Increased intracellular cGMP has been shown to contribute to excessive neuron excitability and locomotor activity

cGMP is a secondary messenger in phototransduction in the eye. In the photoreceptors of the mammalian eye, the presence of light activates phosphodiesterase, which degrades cGMP. The sodium ion channels in photoreceptors are cGMP-gated, so degradation of cGMP causes sodium channels to close, which leads to the hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor's plasma membrane and ultimately to visual information being sent to the brain.

Increased intracellular cGMP has been shown to contribute to excessive neuron excitability and locomotor activity - Increased intracellular cGMP has been shown to contribute to excessive neuron excitability and locomotor activity -

Increased intracellular cGMP has been shown to contribute to excessive neuron excitability and locomotor activity -

Активация и выключение каскада фототрансдукции и мишени кальциевой обратной связи

Increased intracellular cGMP has been shown to contribute to excessive neuron excitability and locomotor activity -

А. Строение CNG-канала фоторецептора. Цветные конуса – молекулы цГМФ (из: (Kramer and Molokanova, 2001) B. Схематическое изображение взаимодействия β- и α-субъединицы CNG-канала (красная и синяя, соотв.).Взаимодействие нарушено присутствием кальмодулина (желтый овал). (из: (Trudeau and Zagotta, 2002)

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