New Trends in Ship Designing

New Trends in Ship Designing


к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

“Английский язык” для студентов II курса

специальности 7.100201 «Корабли и океанотехника»

дневной формы обучения


УДК 629.123+656.61.052

Новые Тенденции в Проектировании Судов = New Trends in Ship Designing. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине “Английский язык” для студентов II курса специальности 7.100201 «Корабли и океанотехника» дневной формы обучения / Сост. О.Г. Скидан. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2009. − 24 с.

Целью методических указаний является совершенствование умений и навыков чтения и перевода статей по специальности, а также устной монологической и диалогической речи в сфере будущей профессии.

Методические указания рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры ПРГЯ (протокол № 11 от 18.05.09г).

Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.

Рецензент: Михайлова Е.В., к.филол.н., доцент кафедры практики романских и германских языков Севастопольского национального технического университета.


Введение ..........................................................................................................
1. UNIT I. The USA’s new littoral combat ship .............................................
2. UNIT II. The navy’s new ship DDG-1000 ..................................................
3. UNIT III. Design for bigger and faster Ro-Ro’s .........................................
4. UNIT IV. The hull of the bulk carrier .........................................................
5. UNIT V. Oil tankers safety ……………………………………………….
Test ...................................................................................................................
Keys ..................................................................................................................
Библиографический список ...........................................................................


Методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса специальности «Корабли и океанотехника» дневной формы обучения. Данные методические указания могут быть использованы как на практических занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы.

Методические указания направлены на расширение лексического запаса студентов, совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения и перевода оригинальной литературы по специальности, а также устной речи в монологической и диалогической формах. Тексты указаний взяты из современной оригинальной литературы на английском языке, их тематика соответствует специальности.

Методические указания состоят из 5 уроков, каждый из которых содержит текст, упражнения для закрепления лексического материала урока, творческие задания коммуникативной направленности, а также упражнения для самопроверки. Лексический материал включает как профессионально-направленную терминологию, так и лексику на общие темы.


Answer the following questions.

1) Are warships necessary in time of peace?

2) Are there any differences between the modern warships and the warships of the World War II? What are they?

Read the new words.

combatant – надводный боевой корабль;

deployable – боеготовый;

littoral – приморский;

to counter – отражать, наносить ответный удар;

attack boat – штурмовой десантный катер;

UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – беспилотный летательный аппарат;

UUV – Unmanned Undersea Vehicle – автоматически управляемое подводное

транспортное средство;

USV – Universal Specialty Vehicles;

intelligence gathering – сбор разведывательных данных, разведка;

trimaran – трехкорпусное судно;

semi-planing monohull – однокорпусное судно с переходным режимом


DID – Domestic Intelligence Division – разведка на территории страны.

Read the text.

The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is the U.S. Navy’s newest surface combatant class. Optimized for shallow seas and operations within 100 miles of shore, but deployable across the ocean, LCS ships are a centerpiece of the USA’s new focus on littoral warfare. They will help to counter growing “asymmetric” threats like coastal mines, quiet diesel submarines, global piracy, and terrorists on small fast attack boats. They will also perform intelligence gathering and scouting using helicopters and UAVs, offer some ground combat support capabilities, and share tactical information with other Navy aircraft, ships, submarines, and joint units. UAV robot aircraft, and robotic UUV and USV vehicles will give these small ships the specialized capabilities they require for each of these roles and the quick-replace adaptability they need to keep up.

At present, 2 teams are competing for the final LCS design, in a program that could be worth more than $30 billion when all is said and done. The General Dynamics team is offering a futuristic but practical high-speed trimaran based on Austal designs and experience. The Lockheed Martin team offers a high-speed semi-planing monohull based on designs that have set trans-Atlantic speed records.

DID places recent developments in context by explaining a bit more about the US Navy’s new surface combatant; detailing the teams, key time line events, and contract awards under the program to date; and providing additional resources and links to complete our in-depth coverage.

Answer the questions.

1) What is the LCS?

2) What are the distinctive features of the LCS?

3) What are the threats the LCS is able to deal with?

4) What are the functions of the LCS?

5) What vehicles can give the LCS the quick-replace adaptability?

6) What kinds of design do two competitive teams offer?

7) How does the Domestic Intelligence Division complete the given information?

Discuss in pairs.

Discuss with your partner your own design of the new Littoral Combat Ship. Explain why the ship should possess the features that you are offering.

