Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading


Warm-up activities:

Mind the difference between the words: a trip, a tour, travel, a journey.

Travel– go from one place to another by car, plane bus, etc. (He travelled over 100 miles to be there).

A journey– when you travel from one place to another place. (Did you have a good journey?)

A trip – when you go to a place for a short time and then come back. (How was your trip to Paris?)

A tour– when you visit lots of places in the same city or country. (My parents are on a tour of Europe).

Exercise 1. a) Choose the correct words:

  1. How long is your travel/journey to university?
  2. Have you ever been on a business trip/journey abroad?
  3. Did you trip/travel a lot last year?
  4. Have you ever been on a bus trip/tour of a famous city?
  5. What’s the longest journey/travel you have ever been on?
  6. Have you ever been on a package travel/tour?

b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.


(With nouns)

An express train Экспресс
A fast train Скорый поезд
A passenger train Пассажирский поезд
A long-distance train Поезд дальнего следования
The Moscow-Minsk train Поезд Москва-Минск
A local train Пригородный поезд
A through train Поезд прямого сообщения
A freight train Товарный поезд
An electric train Электропоезд
A diesel train A stopping train Дизельный поезд Поезд, идущий со всеми остановками
A sleeping car (carriage) Спальный вагон
A dining-car Вагон-ресторан
A non-smoking car Вагон для некурящих
A Pullman Пульмановский вагон
A compartment car Купированный вагон
A car with reserved berths (numbered berths) Плацкартный вагон
A first- (second, third) class car Вагон первого (второго, третьего) класса
A passenger (freight) ship Пассажирский (грузовой) пароход
A first-class steamer Первоклассный пароход
An ocean liner Океанский пароход
A jet-propelled plane Реактивный самолет
A turbo-jet plane Турбореактивный самолет
A turbo-prop plane Турбовинтовой самолет
A twin-engined plane Самолет с двумя моторами
Altitude Высота
Berth Полка в вагоне, спальное место на пароходе
Deck Палуба
Destination Место назначения
Excess luggage Багаж выше нормы
Gangway Трап
Harbour Left-luggage office Luggage van Гавань Камера хранения Багажный вагон
Porter Носильщик
Return ticket Smooth flight Обратный билет Спокойный полет
Speed Station master Скорость Начальник станции
Tip Truck Чаевые Багажная тележка
Waiting-room Well-wisher Зал ожидания Доброжелатель
Print гравюра, эстамп
Securities ценные бумаги
Arrival card листок прибытия
Single room номер на одного
Complete suite of rooms апартаменты «люкс»

(With verbs)

To adjust the seat To announce a flight Регулировать сиденье Объявить рейс
To be not much of a sailor Плохо переносить морскую качку
To be underweight (overweight) Ниже нормы (выше нормы) (о весе багажа)
To board To book a ticket beforehand Садиться (в самолет) Заказать билет заранее
To bring (take) in (out) Ввозить (вывозить)
To change Делать пересадку
To climb Взбираться, подниматься
To fasten the belt Пристегивать пояс (у сиденья)
To feel queer Чувствовать тошноту, головокружение
To fill in To have one’s luggage checked To hit an air pocket To land To light up To (go) pass through customs To put back To queue up To save time Заполнять (документ) Зарегистрировать багаж Попасть в воздушную яму Приземлиться Загораться Пройти таможенный досмотр Откладывать Стоять в очереди Экономить время
To see smb off Провожать кого-либо
To slip out of Выскользнуть
To taxi out To turn in Выруливать Ложиться спать
To weigh anchor Сниматься с якоря
To pay customs duties платить таможенную пошлину
To prohibit запрещать
To expire Истекать (о сроке)



Exercise 1. Pronounce the words, observe the rules of pronunciation of the stressed vowels

[ei] train, save, freight, plane, sailor, weigh, weight, station, railway

[ai] flight, time, light, price, private, dining-car

[ju:] queue, reduced, duty

[au] announce, announcer, announcement

[o:] beforehand, porter

[u] put, book, booking-office

[Λ] luggage, customs, upper, adjust, comfort, country

[a:] fast, pass, compartment, harbour, bath, fasten, guard, charge

[ǽ] passenger, land, taxi, passage, cabin, altitude, platform, transport, carriage

[u:] through, screw, movement

[ə:] reserved, berth, journey, turn, return, purpose

[εə] air, fare, therefore, airport

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words, observe the rules of pronunciation of the consonants.

[k] class, card, comfort, comfortable, cabin, carriage, captain, compartment, anchor, conveniences, crowd, quite, request

[∫] ship, distinguished, well-wisher, sufficient, destination, information, international, limitation, officials, vaccination

[X] passenger, agency, luggage, baggage, just, enjoy, voyage, register

[h] harbour, huge, height, porthole, hungry, hints, handbag, prohibited

[t∫] reach, choice, departure, watch, check


Exercise 1. What do we call …?

1) a place where passengers can wait for the train’s arrival

2) a place where passengers can leave their luggage

3) a place where we can buy railway tickets

4) a place where we can have a snack

5) a train that stops at all stations

6) a train that takes us to the place of destination and we needn’t change it

7) a train that stops only at the larger stations

8) a person who helps us with our luggage

9) a person who is in charge of the railway service at the station

10) a person who travels

11) a van on which the porter puts the luggage

12) a ticket which is valid (действителен) only for one direction

13) A ticket which is valid for both directions

For your answer use the model: We call this ….

