Grand Pas De Deux with her partner.

The Nutcracker Prince and Clara dance together, but just as their dancing reaches its climax, the fantasy world disappears. Clara awakens back inside her house beneath the Christmas tree, realizing that all of it was perhaps a dream.


Nutcracker ballet is a popular story through all over the world that is performed by famous ballet companies all across the globe. It is a Christmas special and one that will leave you enchanted, excited and full of joy.

It is true that the Nutcracker is full of dreams and imagination, it is a story that will captivate you from the very beginning. Especially as a performance, it is bursting with energetic dancing, beautiful music and spectacular costumes.



Какие виды театрального искусства популярны?
·Балет В Китае не существует балета, как такового. Весьма и весьма популярен. Наибольшей популярностью пользуются детские балеты, «Лебединое озеро» и «Жизель»
·Спектакль Популярны комедия, романтика, детектив, классика, детские спектакли, современные социальные темы
·Опера Очень популярна. Выделяют 5 направлений оперы. Существует один вид оперы. Также популярен, как балет, спектакль или концерт симфонического оркестра
·Концерт Популярны концерты современных исполнителей среди молодежи. Также популярны концерты музыкальных исполнителей среди молодежи. Также существуют концерты симфонического оркестра, например, в Театре им. Прокофьева в Челябинске, и пользуются спросом, но нераспространенны повсеместно.
Отличие опер разных стран. Существует огромное множество опер, но популярны только 5: Пекинская опера, Шанхайская опера, комическая опера, музыкальная опера, традиционная китайская музыкальная драма (китайская опера). Отличается наличием акробатических номеров, пением, танцами, пантомимой, цирковыми номерами. В каждом районе своя особенность оперы. Опера, как таковая, по всей стране ставится одинаково. И существует один вид оперы. Отличатся могут только жанры сценария, по которому ставится опера.


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