Unit 14. Transportation Management

Lead in

a) Transportation Management - the process of ensuring that passengers and freight are provided with the services they need and are delivered to the right place, at the right time, after the highest possible quality journey and at the right price.

b) National and local government, Passenger transport companies – all modes: road, rail, air and sea, Construction companies, Freight transport companies – all modes: road, rail, air, sea and inland waterways, Travel and tourist companies, Utilities companies, Seaports and airports, Public sector – armed services, National Health Service, Supermarkets and retailers, Manufacturing companies, Specialist consultancies.

e) value, destination,weight, size, dimentions, type of goods, infrastructure, time factor/speed/urgency, nature of the goods, security.


  1. g; 2. d; 3. f; 4. i; 5. a; 6. j; 7. e; 8. b; 9. h; 10. c.
  1. reefer containers; 2. open-top containers; 3. pipelines; 4. quay; 5. block train; 6. piggybacking; 7. motor lorries; 8. rigid box

1. e; 2. g; 3. h; 4. f; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b; 8. d

1. bogie; 2. lashing rings; 3. open-top container; 4.reefer; 5.break-bulk; 6.pile; 7. transtainer; 8. block-train

Reading 1


Road transportation: t, d, j. 2. Rail transportation: g, c, s. 3. Pipelines: w, n, b. 4. Maritime transportation: v, u, l, k, g. 5. Air transportation: g, m, i. 6. Intermodal transportation: e, a, f. 7. Telecommunications: p, o, r.


1. k; 2. m; 3. o; 4. n; 5. i; 6. q; 7. g; 8. h; 9. e; 10. f; 11. a; 12. l; 13. b; 14. p; 15. c; 16. d; 17. j.


1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. g; 5. f; 6. c; 7. d.


1. into; 2. on; 3. to; 4. in; 5. in; 6. to; 7. on; 8. for; 9. for.


1. to transport, transport, transportation, transporting, transported; 2. to contain, containerization, container, containership, contained, containerized; 3. to compose, composer, composite, compositor, composition, composed, composite; 4. to improve, improvement, improvability, improver, improved, improving, improvable; 5. to construct; construction, construct; constructive; 6. to discontinue, discontinuance, discontinuity, discontinuous; 7. to accommodate, accommodation, accommodationist, accommodating.


  1. nothing; 2. anything; 3. someone; 4. anything; 5. something; 6. everybody; 7. anybody; 8. anybody; 9. somewhere; 10. anything; 11. Anybody; 12. anybody; 13. anything; 14. somewhere; 15. somebody.


  1. itself, yourself; 2. ourselves; 3. each other; 4. -; 5. yourself, yourself; 6. themselves; 7. -; 8. themselves; 9. herself; 10. each other.


  1. his, it; 2. It, there; 3. it, there; 4. ours, them, him; 5. It, it, It; 6.There; 7. its; 8. There; it.

Reading 2


Sample synonyms: 1. hub – center; 2. incentive – encouragement; 3. to reduce – drop; 4. regulation – law; 5. investment – capital; 6. employment - application; 7. innovation – new idea; 8. to feature – to emphasize; 9. various – different; 10. to ensure – to guarantee; 11. to expand – to extend; 12. facility – establishment.


  1. i, 2. k, 3. e, 4. a, 5. c, 6. b, 7. g, 8. j, 9. d, 10. h, 11. f.


1.out; 2. as, to; 3. for; 4. after; 5. on; 6. for.


1. to commerce, commercialize, commerce, commercialism, commercial; 2. to limit, limitation, limitative, limited, limiting; 3. to innovate, innovation, innovative; 4. to establish, establishment, establishmentarian, established, establishing; 5. to invest, investor, investment; 6. to equip, equipment.

Unit 15. Transportation Planning

Lead in

Customer Satisfaction: On-time delivery, Minimum delays/ damages/ losses.

Productivity Efficiency: Transit time reduction, Lower variability of transit times.

Cost Minimization: Vehicle Acquisition / Fuel Consumption Minimization, Minimization of Overtimes and excess Personnel Costs.

  1. air 2. sea 3.rail 4.road 5. pipeline


1 g; 2. j; 3. i; 4. b; 5. a; 6. h; 7. e; 8. f; 9. c; 10. d.

Sample synonyms: 1. dangerous, 2. yard, 3. weight without a container, 4. to lift up, 5. cargo, 6. supervise, 7. width, 8. ship, 9. shipment, 10. carrier.

1. part truck load; 2. payload; 3. come up to; 4. consignment; 5. insurance; 6. handling damage; 7. oversee; 8. oversees.

