Report these sentences using one of the verbs in brackets and an infinitive in a proper form.

e.g. Scientists think that Maxwell’s equations are the most important advance since the universal theory of gravitation.(prove)

Maxwell’s equation proved to be the most important advance since the universal theory of gravitation

1) The astrophysicists predicted that the Sun initially had a metal-rich core. (might)

2) They are sure that hydrogen was originally in the score has now burnt out. (must)

3) Dr. G. R. Isaak reported that his team in Birmingham have also detected solar oscillations.

( claimed)

4) They think that the necessary technique has been developed. (hope)

5) The astrophysicists are studying gravitational red shifts in the solar system with this technique.


6) Dr. Hill has found the periods of the Sun oscillations. (claim)

7) Dr. G.R. Isaac has measured the solar oscillations. (prove)

8) They will provide a mechanism for removing energy from the core, lowering the expected neutrino flux. (might)

9) They suggested it. The Sun was formed from chemically inhomogeneous material.(may)

10) Albert Einstein demonstrated that mass is a very concentrated form of energy. (prove)

9. Complete the sentences with the infinitive so that they are true for you.

1) I have recently decided to…

2) I’m flexible, but one thing I refuse to do is…

3) Five years from now, I hope…

4) I’m satisfied that I can afford…

5) I’m sure I will manage…

6) I confess that one thing I tend to do is…

7) I hope …

8) I want…

9) I expect…

10. Practice to use different infinitives after modal verbs.

1) Должно быть, он…

He must be ill.

He must be staying in the lab.

He must have finished the computing.

He must have been working since 8 a. m.

Translate into English

2) Должно быть, он уже заполнил таблицу.

3) Возможно, он сейчас заполняет таблицу.

4) Должно быть, он заполняет таблицу после каждого считывания показаний приборов.

5) Возможно, он заполняет эту таблицу несколько часов.

11 Answer the questions using the right form of the infinitive.

1) Is the Sun producing a much lower or higher neutrino flux? (seem)

2) Did Richard Feynman watch the explosion of the nuclear bomb in Los Alamos? (claim)

3) Do photons carry information in electromagnetic interactions? (must)

4) Are the Higgs bosons more massive than other particles? (appear)

5) Is the photoelectric effect used today in solar panels? (must)

6) Does a light quantum transfer its entire energy to a single electron? (seem)

7) Are physicists still searching for a new theory to explain high temperature superconductivity? (tend)

8) Is a group of physicists trying to explain the pattern of fundamental particles by treating them as waves or a string? (expect)

9) Have scientists failed to reveal the true nature of the light? (might)

10) Did Einstein try to unify quantum theory and gravity? (expect)



6. The infinitive can be the subject of the sentence, and translated as the infinitive or a noun.

To be a materialist means to accept the primacy of matter.

To determine the properties of the substance needs a lot of experiments.

7. As an object it the infinitive is used after the predicate.

They have to minimize the disadvantages.

8. The infinitive can be an adverbial modifier.

The form of the equation should be simple so as to be useful for the calculation.

9. As an attribute the infinitive is translated by a subordinate clause with the help of the following words: который, должен, нужно, можно.

There are many considerations to be taken into account in determining space velocity.

10. As a parenthesis the infinitive is usually used at the beginning of the sentence with a comma after it.

This is the list of most frequently used parentheses:

to begin (start) with - прежде всего;

to judge by – судя по, если судить по;

to make a long story short – короче говоря;

to mention (only some) – если упомянуть (лишь некоторые);

to name (only a few) – если упомянуть (лишь немногие);

to put it another way – иначе говоря;

to put it briefly – короче говоря;

to put it mildly – мягко выражаясь;

needless to say – нет надобности говорить о…;

to say nothing of - не говоря уже о… ;

suffice it to say – достаточно сказать;

to be exact – точнее говоря;

so to speak – так сказать;

to sum up – если подвести итог;

to quote (a single example) – если привести (один пример);

to return – если возвратиться;

to tell the truth – по правде говоря.

Forms of the Infinitives

  Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple ( to) write (to) be written
Present Continuous (to) be writing  
Present Perfect (to) have written (to) have been written
Perfect Continuous (to) have been writing  

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