Exercise 2. Using phrases from Ex.1 say:

Who is a porter?

a station master?

A passenger?

A conductor?

What is a booking-office?

a waiting room?

an express?

a luggage van?

a through train?

a stopping train?

a single ticket?

a return ticket?

a truck?

Exercise 3. Substitute the words of the opposite meaning for the underlined words.

  1. The jet plane took off exactly on time. 2. I have come to the airport to meet my friends returning from Moscow. 3. Before the plane took off the stewardess asked the passengers to fasten the belts. 4. One by one the passengers were leaving the plane. 5. Our seats were in the rear part of the plane. 6. The landing was perfect. 7. We got tickets for the plane on the day of departure.

Exercise 4. Insert prepositions and adverbs wherever necessary.

  1. Flying is quite safe and very convenient as the company takes a good care … their passengers. 2. I think the plane is going to take .., you’d better fasten your seat belt. 3. “No smoking” and “Fasten your belts” have been lighted … …. the pilot’s cabin. 4. How long shall we be …? 5. When you fly abroad you must pass … customs. 6. If the weather keeps nasty our flight may be put … or cancelled. 7. Passengers are not allowed to have bulky and heavy things … board a plane. 8. The stewardess greeted the passengers and showed them … their seats.

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences.

  1. When we came to the railway station we saw … . 2. If you did not book your ticket beforehand you will have to … . 3. It takes you much time to travel by a stopping train because … . 4. If you don’t like queuing up at the booking-office you can … . 5. The announcer has called our flight, let’s … . 6. Flight 242 to Odessa is put back because of … . 7. Fasten your belts, the plane … . 8. Passengers must have their luggage … . 9. No, you won’t have to pay extra, your luggage … . 10. We are flying at … . 11. When the plane hit an air-pocket … . 12. Travelling by air saves us … .

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the suitable prepositions: a) for (2); b) by; c) through (2); d) as; e) at (2); f) of; g) off; h) in.

Many years ago, while I was travelling (1) Europe (2) train I had the chance to visit most (3) the major European capitals and admire the fantastic scenery. One day, (4) the train was passing (5) the French countryside it suddenly stopped (6) a small picturesque village because of engine problems. While we were waiting (7) the train to be repaired, we got (8) to do some sightseeing (9) a couple of hours. I went to a cozy restaurant where I enjoyed some wonderful local cuisine and tasted some exquisite French wine. (10) the end, I didn’t mind the delay (11) all.

Exercise 7. Choose the most suitable word from the bracket:

The first time I (a-visited, b-stayed) Golden Beach I was on holiday with my family. A friend of ours (a-told, b-advised) us that it was the best beach in the (a-area, b-world). When we (a-came, b-arrived) we saw hundreds of people (a-laying, b-lying) on the beach (a-enjoying, b-entertaining) the sunshine. We were a bit (a-moved, b-disappointed) as we didn’t (a-expect, b-realize) it was going to be (a-filled, b-crowded). We had been searching for fifteen minutes before we (a-usually, b-actually) found a (a-strip, b-spot) to sit down. We put our things down and (a-climbed, b-relaxed). We had been sitting (a-in, b-on) the sun for about an hour when we suddenly realized we were getting (a-ready, b-sunburnt). So we decided to go for a swim. The water was so (a-wet, b-refreshing) that we swam for an hour. After that we went to the bar for a snack. Much to our (a-excuse, b-surprise) when we got back to our (a-spot, b-strip) all of our things were stolen.

Text 1

Americans and Travel

Text 2. Travelling by Train

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

There are various means of travel. We can travel by train, boat, plane, car and on foot. If you ask me what kind of transport I like best I’d speak in support of the train. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined.

What place is more interesting than a big station? There is the movement, the excitement, the gaiety of the people going away and sorrow of those who are seeing others off. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office getting tickets, and passengers hurrying to board the train.

At last you manage to make your way through the crowd, closely following the porter, who has taken care of your luggage, and get out on to the platform. There are many tracks and trains there. You show your ticket to the guard and you get into a most wonderful carriage. The station-master on duty signals the train and it starts noiselessly and without a jerk.

You are on your way. You start up a conversation with your fellow-passengers and soon you get to know who is who and what. Now that the excitement of the day is over you begin to feel hungry. To have dinner or supper, whichever it might be, you can go to the dining-car.

You feel tired now, after a hearty meal, so you decide to turn in. You get into your upper berth and begin to absorb the beauty of the changing scenes that fly past you – fields, meadows, flowers and grass, rivers, forests and mountains.

Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents for the following:

Разные способы путешествия; скорость, удобство и удовольствие – все вместе; крики носильщиков; везут багаж; толпа людей у кассы, покупающих билеты; пассажиры, торопящиеся сесть в поезд; который позаботился о вашем багаже; много железнодорожных путей и поездов; вы показываете билет кондуктору; дежурный начальник станции; вы в пути; попутчики; вы можете пройти в вагон-ресторан; лечь спать; забраться на верхнюю полку.

Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the statements using the phrases: “You are right/You are wrong. I agree with you/I disagree with you. I think so too./I don’t think so”. Try to give an argument to your answer.