Read the new words.

beam – ширина судна;

navigational draft – эксплуатационная осадка;

displacement – водоизмещение;

aviation detachment – авиационный отряд;

surface and antiaircraft combat – надводные и противовоздушные боевые


gunfire support – артиллерийская поддержка;

stealth – малозаметный;

tumblehome – завал борта;

flared hull – корпус с развалом бортов;

destroyer – эсминец;

missile – реактивный снаряд;

Peripheral Vertical Launch Systems – периферийный вертикальный стартовый


missile magazine – ракетный погреб;

Tomahawk cruise missile – крылатая ракета «Томагавк».

Read the text.

The current version of the DDG-1000, which is being built by Northrop Grumman in Passacaglia, Miss., will be 600-ft long, have a beam of 80 ft, a navigational draft of 28 ft, and displacement 14,500 tons. The crew will consist of 142, and that includes an aviation detachment.

The ship is designed for surface and antiaircraft combat, and to provide naval gunfire support for land-based missions. The ship is stealthier than previous warships. There are no rotating radars, the superstructure is faceted with flat, slanted sides made of composite materials and there is little clutter on the decks. The ship is also low to the water, thanks to its tumblehome hull design. (A tumblehome hull is widest at the waterline and narrows as it goes up. Most ships have a flared hull in which the widest part is the top deck). The DDG’s hull also has a pronounced wave-piercing bow. The exaggerated front is supposed to let it pass through waves rather than ride over them. This, in turn, should make the ship more stable. But some naval architects believe the tumblehome design is unstable and that when hit by waves from behind, the ship could pitch down, not have the energy to right itself, and roll over. The Navy, however, has tested the tumblehome hull and is proceeding with it.

The ship will also carry 80 missiles in 20 Peripheral Vertical Launch Systems (PVLS) lining the outer edge of the forward top deck. This prevents loss of the entire store of missiles, and most likely the entire ship, if there was only a single missile magazine and it was hit. The PVLSs, if hit, are designed to explode outward, away from the ship. The ships will be able to carry Sea Sparrow missiles for close in defense against airborne threats, SM-2 anti-aircraft missiles for planes in the 40 to 90 mile range, antisub missiles, and Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Answer the questions.

1) What are the main characteristics of the DDG-1000?

2) What are the main functions of the ship?

3) What is the difference between the DDG-1000 and previous warships?

4) What is the tumblehome hull design?

5) How does a wave-piercing bow prevent the ship from rolling over?

6) What are the two opinions of naval architects about the stability of the ship?

7) What makes some naval architects believe that the ship of tumblehome hull design may roll over?

8) How does the design of the Peripheral Vertical Launch Systems prevent the loss of the entire ship?

Make up a dialogue.

You are naval architects. One of you is in flavor of the tumblehome design, the other one is against it. Express your point and prove it with facts.

Read the new words.

average capacity – средняя вместимость;

lane metre – линейный метр (метр полосы шириной 2,5 м – единица измерения

грузовой палубной вместимости судов типа Ро-Ро);

layout – расположение, планировка;

cargo lift – грузовой подъемник;

fixed ramp – пандус;

stern doors – кормовые ворота;

bow doors – носовые ворота;

drive-through principle – принцип сквозного проезда;

propulsion system – главная энергетическая установка;

pod – винтовой комплекс;

manoeuvring capabilities – маневренность;

tailor-made transport system – нестандартная система транспортировки.

Read the text.

There has been a clear trend towards larger and larger ro-ro-vessels in the short-sea segment. The average capacity has doubled from some 1,000 lane metres at the beginning of the 1970’s to close to 2,000 lane metres.

Despite an increase in size, the efficiency of the vessels has improved too. The layout of the ro-ro-decks is a key issue. All lane metres should be available and easily reachable during the short port calls. The era of cargo lifts was passed years ago, now efficient arrangement and location of fixed and hoistable ramps and wide stern doors provide simultaneous loading of all ro-ro-decks.

Also the access to lower hold is important. In designs with both stern and bow doors, it is possible to arrange a drive-through principle for lower hold.

The ship designers still focus on improving both the layout of cargo holds and equipment and the vessels hull forms. New propulsion systems, such as pods, enable new possibilities to a more efficient usage of the space on board. They also improve the manoeuvring capabilities dramatically.

However, investments are also needed in ports, because insufficient infrastructure may ruin the earning potential of the most efficient ro-ro-vessel. Tailor-made transport systems with a limited number of fixed ports also put pressure on the port operators to reach optimum total efficiency.

Answer the questions.

1) How has the average capacity of ro-ro-vessels changed since 1970’s?

2) Why has the layout of the ro-ro-decks become a key issue?

3) What can nowadays provide simultaneous loading of all ro-ro-decks?

4) In what way can one arrange a drive-through principle?

5) What possibilities do new propulsion systems offer?

6) What can prevent port operators from reaching optimum total efficiency?

7) Name the main modifications of ro-ro-vessels over the last years.

