II. Для каждого фразеологического глагола или идиомы подберите соответствующий перевод

10. pick up a) предпринять особые усилия, проявить инициативу
11. back out b) предлагать, выдвигать (идею)
12. put back c) работать не покладая рук
13. make a point of d) в центре внимания
14. set in e) привлечь внимание
15. catch up with f) откладывать на более поздний срок
16. put forward g) быть лучше чем кто-либо
17. turn down h) улучшать, восстанавливать, подниматься
18. buy out i) немедленно
19. put your back into j) действовать твердо, решительно
20. cut out for k) ставить кого-либо в неловкое положение
21. in the spotlight l) настаивать
22. hold out m) отказывать, отвергать предложение
23. catch one’s eye n) догнать
24. knock spots off o) отступать, отказываться
25. put someone out p) устанавливаться, начинаться, наступать
26. in no time at all q) выкупать
27. put one’s foot down r) подходить, соответствовать

III. Выберите правильную форму причастия:

28. ______ unemployed for true five years, Dave had time to consider what job he really wanted.

a) Having b) Being c) Been

29. ______ by the suppliers’ services the company extended the contract for a year..

a) Impressing b) Impressed c)Having impressed

30. ______ all the evidence, the taxman was reluctant to make a judgement.

a) Not having seen b) Not being seen c) Not seen

31. The agreement ______ yesterday ended six months of negotiation.

a) having been signed b) being signed c) signed

32. ______ to the international meeting, the key people of the company could hardly refuse to go.

a) Having been invited b) Having invited c) Inviting

IV. Выберите правильную форму (герундий или инфинитив):

33. Analysts can’t help admitting / to admit that Panasonic is incredibly efficient.

34. The conference in Vancouver starts early, which means catching / to catch an early flight.

35. Don’t forget reading / to read the briefing notes before going to the international conference.

36. The strategic plan of the company needs reconsidering / to reconsider.

37. The board members said they were afraid to expand / of expanding the company because of the difficult economic situation.

38. We regret notifying / to notify you that your request for a tax refund has been rejected.

V. Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на подчеркнутое слово:

39. The company has ______ establishing a strong brand that is recognized throughout the world.

a) agreed b) succeeded in c) managed d) planned

40. It is the sense of personal commitment that _________ the world of small groups go round.

a) forces b) allows c) encourages d) makes

41. Japanese companies __________ to believe more in getting mew products to the market and then monitoring the reaction to them.

a) admit b)have stopped c) tend d) risk

VI. Выберите наиболее подходящий перевод следующих предложений (причастные и инфинитивные обороты):

42. New office blocks being built in all major cities, small businesses have less difficulty finding office locations.

a) Поскольку новые бизнес-центры были построены во всех крупных городах…

b) Новые бизнес-центры, строящиеся во всех крупных городах…

c) Поскольку новые бизнес-центры строятся во всех крупных городах…

43. Having born huge losses during the period of the Great Depression, some American companies were forced to get out of business.

a) Несущие огромные расходы в период Великой Депрессии…

b) Понеся огромные расходы в период Великой Депрессии…

c) Несение огромных расходов в период Великой Депрессии…

44. The government seems to have managed to increase competition because the right measures were taken in time.

a) Кажется, правительство смогло повысить конкуренцию…

b) Правительству кажется, что ему удалось повысить конкуренцию…

c) Кажется, правительству удастся повысить конкуренцию…

45. As the number of problems to be handled increases, new staff has to be taken on.

a) Повышается количество решенных проблем…

b) Повышается количество проблем, которые нужно решить…

c) Повышается количество решимых проблем…


I. a) Прочитайте статью и решите, являются ли утверждения правильными или неправильными (T-true or F-false).

An ethical investment is one that avoids investments in sectors such as tobacco and arms considered by some to be ethically unsound. There are 30 ethical unit trusts in the UK, worth about £750 million. Some investors also manage their own ethical portfolios. In a study of more than 1,100 ethical investors, economists at the Centre for Economic Psychology at the University of Bath have found that ethical investing correlates with other lifestyle choices.

Speaking at the British Association meeting yesterday, Alan Lewis, who led the research, said: "Most ethical investors are healthy, educated and caring professional people, middle-aged or older. Hardly any vote for the Conservative party. The paper they read most is the Guardian."

In addition, 16 per cent of those surveyed said they were members of the Labour party. Many were members of charitable organ­isations such as Amnesty International and Oxfam, a third-world aid charity. There is no obvious gender bias. "It appears that this is part of a lifestyle package," said Dr Lewis.

As ethical investments frequently underperform other portfolios, most ethical investors seem to be prepared to take a loss to support their moral beliefs. Some 80 per cent would be prepared to take a 2 per cent loss in income per year compared with an ordinary portfolio if their overall return was 8 per cent.

Everything, though, has its price. Some 40 per cent of those surveyed said they would reduce their ethical investments if they were underperforming their ordinary investments by 5 per cent. The size of an investor’s portfolio seems to have no influence on this decision.

1. Typical ethical investors all vote The Labour Party.

2. Typical ethical investors are young and working class.

3. Typical ethical investors often read the Times.

4. Typical ethical investors are likely to support Amnesty International.

5. According to a study, self-image appears to motivate ethical investment decisions.

6. The first sentence of the article means that ethical investors avoid companies that produce certain types of arms.

b) В каждой цепочке слов найдите одно противоположное по смыслу слово:

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