  1. There is only one way of travelling.
  2. The best kind of transport is the train
  3. A station is quite a dull place.
  4. It is impossible to make your way through the crowd without following a porter.
  5. Russian passengers are always eager to start up a conversation.
  6. You should always have some food with you in order not to be hungry.
  7. While travelling by train you can see many beautiful places through the window.

Exercise 4. Prove that travelling by train is comfortable and pleasant.

Text 4. Seeing off

Exercise 1. Read the text. Retell the text using the Reported Speech

Three men came to the station at about nine o’clock one evening. They came on to the platform and said to the porter: ”What time is the next train to Liverpool?”

The porter said: ”You have missed one. They run every hour, the next one is at ten o’clock”. “That’s all right”, they said, “We’ll go and have a drink”. So off they went to the refreshment room. A minute or two after ten o’clock they came running and said to the porter: “Has the train gone?” “Yes”, he said, “it went at ten o’clock as I told you. The next is at eleven o’clock”. ‘That’s all right”, they said, “we’ll go and have another drink”. So they went back to the refreshment room.

They missed the eleven o’clock train in the same way, and the porter said: “Now, the next train is the last one, if you miss that, you won’t get to Liverpool tonight”.

Twelve o’clock came, and the last train was just starting out, when the three of them came out of the refreshment room running as hard as they could do. Two of them got in a carriage just as the train was leaving, but the third one didn’t run fast enough and the train went out leaving him behind. He stood there looking at the train and laughing, as if to miss a train was the best joke in the world. The porter went up to him and said: “I told you that this was the last train. Why didn’t you come earlier?” The man couldn’t answer for laughing. He laughed until tears came into his eyes. Then he caught hold of the porter and said: “Did you see those two fellows get into the train and leave me here?” “Yes, I saw them”. “Well, I was the one who was going to Liverpool, they only came to see me off”.

Text 5. Travelling by Sea

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

As for me there is no journey so fine as by sea. There are many things that make trips by sea fascinating. Though I am not much of a sailor, I love the sight of a ship with its many decks, cabins and state-rooms. It looks like a huge white floating city.

I shall never forget my first trip on board the “Pobeda” from Odessa to Sochi. The season was at its height then and the passenger traffic on the Odessa-Batumi line was heavy, so we had to reserve berths at the agency beforehand.

The ship was to sail at 2.00 p.m. on a certain Saturday early in July. In the morning of that distinguished day I felt very excited. A little after noon we reached the pier. The pier was crowded with cars, trucks loaded with luggage, passengers arriving and hurrying on board, and well-wishers seeing them off. It was really thrilling going up the gangway. Up and up we went until we reached the main deck. There we were attended by a sailor who took us down below deck. Soon he brought us to our cabin. It was a small room with two berths in it, and against the wall, just below the round window (a porthole) stood a little table.

At last we heard the ship’s siren warning the passengers and their well-wishers to say good-bye to each other. After some 10-15 minutes the ship weighed anchor and slowly slipped out of the harbour.

The “Pobeda” had all modern conveniences and a wide choice of entertainment facilities. There were restaurants, a good library, a cinema hall, billiard rooms and what not.

In the evening we enjoyed the beautiful sunset at sea. It was marvelous. Our voyage lasted several days. On our way we called at several ports. The stays were quite sufficient to give us the opportunity of visiting some places of interest there, but the most wonderful city was Sochi, of course.

Exercise 2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:

Travelling by sea; fascinating; I am not much of a sailor; many decks, cabins and state-rooms; the season was at its height; the passenger traffic; to reserve berths beforehand; a distinguished day; the pier; a porthole; the ship weighed anchor; a wide choice of entertainment facilities; sunset at sea; the stays.

Exercise 3. Translate the Russian phrases into English and read the sentences aloud.

1) (Что касается меня) there is no travel so fine as by sea.

2) The ship looks like (огромный белый плавучий город).

3) The pier was crowded with (машинами, тележками с багажом, спешащими пассажирами и провожающими).

4) Our cabin was a small room with (двумя койками и маленьким столиком под иллюминатором).

5) The sunset at sea was (великолепным).

6) (Наше морское путешествие) lasted several days.

7) On our way (мы заходили в несколько портов).

Exercise 4. Answer the questions:

1) What kind of travelling does the story-teller prefer and why?

2) Where did he travel to for the first time?

3) How did he get the ticket?

4) When did he arrive at the pier?

5) How did it look like?

6) How did the cabin look like?

7) What facilities could be found on board the ship?

8) What can you say about his voyage?

Exercise 5. 1) Describe your last trip on board the ship.

2) Describe the trip of your dream.

Text 6. Travelling by Air.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

As for me there is nothing like travel by air, it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than by any other means of transport. A taxi or a bus of the Airline Service takes you to the airport. There on the runway you can see a jet-propelled passenger plane ready to carry you to your place of destination.

When the formalities of registering yourself and weighing your baggage are over, you get up the gangway and board the plane. If you are travelling for the first time, you may apply to the stewardess and she will see you to your seat and give you all the information you need, for ex., how to fasten the belt, how to adjust the seat and so on. Soon the plane takes off. At that moment you can see a notice “No smoking. Fasten your seat-belts”. During the flight you can get information of the altitude, speed, the weather and the distance covered. The stewardess serves you mineral water, juice, tea, sweets and sandwiches. If you feel hungry, you will be provided with an excellent lunch. Besides, newspapers and magazines are offered to the passengers. Usually everybody feels comfortable, but if you are airsick, you will be given some help.

