Exercise 27. Complete the sentences in the way shown.

Ex.: I read a newspaper yesterday, but I haven’t read one today.

1. Chris attended all the lectures last term, but he … this term.

2. Barbara … last term, but she hasn’t missed many classes this term.

3. Our hockey team won a lot of games last season, but … this season.

4. The company … last year, but they haven’t made a profit since last year.

5. He downloaded a lot of music last week, but … since last week.

6. … last month, but she hasn’t been to any concerts this month.

Exercise 28. Use the words in brackets to answer the questions.

Ex.: Have you called Bill? (10 minutes ago) =>

Yes, I called him 10 minutes ago.

1. Have you had your job interview yet? (yesterday)

2. Has the delegation arrived yet? (an hour ago)

3. Have you booked a table? (in the morning)

4. Have you ever been to the circus? (when I was a child)

5. Has your friend left? (5 minutes ago)

6. Have you written your essay yet? (at the weekend)

7. Have you seen any good films lately? (the other day)

Exercise 29. Turn the sentences into negatives and questions.

  1. He’s just had lunch.
  2. He had lunch at one o’clock.
  3. They had a good time at the seaside.
  4. They’ve had a good time tonight.
  5. She made a lot of progress last term.
  6. She’s made a lot of progress since last term.

Exercise 30. In pairs tell your partner when you did the things mentioned in exercise 9.

Exercise 31. Change partners and find out about your friend’s life experience. Begin your

questions with:

Have you ever … ?

When did you (first / last) … ?

Exercise 32. Put the verb in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. She’s a film editor. She … (to edit) 3 films so far.

2. He was a writer. He … (to write) a few really good novels.

3. Andrew … (to be) born in 1998.

4. He … (to be) born in Scotland.

5. We … (to learn) a lot of useful expressions since the beginning of the term.

6. I … (not to have) much free time recently.

7. … (you / to see) that programme on TV the day before yesterday?

8. He … (never / to be) abroad.

9. How many films … (he / to shoot) so far?

10. When … (he / to shoot) his first movie?

11. She … (not to call) for ages.

12. They … (just / to deliver) our order.

13. I … (to come) back home at about 8 last night. I … (to watch) a bit of TV and had supper. Then Helen … (to call) and we … (to talk) for an hour.

14. Bach … (to compose) a lot of really good music.

Exercise 33. Choose the correct form.

  1. I haven’t liked / didn’t like history at school, but I’m very interested in it now.
  2. When you were a child, have you ever run / did you ever run away from home?
  3. When have you first fallen / did you first fall in love?
  4. Since when have you written / did you write those four scripts?
  5. My sister has had / had a very strange dream recently.
  6. Over the last four years I have travelled / travelled a lot.
  7. We have travelled / travelled a lot four years ago.
  8. He has spoken / spoke to the President several times.
  9. When I was small, Mum has made / made me delicious cakes every Sunday.
  10. I have been / went to the cinema twice this week.
  11. She has been / went to the theatre 3 times last week.
  12. Have you heard / did you hear from David lately?
  13. I haven’t been / wasn’t here since 2012.

Exercise 34. Write about yourself using these ideas.

  1. Something you did last week
  2. Something you didn’t do last week
  3. Something you have done lately
  4. Something you haven’t done lately
  5. Something someone you know has just done
  6. Something you didn’t do last night
  7. Something you haven’t done since you were a kid

Exercise 35. Put the correct verb form: Present Perfect or Past Simple.

  1. I … this song before. (not hear)
  2. They … a new supermarket in our street. (open)
  3. … you … well last night? (sleep)
  4. When I was a kid I … beans. (not eat)
  5. … she ever … alone? (live)
  6. Ouch! I … my finger. Have you got a plaster? (cut)
  7. When … you … the news? (hear)
  8. It … much this week. ( not rain)
  9. It … much last winter. (not snow)
  10. I … my work, so we can go out now.
  11. Shakespeare … to university. (not go)
  12. … Napoleon ever … to China? (go)
  13. When … they … in Moscow? (arrive)
  14. I … chemistry for three years but then I … . (study, drop out)
  15. This is one of the best paintings I … . (see)
  16. There … an air-crash in Egypt. (be)

Exercise 36 In pairs check the way you translate these phrases. Compare Present Perfect

And Past Simple.

  1.Он ещё не сделал уроки. 2.Он вчера не сделал уроки. 3.Я это уже сделал. 4.Я это сделал 5 минут назад. 5.Я там был позавчера. 6.Я там уже был. 7.Её вчера вечером здесь не было. 8.Она ещё здесь не была. 9.Все приехали? 10.Вчера утром все приехали? 11.Мы уже слышали эту песню некоторое время назад. 12.Мы уже слышали эту песню раньше. 13.Ты когда-нибудь играл в эту игру? 14.Ты когда-нибудь в детстве играл в эту игру? 15.Я пока мало что видел в Москве. 16.Я мало что видел в Москве в прошлый раз. 17.Ты уже завтракал? 18.Ты утром завтракал? 19.Он во вторник не смотрел телевизор. 20.Он со вторника не смотрел телевизор.   1.He hasn’t done his homework yet. 2. He didn’t do his homework yesterday. 3.I’ve already done it. 4.I did it 5 minutes ago. 5.I was there the day before yesterday. 6.I’ve been there. 7.She wasn’t here last night. 8.She hasn’t been here yet. 9.Has everyone arrived? 10.Did everyone arrive yesterday morning? 11We already heard this song some time ago. 12.We’ve heard this song before.   13.Have you ever played this game? 14.Did you ever play this game in your childhood? 15.I haven’t seen much of Moscow yet. 16.I didn’t see much of Moscow last time.   17.Have you had breakfast yet? 18. Did you have breakfast in the morning? 19.He didn’t watch TV on Tuesday.   20. He hasn’t watched TV since Tuesday.

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