II. Для каждого фразеологического глагола или идиомы подберите соответствующий перевод

10. draw up a) поддержать в споре, прикрывать
11. bring about b) прорываться (на рынок)
12. put paid to c) попасть в точку, быть точным
13. become caught up in d) вызывать, побуждать, заставлять
14. set out e) утвердиться, закрепиться
15. turn up f) оказаться вовлечённым
16. back up g) приходить, появляться
17. spell out h) обновить, изменить
18. put one’s foot in i) разработать план, документ
19. break into j) улучшаться, восстанавливаться, подниматься
20. spot-on k) отправляться
21. have a foothold in l) терпеть, выносить
22. turn round m) полностью разрушить планы
23. for the time being n) выразить мнение
24. pick up o) растолковывать, разъяснять
25. put up with p) выяснить, разобраться
26. have out q) сказать, сделать что-то не так
27. make a point r) на какой-то момент, срок

III. Выберите правильную форму причастия:

28. ______ the new customer’s credit rating, the business started selling on an open account.

a) Investigating b) Having investigated c) Having been investigating

29. ______ the lowest tariffs and a fixed low of customers for incoming calls, GMS attracts a lot of customers.

a) Offering b) Offered c) Being offered

30. If the incentives change, there will be response on the part of individuals _____ by this change.

a) having caused b) causing c) caused

31. We always provide a good yardstick to make sure our prices are competitive _____ our own figures with other companies engaged in the same business.

a) compared b) comparing c) having compared

32. ______ his personal financial information from the firm’s records, the manager couldn’t sort out the data by the end of the fiscal year.

a) Not separating b) Not having been separated c) Not having separated

IV. Выберите правильную форму (герундий или инфинитив):

33. Managerial style of some European companies reminds running / to run business in the countries of “Big Tiger”.

34. Before filing the report, don’t forget checking / to check the accuracy of the financial information.

35. The management of the company was afraid to give / of giving away the confidential information in the process of signing the contract.

36. The Chief Executive Officer understood the importance of long-term contracts of supply because he remembered trying / to try to survive during the period of the Great Depression.

37. Since a few significant errors have been found in the cash flow projection, it needs to revise / revising.

38. If you have a problem of shrinkage in your shop, try installing / to install tills at the exits.

V. Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на подчеркнутое слово:

39. Microsoft has been beaten in many markets by more sharply-focused competitors, but it _____ fighting.

a) keeps b) doesn’t refuse c) doesn’t fail d) can afford

40. Some employees would like to ______ their job role seem more dynamic and inspirational.

a) get b) imagine c) make d) claim

41. The employees believe that they are badly treated by the management and are ______ to take the case to an industrial tribunal.

a) considering b) threatening c) interested d) feeling like

VI. Выберите наиболее подходящий перевод следующих предложений (причастные и инфинитивные обороты):

42. The government is doing its best to create favourable conditions for the foreign trade, a lot of companies not being able to cope with the economic crisis.

a) … поскольку многие фирмы не могут справиться с экономическим кризисом.

b) … многие фирмы, неспособные справиться с экономическим кризисом.

с) … благодаря неспособности многих фирм справиться с экономическим кризисом.

43. Having acquired deep understanding of the market trends, Ole Kirk managed to create a toy with the system, later called Lego.

a) Приобретя глубокое знание рыночных тенденций …

b) Приобретающий глубокое знание рыночных тенденций…

с) Приобретенное глубокое знание рыночных тенденций…

44. At the time sales on account are made, a businessis unlikely to find out whether a customer will pay or not.

a) … маловероятно, что предприятие выяснит…

b) … маловероятно, что предприятие было обнаружено…

c) … маловероятно, что предприятие выяснило…

45. The issues to be discussed at the board of directors included the new regulations of the government.

a) … которые нужно обсудить на совете директоров…

b) …которые обсуждены на совете директоров…

c) … которые обсуждаются на совете директоров…


I. a) Прочитайте статью и решите, являются ли утверждения правильными или неправильными (T-true /or F-false).

For Edgar Biss, the Eureka moment came in a slow-moving bank queue. There must, he thought, be a faster way to count money. With experience in the heavy weighing industry, his thoughts naturally turned to that technology for a solution.

The result was Tellermate, a banknote and coin-counting machine which needs to be far more sensitive than the machines for weighing 5,000 tonnes that Mr Biss used to work on. Its maker, Percell Group, a private company based in Newport, south Wales, is now counting its second Queen's Award for Exports, as well as one for Technological Achievement.

Percell exports more than three quarters of its production. More than 85 per cent of sales are made to non-bank customers, such as retailers and fast food restaurants. Its success depends on accuracy, speed and ease of operation. The machines range in price from less than £500 to about £800. So far, Percell has sold 60,000 of them.

Weighing coins is a straight­forward task, but Tellermate must be extremely sensitive to reach accurate calculations on piles of no more than two dozen banknotes. Weight can vary with torn corners or tape, or even by wear and humidity.

Percell more than doubled its exports last year, selling to more than 25 countries. It is now looking to expand in Latin America, having established a bridgehead in Brazil. The company pays special attention to the language skills of its sales staff, focusing on familiarity with a local market. 'It's not just about language, it's about culture,' says Chris Lare, Percell's technical director. For example, the French and German sales efforts are run by nationals of those countries, although both were recruited in the UK.

Another strength is to adapt Tellermate to suit each customer's existing procedures. Some count notes in ascending order; some the other way around. Some want the total shown by value; others by the number of notes. All are equally certain that their own way is the best.

1. If you have a Eureka moment, you suddenly have a very good, original idea.

2. Mr. Biss’s Eureka moment came when he was queuing at a railway station.

3. Biss had no experience in the technology of weighing things when he had the idea for Tellermate.

4. Tellermate can be used to count both coins and banknotes.

5. Percelle has never won a Queen’s Award for Exports before.

6. Weighing coins is easy.

b) В каждой цепочке слов найдите одно противоположное по смыслу слово:

7. effect-outgrowth-cause-consequence-issue-outcome-event-result-end-execution-completion

8. cover-bury-dissemble-mask-protect-seal-camouflage-disclose-secret-hide

9. eminent-illustrous-distinguished-famous-renowned-prominent-notorious-glorious-noble-celebrated-hidden

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