Seasons / Weather / Months / Days of the Week

1.Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.

2. Sneeze on Monday,

Sneeze for danger.

Sneeze on Tuesday,

Meet a stranger.

Sneeze on Wednesday,

Get a letter.

Sneeze on Thursday,

Something better.

Sneeze on Friday,

Sneeze for sorrow.

Sneeze on Saturday,

See your friend tomorrow.

When? On Sunday.

3. When the weather is wet.
We must not fret.
When the weather is cold,
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm.
We must not storm,

But be thankful together Whatever the weather.

4. Many pretty snow flakes
Are falling from the sky,
On the trees and houses
Soft and thick they lie.
Look into the garden!
All is soft and white:
Apple-trees and bushes.
What a pretty sight!

5. In a happy month of May Little children like to play. They all dance and sing and say: Winter days are far away, Welcome, welcome the 1st of May.

6. Father Frost brings many toys For little girls and little boys.

7. I'll open wide my window Letting in the laughing breeze That is telling happy stories To the flowers, to the trees,

For the spring, the spring is coming. This good-bye for all the snow. Yes, I know it for the swallows Have come back to tell me so.

Spring is coming!
Spring is coming!

How, do you think, I know? The daffodils are blooming, And I know it must be so.

9. Mrs. Grundy washes on Monday
Irons on Tuesday,

Shops on Wednesday,

Cooks on Thursday,

Cleans on Friday,

Sews on Saturday,

Rests on Sunday.

This is the tale of Mrs. Grundy.

10. Man is a fool:

When it's warm,

He wants it cool.

When it's cool,

He wants it hot.

He always wants

What he has not.

11. This is the season

When mornings are dark

And birds do not sing

In the wood and the park.

This is the season

When children ski,

And Santa Claus

Brings the New Year's Tree.

12. This is the season

When fruit is sweet.

This is the season

When school friends meet,

When noisy and happy

And brown by the sun

With their books and bags

To school they run.

13. This is the season
When nights are short,
And children have plenty
Of sun and sports
Boating and swimming
All the day

With a merry song On a sunny day.

14. This is the season
When snowdrops bloom,
When nobody likes

To stay in the room.

This is the season

When birds make their nests.

This is the season

We all like best.

15. Solomon Grundy born on Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,

111 on Thursday,

Worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday.

This is the end

Of poor old Solomon Grundy

16. Seasons of the Day

Spring is the dawn refreshing and early, Summer is the noon hot and humid, Fall is the dusk bronze and cooling, Winter is the night cold and tiring.

17. Christina Rossetti
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you;

But when the leaves hang trembling,

The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I

But then the trees bow down their heads,

The wind is passing by.

Sara Teasdale
The Falling Star

I saw a star slide down the sky, Blinding the north as it went by, Too burning and too quick to hold, Too lonely to be bought or sold, Good only to make wishes on And then forever to be gone.

The North Wind

«The North wind is cold,»

The robins say;

And that is why robins

Must fly away.

«The North wind is cold,

As cold can be,

But I am not afraid,»

Says the chickadee.

So the chickadee stays

And sees the snow,

And likes to hear

The North wind blow.

20. The windows are blue at night,
But in the morning they are white,
And snowflakes are falling.
«Come out», they are calling.

Get out of bed and take your sled. On this cold and frosty day The sun is bright, the snow is right For outdoor winter play.

21. In the winter time we go
Walking in the fields of snow,
Where there is no grass at all,
Where the top of every wall,
Every fence and every tree

Is as white as white can be.

22. When the spring is coming,
The birds are in the air,
And meadows are smiling
With violets so fair.

23. When summer comes, A lot of tulips bloom, And wonderful roses The hot air perfume.

24. Christina Rossetti The Twelve Months

January with cold is set, February is chill and wet. March wind often rages, In April weather changes. Pretty flowers come in May, Sunny June brings longest day. In hot July the skies arc clear, Then August with corn is here. For fruit September opens the way, October sweeps the leaves away. Next enters gray November, And, lastly, snowy December.

25. Ivy Russell February

Gray is the sky

And the wind is chill;

Icicles hang

From the window-sill.

Gone is the swing

Form the tree bough,

Nobody plays

In the garden now.

Only the robin,

With breast of red,

Sits and waits

For his crumbs of bread.

Spring Rain

Rain, rain, rain, April rain, You are feeding seed and grain, You are raising plants and crops With your merrily sparkling drops. In the sun glitter bright, Patter gently through the night.

On the branches buds will grow With your soft caressing flow. In the woods violets blue, Newly blown, will smile at you, And we boys and girls will run Through your showers in the sun.

27. F.G. Sanders
Lovely May

Far up in the deep blue sky, Great white clouds are floating by; All the world is dressed in green, Many happy birds are seen; Flowers bright and sunshine dear Show that lovely May is here.

