Употребление видо-временных форм Continuous

Present Continuous употребляется:
а) Для выражения действия, происходящего в момент речи Someone is knocking at the door. Кто-то стучит в дверь.
б) Для выражения действия, происходящего в более длительный период времени в настоящем, включая момент речи. Действие в течение этого времени может протекать с перерывами Не is writing a new novel. Сейчас он работает над новым романом (букв. пишет новый роман).
в) Для выражения заранее намеченного будущего действия, в особенности с глаголами to leave, to fly, и др., а также с глаголами come, go, stay, do, have They are leaving/flying for Germany tomorrow Завтра они уезжают/улетают в Германию. We are having a party tonight. Сегодня вечером у нас будет вечеринка.
г) Для выражения действия, постоянно повторяемого (обычно с always) She is always ringing and asking me silly questions. Она постоянно звонит и задает мне глупые вопросы.
Past Continuous употребляется:
а) Для выражения длительного незаконченного действия, имевшего место в определенный момент в прошлом. Указание времени может отсутствовать, однако подразумевается из контекста She was standing at the bus stop. I asked her what bus she was waiting for. Она стояла на автобусной остановке. Я спросил ее, какой автобус она ждала.
б) Время действия может быть выражено обстоятельствами времени типа: all day long, all the time, from five to six o’clock и т.п. или другим действием, которое обычно бывает выражено глаголом в Past Indefinite в) Два длительных действия, совершавшихся одновременно, могут быть выражены формами Past Continuous. В этом случае они соединены союзом while. Who were you talking to on the telephone when I came in? С кем ты разговаривал по телефону, когда я вошел? Yesterday in the evening my father and I were playing chess while my sister and my mother were watching TV. Вчера вечером мы с отцом играли в шахматы, в то время как сестра и мать смотрели телевизор.
Future Continuous употребляется:
Для выражения действия, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем. Действие это будет иметь незаконченный характер. Период времени, в течение которого действие будет совершаться, может быть выражен обстоятельствами времени (at six o’clock, at that moment, then и т.п.) или другим действием, которое выражено глаголом в Present Indefinite I shall be calling you tomorrow at five о’clock. Я буду звонить тебе завтра в 5 часов. I shall call for her at eight. - No, don’t, she will still be having breakfast then. Я зайду за ней в 8. - Нет, не нужно; в это время она еще будет завтракать. The children will be sleeping when you come home. Дети будут спать, когда ты придешь домой.


1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

  • 1. He is teaching his son to ride.
  • 2. They are telling the truth.
  • 3. Dick was sitting in the corner with a book.
  • 4. Lshall be doing economics next term.
  • 5. We were having breakfast at 9 o’clock yesterday.
  • 6. He will be using the car this afternoon.
  • 7. You are always grumbling.
  • 8. A lot of people were rushing to the seaside last weekend.

2. Put questions about the words in italics:

  • 1. I’m looking for a telephone book.
  • 2. He was ringing up the police.
  • 3. We are all going to watch a football match.
  • 4. She will be dancing with Billy at the next competition.
  • 5. He is always complaining to his manager.
  • 6. Please fasten your belts. We shall be taking off in a few minutes.

3. Fill each blank with the appropriate form of the verb to listen to:

  • 1. Did you____the President’s speech over the radio last Sunday?
  • 2. Were you____his speech when Polly telephoned?
  • 3. A young man can learn a lot if he____older men.
  • 4. People never____his jokes.
  • 5. Would you____my pronunciation of that word?
  • 6. Let’s not____this awful song any more.
  • 7. A wise man always____people more than he talks to them.

4. Use the contracted forms of verbs instead of full forms according to the pattern:

Pattern: Lyonsville is a very small town. Lyonsville’s a very small town.