Exercise 2. Quote the sentences with the following words and phrases:

Means of transport; a passenger plane; to board the plane; to fasten the seat belt; to take off; the altitude, speed, weather and the distance covered; to serve; to be offered; to be airsick.

Exercise 3. Give the short summary of the text.

Text 7. At the Customs

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Every day many people travel throughout the world either on business or for pleasure. Those who cross the frontier of the state have to go through customs.

The customs service is designed for carrying out customs control to regulate import and export of goods and currency. The place where customs or duties are paid is called a customs house.

Every country has its own customs legislation, and if you are going abroad you are supposed to learn the rules of leaving and entering the foreign state. To be on the safe side, you should know what is allowed or prohibited to be brought in or taken out. Before packing your luggage consult the prohibited articles list which is available at the customs.

Among the articles that are prohibited for taking out of the country in accordance with customs legislation of all the states you will find works of art, different types of prints, manuscripts, valuable musical instruments, securities, numismatics, stamps and other articles of artistic, historical and cultural value.

Though strict prohibition applies to antiques, you may be allowed to take some original painting or drawing out provided you got a special licence for it and paid duties.

The list of prohibited commodities both for bringing in and taking out also includes arms, explosives, military equipment and narcotics.

Everybody leaving for a foreign country ought to know that there can be articles liable to duty and duty free. As a rule, personal belongings, gifts and souvenirs (the cost of the latter must not exceed a certain limit stipulated by the customs regulation) are duty free.

When the passenger enters or leaves the country, he must fill in an entry or exit declaration which is to be produced to the customs officer. The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and duration of his visit in block letters. He must also declare all dutiable articles.

To make a trip to most countries every traveler must have a visa, single, multiple or transit, which is issued by the foreign Embassy or Consulate. The visa may be prolonged in case of necessity, but the time for which it is valid must not expire, otherwise the traveler will not be allowed to leave the country. The overseas passport is also necessary. All the documents are carefully studied by the customs officer.

To go through customs means to have your luggage inspected by customs men. The traveler puts his bags and suitcases on the moving conveyer belt for checking. To prevent smuggling, modern methods and techniques have been developed which help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage. TV-cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house.

In the UK there is a system of red and green symbols in operation at big airports. If you have nothing more than the allowances and no prohibited or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go straight through the channel indicated by the green symbol unless the officer on duty asks you to stop. If you have more than the allowances or if you carry prohibited or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go to the channel indicated by the red symbol.

So, if you follow the customs instructions and if you do not break any law, you will enjoy your trip abroad.

Exercise 2. Go on with enumerating.

  1. Articles that are duty free are personal belongings, …
  2. The following papers are needed for going through customs: a visa,…
  3. A visa can be issued as single,…
  4. In the prohibited articles list one can find antiques,…
  5. Among the articles liable to duty passengers can find original painting,…
  6. In the declaration form a traveler must write down a country visited, …
  7. A conveyer belt, .. are installed at the customs house to search the tourist’s luggage.

Exercise 3. Speak about filling in a declaration form. These questions will help you.

  1. What items are included in a declaration form?
  2. Why are two kinds of declaration used: entry and exit?
  3. How ought a form to be filled in, in handwriting or typewriting?
  4. What things must be declared? And how about currency?
  5. What other documents or papers besides a declaration form does a traveler need?

Exercise 4. Speak about the system of red and green symbols at the customs house at big airports of the UK.

Text 9 . Part I. Air Travel

Exercise 1. Read, translate and remember the following rules and regulations.

Nowadays people mostly travel by air. Here are a few hints on air travel that may be helpful:

  1. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport (air terminal) an hour and a half before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights.
  2. Passengers must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage (baggage). The economy class limitation is 20 kg. First-class passengers are allowed 30 kg. Excess luggage must be paid for.
  3. Passengers are permitted to take only some personal belongings with them into the cabin. These items include handbags, brief-cases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops at the airport.
  4. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.
  5. Watch the electric sign flashes in the plane. When the “Fasten Seat Belts” sign goes on, do it promptly, and also obey the “No Smoking” signal.
  6. Listen to the announcements on the public address system. The captain will welcome you on board, tell you all about the flight and the interesting places you are flying over.
  7. Do not forget your personal belongings when leaving the plane.

Text 10

Exercise 1. Read the text and be ready to do the exercises below the text

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Text 11


Exercise 1. Read and translate the dialogue.

Travelling by Train

Passenger: I want a ticket to London, please. Which train must I take?

Booking-clerk: If I were you, I should take the 8.35 train

Passenger: Do I have to change anywhere?

Booking-clerk: No, no change, it’s a through train.

Passenger: Thank you. A ticket to London, please.

Booking-clerk: Single or return?

Passenger: Return, please, first class.

Booking-clerk: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank you. What time did you say the train goes?

Booking-clerk: 8.35. You’ll have to hurry if you want to register your luggage.

Passenger: Thanks.

Exercise 2. Complete the open dialogue.

Passenger: I want a ticket to …

Booking-clerk: If I were you, I should …

Passenger: Do I have to …

Booking-clerk: No, ….