28. Alice Very

The Month of August

The month of August Is the month of fruit: But remember, children, My fruit is not good. Please, remember, To wait for September.

29. Malcolm Hemphrey

This Warm September Day

Orchards are apple scented, Mists across the meadow lie, The sun is soft and golden, In the blue and kindly sky. Asters, pinks and roses ... Spiders are flying away. Loveliness is everywhere This warm September day!

30. Ellen Troup

The maple-tree has turned to red, The poplar leaves are gold. The sky is sunny overhead, The wind is getting cold!

The robins all have gone away, The grass is dry and brown. Chrysanthemums are bright today, October's come to town.

31. In winter, when the fields are white,
I sing a song for your delight.

In spring, when woods are getting green, I'll try and tell you what I mean. In summer, when the days are long, Perhaps, you'll understand the song. In autumn, when the leaves are brown, Take the pen, and write it down.

It's a Small World

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears;

It's a world of hopes and a world of fears.

There's so much that we share

That it's time that we're aware;

It's a small world after all.

There just one moon and one golden sun

And a smile means friendship to every one,

Though the mountains divide

And the oceans are wide,

It's a small world after all.

The Months of the Year

January comes with frost and snow, February brings us winds that blow, March has winds and happy hours, April brings us sun and showers, Pretty is the month of May, June has flowers sweet all day, July begins our holiday, August sends us all away, September takes us back to school, October days begin to cool, November brings the leaves to Earth; December dying sees the birth Of the New year and all its mirth.

34. Sing a song of winter,

The chilly north winds blow, Over hills and valleys Down comes the snow. Let us make a snow-man, Build him straight and tall, Put his hat and jacket on While winter snowflakes fall. Sing a song of winter, Be happy every day, Dance around the snow-man, Come out and play. Robin Red is whistling Such a merry tune. Winter days are going by And spring is coming soon.

Song Time

Sing a song of springtime, Green is all around,-Green buds on the tree-tops, Green grass on the ground; Green along the hedges Where new leaves are found. Sing a song of springtime, Songs are all around, Singing in the tree-tops, Singing on the ground; Singing in the hedges; Songs where birds are found.

A Summer Day

Come, my children, come away For the sun shines bright today; Little children, come with me, Birds and brooks and flowers see; Get your hats and come away, For it is a pleasant day, Let us make a merry ring, Talk and laugh and dance and sing! Quickly, quickly, come away, Let us make it the happiest day!


Watch the tiny snowflakes Softly drifting by, Like a cloud of feathers Falling from the sky. Lightly, very lightly, Making not a sound, Snowflakes form a blanket On the frozen ground. And tomorrow morning, When the sun is bright, I will see my garden Dressed in shining white.

The Snow-Man

I wish I were a snowman,

So tall and big and white,

I'd never have to clean my teeth,

Or go to bed at night.

But maybe Mister Snow-Man

Is wishing he were me,

For I'll be here when summer comes,

But where will the snow-man be?

Autumn Leaves

The autumn wind ran through the woods

And whispered merrily,

«Come little leaves of red and gold,

Who'll dance along with me?

We'll find so many things to do

As fast we fly away,

So many things to talk about

On such a lovely day.»

The little leaves began to nod,

And soon began to fall,

Not one was left upon the oak,

Or on the willow tall.

«We're coming!» cried the little leaves;

And out from woodlands brown.

They danced along the country roads,

And scampered through the town.


Come out, come out

With song and shout,

And toss and turn the hay;

And make it sweet and good to cat,

This sunny summer day.

The farmer's kind

And will not mind,

However much we play;

So come along and sing a song

And help him make the hay!


The summer is over, The trees are all bare, There is mist in the garden, And frost in the air. The meadows are empty, And gathered the sheaves -But isn't it lovely, Kicking up leaves? John from the garden Has taken the chairs; It's dark in the evening And cold on the stairs. Winter is coming And everyone grieves -But isn't it lovely, Kicking up leaves?

Who Loves the Trees Best?

Who loves the trees best? «I», said the Spring, «Green leaves so beautiful To them I bring.» Who loves the trees best? «I», Summer said, «I give the flowers, White, yellow and red.» Who loves the trees best? «I», Autumn said,

«I give them ripe fruits,

Golden and red.»

Who loves the trees best?

«I love them best,»

Harsh Winter answered,

«I give them rest.»


1. Guest we meet,
First we greet,
Then we treat

To something sweet.

2. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Betty! Happy birthday to you! May your birthday be bright From the morning till night! May your birthday be bright From the morning till night!

3. Father frost brings many toys For little girls and little boys.

4. My dear, dear mummy, I love you very much

I want you to be happy On the Eighth of March.

5. Come to the party
Don't be late!
Eat all you want,

But don't eat your plate!

6. In the happy month of May
Little children like to play.
They all dance, and sing, and say:
Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome the first of May!

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