1. This town has never been famous for anything.

2. There is one long street in Lyonsville, with several red houses on both sides of it.

3. There is a new school building in the middle of Lyonsville now.

4. The children who live in the countryside will not walk to the new school; they will ride to school in buses.

5. There will probably be a new man in the post office because Mr Pitt is going to stop working.

6. He has worked for the past forty years in the post and now he is almost seventy years old.

7. If you have never visited a small town in Great Britain, you will probably enjoy visiting Lyonsville some day.

8. Unfortunately, I shall not be able to visit Lyonsville this year.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Continuous tense:

1. Can 1 borrow your dictionary or you (use) it at the moment?

2. What Bob (do) now? He (clean) his shoes.

3. We were frightened because it (get) dark.

4. This time next week I (sit) on the beach.

5. The park (look) its best in a month.

6. The written test had just begun and the students (write) their names at the top of their papers.

7. She usually wears shoes with high heels but when I last saw her she (wear) sandals.

8. Somebody (knock) at the door. Shall I answer it?

9. She always (do) things like that.

10. When I get home my cat (sit) at the door waiting for me.

6. Complete the sentences choosing between: the Future Indefinite tense, the Present Continuous tense or to be going to:

Williams: Have you seen this letter from the Ministry?

Davis: Yes. I see they’ve made arrangements for the visit.

Williams: Yes. The minister (to come) here next Monday. He (to arrive) on the 8.30 train.

Davis: Have you got any plans for his visit? What he (to do) when he gets here?

Williams: Well, we (to show) him round the new factory first.

Davis: Right. I (to see) that all that stuff left by the builders is cleared up.

Williams: Yes, and make sure that those electric wires are properly fixed.

Davis: Don’t worry about that. I (to have) a word with the chief electrician immediately.

Williams: Then he (to talk) to the workers on the production line. It’s a bit difficult to say how long this (to take). Then we (to have) lunch with the members of the Board at 2 o’clock. At four o’clock we (to meet) to discuss the Government plans for promoting exports. They say they (to help) the companies that want to expand their export markets. If we manage to convince them that our development projects are sound, they (to support) us financially.

Davis: Look. Murphy says he (to conduct) tests on the BSM-3 prototype next week. I’d like the minister to see them.

Williams: I promise you we (to show) them to him.

Davis: When is he due to leave?

Williams: He (to leave) for London on the 6.30 train.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous tense. Explain the use of the tense forms:

1. She always (buy) lottery tickets but she never (win) anything.

2. You (like) this ring? I (present) it to my daughter for her birthday on Friday.

3. You (believe) all that newspapers say? - No, I (not believe) any of them. - Then why you (read) this one?

4. What Emma (think) of the Budget? - She (think) it is most unrealistic. - I agree with her.

5. They (save up) because they (go) to England this summer.

6. That film (come) to the local cinema at the end of the week. You (want) to see it?

7. As a rule my father (not do) any work in the garden; he always (work) on his car.

8. Can’t she see the notice? - She can see it but she can’t read it because she (not wear) her glasses.

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous tense. Explain the use of tense forms:

1. He (be) very polite. Whenever a woman entered the room he (stand up).

2. When we (arrive) at the meeting the first speaker had just finished speaking and the audience (applaud).

3. The children (make) so much noise that I couldn’t hear what their mother (say).

4. I didn’t want to meet him, so when he entered the room I (leave) it.

5. This (annoy) the dog, who immediately (begin) to chase Mr Holms.

6. While Nick and I (walk) along the street yesterday evening, one of us (mention) Mr and Mrs Smith.

7. I (share) a room with him when we were students. He always (complain) about his headache.

8. Where he (live) when you (see) him last?

9. Translate into English using Continuous forms where required:

1. Когда я прибыл на станцию, я увидел Мэри, которая ждала меня. Она была одета в голубое платье и выглядела чудесно. Как только она заметила меня, она замахала мне и что-то крикнула, но я не слышал (couldn’t hear), что она говорила мне, так как все вокруг очень сильно шумели.

2. Она всегда занимает деньги у меня и всегда забывает отдавать их.

3. Ты не возражаешь, если я задам тебе вопрос? - Это зависит от вопроса. - Он касается твоего брата. - Я не хочу отвечать на вопросы, касающиеся моего брата.

4. Что ты делаешь в следующие выходные? - Как обычно, буду работать. Я всегда работаю по выходным.

5. Я просматриваю свой старый альбом с фотографиями. Он полон фотографий людей, чьи имена я совершенно забыла. Интересно, что стало со всеми ними!

6. Они строили этот мост, когда я был здесь в прошлом году. Они все еще строят его.

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