1. harmful; 2.watch; 3. luggage; 4. weight; 5. complete; 6. election; 7. handling; 8. lifetime.

Reading 1


Sample synonyms: 1. route, 2. demand, 3. decisive, 4. spectrum, 5. virtue, 6. concrete, 7. capacity, 8. currently, 9. outcomes, 10. robust, 11. farseeing, 12. to aspire, 13. to profit, 14. foreign, 15. local, 16. dispatch, 17. choice, 18. more than one form of carrier.


1.e, 2. d, 3. f, 4.g, 5. h, 6. c, 7. b, 8. a.


1. with; 2. of; 3. down; 4. for; 5. on; 6. in; 7. on; 8. beyond; 9. on.


  1. to require, requirement, requital; 2. to ship, shipment, shipper, shipping, shipping; 3. to move, movement, mover, movable, moveless; 4. to function, functionality, function, functional, functionary; 5. to provide, provision, providence, provider, provided, provident, providential, providing.



  1. each; 2. each; 3. every; 4. every; 5. every; 6. each; 7. every.


  1. all; 2. neither; 3. none; 4. both; 5. either; 6. either; 7. any.


  1. is waiting; 2. is; 3. knows; 4. spend; 5. wants; 6. are; 7. doesn’t pay, breaks, is likely to have.


1. B 2. C 3.A


Bottles, boxes, metal dispensers, pallets, roll-pallets, sacks, barrels, etc.


Shape, size and weight of transported goods / Ability to stack units on top of each other / Other handling criteria (transport means loading ability, ability to carry certain storage types, Warehouse gates dimensions)

Reading 2


1 embrace – involve; 2. shop – store; 3. market – retail; 4. rise – increase; 5. key – major; 6. discharging – elimination; 7. significant – important; 8. basic – essential; 9. limited – restricted; 10. guarantee – ensure; 11. essential – critical; 12. comprehend – understand; 13. correct – accurate; 14. correlation – balance.


1. g, 2. a, 3. e, 4. b, 5.c, 6. d, 7. f.


1. down; 2. within; 3. to; 4. between; 5. from.


1. to differ, difference, different; 2. to deliver, delivery; 3. to reduce, reduction, reduced, reducing; 4. to customize, customer, customary; 5. to utilize, utilization; 6. to necessitate, necessity, necessary.

Unit 16. Financial Flow



  1. e; 2. j; 3. h; 4. a; 5. i; 6. b; 7. с; 8. d; 9. g; 10. f


  1. packing list; 2. pro forma; 3. cost, insurance, freight; 4. The Incoterms; 5. amended invoice; 6. take out; 7. irrevocable; 8. letter of credit


  1. d; 2. h; 3. a; 4. f; 5. b; 6. g; 7. c; 8. e.


  1. bill of lading; 2. documents against payment; 3. Harmonized Tariff Schedule; 4. certificate of Origin; 5. Air Waybill; 6. letter of credit; 7. pro forma; 8. Incoterms

Reading 1


1. b; 2. h; 3. f; 4. g; 5. a; 6. c; 7. j; 8. i; 9. k; 10. d; 11. e.


Sample synonyms: 1. essential approach, 2. main debate, 3. key element, 4. trade, 5. trust, 6. instant application, 7. to necessitate, 8. to be short of rivalry, 9. to employ, 10. client, 11. great worry, 12. vendor, 13. to implicitly define, 14. commodities, 15. presently, 16. offer, 17. to say clearly, 18. to use, 19. term, 20. compulsory, 21. to authenticate a paper, 22. in conformity with, 23. to appraise, 24. to be proper, 25. to receive a load of goods, 26. readiness, 27. to demand, 28. to discover and punish persons who violate the law, 29. overpriced, 30. to think about trade.


1. to pay, payment, paid; 2. to require, requirement, required, requiring; 3. to secure, securement, security, secure; 4. to receive, receivables, receiver, receivable; 5. indebtedness, indebted; 6. availability, available; 7. to satisfy, satisfaction, satisfactory.


1. in, on, 2. of. 3. on. 4. for. 5. with. 6. with. 7. at. 8. on.



  1. another; 2. others; 3. the other; 4. another; 5. the others; 6. other; 7. the other; 8. another; 9. the other; 10. the others.


1. much; 2. many, a little; 3. a little, many; 4. only a few, a few; 5. little; 6. many; 7. so few; 8. few; 9. a little English; 10. many.


  1. number; 2. amount; 3. number; 4. figures; 5. level; 6. numbers; 7. amount/quantity; 8. levels; 9. figures; 10. amount/quantity.

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