Present a monologue.

Speak about recent modifications of ro-ro-vessels. What are advantages and disadvantages of these modifications?

Read the new words.

single-hull – однокорпусный;

bulbous bow – бульбообразный нос;

block coefficient – коэффициент полноты водоизмещения;

carrying capacity – грузовместимость;

deadweight tonnage – полная грузоподъемность;

ballast tank – балластовая цистерна;

ship's trim – положение судна;

corner tank – бортовая подпалубная цистерна;

angle of repose – угол предельного равновесия;

side-to-side movement – поперечное перемещение;

mild steel – низкоуглеродистая сталь;

high-tensile steel – сталь повышенной прочности;

tare weight – конструкционный вес;

transverse reinforcement – поперечная арматура;

longitudinal reinforcement – продольная арматура.

Read the text.

Bulkers are designed to be easy to build and to store cargo efficiently. To facilitate construction, bulkers are built with a single-hull. Also, while a bulbous bow allows a ship to move more efficiently through the water, designers lean towards simple vertical bows on larger ships. Full hulls, with large block coefficients, are almost universal, and as a result, bulkers are inherently slow.

Bulkers have a cross-section typical of most merchant ships. The upper and lower corners of the hold are used as ballast tanks, as is the double bottom area. The corner tanks are reinforced and serve another purpose besides controlling the ship's trim. Designers choose the angle of the corner tanks to be less than that of the angle of repose of the anticipated cargoes. This greatly reduces side-to-side movement, or "shifting," of cargo which can endanger the ship.

The double bottoms are also subject to design constraints. The primary concern is that they be high enough to allow the passage of pipes and cables. These areas must also be roomy enough to allow people safe access to perform surveys and maintenance. On the other hand, concerns of excess weight and wasted volume keep the double bottoms very tight spaces.

Bulker hulls are made of steel, usually mild steel. Some manufacturers have preferred high-tensile steel recently in order to reduce the tare weight. However, the use of high-tensile steel for longitudinal and transverse reinforcements can reduce the hull's resistance to corrosion.

Answer the questions.

1) In what way are bulk carriers designed?

2) Why are bulkers slow?

3) How are upper and lower corners of the hold used?

4) What for were corner tanks reinforced?

5) How do designers achieve the reduction of side-to-side movement?

6) What are the main requirements for the double bottom design?

7) What kinds of steel are bulker hulls made of? What is the difference between them?

Discuss in pairs.

Discuss with your partner the conditions that make cargo handling in the ship easier? Harder? What would you offer to make it more effective?


Read the new words.

floating pipeline – плавучий трубопровод;

fluctuations – колебания, изменения;

traded commodity – продаваемый товар;

honeycomb construction – сотовая конструкция;

crude carrier – нефтеналивное судно;

discharge port – разгрузочное отверстие;

waxy crude – парафинистая нефть;

heavy crude – необработанная нефть;

blanket gas – пластовый газ;

stainless steel – нержавеющая сталь.

Read the text.

The tanker fleet is a highly adaptable, responsive floating pipeline which is capable of adjusting to considerable fluctuations in demand, as cold weather bites or industrial capacity increases. Ships can be switched to add or reduce capacity, or take advantage of price fluctuations, almost at a moment's notice. Oil being a traded commodity, the adaptability of tankers is highly important in this respect.

Tankers are enormously strong vessels, built with a honeycomb construction, a modern crude carrier typically having fifteen cargo tanks protected by a double hull structure around the sides and bottom, in which sea water ballast can be carried for the empty voyage after the oil cargo has been delivered. On such modern double hulled tankers, the oil and ballast remain separate, which greatly reduces the risk of pollution.

A tanker will normally be loaded by shore equipment, but will use her own powerful pumps to empty herself at the discharge ports. Crude oil comes in many forms, ranging from those that are light and free running, to heavy and waxy crude which require heating so they can be pumped freely. Most hydrocarbons are toxic and flammable and it is modern safety practice to keep the tanks filled with a blanket of inert gas.

Specialist tankers include vessels which are configured to carry as many as fifty different grades of chemicals and oils, each with their own separate pumping systems and capable of coping with cargoes that need to be shipped hot, cold or under a blanket of nitrogen. There are ships built of stainless steel for the carriage of acids, others with sophisticated coatings for the carriage of edible oils and wine.

Tankers have had a bad press, and are associated with oil pollution, but the facts are very different, with pollution steadily reducing year on year, despite the steady increase in the quantity of oil carried by sea.

Answer the questions.

1) How is the adaptability of tankers demonstrated?

2) What is the typical construction of the tanker?

3) Why do on modern double hulled tankers the oil and ballast remain separate?

