The problems of children and adolescents

All children and adolescents face problems from time to time. There is the list of the most important problems made up by school psychologists. So, pupils may:

· Feel afraid to go to school

· Fall behind in their school work

· Lack self-discipline

· Worry about family matters such as divorce and death

· Feel depressed or anxious

· Experiment with drugs and alcohol

· Think about suicide

· Face difficult situations, such as applying to college, getting a job, or quitting school

· Doubt their aptitudes and abilities

School psychologists help children, parents, teachers, and members of the community understand and resolve these concerns. The following situations demonstrate how school psychologists may typically solve problems.

Family Problems

The teacher noticed that Carla, an able student, had stopped participating in class discussions and had difficulty in paying attention to her classmates. The school psychologist was asked to explore why Carla’s behavior had changed so much. After discovering that Carla’s parents were divorcing, the school psychologist provided counseling for Carla and gave her parents’ suggestions for this difficult time. Carla’s behavior and self-esteem improved, and she felt more secure about her relationship with her parents.

School psychologists can be trusted to help with delicate personal and family situations that interfere with schooling.

Reading Problems

Tommy’s parents were concerned about his difficulty in reading. They feared that he would fall behind and lose confidence in himself. In school the teacher noticed that Tommy understood what was presented in verbal form, but that he needed the help of his classmates to do written work. After observing Tommy and gathering information about his reading and writing skills, the school psychologist collaborated with his parents and teachers to develop a plan to improve his reading and writing. The plan worked, and both Tommy’s reading and his self-esteem improved.

School psychologists can help prevent future problems when they intervene with learning problems early on.

A Potential Dropout

David was a high school student who often missed classes. He had very poor behavior and had been suspended from school on various occasions for fighting. After establishing a relationship with David, the school psychologist taught him simple techniques to relax and to control his aggressive behavior. David’s mother and his teacher worked together on a plan designed by the school psychologist to establish limits and to improve communication.

School psychologists recognize that changes in the school environment and at home can improve the quality of life for children and their families.


I. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

to face problem, to feel afraid, to apply to college, to quit school, to solve problem, an able student, to pay attention, to feel secure, relationship, to lose confidence, in verbal form, to need help, reading and writing skills, to develop a plan, to miss classes, poor behavior.

II. Suggest the English for:

дети и подростки, сталкиваться с проблемой, отставать от класса, сомневаться в своих способностях, решить проблему, способный студент, повысить самооценку, потерять уверенность в себе, в устной форме, навыки чтения и письма, пропускать занятия, плохое поведение.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following using:

Yes, you are right (= it is correct)

No, you are not right (=you are wrong)

1. All children and adolescents face problems from time to time.

2. Carla, an able student, actively participated in class discussions and paid a great attention to her classmates.

3. School psychologists can be trusted to help with delicate personal and family situations that interfere with schooling.

4. Tommy’s parents were concerned about his difficulty in reading.

5. The teacher helped to develop a plan to improve Tommy’s reading and writing.

6. David had problems in schooling due to his aggressive behavior.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. All children and adolescents sometimes lack … and worry about ….

2. The teacher noticed that Carla, an able student, had stopped … and had difficulty in … her classmates.

3. School psychologists can be trusted to help … that interfere with schooling.

4. The plan worked, and both Tommy’s … improved.

5. After … the school psychologist taught him simple techniques … his aggressive behavior.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. The main problems of children are …

2. After discovering that Carla’s parents were divorcing …

3. In school the teacher noticed that Tommy …

4. School psychologists can help …

5. David had very poor behavior…

VI. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:

problem, bad, to lag behind, to skip studies, teenager, lessons, to participate.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main problems the children and adolescents face to?

2. Who can help youth, teachers and parents resolve their common concerns?

3. How did the psychologist help Carla to solve her problems?

4. What did Tommy’s parents concern about?

5. Why is David called a potential dropout?

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