Настоящее, хотя речь идёт о будущем

I. в придаточных предложениях времени и условия, т.е. после союзов ifи when,

а также before, after, till, until, as soon as, while, unless, in case, as long as,

provided/ providing

Напр.: I will go to England when I learn English.

You will miss your first audition if you don’t take a taxi now.

You’ll recognize Jane as soon as you see her.

I’ll stay here while we are waiting.

II. в придаточном предложении, если в главном стоит глагол hope

Напр.: I hope you have a good time.

We hope you don’t missthe rehearsal.

На русский язык такие предложения переводятся будущим временем.

Exercise 18 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are about

The future. Use will/won't or present simple (I see / he plays etc.).

1. I ___________ (phone) you when I _____________ (come back) home from the Institute.

2. I want to speak to Kate before she _______________________ (sign) the contract.

3. We're going on a tour tomorrow. I _________________ (meet) the producer when

we __________________________ (come) back.

4. Julia looks very different now. When you _________________ (see) her, you

_____________________________ (not / recognise) her.

5. _________________ (you / miss) me while I ____________ (be) in London?

6. We must show our screenplay to the director before it ______________ (be) too late.

7. I don't want to go to the studio without you. I ______________ (wait) until

you ___________ (be) ready.

8. Ann has been invited to play the main part in the musical, but she can’t sing at all.

I __________ (be) very surprised if she _______________ (get) the role.

9. I hope to shoot the scene on location tomorrow if it ____________________ (rain).

10. I'm going to the University now. If the casting director _________ (phone) while

I __________ (be) out, can you take a message?

Exercise 19 Make one sentence out of two.

1. It will stop snowing soon. Then we'll start shooting.

___________________________ when ___________________________________

2. I'll read a script. Then I'll phone the producer.

I __________________________ when ___________________________________

3. I'll go to the hairdresser’s. Then I'll come straight back home.

___________________________ after ____________________________________

4. It's going to rain. Let's go home before that.

___________________________ before ___________________________________

5. He must apologise for his missing the rehearsal. I won't speak to him until then.

___________________________ until ____________________________________

Exercise 20 Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1. Your sister is going to Egypt. You want to know what she is going to do.

You ask: What are you going to do when ______________________________ ?

2. A friend of yours is visiting you. He has to go soon but maybe there's time for some

more coffee.

You ask: Would you like some more coffee before ______________________ ?

3. Your collegue wants to sell her countryside house. You are interested in buying it,

but she hasn't decided yet.

You ask: Can you let me know as soon as ______________________________ ?

4. Your friend is going to Cannes. You want to know where he is going to stay there.

You ask: Where are you going to stay when ____________________________ ?

5. You want to go to your friend’s birthday party by car. But they are repairing

a bridge not far from her house at the moment.

She says: I think the traffic will be bad if they ___________________________ .

Exercise 21. Put the verbs in the most suitable form.

1. Jane has decided to learn a foreign language.

JANE: I'm thinking of trying to learn a foreign language.

JILL: Are you? Which language (l) _____________________ (you/learn)?

JANE: Italian.

JILL: I see. And (2) ________________________________(you/do) a course?

JANE: Yes, (3) ______________________________ (it/begin) in two weeks.

JILL: Good idea. I'm sure (4) _________________________ (you/enjoy) it.

JANE: I hope so. But I think (5) __________________ (it/be) quite difficult.

2. Susan wants to know about Sam's holiday plans.

SUSAN: I hear (l) ________________ (you/go) on holiday the day after tomorrow.

SAM: That's right. (2) _____________________________ (we/go) to China.

SUSAN: I hope (3) ______________________ (you/have) a great time there.

SAM: Thanks. (4) ______________________ (I/get) in touch with you when

(5) _________________ (I/get) back.

3. Mr. Stevenson is talking about Mrs. Stevenson’s birthday to his children.

DAD: Do you remember about Mum's birthday on Friday?

TOM: Well, I already have a present. (1) __________________ (I/get)

her a new documentary film about gardening.

TINA: Oh. What about you, Dad?

DAD: I'm not actually buying her a present. (2) _____________________ (I/take)

her to London for the evening. I've booked a table at a new Italian restaurant

and then (3) _____________________ (we/go) to the theatre. I got the tickets

last week but she doesn't know. It's a surprise.

TINA: Oh, that's an idea! I think (4) __________________ (I/buy) her something nice

to wear then. A new necklace or something.

4. Gerry invites Jenny to go to see the comedian Lenny Henry.

GERRY: Would you like to see Lenny Henry’s show? (1) ______________(he/do) it

at Swan Theatre next week.

JENNY: I’d love to, but I’m really busy next week. (2) _________________ (I/ have)

an audition in a week, so (3) ___________________________ (I/ rehearse)

all those days.

GERRY: Well, what about Saturday the 27th? (4) ____________________ (you/do)

anything that evening?

JENNY: I think (5) _______________ (I/be) free, but I’ll have to see the producer

at the studio in the afternoon on that day. What time (6) ________________

(the show/start) ?

GERRY: At the weekends (7) _____________________ (it/start) at 8.30 p.m.

JENNY: Well, if (8) _______________ (I/be) late (9) ______________ (I/get) a taxi.

GERRY: OK. (10) _________________ (I/get) tickets for the show and (11) __________

(I/ meet) you outside the theatre at 8 p.m.

JENNY: Right. So long. See you soon.

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