4) How can the tanker empty herself?

5) In what forms may crude oil come?

6) What are specialist tankers?

7) Why have tankers had a bad press?

Present a monologue.

Speak about the negative role of ships in environmental pollution. What can be done to reduce it?


Match the words.


1) UAV a) периферийный вертикальный стартовый комплекс
2) UUV b) разведка на территории страны
3) USV c) беспилотный летательный аппарат
4) DID d) автоматически управляемое подводноетранспортное средство
5) PVLS e) универсальное специализированное транспортное средство


1) deployable a) малозаметный
2) littoral b) парафинистый
3) stealth c) боеготовый
4) tailor-made d) нержавеющий
5) average e) нестандартный
6) waxy f) приморский
7) stainless g) средний


1) combatant a) эсминец
2) aviation detachment b) надводный боевой корабль
3) destroyer c) грузовой подъемник
4) fixed ramp d) авиационный отряд
5) cargo lift e) положение судна
6) lower hold f) нефтеналивное судно
7) ship's trim g) плавучий трубопровод
8) crude carrier h) трюм
9) floating pipeline i) пандус

Make up word combinations.


1) littoral a) threats
2) growing b) boats
3) quiet c) information
4) global d) submarine
5) attack e) piracy
6) ground f) warfare
7) tactical g) adaptability
8) quick-replace h) combat


1) current a) coating
2) land-based b) system
3) drive-through c) reinforcement
4) propulsion d) principle
5) primary e) version
6) transverse f) missions
7) sophisticated g) pollution
8) oil h) concern


Match the words.

I. 1) c; 2) d; 3) e; 4) b; 5) a.

II. 1) c; 2) b; 3) a; 4) e; 5) g; 6) b; 7) d.

III. 1) b; 2) d; 3) a; 4) i; 5) c; 6) h; 7) e; 8) f; 9) g.

Make up word combinations.

I. 1) f; 2) a; 3) d; 4) e; 5) b; 6) h; 7) c; 8) g.

II. 1) e; 2) f; 3) d; 4) b; 5) h; 6) c; 7) a; 8). g.


1. Новый Большой англо-русский словарь: В 3 т. / Ю.Д. Апресян, Э.М Медникова., А.В. Петрова. и др. – М.: Рус. яз., 2001. – 2496 с.

2. Evans Virginia. FCE Use of English. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001. – 255 p.

3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 3rd Ed. with New Words Supplement. – Harlow, Essex: Longman, 2001. – 1668 p.

4. Machine Design (2008, March). The Navy’s New Ships. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from

5. Scandinavian Shipping Gazette (2006, Oct). Design for bigger and faster ro-ros. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from

Заказ № от «___» _____________ 2009 Тираж

Изд-во СевНТУ

New Trends in Ship Designing


к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

“Английский язык” для студентов II курса

специальности 7.100201 «Корабли и океанотехника»

дневной формы обучения


УДК 629.123+656.61.052

Новые Тенденции в Проектировании Судов = New Trends in Ship Designing. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине “Английский язык” для студентов II курса специальности 7.100201 «Корабли и океанотехника» дневной формы обучения / Сост. О.Г. Скидан. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2009. − 24 с.

Целью методических указаний является совершенствование умений и навыков чтения и перевода статей по специальности, а также устной монологической и диалогической речи в сфере будущей профессии.

Методические указания рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры ПРГЯ (протокол № 11 от 18.05.09г).

Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.

Рецензент: Михайлова Е.В., к.филол.н., доцент кафедры практики романских и германских языков Севастопольского национального технического университета.


Введение ..........................................................................................................
1. UNIT I. The USA’s new littoral combat ship .............................................
2. UNIT II. The navy’s new ship DDG-1000 ..................................................
3. UNIT III. Design for bigger and faster Ro-Ro’s .........................................
4. UNIT IV. The hull of the bulk carrier .........................................................
5. UNIT V. Oil tankers safety ……………………………………………….
Test ...................................................................................................................
Keys ..................................................................................................................
Библиографический список ...........................................................................


Методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса специальности «Корабли и океанотехника» дневной формы обучения. Данные методические указания могут быть использованы как на практических занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы.

Методические указания направлены на расширение лексического запаса студентов, совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения и перевода оригинальной литературы по специальности, а также устной речи в монологической и диалогической формах. Тексты указаний взяты из современной оригинальной литературы на английском языке, их тематика соответствует специальности.

Методические указания состоят из 5 уроков, каждый из которых содержит текст, упражнения для закрепления лексического материала урока, творческие задания коммуникативной направленности, а также упражнения для самопроверки. Лексический материал включает как профессионально-направленную терминологию, так и лексику на общие темы.

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