Задание 16.6 Употребите by или with. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. The jam sandwiches were made … white bread.

2. Jake was dismissed … his boss.

3. The snow was presented ……… Mr Jones.

4. The parcels were tied … string.

5. The meal was eaten … chopsticks.

6. The song was performed … Madonna.

7. This awful mess was made … Carol’s dog.

8. The football were observed … the police.

9. My hair was cut … a top stylist.

10. The goal was scored … Liverpool’s youngest player.

11. The beds were made up … clean sheets.

12. The supermarket trolley was filled … cat food.

13. My camera was loaded … a black and white film.

Задание 16.7.Передайте следующие предолжение в Passive Voice

Образец: They showed me a very interesting book. -

a) I was shown a very interesting book.

b) A very interesting book was shown (to) me.

1. My mother told me the news yesterday.

2. Their friends sent them their photographs last week.

3. Did they recommend you any good hotels?

4. The librarian showed the student how to find necessary books.

5. They allowed the children to go to the zoo.

6. They gave us a lot of money.

7. Her parents gave her a computer for her sixteenth birthday.

8. They lent us some money.

9. My frienf offered me a challenging job.

10. They paid him twice a month

11. My mother taught them English at school/

12. He promised me this book.

13. Did they show you that new Oxford Dictionary?

14. They sent presents to their relatives and friends.

15. The secretary gave the letter to her boss.

Задание 16.8. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voi­ce, обращая внимание нa мecmo предлога.

1. The senior students laughed at the freshman.

2. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday.

3. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care.

4. Nobody lived in that old house.

5. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.

6. We thought about our friend all the time.

7. The doctor will operate on him in a week.

8. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents.

9. The looked for the newspaper everywhere.

10. The neighbour asked for the telegram.

12. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention.

Задание 16.9. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите залог.

1. I shall bring a new film tomorrow. 2. The new film will be brought tomorrow. 3. My friend will help me with mathematics. 4. My friend will be helped with German. 5. I shall buy ice-cream. 6. The new skates will be bought tomorrow. 7. Misha will ask me to help him. 8. Misha will be asked to tell about his trip. 9. The doctor will ask me to open my month. 10. The doctor will be asked to treat me. 11. The tickets will be brought tomorrow. 12.The dictation will be written next Tuesday. 13. The mother will be asked not to worry. 14. The mother will be given a cup of coffee. 15. The mother will thank the doctor.

16. The telegram will be sent righ now 17. The carpet will be hung on the wall. 18. The books will be laid on the shelf. 19. When will the letter be sent? 20. When will the control work be checked? 21. How will this work be done?

Задание 16.10.Задайте вопросы к предложениям по образцу.

Образец: They will send Jane Abroad. –

When will she be sent abroad?

1. The milkman will bring milk.

2. His mother will bake the birthday cake.

3. His friends will give him a lot of presents.

4. The students will take their exams in Room 305.

5. Someone will give you this book.

6. The artist will finish his picture soon.

7. They will certainly bring us this parcel.

8. They will explain this rule to you again.

9. She will give your money back to you.

10. They will look into your matter more carefully.

11. Sooner or later he will take notice of her.

12. They will put an end to this sort of practice

13. Sooner or later they will agree upon some plan.

Задание 16.11.Составьте предложения с данными словами по образцу, используя Present Continuous (Progressive).

Образец: The hens / to feed / my brother. –

The hens are being fed by my brother.

1. The money / to count.

2. The windows / to clean / me.

3. The meal / to cook / in the kitchen.

4. The car / to fix / in the garage.

5. The grass / to cut.

6. The fence / to whitewash

7. The student / to examine / in this room.

8. The patient / to operate on.

9. The road / to repair / the workmen.

10. The old castle / to reconstruct

11. The dishes / to wash.

12. The wheat / to harvest.

13. The field / to plough.

14. The dog / to wash / its master.

15. A birthday cake / to make / in the kitchen

16. The trees / to plant / in the yard.

17. A record / to play.

Задание 16.12.Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя вопросительные слова в скобках.

1. The tape-recorder is being fixed now (What? What?)

2. Some record is being played. (What?)

3. The forms are being filled out by the tourists. (Whom … by?)

4. The fire is being put out by the firemen. (Whom … by?)

5. A new medicine is being tried at the hospial. (Where? What?)

6. The tourists are being shown around the city. (Who?)

7. A new road is being built not far from here. (What? Where?)

8. A lot of questions are still being asked about it. (Why? What … about?)

9. A new film is being shown on TV now. (What?)

Задание 16.13.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice по данному образцу, используя Past Continuous.

