Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. There is a navigation bridge on the third deck.

2. There is one cabin for the Pilot on the second deck.

3. On the main deck there are cabins for the officers.

4. There is an engine room, a pump room on this vessel.

5. In the engine room there is much equipment.

6. On the ship there are two main engines.

7. There is a galley between a storeroom and an office.

8. There is a radio room next to the bridge.

3. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. There are three rooms on the first deck.

2. There are many cargo ships in our port this year.

3. On the bridge there is a watch officer and two Abs.

4. Three foreign vessels are in the port now.

5. The shiphastwo engines.

4. Употребите it или there с правильной формой глагола to be.

1. In the classroom … a lot of my group mates.

2. … the biggest cabin on our ship.

3. … no officers' cabins on the upper deck.

4. Where is your vessel now? – … at anchor in the port.

5. I think … not a cabin for a Pilot.

6. … cold at sea now. Take a lot of warm things.

7. In the engine room … much modern equipment.

8. On this vessel … a big radio room next to the bridge.

5. Прочитайте предложения. Какие из них переводятся с оборотом there is/are?

1. На парусном судне "Седов" 4 мачты и 32 паруса.

2. На мостике много современного оборудования.

3. Боцман на носу судна.

4. В этом январе погода просто ужасная.

5. Наше судно не в море. Оно в порту.

6. Я знаю, что на улице Мира есть большой супермаркет.

7. На этом судне нет пассажиров.

8. Каюта капитана расположена рядом с мостиком.

9. Ниже кают-компании на второй палубе находится камбуз.

Прочитайте текст.

The MV Transitor

There are five decks on the MV Transitor. The engine room is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck: the galley, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the laundry there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings' messroom. To the right of the ratings' messroom there is an office. There are no cabins on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the Pilot and one for the Chief Officer. Between them there is the officers' messroom. There is a cabin for the Master on the fourth deck between the radio room and the Chief Engineer's cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master's cabin. The bridge is on the fifth deck.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. How many decks are there on the MV Transitor?

2. Where is the engine room?

3. What rooms are there on the first deck?

4. Is the laundry between the galley and the storeroom?

5. Is the storeroom to the left or to the right of the galley?

6. What is there above the storeroom?

7. Is the galley below the ratings' messroom or the office?

8. Are there any cabins on the second deck?

9. What deck are the Pilot’s and the Chief Officer's cabins on?

10. What room is there between these cabins?

11. Whose cabin is to the right and whose cabin is to the left of the officers' messroom?

12. What rooms are there on the fourth deck?

13. What rooms are there next to the Master's cabin?

14. Where is the bridge?


Местоимения many, much, little, few, a lot of
с оборотом
there is/there are

Местоимения manyмного,fewмало употребляются перед исчисляемыми существительными:

There aremanycadets in the classroom. В аудитории много курсантов.
There are fewforeign ships in the port. В порту мало иностранных судов.

Местоимения muchмного, littleмало употребляются перед неисчисляемыми существительными:

There is muchwater in the glass. В стакане много воды.
There is littleoil in the tank. В танке мало нефти.

В утвердительных предложениях в значении "много" часто употребляется также выражение a lot of:a lot of booksмного книг,a lot of waterмного воды.

Это выражение употребляется как перед исчисляемыми, так и перед неисчисляемыми существительными.

1. Вставьте вместо пропусков слова: many, much, few, little, a lot of.

1. This passenger ship is very big; she has … decks and … cabins, she has no big cargo holds.

2. The pumpman is very busy at present; he has … time and … work to do, because … pumps are out of order.

3. Does your vessel have … cargo on board? – Yes, she has … cargo.

4. Our ship has … life boats. … of these life boats are in order. … life boats are under repairs. The bosun has very … time to repair these life boats.

5. That ship has two fuel tanks on board; one of the tanks has … fuel in it, and the other … fuel in it.

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