Say which tips given in the text are more important than the others and why? Arrange them in order of your preference.

13) Render the following text in English:

Не лгите, не уклоняйтесь от ответов и не «импровизируйте» по трудным во­просам.

Нет необходимости говорить о том, что следует избегать лжи. Трудные во­просы могут быть эффективно освещены лишь в том случае, когда вы дол­жным образом подготовились к этому.

Не пытайтесь отвечать на вопросы, по которым у вас нет фактической ин­формации или которые неуместно обсуждать. Скажите об этом и предложите передать информацию журналисту позднее. Если тема не входит в сферу вашей деятельности, переадресуйте журналиста к соответствующему сотруд­нику.

Не отвечайте на гипотетические вопросы.

Как правило, журналисты понимают, что есть пределы разглашения инфор­мации. Но прежде всего придерживайтесь фактов; доверие к вашей организа­ции и к Вам - это наиболее важные аспекты интервью.

Старайтесь быть полезным журналистам.

В прессе широко освещалась проблема манипуляций ею, и журналисты весьма чувствительны к попыткам такой манипуляции. Тем не менее, можнопредложить журналисту свои нюансы и аспекты истории, подчеркивающие определенные проблемы.

Всегда будьте готовы к сюрпризам или, в худшем случае, к провокационным вопросам и спорным проблемам.

Как правило, искусные и опытные журналисты не говорят заранее обо всем, что они хотят осветить в ходе интервью. Значит, ждите неожиданностей и го­товьтесь к худшему.



You may be the person who sets up interviews, gathers the material needed, helps select the appropriate spokesperson, coaches and trains, and even sits in on the inter­view. This is not to say that a public relations person doesn't give interviews or make personal appearance - that may happen often if the press inquiry is fairly routine and the reporter needs only basic information.

However, your primary role is that of facilitator, not spokesperson. Surveys consis­tently point out that reporters prefer to interview the experts or the people who have the most influence. This means that the chief executive officer, a chief engineer, or a marketing vice president is more important; in a reporter's eyes, these people are more credible and more newsworthy.

It is essential that you communicate this to the top management. A company or an organization that thinks a public relations person on the staff makes it unnecessary for top executives to make personal appearances is seriously mistaken. You can make such appearances easier, but you cannot take the place of the CEO or the chief scientist as the authoritative spokesperson for the organization.

Finding Audiences

Every community has organizations that meet periodically and need speakers. Usually, there is a program chairperson whose primary job is to arrange for speeches. In some cases this individual may solicit speakers; in other cases it may be necessary to write or phone this person and offer a speaker.

Your job is to determine which groups will provide the most valuable audiences -the audiences that, by their response, can benefit your organization. The key is to know exactly what your organization is trying to accomplish and who can help or will be helped. It you are trying to raise money, the audience should be people who can give money. If you want people to know how your organization can help them, the audience must be people who need that help or who can and will convey that information to those who do.

Getting to the Audience

When an audience has been scheduled, you should prepare a booking sheet. This lists the name and title of the speaker, the name of the organization to be addressed, an explanation of the nature of that organization (if it is not obvious), the date of the speech, the time, the location (including room name or number), the name of the program chairperson or other contact, the size of the audience expected, and any proper­ties needed by the speaker (such as easels, charts, or projectors).

A copy of this sheet should be given to the speaker and to the program chairperson, but don't depend on this to complete the job. Your responsibility is to make sure that the speaker gets to the meeting at the right time and meets the program chairperson. He or she must also know where to sit, when to speak, and where the needed props are.

□ Vocabulary:

newsworthy - интересный, представляющий интерес для печати

staff - штат

chairperson - председатель; ведущий

benefit - приносить пользу, выгоду

accomplish - достичь, совершить

raisemoney - собрать деньги

convey information - передатьинформацию

properties (props) - реквизит

easel - мольберт, доска

chart - карта; таблица, график

facilitate - облегчать ч.-л., способствовать ч.-л.

routine - обычный

solicit - просить ч.-л., к.-л.


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

организовать интервью; собрать необходимый материал; выбрать подходящего председательствующего; основная информация; пользоваться наибольшим влиянием; в глазах журналиста; занять ч.-л. место; предоставить аудиторию, прибыть в нужное время; место проведения ч.-л.

2) Give the Russian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

1. a public relations person

2. the CEO (the Chief Executive Officer)

3. a chief engineer

4. a marketing vice president

5. a chief scientist

3) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. the usual or normal way in which you do things, or the usual series of things that you do -

2. important or interesting enough to be reported as news -

3. the people who work for an organization, especially a school or business -

4. someone who is in charge of a meeting or directs the work of a committee, organization, or company -

5. to bring advantages to someone or improve their lives in some way - ask someone for money, help, or information –

4)Match the words. Use them in sentences of your own:

program role
vice appearance
primary chairperson
personal management
top president

5)Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Very little that was newsworthy was said at the conference.

2. The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.

3.New regulations will greatly benefit the region's poorest residents.

4. Dividing students into small groups usually helps facilitate discussion

5. Our objective is to raise money for the school band.

6. Certain federal employees are forbidden to solicit campaign funds.

6) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

appropriate sporadically
obvious ruling
authoritative fundamental
periodically apparent
primary proper

7) Match the words which have the opposite meaning:

obvious unofficial
primary constantly
appropriate auxiliary
authoritative ambiguous
periodically unsuitable

8) Insert prepositions(on; in; for; to; up):

1. You may be the person who sets_____interviews, and even sits_____the interview.

2. There is a program chairperson whose primary job is to arrange_____speeches.

3.A copy of this sheet should be given_____the speaker and_____theprogram chairperson, but don't depend_____this to complete the job.

4. A company or an organization that thinks a public relations person___thestaff makes it unnecessary_____top executives to make personal appearancesis seriously mistaken.

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