Think about participants of the dialogue, place of action, questions and answers that could be added.

Unit 5



making a suggestion or asking someone if they would like to do something you can use:

1. Let’s…

- Let’s go and visit your brother tomorrow. - Yeah, great.

- Let’s have a rehearsal on Saturday. –Sorry, I can’t. I’m going away for the weekend.

2. We could…/ You could…

- We could go for a meal somewhere before the shooting. – That would be lovely.

- We could go to the leisure centre and watch football. – I’m sorry I can’t. I have to look

after my younger sister.

3. Why don’t we / you…?

- Why don’t you talk to the director after the performance? – OK.

- Why don’t we go to Finland this summer? – I’d rather go somewhere warmer.

4. Why not … ?

- Why not stay at home for a change? – All right.

- Why not go clubbing tonight? – I’m afraid I can’t. Some other time perhaps.

5. What about…ing? / How about …ing?

- How about going to the cinema tonight? – Good idea!

- What about a trip to Stratford next week? – Unfortunately I can’t. I am going to Hollywood.

6. Fancy …ing?

-Fancygoing for a walk?-Brilliant idea!

- Fancy joining me? - I wish I could. But I’m too tired.

7. Shall I / we…?(especially British English);Should I / we…?(American English)

- Shall I organize a barbecue on Sunday? - That sounds good.

- What film shall we go to? – It’s all the same to me.

- Tom is having a birthday party tonight. Shall I say that we’ll come? – How about staying

home instead?

8. Do you want to…?(asking friends)

- Do you want to join us for a game of volleyball? – Yes, OK. What time?

- Do you want to come swimming on Thursday? – I don’t mind.

- Do you want to come to a party on Friday night? – Thanks for asking me, but I’m going

away for the weekend.

- Do you want to try some sushi? – Sure! (esp. Am.) / Certainly! (Br) / Of course! (ifml)

9. Would you like to…?(asking anyone)

- Would you like to play tennis one afternoon next week? – Yes, I’d like that.

- Would you like to come for dinner on Tuesday? – Sorry, but I’m taking part in the concert

on Tuesday.

10.. I was wondering if you’d like to… (asking someone you do not know very well)

A: We’re going to a restaurant and we were wondering if you’d like to come with us?

B: I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to Saint Petersburg to shoot some location


Exercise 1 Choose phrases which you could use to make suggestions in the following situations.

Use a different phrase each time.

1. I just can’t decide where to go this summer. - ______________ go to Barcelona?

You’ve always said you wanted to go there one day.

2. What do you want to do tonight? - ____________ go to the movies. We could go and

see the new comedy.

3. Would you like to come for a - I’d love to. _____________ bring some sandwiches

picnic with us on Sunday? with me, or a cake or something?

4 Let’s have a party on Saturday, shall we? - Sounds great! _______________ inviting your


Exercise 2 Read the dialogue. Then act it out.


Phillip: Let’s go and see a movie on Saturday.

Jane: Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to visit my parents. Why don’t we go next week instead?

Phillip: OK. What about Wednesday?

Jane: That sounds good. What time does the film start?

Phillip:At 9.00 p.m.Shall I meet you at your house at 8?

Jane:I have a better idea. How about getting something to eat before the movie?

Phillip:That would be lovely. I’ll pick you up at about 7 o’clock.

Jane:Right. See you then.

Exercise 3 In pairs, use the useful expressions and grammar to make and act out

the following dialogues:

a) You have two tickets for the opening ceremony of a film festival on Friday evening.

Invite your friend.

b) A friend invites you to go out for dinner on Sunday evening. Accept his/her invitation.

c) Your friend invites you to go to the country on Saturday afternoon. You are having an

important meeting at that moment. Refuse his/her invitation.

Exercise 4 Read the situation, make up a conversation (or a dialogue). Then

Act it out.

a)‘Let’s have a meeting’ (Three people work for a Travel Agency called Happy

Holidays. They are all managers and the company has several offices in Rome, London

and Paris. They are going to open a new office in Madrid. They have to arrange

a business meeting. This must happen before one of the managers Rachel Sting flies

to Madrid on Thursday afternoon.)

b) A famous film director is going to visit your Film School. Discuss how to organize

the day.

c) Plan an International Evening for a group of students from the British National Film

School. Make suggestions for the evening (to show slides/movies, to give a concert,

to organize a meeting with a famous film-maker etc.). Discuss whose ideas were best.

Exercise 5 Use the text “Let’s have fun!” as an example and make up your own dialogue about

Going to the cinema.

