Exercise 1 Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using the pattern on top of the cartoon.



Exercise 1 Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using the pattern on top of the cartoon. - student2.ru

puzzle interest bore disgust shock annoy irritate disappoint embarrass excite thrill amuse frustrate depress frighten terrify please upset overwhelm tire exhaust worry alarm satisfy reassure surprise astonish

Exercise 2 a) Take turns to find out what your partner thinks about the following things:

snakes ballet opera glossy mag(azine)s English humour

thunderstorms classical art postmodern art junk food

politics astrology war modern fashion lady birds crowds

long walks football fans reality shows TV commercials

Moscow traffic pollution feng shui sci fi museums

Use the words from Exercise 1 for ideas. You can add a bit or rather before

Negative words and quite before positive participles.

Ex.: - How do you feel about snakes?

- Actually, I find them a bit disgusting.

- How do you feel about ballet?

- Personally, I find it quite interesting.

b) Report the most interesting results to the rest of the group.

Exercise 3

a) Individually complete the sentence starters in ways that are true for yourselves.

1. Actually, I find … really confusing sometimes.

2. It’s really surprising how many people …

3. To be honest, I found … a bit disappointing.

4. I get really annoyed when …

5. I’m very excited about …

6. I was pleasantly surprised when I …

7. When I feel a bit depressed, I often …

8. I find it quite amusing when …

b) In pairs explain your answers. Keep the conversation going by asking questions

How come? Why’s that?

Exercise 4 Translate these sentences into Russian.

1.The bus drivers attending the meeting decided to go on strike. 2. The person operating the machine was dressed in protective clothes. 3. The people waiting for the bus are my colleagues. 4. The book published last week is his first written for adults. 5. A person bringing good news is always welcome. 6. Having been seriously injured, he was no longer fit for professional carrier in football. 7.Being told of his arrival, I went out to meet him. 8. Films seen in childhood seem like old friends. 9. While skiing yesterday, she fell and hurt herself. 10. The butler showed us to the room reserved for us.

Exercise 5 Translate these sentences into Russian.

1.Please, have a look at the messages received. 2. In one of the studio visited, we met a lot of our former students. 3. You’ll find attached a draft contract. 4. Payment for the goods bought was made in USD. 5. The price mentioned is not subject to any discount. 6. The quality of the goods is in accordance with the specification enclosed. 7. The proposal being unconstitutional, the committee rejected it. 8. There being a lot of things to discuss, the conference lasted long. 9. It being Sunday, the shops were closed. 10. There being no objections, the resolution was adopted.

Exercise 6 Translate these sentences into Russian.

1.Explained again, the rule became clear to everybody. 2. The rule explained, we started doing exercises. 3. The rule being explained is not difficult. 4. The rule explained is difficult.5. We would like it explained again.6 If explained, the rule will not seem difficult. 7.The man saved was a sailor. 8. The man saved a sailor. 9. All the children having been saved, the captain felt relieved. 10. Having saved the boy’s life, the doctor felt relieved. 11. The passengers are being saved.

Exercise 7 Complete these sentences with the perfect participle form of an appropriate verb. In which sentences is it also possible to use participle I with a similar meaning?

Arrive climb fulfill spend take work read receive collect live

  1. ………..all morning at the computer, Sue took a lunch break.
  2. ……….the wrong train, Mary found herself in an unfamiliar village.
  3. ………. the tallest tree, the boys were able to see the whole garden.
  4. ………. as a taxi driver, Bruce decided to go back to college.
  5. ………..late for his appointment, Bill had to wait.
  6. ……….the morning newspaper, granddad retired to his room.
  7. …………all the data, he was able to write a full report on the commission’s achievements.
  8. ………..the terms of the contract, they refused to admit the claim of the other party.
  9. ………..the urgent message from his boss, John immediately called back.
  10. ……….in Moscow for 5 years, he made a lot of friends there.

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