Образец: When I came,they were still asking questions. –

When I came, the questions were still being asked.

1. When she came, her husband was doing the washing-up.

2. When I came to this town again, they were building a new school in front of the supermarket.

3. He entered the hall and heard that somebody was calling his name.

4. As we were passing their garden, he was watering the flowers.

5. When they entered the auction-hall, they were selling those pictures.

6. When the Father came home, I was cooking dinner.

7. When the guests arrived, they were still making preparations to meet them.

8. At that moment the specialists were examinig a new car.

9. When I came home, they were still putting books on the shelves.

10. When I returned, the workmen were still building a new road not far from my house.

11. After half an hour I came back. They were still showing her how to use the remote control.

12. The lesson was almost over, but the teacher was still explaning the new rule to them.

Задание 16.14.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, используя Present Perfect.

Образец: Nobody has ever spoken to him like that. –

He has never been spoken to like that.

1. Someone has taken his bike.

2. No one has ever beaten me at chess.

3. No one has lived in that house for many years.

4. They have already paid him for that work.

5. He has made several mistakes in his essay.

6. Somebody has left the door open.

7. Somebody has alredy boiled the water.

8. They have invited us to dinner.

9. Someone has obviously found you purse.

10. Someone has left this house unattended.

11. They have left their money at home.

12. They`ve opened a new bar not far from here.

13. Have you done all the washing?

14. Someone has broken my glasses.

15. No one has ever treated her like that before.

Задание 16.15. Раскройте скобки, употребив Present Perfect или Past Indefinite (Simple) в Active или Passive Voice.

1.The old fireplace (to replace) in this room recently.

2.In 1964 Martin Luther King (to win) the Nobel Peace Prize.

3.The cartoon character Mickey Mouse (to create) by Walt Disney.

4.What (to change) in this room? You (to put) a new carpet?

5.Teachers (to give) a new pay rise.

6.Where you (to find) this dog? It’s so dirty.

7.A valuable painting (to steal) from the Central Art Gallery last night.

8.The thief (to take) only money. The diamonds (not to take).

9.Where you (to be) lately?

10.You (to invite) to the party?

11.John Kennedy (to assassinate) in Dallas in 1963.

12.The thieves (to enter) the house through the kitchen window.

13. Someone (to be) here last night. My bracelet and some rings (to take)!

14.When the television (to invent)? Who (to invent) it?

15.”They (to tell) you the news?”

“No, I (not to tell) anything.”

16.The missing boy still (not to find).

17.She (not to ask) any questions last night.

Задание 16.16. Раскройте скобки, употребив Past Progressive Passive или Past Perfect Passive.

1.I couldn’t use my car last Sunday. It (to fix).

2.When I got to the parking lot, I didn’t find my car. It (to steal).

3.We didn’t go to the party because we (not to invite).

4.When I phoned Mark, he told me that my camera stiil (to repair), so I couldn’t come and get it.

5.When the taxi arrived, the things still (to pack).

6.When the taxi arrived, the things (to pack) already.

7.In the dining-room Johnny still (to give) a lecture on table manners.

8.There were no tickets left when we came. They all (to sell out).

9.When Mother came, the room looked spotless. Everything (to tidy up).

10.When they arrived home, the preparations still (to make).

11.I (to ask) a lot of questions before they agreed I knew nothing.

12.When I came into the room, the students still (to ask) questions.

13.When the guests came, everything (to do) already, and the kettle (to put on).

14.By the time we got home, everything was quiet. The children (to put) to bed.

15.I heard some noise upstairs. “What’s going on?” I asked and got an answer that little Kate (to put) to bed.

16.After he (to promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant.

Задание 16.17. Раскройте скобки, употребив Future Perfect Passive по данному образцу.

Образец: By the time you get there (everything / to do). –

By the time you get there everything will have been done.

1.By next summer (the swimming pool / to build) in this street.

2.By three o’clock (my work /to finish) already.

3.By the time you come back (the flat / to tidy up).

4.(The supper / to cook) by the time the children come from school?

5.By next year (this house / to reconstruct).

6.I hope by winter (this road / to repair).

7.I think by tommorow (this question / to settle).

8.By the time he comes (all traces / to hide).

9.You can’t go to the library at eight tommorow. By that time (it / to close)

10.The think that by next winter (the reconstruction works / to finish) and they’ll be able to let the tourists see the gallery.

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