A Teacher’s Lot is Certainly a Different One

Say «teacher» and a clear image forms in people’s minds. People usually think that teachers, if female, are intense, persistent creatures, and if male, are a little strange. Teachers themselves have a particularly self-conscious view of their role. They tend to feel isolated and to grow away from friends who work a standard office day. The teacher’s job imposes exceptional stresses and conflicts, and this have the power to isolate teachers from everybody else, to alter their outlook and even their characters.

Young teachers who have had college lectures on «discipline in the classroom situation» or «the deprived child» are not properly warned of the emotional impact children make on them. They sit and brood about the children’s needs and always feel that they could be doing more. Of course that’s true, but the best teachers are the ones who can switch off, by doing whatever work is necessary. If a teacher falls ill he can’t afford to stay in bed till he gets well. Extremes of behavior are more common in the classroom than people would believe. Many teachers discover in themselves depths of bad temper, even rage, they never knew they had.

But the rewards of the job are so special that teachers learn to maintain high expectations, to apply them generally. The experience, they have at school, have a great influence on their attitudes to job and people. Most of the generalizations about them are rooted somewhere in truth – teachers are different – but few people bother to find out why.


1.Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

clear, certainly, minds, female, creatures, particularly, self-conscious, exceptional, characters, properly, behavior, depths, expectations, experience, influence, attitudes, generalizations, imposes, deprived, warned.

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

clear image, persistent creatures, a little strange, self-conscious view, tend to feel, to grow away, job imposes exceptional stresses, to alter outlook, the emotional impact, brood about the children’s needs, can’t afford to stay in bed, discover in themselves, depths of bad temper, to maintain high expectations, a great influence on their attitudes.

3. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

ясный образ, стойкое создание, склонны чувствовать, изменять мировоззрение, должным образом не предупреждены, эмоциональное влияние, оказываемое на них, размышлять о потребностях детей, не может позволить лежать в кровати, пока не поправится, опыт, полученный в школе.

4. Express agreement or disagreement with the following saying:

Model: Yes, you are right (it’s correct).

No, you are not right (you are wrong).

1. Teachers themselves have a particularly unconscious view of their role.

2. They tend to feel isolated and to grow away from friends who work a standard office day.

3. Young teachers who have had college lectures on «discipline in the classroom situation» or «the deprived child» are warned of the emotional impact children make on them.

4. They sit and brood about the children’s needs.

5. If a teacher falls ill he can always afford to stay in bed till he gets well.

6. Many teachers discover in themselves depths of bad temper, even rage, they never knew they had.

Make the following sentences



1. Say «teacher» and a clear image forms in people’s minds.

2. People usually think that teachers, if female, are intense, persistent creatures, and if male, are a little strange.

3. Teachers themselves have a particularly self-conscious view of their role.

4. They tend to feel isolated and to grow away from friends who work a standard office day.

5. Teacherssit and brood about the children’s needs and always feel that they could be doing more.

6. If a teacher falls ill he can afford to stay in bed till he gets well.

7. The experience, they have at school, have a great influence on their attitudes to job and people.

Insert the missing words.

1. Say «teacher» and a clear image forms in …

2. Teachers themselves have a particularly self-conscious view …

3. They tend to feel isolated and to grow away from …

4. They sit and brood about the children’s needs and always feel …

5. Extremes of behavior are more common in the classroom …

6. Many teachers discover in themselves depths of bad temper, even rage …

7. But the rewards of the job are so special that teachers learn to maintain high expectations …

7. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given below:

clear image, tend to feel, to grow away, to alter outlook, behavior, characters, attitudes, the emotional impact, high expectations.

8. Translate into English:

Учитель должен быть творческой личностью и применять различные методы и приемы при обучении. Он должен любить учеников и свою работу. Юмор обязательно должен присутствовать на уроке, тогда дети не боятся делать ошибки, у них есть шансы исправиться.

Необходимо относиться к каждому ученику так же, как и ко всем детям в классе. Никогда нельзя выплескивать негативные эмоции в классе.


1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. applied pedagogics - прикладная педагогика

2. trust - доверие

3. management - управление

4. scope - сфера, охват

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