Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

1) The Littoral Combat Ship is optimized for ____ seas and operations within 100 miles of shore, still it is also ____ across the ocean.

2) The LCS will help to counter growing threats like ____ mines, quiet diesel ____, global piracy, and terrorists on small fast ____ boats.

3) The LCS will also perform intelligence gathering and scouting using ____ and ____, and offer ____ support capabilities.

4) The General Dynamics team is offering a futuristic but ____ high-speed trimaran based on Austal designs and experience.

5) The Lockheed Martin team is offering a high-speed ____ monohull.

6) Although the designs offered by the General Dynamics team have not ____ any speed records, they are considered to be very practical.

7) DID places recent ____ in context by detailing the teams, key time line ____, and contract ____ under the program to date.

Look at the following phrasal verbs and their meanings. Translate them into Russian.

keep after – continue to pursue; keep on – continue despite difficulties;

keep back – conceal; keep out – exclude;

keep off – stay away from; avoid; keep up – be able to perform necessary actions.

Read the following sentences and decide what phrasal verbs they require.

1) UAV robot aircraft, robotic UUV and USV vehicles will give these small ships the quick-replace adaptability they need to keep ____.

2) The government did not manage to keep ____ the state secret. So, now all other states know about its intentions.

3) The combatant kept ____ the enemy ship in order to come closer and destroy it.

4) Although the team failed to win the competition, it keeps ____ offering its design to other shipbuilding companies.

5) The skipper locked the door to keep ____ unwanted visitors.

6) Keep ____ the shore. There might be mines near it.

Translate from Russian into English.

1) Несмотря на то, что новый надводный боевой корабль был адаптирован для работы в пределах ста миль от берега, он также должен сохранять боеготовность на больших глубинах.

2) Новый тип судна используется американским флотом для ведения прибрежных боевых действий.

3) Прибрежные суда осуществляют сбор разведывательных данных, в этом им помогают вертолеты и беспилотные летательные аппараты.

4) Судно передает тактическую информацию морскому ведомству, другим суднам, подводным лодкам и объединенным подразделениям.

5) Конструкторская команда предлагает футуристический и в то же время очень практичный дизайн трехкорпусного судна.

6) Судно позволяет отражать такие угрозы, как прибрежные мины, бесшумные дизельные субмарины, мировое пиратство и атаки штурмовых десантных катеров.

Discuss in pairs.

Discuss with your partner your own design of the new Littoral Combat Ship. Explain why the ship should possess the features that you are offering.


Answer the following questions.

1) Do warships play an important role in wartime?

2) When are warships especially necessary?

Read the new words.

beam – ширина судна;

navigational draft – эксплуатационная осадка;

displacement – водоизмещение;

aviation detachment – авиационный отряд;

surface and antiaircraft combat – надводные и противовоздушные боевые


gunfire support – артиллерийская поддержка;

stealth – малозаметный;

tumblehome – завал борта;

flared hull – корпус с развалом бортов;

destroyer – эсминец;

missile – реактивный снаряд;

Peripheral Vertical Launch Systems – периферийный вертикальный стартовый


missile magazine – ракетный погреб;

Tomahawk cruise missile – крылатая ракета «Томагавк».

Read the text.

The current version of the DDG-1000, which is being built by Northrop Grumman in Passacaglia, Miss., will be 600-ft long, have a beam of 80 ft, a navigational draft of 28 ft, and displacement 14,500 tons. The crew will consist of 142, and that includes an aviation detachment.

The ship is designed for surface and antiaircraft combat, and to provide naval gunfire support for land-based missions. The ship is stealthier than previous warships. There are no rotating radars, the superstructure is faceted with flat, slanted sides made of composite materials and there is little clutter on the decks. The ship is also low to the water, thanks to its tumblehome hull design. (A tumblehome hull is widest at the waterline and narrows as it goes up. Most ships have a flared hull in which the widest part is the top deck). The DDG’s hull also has a pronounced wave-piercing bow. The exaggerated front is supposed to let it pass through waves rather than ride over them. This, in turn, should make the ship more stable. But some naval architects believe the tumblehome design is unstable and that when hit by waves from behind, the ship could pitch down, not have the energy to right itself, and roll over. The Navy, however, has tested the tumblehome hull and is proceeding with it.

The ship will also carry 80 missiles in 20 Peripheral Vertical Launch Systems (PVLS) lining the outer edge of the forward top deck. This prevents loss of the entire store of missiles, and most likely the entire ship, if there was only a single missile magazine and it was hit. The PVLSs, if hit, are designed to explode outward, away from the ship. The ships will be able to carry Sea Sparrow missiles for close in defense against airborne threats, SM-2 anti-aircraft missiles for planes in the 40 to 90 mile range, antisub missiles, and Tomahawk cruise missiles.

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