Passenger: Thank you. …

Booking-clerk: Single or return?

Passenger: ….

Booking-clerk: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank you. Can you tell me…

Booking-clerk: ….

Passenger: Thanks a lot.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

- Мне нужно два билета на поезд 10.20 до Ливерпуля. Спальный вагон, пожалуйста.

- Вам билеты туда и обратно, сэр?

- Нет, только в один конец.

- Верхние или нижние места?

- Два нижних, пожалуйста.

- Пожалуйста.

- Спасибо.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the dialogue.

At the Airport

Porter: Any luggage, madam?

Mrs Jones: Yes, the two cases here. I’ll keep this brief-case.

Porter: I’ll take your luggage to be weighed, madam. You’ll find the ticket desk straight across the hall.

Mrs Jones: Thank you.

Receptionist: Good morning.

Mrs Jones: Good morning. I have a ticket for flight BEA 987.

Receptionist: May I see your ticket, please?

Mrs Jones: Here it is.

Receptionist: Is this your luggage?

Mrs Jones: That’s right.

Receptionist: Your luggage is underweight. Here is your ticket and this is your luggage label, which you show at your destination when you get your luggage.

Mrs Jones: Thank you. Where do I have to wait?

Receptionist: Will you go upstairs to gate 3 and for the announcement of your flight?

Announcer: British European Airways announce the departure of their flight BEA 987. Passengers travelling on this flight are requested to proceed to gate 3 for customs and immigration formalities.

Receptionist (at gate 3): Have your passport ready. This way, please.

Exercise 5. Complete the open dialogue.

1) At the Airport

Mr Brown: Flight BEA 783, tourist class, single, please.

Booking-clerk: Fifty pounds, please.

Mr Brown: …

Booking-clerk: You’ll find the ticket desk further on your left.

Mr Brown: … Porter!

Porter: Is this your luggage, sir?

Mr Brown: …

Receptionist: Good evening. Can I help you?

Mr Brown: …

Receptionist: May I see your ticket, please?

Mr Brown: …

Receptionist: Here is your ticket and your luggage label. Your plane takes off in half an hour. Your flight will be announced soon.

Mr Brown: ….

2) Going through the Customs

Customs official: Which of these bags are yours?

Ivanov: …

Official: Have you got anything to declare?

Ivanov: …

Official: Would you please open your bags?

Ivanov: …..

Official: You are allowed that, and souvenirs are duty-free. Now, let me see your Customs declaration, please.

Ivanov: …….

Official: Thank you, sir. Everything’s all right. Nothing dutiable. Welcome to our country!

Ivanov: ……..

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1) – У меня билет на рейс 103.

- Ваш билет, пожалуйста.

- Вот он.

- Ваш багаж превышает положенный вес. Вам придется заплатить за перевес.

- Пожалуйста.

-Возьмите, пожалуйста, ваш билет и бирку на багаж. Пройдите наверх в зал ожидания. Скоро объявят ваш рейс.

- Спасибо.

2) – Это ваши вещи?

- Да, этот чемодан мой.

- Разрешите их посмотреть? У вас есть что-либо подлежащее обложению пошлиной?

- Мне кажется, что нет. Только сигареты для личного пользования.

- Это разрешается. Все в порядке. Спасибо.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the dialogue.

The Voyage

Mary: I say, Nick, I feel rather queer.

Nick: Sea-sick already? Why, we are hardly out at sea yet.

Mary: Well, this rolling motion of the ship affects me somewhat.

Nick: I wouldn’t say you are much of a sailor then. Want to go down?

Mary: I’d rather not.

Nick: Hold on to the rail. Isn’t it a nice breeze?

Mary: Yes, it is. Look here, Nick, are there any life-belts and life-boats on this ship?

Nick: What! Don’t you trust the captain and the ship?

Mary: I don’t know. We are in for a storm, I suppose. The sea is getting rough.

Nick: You’d better not look down, Mary. You’ll get giddy. Here, take this deck-chair and sit down for a while.

Mary: No, I think I’ll go down after all.

Nick: Be careful, I’ll take you to your cabin. You’ll be all right in the morning.

Mary: I hope so.

Exercise 8. Insert missing parts of the dialogue.

Jane: It’s very nice of you to come and see me off, Peter.

Peter: (Wishes her a pleasant voyage).

Jane: Thank you. I hope I’ll enjoy it. You see, it is my first sea voyage and I feel a bit nervous.

Peter: (Asks her how many passengers there will be in her cabin).

Jane: It’s a second class cabin and I think there will be three more passengers besides me.

Peter: (Asks her where her cabin is).

Jane: It is on the second deck, near the stern.

Peter: (asks when the ship starts).

Jane: At 2.15 according to the schedule. I think it’s time to say good-bye and pass up the gangway.

Peter: (Wishes her good luck and a pleasant voyage).

Exercise 9. Make up similar dialogues.

Text 12. At the Hotel

Exercise 1. Read the text.

When travelling it is convenient to stay in a hotel. The best way is to reserve a room in advance. Those who travel much know that sometimes tourists experience certain difficulties with booking a room at a suitable hotel. At the height of the season a sign “No Vacancies” can be often seen at the desk-clerk.