Let’s have fun!

Steve: Do you want to go out somewhere tonight?

Alison: Oh, I don’t know. What were you thinking of?

Steve: I thought we could go to Ronnie Scott’s to see a new jazz band.

Alison: Oh, there’s no one I’d like to see at the moment.

Steve: OK, well, why don’t we go out for a bite to eat? My treat!

Alison: Thanks but I’ve just eaten.

Steve: Well, how about going to the cinema?

Alison: Yeah OK, I’ll have a look and see what’s on. So what kind of film do you fancy seeing?

Steve: It’s up to you, but nothing too soppy.

Alison: We could go to “The Prince Charles” cinema.

Steve: Yeah, it’s quite cheap there. What’s on?

Alison: Hang on, oh “Schindler’s list”, the Spielberg film with Liam Neeson.

Steve: I saw that years ago. It’s a historical drama.

Alison: I’d like to see something that will make me laugh.

Steve: Well. Then let’s see the new Hugh Grant film, it’s a comedy.

Alison: OK, let’s.

(After the film show)

Steve: What do you think of it?

Alison: I think it was really great.

Steve: You must be joking. The acting was awful, it seems to me.

Alison: As far as I’m concerned, the acting was fantastic! And Hugh Grant, he was hilarious.

Steve: The only good thing was my popcorn - very tasty!

Alison: You were so starving, I suppose, that you ate it all yourself.

Steve: Well, you were too busy laughing to eat any.

Alison: I think Hugh Grant is gorgeous. I couldn’t help falling in love with him.


Наиболее употребительные способы говорить о будущем в порядке убывания частотности:

I. to be going

II. Present Continuous

III. Future Simple (will)

IV. might

V. Present Simple

I. выражение to be going to doимеет два значения:

1) Собираться что-л. сделать, намереваться.

Решение принято когда-то раньше.

Напр.: - There’s a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?

- No, I’m tired. I’m going to have an early night.

2) Ситуация складывается так, что что-то вот-вот произойдёт.

По всему видно, уже сейчас ясно, неизбежно.

Напр.: It is going to rain.

II. Present Continuousописывает действие, которое произойдёт в ближайшем будущем,

потому что мы уже всё организовали.

Почти всегда в таких предложениях употребляется обстоятельство времени.

Напр.: We’re havinga party on Sunday.

I’m not having a rehearsal tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.

III. Future Simpleупотребляется:

1) Если решение что-л. сделать принимается в момент речи.

Напр.: - Would you like tea or coffee? - I think I’ll have tea, please.

2) Для предсказаний.

Если по мнению говорящего вероятность велика. Если говорящий уверен, что что-то


Future Simple часто соседствует со словами, выражающими мнение (I think / I suppose,

etc.) и со словами, выражающими уверенность (probably, certainly, I’m sure, etc.)

Напр.: I’m sure Susan will passher driving test.

Who do you think will play the main role in the film?

3) Когда даются обещания.

Напр.: I’ll callyou. That’s a promise.


У Т В Е Р Ж Д Е Н И Я Обстоятельства времени I willplay (I’ll play) Tomorrow He willplay (He’ll play) The day after tomorrow She willplay (She’ll play)… In some days It willplay One of these days Next week (month, year) We willplay Soon You willplay In future They willplay Some day / time Some other day In a week (month, year)
В О П Р О С Ы Will I play? (Where)Willheplay? Willshe play? Willitplay?   Willweplay? Willyouplay? Willtheyplay? - Yes, they will / No, they will not No, they won’t
О Т Р И Ц А Н И Я I will not play (I won’t play) He will notplay (He won’t play) … She will notplay It will notplay   We will notplay You will notplay They will notplay

IV. Модальный глагол might(иногда may) используется, чтобы выразить неуверенность.

Вероятность невелика.

Может быть.

Напр.: I’m not sure yet, but I might goto Paris in July.

V. Present Simple употребляется, когда речь идёт о расписаниях, программах передач

и т.п.

Напр.: What time does the show start?

The next train to Paris leaves at 5.

Обратите внимание!

1. В официальной речи will употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в разговорной.

2. Will может использоваться также в вежливых просьбах.

Напр.: Will you helpme, please?

3. Shall употребляется:

1) в разделительных вопросах, которые начинаются с Let’s …

Напр.: Let’s go, shall we?

2) в вопросах, когда мы спрашиваем, что мы должны cделать

Напр.: ShallI read?

When shall we start shooting?

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