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8. Учитель предлагает учащимся, работая в группах, выбрать какое-нибудь хобби и попытаться составить рифмовку о человеке с таким хобби и представить ее (act out) в классе.

9. После презентации всех рифмовок учащиеся выбирают самую интересную, аргументируя свое мнение.

10. На дом учащимся дается задание, работая индивидуально, придумать свою рифмовку по аналогии о родственнике или друге, который очень много времени уделяет своему любимому занятию. Рифмовка должна быть оформлена на отдельном листе (можно на формате А4; с картинкой).


Можно изменить последние три этапа урока:

8. Учитель предлагает учащимся вспомнить своего друга или родственника, который очень увлечен каким-нибудь занятием, и рассказать о нем соседу по парте, отвечая на его вопросы. Учитель указывает, что вопросы могут быть самые разные, но только в на­стоящем простом времени; и все ответы должны фиксироваться в черновике.

9. После того как пары закончат разговор, учитель просит их поменяться партнерами так, чтобы тот, кто отвечал на вопросы, теперь сам их задавал.

10. На дом дается задание на основании своих записей соста­вить рассказ о друге (или родственнике) своего одноклассника, чтобы представить его в классе на следующем уроке. Или можно попросить учащихся написать письмо другу за границу о том, какие увлеченные люди живут в нашей стране, и в качестве примера рассказать о своем друге (родственнике) и о друге (родственнике) своего одноклассника.

Наши рифмовки

Моим учащимся очень нравится работать с рифмовками, по­этому на последнем этапе работы они стараются сочинить свои рифмовки по аналогии, а иногда пытаются сочинять свои соб­ственные рифмовки по изучаемым темам.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию некоторые из них. Myagkova Masha

I have a little brother And his name is Mark, His eyes are blue And his hair is dark.

Gorin Vladik

We love you, gold autumn! We want you to be bright, For there's coming winter To make all around white

Frolova Katya

— How can I get to the toyshop?

— Go as far as the bus stop. The toyshop is on the right Opposite the traffic light

— Could you, please, say Where is the subway?

— Go along the street As far as the end of it.

— Will you, please, tell us
-Where is our bus?

— It's at the bookshop
Next to the bus stop.

There is a toyshop Near the bus stop It's on the right Near the traffic light

Rasumova Alyona

— Where can I buy a fridge?

— In a supermarket over the bridge.

— Is it far from here?

— Oh, no. It's quite near.

— Look at that stool!

— Great! Wonderful! Cool!

— Now look at the price.

— Well the price is not nice.

Let's cook fruit salad: Wash, and cut, and add, Mix and make it ready soon. Now let's have a little spoon.

Samoilov Sasha

Train, Train, go away,

Never return to the station again.

Plane, Plane, fly away,

Never return to the airport again.

Bike, Bike, ride away,

Never return to the garage again.

Boat, Boat, row away,

Never return to the port again.

He likes to travel by plane. She likes to travel by train. We like to travel by bus. Look! It's waiting for us.

Borisova Anzhela

Let's make some lemonade!

Cut and put, and fill.

Let's have a glass of lemonade!

Who will?

Who cooked the salad? — Mother did.

Who cried because of onions? — Brother did.

Who mixed the salad? — Sister did.

Who ate the salad? — Father did.

Who washed the dishes? — I did.

Who didn't want the salad? — It did not.

Why? — Because it was my kitten Tosha.

It likes fish and milk

But not onions.

There is a bus stop Near the bookshop. You can go by bus, But don't forget the pass.

Zharov Audrey

— Look! There is the house you need.

— Oh, it's wonderful indeed!

— And here is the price.

— Wow! What a surprise!

— Yes, with such a price You need to think twice.

Your house is light, His house is wide, Her house is low. But I don't know Whose house is old, Whose house is cold.

Popova Vika

Helen Hey has a huge house on a high hill.

Jim's shout is loud and proud

because he found a pound on the ground.

I dare swear there's a hare and a bear over there.

A hurly-burly curly girl learns the verse

word for word early with her nurse.

Think, think, think, Think when reading, Think when writing, Think when speaking, Think, think, think.

Seroshtanov Pavel

This is the key of the dark house.

In that house there is a dark living room.

In that living room there is a dark sofa.

Near the sofa there is a dark wardrobe.

Next to the wardrobe there are dark tables.

Between the tables there is a dark cupboard.

In the cupboard there is a dark chest.

In that chest there is a dark box.

In that box there is a white...ghost. A-a-a-a....

— Could you help me, Miss?

— Yes, of course. With ease!

— I need the book shop?

— Go as far as the bus stop And then turn right

At the traffic light.