But if you are lucky with booking a room you will enjoy your rest. In this case you must first go through some formalities. The receptionist will hand you an arrival card which all guests are required to fill in. The following information is required:

  1. Full name
  2. Place of permanent residence
  3. Passport No.

After filling in the arrival card you must pay for all accommodation. The price depends on the duration of your staying at the hotel and the number of rooms booked. When all the formalities are over the receptionist hands you the key and you may go upstairs to occupy the room. At the hotel you will find rooms with or without bath, single rooms, double rooms and complete suits consisting of two or more rooms.

Once you decide to stay in the hotel you are referred to as a “guest”. You will find notices everywhere reminding guests to leave their keys at the desk when going out. All the keys are hung on a special keyrack.

In the lobby you will usually find a newspaper stall and stalls where souvenirs are sold. Most of hotels have snack bars, coffee-bars and restaurants.

The receptionist will answer all your questions and give you any information you need. Many hotels run a special laundry service for their guests. You can have your laundry done and your clothes ironed. The maid does your room every morning so you needn’t even make your bed. At the entrance of the hotel there stands a doorman whose duty is opening the door for those who enter or leave the hotel, hailing taxicabs, calling a porter and so on.

Guests are required to notify the clerk in advance about leaving so that he could have the bill ready for them in time.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Why do travelers usually reserve rooms at the hotels in advance?
  2. Is it easy to reserve a room at the hotel in your city?
  3. What are the duties of a receptionist?
  4. What services do hotels usually run?
  5. What information is required for filling in the arrival card?
  6. What kinds of rooms are available at the hotels?

Text 13. Hotel Service

Execise 1. Read the text and choose the most suitable hotel for you.

Hotels in the UK may be divided into several categories. The most expensive ones are the Luxe hotels, only millionaires can afford to live there. The next category is the Charming Town House hotels combing good service with relatively inexpensive price (in comparison with the first category). The third category includes relatively cheap hotels located mainly near major railway stations. The fourth category comprises Boarding Houses, Bed and Breakfast (B&B) and inns. The cheapest hotels to live in are Youth Hostels, Youth Holiday Centres, Country Guest Houses. In Great Britain the cost of staying in the hotel often includes the cost of breakfast. There are two variants: continental breakfast (tea or coffee and bread with butter or jam) and English breakfast (flakes with milk, juice, bacon and eggs, tomatoes, white bread and others).

Text 15

Exercise 1. Read about a TV programme and answer the questions.

1. What is the programme about?

2. When is it on?

3. How did the BBC choose the places?

Places to Go before you Die

Thursday 9 p.m. BBC1

Last month the BBC asked viewers to send in their top five holiday destinations and tonight we find out the results. So sit back and enjoy this tour of the world’s greatest beauty spots.

Exercise 2. Read the list of the top 50 places from the TV programme. Prepare a presentation about any places you have been to or the places you would like to visit.

1. The Grand Canyon, USA 26. Iguacu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

2. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia 27. Paris, France

3. Disney World, Florida, USA 28. Alaska, USA

4. The South Island, New Zealand 29. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

5. Cape Town, South Africa 30. Mount Everest, Nepal

6. The Golden Temple, Amritsar, India 31. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

7. Las Vegas, USA 32. Masai Mara, Kenya

8. Sydney, Australia 33. The Galapagos Islands

9. New York, USA 34. Luxor, Egypt

10. The Taj Mahal, India 35. Rome, Italy

11. Lake Louise, The Rockies, Canada 36. San Francisco, USA

12. Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia 37. Barcelona, Spain

13. Chichen Itza, Mexico 38. Dubai

14. Machu Picchu, Peru 39. Singapore

15. Niagara Falls, Canada/USA 40. La Digue, Seychelles

16. The Pyramids, Egypt 41. Sri Lanka

17. Petra, Jordan 42. Bangkok, Thailand

18. Venice, Italy 43. Barbados

19. The Maldives 44. Iceland

20. The Great Wall of China 45. The Terracotta Army, Xian, China

21. Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe 46. The Matterhorn, Switzerland

22. Hong Kong 47. Angel Falls, Venezuela

23. Yosemite National Park, USA 48. Abu Simbel, Egypt

24. Hawaii 49. Bali

25. The North Island, New Zealand 50. Bora Bora, Tahiti

Text 16

Transport Means

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Text 17

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Text 18. Buying a Car

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading - student2.ru


Exercise 1. Speak on the topics;

1) Travelling by train.

2) Travelling by sea.

3) Travelling by air.

4) Going through the Customs

5) Staying at a hotel

6) Road signs

7) Buying a car


Exercise 1. Write a letter to your friend from Great Britain. Here is a part from her letter.

“ … Last time I travelled by air two years ago when I had my holidays in Europe. On board the plane the stewardess helped me get comfortable in the reclining seat adjustable to some positions. I sat back and relaxed. The flight was very smooth. Everybody felt comfortable. The plane landed exactly on time. Have you ever traveled by air? When did it happen last time? Did you like it?...”

Observe the rules of writing letters.

Exercise 2. Compare different ways of travelling. Follow the plan:

1) Make a general statement of the problem.

2) Give your opinion and your reasons.

3) Give other people’s opinion and say why they are not right.

4) Make a conclusion.



Warm-up activities:

Mind the difference between the words: a trip, a tour, travel, a journey.

Travel– go from one place to another by car, plane bus, etc. (He travelled over 100 miles to be there).

