Complete the following phrases so that they make English proverbs and set expressions. Explain the given part.

Pick out the affixed words. Comment on the meaning of the affixes.

1. Details of the antiinflation measures will be discussed at the Ministry of Agriculture tomorrow.

2. I jumped at the opportunity. Believe me, I jumped, in spite of its disadvantage.

3. 3. It was the most extraordinarily dead-looking town I had ever been in. It gave the impression that its inhabitants had suddenly packed up and left it alone to face the biting winds and scorching sun.

7. Express the following using idiomatic compounds from the following list: free-handed, great-hearted, stiff-necked, light-hearted, heavy-handed.

obstinate, spending or giving away money freely, awkward and clumsy, happy or free from care, generous.

8. State to what part of speech the words in italics belong. Comment on their meaning. Translate into Russian.

a) He elbowed his way through the crowd. Let him have his say. She upped and threw a tea-pot at him. Life has its ups and downs. They will honeymoon in Scotland. That was a fine catch of fish. I don’t know why you’ve babied me along, but you have.

b) Write down in full the following shortened words: specs, UNO, i.e., UNESCO, ad, M.P., frig.

Comment on the different meanings of the italicized words. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.It is not within my power to help you. 2.He is losing his powers. 3.More power to your elbow! 4.Are the powers of the prime minister strictly defined by law? 5.They have mustered sufficient sea, air and land power to win back the territory.6.The task of preserving peace lies mainly with the great powers.

Find restriction of meaning in the following sentences. Give reasons for the meaning shift.

1.Have you read the editorial in today's paper? 2.The City is the banking and commercial centre of London. 3.There were several cases of influenza. The worst cases were sent to hospital.

Comment on the extention of meaning and state whether the shift of meaning has taken place (a)from concrete to abstract, (b) from physical to mental, (c) as a transfer on the basis of functional change.

1. He spoke so fast that I could not followhim.

2. The airship sailed slowly over the city.

3. He works at a cotton mill.

4. Belgium has often been a theatre of war.

12. a) Give words homophonous with the following:

fare,flour, hair, muse, pain, soul, weak.

b) Transcribe the following homographs and translate them:

desert, desert; minute, minute; tear,tear.

13. Classify the following words into logical groups comprising the general and the particular:

animal, asparagus, beet, building, bull, bungalo, bush, cabbage, carrot, cat, cottage, dog, flower, football, grass, horse, mansion, plant, polo, sport, tennis, tree, villa.

14. Put the following words into groups according to their contextual associations:

air, challenger, championship, classification, dig, flower, garden, green, grow, juice, jump, language, match, meaning, outrun, overrun, participate, principles, race, sports, system, water, weed, word.

15. In the following groups of synonyms find the synonymic dominant. Comment on the shades of meaning in the synonymic group:

1. display, demonstrate, exhibit, show, indicate, manifest, reveal;

2. demand, question, ask, inquire, interrogate.

Pick out antonyms from the following proverbs. State whether they are root or derivational ones.

1. He who likes borrowing likes paying.

2. Promise little but do much.

3. Speech is silver but silence is gold.

17.Give Russian equivalents of the following English proverbs and sayings. Memorize them:

1. Proverbs are children of experience.

2. Knowledge is a treasure: but practice is the key to it.

3. Men make houses, but women make homes.

4. 4. Two heads are better than one.

5. Better die standing than live kneeling.

6. Use soft words and hard arguments.

Complete the following phrases so that they make English proverbs and set expressions. Explain the given part.

1. A bird in hand.

2. A stitch in time.

3. To eat one's cake and have it.

4. Old bird.

5. Between the cup and the lip.

6. To grasp the nettle.

7. A mare's nest.

19. Give as many set expressions as possible using any of the following words:

1. to beat, to catch, to draw, to mind;

2. bone, bottom, finger, mouth;

3. broad, dark, safe.

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