Exercise 22 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Кто собирается принимать участие в фестивале?

2. Вы не сдадите экзамен, если не выучите новые слова.

3. Ты можешь выключить компьютер. Я не работаю на нем.

4. Они поедут на гастроли, как только подготовят новую программу.

5. – Я не знаю, как пользоваться этим фотоаппаратом. – Это очень легко.

Я покажу тебе.

6. Мне поехать с вами на съемку?

7. Если вы поговорите с режиссером, вы будете знать, как исполнять эту роль.

8. Мне принести фотографии на пробы?

9. Я думаю, мы снимем эту сцену на натуре.

10. Когда вы собираетесь монтировать свой фильм?

11. Как только сценарист соберет необходимый материал, он начнет работу над


12. Я завтра провожу подбор исполнителей на главные роли. Надеюсь, вы придете.

13. Мне провести репетицию?

14. – У меня ужасно болит голова. – Да? Подожди здесь. Я принесу таблетки.

15. Мне посмотреть весь отснятый материал самому или подождать продюсера?

Exercise 23. What’s the difference in meaning? Read and translate into Russian.

1. a) I see a man who is talking over the phone, b) I am seeing a dentist tomorrow.

2. a) The roses smell very good, b) The girl is smelling the roses.

3. a) The pizza tastes delicious, b) John is tasting the pizza.

4. a) It feels like silk. b) Jane is feeling the dress.

5. a) He has a car. b) He's having a good time at the party.

6. a) He likes his car. b) He is really liking the party.

7. a) I think it's such a good idea! b) I'm thinking about her suggestion.

8. a) She is a nice girl. b) She is being really nice to us.

9. a) It looks like we are going to have fun. b) We are looking at a building.


A F F I R M A T I V E I wasplaying He wasplaying She wasplaying It wasplaying   We wereplaying You wereplaying They wereplaying
I N T E R R O G A T I V E (How well)Was I playing? Washeplaying? - Yes, he was / No, he was not Wasshe playing? - Yes, she was / No, she wasn’t Wasitplaying?   Wereweplaying? Wereyouplaying? - Yes, we were / No, we were not Weretheyplaying? - Yes, they were / No, they weren’t
N E G A T I V E I was not playing (I wasn’t playing) He was notplaying (He wasn’t playing) … She was notplaying It was notplaying   We were notplaying (We weren’t playing) You were notplaying (You weren’t playing)… They were notplaying

I. Past Continuous обозначает действие, которое совершалось в определённый момент времени в прошлом. Неважно, закончилось действие или нет, было ли оно прервано. Важно, что началось оно когда-то раньше, и в тот момент оно было в разгаре.

Момент времени может быть обозначен:

1) указанием на точку времени

Напр.: - What wereyou doing at six o’clock yesterday evening? - I was making dinner.

2) указанием на период времени

Напр.: This time last year she was havinga holiday.

3) другим, более коротким действием

Напр.: When I got up this morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing…

II. Так же, как Present Continuous в настоящем, Past Continuous может передавать раздражение, особенно в сочетании со словами alwaysи continually.

Напр.: I didn’t like him – he was always borrowing money.

Exercise 24

a) What were these people doing at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

What weren’t they doing?

Helen - watch TV

George - play tennis

Steve and Mary - work

Nancy - edit

The - have an English class

b) What were and weren’t you doing at these times yesterday? Write true facts.

7 am 11:30 am 1pm 5:45 pm midnight

Exercise 25 Make up questions using Past Continuous:

1. what / you / do / at 3 o’clock – What were you doing at 3 o’clock?

2. where / he / go / when you saw him –

3. what / she / wear / at the party –

4. they / sleep / at 9 in the morning –

5. why / you / not wait for me / when I came –

6. rain / when they woke up –


1. Past Continuous описывает более продолжительное фоновое действие.

Past Simple – более короткое действие, которое произошло на фоне действия в Past

Continuousили прервало его.

Напр.: My cousin calledwhile I was having a shower.

George broke a cup when he was washing it.

2. Если действия происходили одно за другим и перечисляются в хронологическом порядке,

все они употребляются в Past Simple.

Напр.: He got up, washed and dressed.

Обратите внимание!

После союза when может употребляться как Simple, так и Continuous,

после while – только Continuous.

Exercise 26 Answer the questions using the verb of the subordinate clause in the Past

Continuous Tense.

Example: When did she meet her master? ( go to the underground)

She met her master when she was going to the underground.

1. When did you catch that cold? (shoot a scene on location) ____________________

2. When did he write this script? (have a holiday) _____________________________

3. When did she learn Italian? (visit one’s friends in Rome) _______________________

4. When did she hear that song? (work at the music theatre) _____________________

5. When did you buy that camera? (walk about the city) ________________________

6. When did the girl cut her finger? (make dinner) ____________________________

7. When did he lose his keys? (ride a bicycle) _________________________________

8. When did he come to see you? (have supper) _______________________________

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