A journey– when you travel from one place to another place. (Did you have a good journey?)

A trip – when you go to a place for a short time and then come back. (How was your trip to Paris?)

A tour– when you visit lots of places in the same city or country. (My parents are on a tour of Europe).

Exercise 1. a) Choose the correct words:

  1. How long is your travel/journey to university?
  2. Have you ever been on a business trip/journey abroad?
  3. Did you trip/travel a lot last year?
  4. Have you ever been on a bus trip/tour of a famous city?
  5. What’s the longest journey/travel you have ever been on?
  6. Have you ever been on a package travel/tour?

b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.


(With nouns)

An express train Экспресс
A fast train Скорый поезд
A passenger train Пассажирский поезд
A long-distance train Поезд дальнего следования
The Moscow-Minsk train Поезд Москва-Минск
A local train Пригородный поезд
A through train Поезд прямого сообщения
A freight train Товарный поезд
An electric train Электропоезд
A diesel train A stopping train Дизельный поезд Поезд, идущий со всеми остановками
A sleeping car (carriage) Спальный вагон
A dining-car Вагон-ресторан
A non-smoking car Вагон для некурящих
A Pullman Пульмановский вагон
A compartment car Купированный вагон
A car with reserved berths (numbered berths) Плацкартный вагон
A first- (second, third) class car Вагон первого (второго, третьего) класса
A passenger (freight) ship Пассажирский (грузовой) пароход
A first-class steamer Первоклассный пароход
An ocean liner Океанский пароход
A jet-propelled plane Реактивный самолет
A turbo-jet plane Турбореактивный самолет
A turbo-prop plane Турбовинтовой самолет
A twin-engined plane Самолет с двумя моторами
Altitude Высота
Berth Полка в вагоне, спальное место на пароходе
Deck Палуба
Destination Место назначения
Excess luggage Багаж выше нормы
Gangway Трап
Harbour Left-luggage office Luggage van Гавань Камера хранения Багажный вагон
Porter Носильщик
Return ticket Smooth flight Обратный билет Спокойный полет
Speed Station master Скорость Начальник станции
Tip Truck Чаевые Багажная тележка
Waiting-room Well-wisher Зал ожидания Доброжелатель
Print гравюра, эстамп
Securities ценные бумаги
Arrival card листок прибытия
Single room номер на одного
Complete suite of rooms апартаменты «люкс»

(With verbs)

To adjust the seat To announce a flight Регулировать сиденье Объявить рейс
To be not much of a sailor Плохо переносить морскую качку
To be underweight (overweight) Ниже нормы (выше нормы) (о весе багажа)
To board To book a ticket beforehand Садиться (в самолет) Заказать билет заранее
To bring (take) in (out) Ввозить (вывозить)
To change Делать пересадку
To climb Взбираться, подниматься
To fasten the belt Пристегивать пояс (у сиденья)
To feel queer Чувствовать тошноту, головокружение
To fill in To have one’s luggage checked To hit an air pocket To land To light up To (go) pass through customs To put back To queue up To save time Заполнять (документ) Зарегистрировать багаж Попасть в воздушную яму Приземлиться Загораться Пройти таможенный досмотр Откладывать Стоять в очереди Экономить время
To see smb off Провожать кого-либо
To slip out of Выскользнуть
To taxi out To turn in Выруливать Ложиться спать
To weigh anchor Сниматься с якоря
To pay customs duties платить таможенную пошлину
To prohibit запрещать
To expire Истекать (о сроке)



Exercise 1. Pronounce the words, observe the rules of pronunciation of the stressed vowels

[ei] train, save, freight, plane, sailor, weigh, weight, station, railway

[ai] flight, time, light, price, private, dining-car

[ju:] queue, reduced, duty

[au] announce, announcer, announcement

[o:] beforehand, porter

[u] put, book, booking-office

[Λ] luggage, customs, upper, adjust, comfort, country

[a:] fast, pass, compartment, harbour, bath, fasten, guard, charge

[ǽ] passenger, land, taxi, passage, cabin, altitude, platform, transport, carriage

[u:] through, screw, movement

[ə:] reserved, berth, journey, turn, return, purpose

[εə] air, fare, therefore, airport

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words, observe the rules of pronunciation of the consonants.

[k] class, card, comfort, comfortable, cabin, carriage, captain, compartment, anchor, conveniences, crowd, quite, request

[∫] ship, distinguished, well-wisher, sufficient, destination, information, international, limitation, officials, vaccination

[X] passenger, agency, luggage, baggage, just, enjoy, voyage, register

[h] harbour, huge, height, porthole, hungry, hints, handbag, prohibited

[t∫] reach, choice, departure, watch, check


Exercise 1. What do we call …?

1) a place where passengers can wait for the train’s arrival

2) a place where passengers can leave their luggage

3) a place where we can buy railway tickets

4) a place where we can have a snack

5) a train that stops at all stations

6) a train that takes us to the place of destination and we needn’t change it

7) a train that stops only at the larger stations

8) a person who helps us with our luggage

9) a person who is in charge of the railway service at the station

10) a person who travels

11) a van on which the porter puts the luggage

12) a ticket which is valid (действителен) only for one direction

13) A ticket which is valid for both directions

For your answer use the model: We call this ….

Exercise 2. Using phrases from Ex.1 say:

Who is a porter?

a station master?

