I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму (инфинитив, герундий, причастие)

We suggested (1) ______ (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious (2) _____ (camp) out.

Paul: Would you like (3) _____ (come) to a lecture on Wagner tonight?

Ann: No, thanks. I like (4) _____ (listen) to music but I don’t like (5) _____ (listen) to people (6) _____ (talk) about it.

He succeeded in (7) _____ (untie) himself, (8) _____ (climb) out of the window and (9) _____ (crawl) along a narrow ledge to the window of the next room.

- Did you have any trouble (10) _____ (find) the house?

- No, but I had a lot of difficulty (11) ______ (get) in. Nobody seemed (12) _____ (know) where the key was.

It’s no use (13) _____ (argue) with him. You might as well (14) _____ (argue) with a stone wall. He is incapable of (15) _____ (see) anyone else’s point of view.

I’ll make a note in my diary so that I will remember (16) _____ (send) you the information you need.

As a company, we always try (17) _____ (provide) our customers with the best service possible.

I will never forget (18)_____ (walk) into the office on my first day at work.

II. Переведите предложения на русский язык, используя причастные обороты.

19. Так как менеджер по маркетингу отсутствовал, мне пришлось принимать решение самому.

20. Когда я разговаривал с директором, я заметил, что он был очень взволнован.

21. Наша фирма вслед за фирмой «Alba» провела подобное исследование целевой аудитории (target audience).

III. Выберите правильный союз.

22. We’ll sign the contract today provided that / unless there aren’t any last minute problem.

23. Keep the insurance documents safe in case / so that we need to make a claim.

24. Unless / So long as we continue to order in bulk, they will go on giving us free delivery.

IV. Для каждого словосочетания (25-40) подберите одно соответствующее значение (а-р).

25. stand out a) нéкогда (когда-то)
26. cut out b) поймать кого-либо на чем-либо
27. point out c) отступиться, признать ошибку
28. pull out d) утвердиться, закрепиться
29. on the spot e) выделяться
30. break the back f) наступать, начинаться, устанавливаться
31. point-blank g) бросить, перестать делать что-либо
32. catch up with h) настаивать
33. make out i) указывать
34. turn round j) отказаться от участия, выйти из дела
35. hold out k) изменить, обновить
36. set in l) на месте, немедленно
37. catch out m) разобрать, понять, рассмотреть
38. have a foothold in n) решительный, категоричный
39. at one time o) догнать, дойти до уровня
40. back down p) одолеть

V. Выберите правильный ответ:

41. If employees discover or create something in the course of their work, the patent or copyright belongs to the ______.

a) state b) employees c) company d) trade union

42. The forecast which predicts how much money the company will have to spend on salaries, heating and lighting, rent, etc., is the forecast of _____.

a) expenditure b) cash-flow c) sales d) overheads

43. Our two companies are going to work together in a (an) ______ to produce the new model.

a) merger b) alliance c) union d) joint venture

44. To ______ employees means to give them a greater say in decision-making.

a) enrich b) empower c) enroll d) equip

45. In their search for ways to improve employee productivity and morale, a growing number of firms are focusing upon the ______ aspects of the job itself.

a) motivational b) scientific c) social d) promissory

46. ______ in short supply always create excessive pressures on the market.

a) demands b) commodities c) merchants d) vendors

47. The latest crisis was brought about by the ______ of the company.

a) misgiving b) misguided c) misleading d) mishandling

48. You cannot use an Irish bank note to buy things in all English shops because it is not legal ______.

a) payment b) currenе c) tender d) money

49. He had to cancel his weekend away because of ______ work at the office.

a) stress b) load c) tension d) pressure

50. The car's fuel ______ is generally very high.

a) consumptive b) consumption c) consummation d) consumer


I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму (инфинитив, герундий, причастие).

Jack suggested (1) ______ (let) one flat and (2) ______ (keep) the other for myself. But Tom advised me (3) _____ (sell) the whole house.

He resented (4) _____ (be) asked (5) _____ (wait). He expected the minister (6) _____ (see) him at once.

The inspector asked (7) _____ (see) my ticket and when I wasn’t able (8) ____ (find) it he made me (9) _____ (buy) another. He probably suspected you of (10) ____ (try) (11) ____ (travel) without one.

He admitted that it was possible that the car happened (12) _____ (be passing) and that the three men persuaded the driver (13) ____ (give) them a lift.

I’m delighted (14) ____ (hear) that you can come on Sunday. We are all looking forward to (15) ____ (see) you.

I’m not sure if I have met Mr Martino, but I remember (16) ____ (hear) his name.

Could you take this file to Ms Pole ? I meant to let her have it this morning, but I forgot (17) ____ (give) it to her.

If the faxmachine doesn’t work, try (18) ____ (turn) everything off.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя причастные обороты.

19. Так как на презентации было много народа, мы не смогли найти наших двух представителей.

20. Будучи в Париже на выставке, я встретился с нашими партнерами по бизнесу.

21. Вот проект, о котором так много говорят.

III. Выберите правильный союз:

22. We’ll be able to start this project in two months unless / as long as the board think it is a good idea.

23. I won’t call you so that / providing I have a problem I can’t deal with.

24. I’ve left the answering machine on in case / even though anyone calls.

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