Underline the correct option in each sentence. The first sentence has been done for you.

1. In spite of/although a decrease in the share price, this business is still a good long-term investment.

2. They experienced declining sales last season. Nevertheless/but so farthey managed to avoid staff cuts.

3. Unless/Otherwise they pay the invoice immediately, we will cut their credit line.

4. If you don’t want to apply to the Mediterranean Shipping company, what about Hanjin shipping instead/instead of?

5. Despite/although/despite of the product launch was over a budget, they did it.

6. In spite of/despite/even though he worked hard, he didn’t manage to catch up with the rest of the management team.

7. As a rule/as a whole we use standard containers for shipment, but this cargo needs a temperature-controlled one.

8. Could you rearrange his timetable so that/in case he can negotiate with our Japanese partners on Wednesday?

9. I can advise you on the mode of transport and a shipping company. As a matter of fact/on the whole Iworked in logistics for a short time several years ago.

10. We sincerely apologize for the delay in shipping cargo, which was due to/because of some problems at customs.

11. There has been a recent increase in prices on all products, apart/except dairy ones.

12. Our company needs to develop a sales network in three biggest economies, i.e./e.g. the USA, China and India.

13. Some analysts think that due to/as/since a growing popularity of Internet commerce, off-line retail can face serious problems soon.

14. After the takeover middle managers are confused about who they should report to so that/in case/in order to management is planning a reorganization.

15. She turned to a senior financial consultant in order to/for advice.

16. Since/owing to/because of tight monetary regulations, Mitsubishi cannot be taken out of Japan.

17. Owing to/because of/since this global shipping company installed a new automated tracking system, it stopped experiencing problems with logistics.

18. The supermarket chain Dixy has had a very difficult year. Nevertheless/ as a result, they haven’t had to close any of their retailer shops.

19. My secretary has been off work for the last two days because of/owing to a flu.

20. Whereas/despite/but our turnover is up to 12 %, there are serious privacy issues at stake.

21. Unfortunately, the situation on the job market is serious so/because crisis measures are necessary

22. In spite/despite/although checking the statement, they didn’t note that invoice HX 307 was debited twice.

23. What will you do since/in case/so that the customer does not pay for the goods you have supplied?

24. Because of/ since the part of the shipment was damaged on arrival, theydecided to return it without unpacking.

25. In spite of/ despite of/although the strike the consignment arrived on time.

26. The driver didn’t submit a customs invoice as a reason/result/cause theshipment was not accepted at the warehouse.

27. All candidates have a Master’s degree, except for/instead of these two.

28. With regard to/with regard the question of transport modes, air freight should be more closely integrated in the system.

29. Last year they expanded into small European markets, i.e./e.g. Latvia and Lithuania.

30. They should pursue close relationship with Asia, otherwise/unless they may lose their main growth engine.

  1. Make up sentences by following the instruction in brackets and using the words/phrases given in the box.
above all actually anyway apparently as I was saying as regards basically besides by the way in other words frankly obviously of course or rather personally that is to say unfortunately
  1. Sentence 1+ (correct yourself, or rather) + sentence 2. The sales rate increased by 2%, or rather it has already grown by 2,5%.
  2. Sentence 1+ (the most important and fundamental point) + sentence 2
  3. Sentence 1+ (give your own idea) + sentence 2
  4. Sentence 1+ (emphasize one important point) + sentence 2
  5. Sentence 1+ (something is already known) + sentence 2
  6. Sentence 1+ (prepare to finish) + sentence 2
  7. Sentence 1+ (you would like to do something but can’t) + sentence 2
  8. Sentence 1+ (you heard something) + sentence 2
  9. Sentence 1+ (change the topic) + sentence 2
  10. Sentence 1+ (be honest) + sentence 2
  11. Sentence 1+ (additional surprising information) + sentence 2
  12. Sentence 1+ (introduce a new topic)+ sentence 2
  13. Sentence 1+ (say something again in another way) + sentence 2
  14. Sentence 1+ (return to a previous subject after being interrupted) + sentence 2
  15. Sentence 1+ (an explanation or clarification of a point just made)+sentence 2
  16. Sentence 1+ (a fact that is very clear to see or understand) + sentence 2
  17. Sentence 1+ (add additional information or argument)+ sentence 2


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