A passenger?

A conductor?

What is a booking-office?

a waiting room?

an express?

a luggage van?

a through train?

a stopping train?

a single ticket?

a return ticket?

a truck?

Exercise 3. Substitute the words of the opposite meaning for the underlined words.

  1. The jet plane took off exactly on time. 2. I have come to the airport to meet my friends returning from Moscow. 3. Before the plane took off the stewardess asked the passengers to fasten the belts. 4. One by one the passengers were leaving the plane. 5. Our seats were in the rear part of the plane. 6. The landing was perfect. 7. We got tickets for the plane on the day of departure.

Exercise 4. Insert prepositions and adverbs wherever necessary.

  1. Flying is quite safe and very convenient as the company takes a good care … their passengers. 2. I think the plane is going to take .., you’d better fasten your seat belt. 3. “No smoking” and “Fasten your belts” have been lighted … …. the pilot’s cabin. 4. How long shall we be …? 5. When you fly abroad you must pass … customs. 6. If the weather keeps nasty our flight may be put … or cancelled. 7. Passengers are not allowed to have bulky and heavy things … board a plane. 8. The stewardess greeted the passengers and showed them … their seats.

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences.

  1. When we came to the railway station we saw … . 2. If you did not book your ticket beforehand you will have to … . 3. It takes you much time to travel by a stopping train because … . 4. If you don’t like queuing up at the booking-office you can … . 5. The announcer has called our flight, let’s … . 6. Flight 242 to Odessa is put back because of … . 7. Fasten your belts, the plane … . 8. Passengers must have their luggage … . 9. No, you won’t have to pay extra, your luggage … . 10. We are flying at … . 11. When the plane hit an air-pocket … . 12. Travelling by air saves us … .

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the suitable prepositions: a) for (2); b) by; c) through (2); d) as; e) at (2); f) of; g) off; h) in.

Many years ago, while I was travelling (1) Europe (2) train I had the chance to visit most (3) the major European capitals and admire the fantastic scenery. One day, (4) the train was passing (5) the French countryside it suddenly stopped (6) a small picturesque village because of engine problems. While we were waiting (7) the train to be repaired, we got (8) to do some sightseeing (9) a couple of hours. I went to a cozy restaurant where I enjoyed some wonderful local cuisine and tasted some exquisite French wine. (10) the end, I didn’t mind the delay (11) all.

Exercise 7. Choose the most suitable word from the bracket:

The first time I (a-visited, b-stayed) Golden Beach I was on holiday with my family. A friend of ours (a-told, b-advised) us that it was the best beach in the (a-area, b-world). When we (a-came, b-arrived) we saw hundreds of people (a-laying, b-lying) on the beach (a-enjoying, b-entertaining) the sunshine. We were a bit (a-moved, b-disappointed) as we didn’t (a-expect, b-realize) it was going to be (a-filled, b-crowded). We had been searching for fifteen minutes before we (a-usually, b-actually) found a (a-strip, b-spot) to sit down. We put our things down and (a-climbed, b-relaxed). We had been sitting (a-in, b-on) the sun for about an hour when we suddenly realized we were getting (a-ready, b-sunburnt). So we decided to go for a swim. The water was so (a-wet, b-refreshing) that we swam for an hour. After that we went to the bar for a snack. Much to our (a-excuse, b-surprise) when we got back to our (a-spot, b-strip) all of our things were stolen.

Text 1

Americans and Travel

Exercise 1. Read the text and match each paragraph with its heading


1. The Americans are a mobile nation.

2. Nature fascinates and attracts the Americans greatly.

3. Travelling overseas.

A. Americans also enjoy international travel. In almost every European city you may find an American traveler. Since the 1950s, more and more middle class Americans have made their way to Europe. Americans view the “Old World” with much respect and interest. The reason for this is simply that the majority of the population in the USA come from some European country. Usually these travelers are young and they have a Eurail Ticket (a special rail pass that allows about a month’s worth of unlimited travel) and they often stay in youth hostels. The young American travelers are adventurous and eager to meet new people.

B. Although many families enjoy spending their holidays at home, the majority of them like travelling. They may do something simple and low in budget, like rent a cabin in the wilderness or near the seaside. They might also go to one of the many campgrounds that dot the USA. Overall many Americans strive to simply “get away from it all” (from the routine). One popular method to escape the stress is to visit national parks, such as Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon. Hiking and path finding become more popular each year. The feeling of being alone with nature is something that is indescribable to most.

C. Americans enjoy travelling greatly. Most Americans embrace it as no other nation can. The reason for this is the average American moves at least ten times in his/her lifetime. Mobility and being on the road create a wonderful sensation to the American people. It is also true that American history can be viewed through a lens that examines movement (especially westward).

Text 2. Travelling by Train

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

There are various means of travel. We can travel by train, boat, plane, car and on foot. If you ask me what kind of transport I like best I’d speak in support of the train. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined.

What place is more interesting than a big station? There is the movement, the excitement, the gaiety of the people going away and sorrow of those who are seeing others off. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office getting tickets, and passengers hurrying to board the train.

At last you manage to make your way through the crowd, closely following the porter, who has taken care of your luggage, and get out on to the platform. There are many tracks and trains there. You show your ticket to the guard and you get into a most wonderful carriage. The station-master on duty signals the train and it

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