— Should I cross the street?

— Oh, no! Go to the end of it.

Bobrova Irina

«Why to Advertise?»

The more they advertise, The more we buy. The more we buy, The more their profit is. The more their profit is, The more they advertise. The more they advertise, The price is higher. The price is higher, The less we buy. The less we buy, The less their profit is. Why to advertise then?

Kapralova Olga

I like to jump, I like to swim Because it's very interesting. I like to play, I like to run Just because it is great fun.

Kuzmichyova Sonya

In my menu there is a lot of food With different tastes and different names Some food is useful, some is good. It's really sad it is not the same.

My lovely pet is a guinea pig. He isn't clever, isn't big. He eats a carrot and green grass. I'm happy that he lives with us.

I have got a toy fox. It lives in a small box. Its fluffy tail and funny eyes Make it extremely nice.

I like swimming very much. I like to feel blue water touch. It takes much energy, but then Returns more energy to men.

Oh, thank you, sport, that you exist. You stand in head-line of the list Of things which help us to resist The overweight and heart disease

I take my notebook and read.

You ask me: «What do you find in it?»

I must revise a golden rule

'Cause I don't want to be a fool.

The autumn comes to my town. All yellow leaves fly down. The autumn comes to your city Together with grey pity.

Today I want to sleep, because Last night I wrote an English verse I wasted time, I wasted force. I feel today like an old sick horse

I think men's brains aren't very good: When they have meat, they want some fruit. When they have fruit, they want some meat. They never know what now they need We work to help you find your face For every hour and place. We help to save the beauty of the youth Because nice ladies never lose!

Nekhorosheva Masha

— Can I help you, Miss?

— Yes, sure. If you please.

— Would you like to buy some meat?

— How much is it?

— It's l,50p a lb.

— Oh, that's a large amount!

— If you buy more than a pound I can make a discount.

— Still the price is too high.

— Oh, please, don't sigh. You can buy it for chop.

— Sorry, I'd rather go to another shop.

Much and many,

Some and any

And, of course, a lot of, lots...

I really have no thoughts

What to choose

And how to use.

Can you see like an owl? Can you feel like a cat? Can you taste like a snake? Can you smell like a dog? Can you hear like a horse? Can you use every day All the senses of yours?

I like meeting, We like greeting, They like treating, She likes pitying, He likes meeting too. And what about you?

He needs some toys For little boys. She needs some dolls For little girls. They need some puzzles For their brothers. So they go to the shop Next to the bus stop.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I get up at 6 o'clock.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

You go to school at 7 o'clock.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

We have lunch at 1 o'clock

Tick-tock, tick-tock

They work till 5 o'clock

Tick-tock, tick-tock

He watches TV at 8 o'clock.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

She goes to bed at 10 o'clock.

— Where does Jane live?

— She lives near the park.

— Where does she walk?

— She walks in the park.

— When does she walk?

— She walks in the morning and she walks in the evening.

She walks in the park With her huge black dog.

— Why does she walk in the morning,
in the evening, in the morning,

in the evening?

— Because she likes her work
less than her walk,

And she likes her boy-friend less than her dog.

Стихи и рифмовки для формирования произносительных навыков

1. Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

2. A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat,

3. Sam has a hat. Sam has a black hat.

Sam has a black hat in his hand.

4. If you, Andy, have two candies, Give one candy to Sandy, Andy. If you, Sandy, have two candies, Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.

5. Mother, father, sister, brother

Hand in hand with one another.

6. Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold

Or whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not.

7. It' a pity that Miss Kitty doesn't live in our city.

8. Silly Billy, Silly Billy! Why is Billy silly? Silly Billy hid a shilling. Isn't Billy silly?

9. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?


10. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
On the sea-shore she sells sea-shells.

The shells she sells are the sea-shore shells.

11. Betty Botta bought some butter.
But she said the butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter Will make my batter better.

12. Robert Rowley rolled a round roll around. A round roll around Robert Rowley rolled. If Robert Rowley rolled a round roll around, Where's the round roll around Robert Rowley rolled?

13. A gentle judge judges justly.

14. They threw three thick things.

15. If two witches were watching two watches, Which witch would watch which watch?

16. You can have Fried fresh fish, Fish fried fresh, Fresh fish fried, Or fish fresh fried.

17. Steady, Neddy, steady, Ready to be fed! Steady, Neddy, steady, Ready for you bed.

18. Oh, no! Not so! Don't go home alone!

19. A big black bug bit a big black bear, Then a big black bear bit a big black bug.

20. Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

21. If white chalk chalks on a black blackboard, will black chalk chalks on a white blackboard?

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