Задание 7.5 Вставте артикль, где необходимо

... Veliky Novgorod is ... most important city of ... North- Western Russia and ... administrative centre of ... Novgorod Oblast. ... city lies along ... Volkhov River just below its ... outflow from ... Lake Ilmen.

... Novgorod was ... second main city after ... Kiev in ... Russia in the mid centuries. It was ... rich and powerful city, and ... State of Novgorod was as large as ... present Sweden. Its ... power was based on ... international trade. ... Novgorod was ... main Russian port for many centuries and was important for ... Baltic sea trade.

Nowdays, ... Veliky Novgorod is ...smal , calm town in the provinces, with ... splendid old Russian architecture, ... interesting museums, ... fresh air, many trees, and ... nice and helpful people. I like this ... town very much. I like ... people there.

In 2009, ... Nongorod marked 1150 ... years since it was first mentioned in 859 in ... most ancient national texts - ... Russian Primary Chronicles. ... event was granted ... national status and was organized with ... participation of ... Russian President and ... Federal Government. ... celebration lasted for ... whole week. ... programme was filled with ... performances, ... exhibitions,and ... fairs. ... fireworks and laser show brought ... huge crowds to ... Volkhov River on ... Saturday and ... Sunday nights. ... skydivers and ... show by vintage planes graced ... skies over ... river area on ... Sunday. Many of these events were covered by ... news media and show on ... TV.


Задание 8.1 Напишите следующие существитель­ные во множественном числе.


Box, sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glass, belief, roof, datum, basis, knife, deer, sheep, formula, man, woman, child, tooth, foot, mouse, ox, shelf, life, fly, bench, buzz, ball game, mother – in – law, headache, dictionary, phone, hoof, radio, train, robbery, painkiller, bush, pen – friend, video, pillowcase, violin, wife, volcano, mouse, godfather, wish, ferryboat, watch, mediumj, bay, flamingo, taxi – driver, college, prize, menu, proof, deer, phenomenon, mosquito, trout, sunshade, leaf, baby.

Задание 8.2 Поставьте существительные в следу­ющих предложениях во множественное число.


1. A new house is in our street. 2. This story is very interesting. 3. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are in the room. 4. In the farmyard we see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Put this knife on that table. 6. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? — He is a French­man. 7. What is your name? 8. He keeps his toy in a box. 9. This man works at our office.10. This is my stocking. 11. He has a new suit. 12. The plate was on the table. 13. This town is very large. 14. Is that girl your sister? 15.1 shall give you my book. 16. This story is a good. 17. Is this a good match? 18. The boy put his book on the desk. 19. That house is new. 20. The pu­pil put his book into the bag. 21. Is this a good student?


1. B. His child studies very well.

2. This man works at our office.

3. In the farmyard we can see a sheep, an ox, a goose and a cow.

4. Put this knife on the table.

5. Why don’t you eat this potato?

6. Is this a mouse?

7. Is this lawyer a German or a Frenchman? -He is an Englishman.

8. Does this woman speak Spanish?

9. That ship is an Italian one.

10. This money doesn’t make you happy.

11. When does this student play tennis?

12. What kind of texts does this girl print?

13. Does this man speak English or French?

14. Does this manager have dinner at home or at work?

Задание 8.3 Образуйте сложные существитель­ные и переведите их.

Образец: English, a man — Englishman — англичанин.

1. A school, a girl;

2. a week, an end;

3. a bed, a room;

4. a birth, a day;

5. news, paper;

6. a class, a room;

7. a tape, a recorder;

8. a chair, a man;

9. an air, a craft;

10. a text, a book;

11. a house, a wife;

12. rain, a coat;

13. a rail, a way;

14. a sea, a man;

15. a post, a man;

16. a class, a mate.

Задание 8.4. Раскройте скобки, употребив существительные во множественном числе.


I wonder who decides what sort of (animal) are kept in (zoo)? You expect to see a lot of (monkey), (rhino), and (lion), but you rarely see (ox), (sheep), (deer) or (goose), probably because these can be seen commonly enough in the wild. Each day large (delivery) of food arrive for the (beast) to eat. Not expensive items like (salmon) or (trout), but ordinary things like (potato) and (tomato) – although the (panda) like (bamboo).


Dear Manager,I’m writing to complain about the terrible evening I had at your restaurant. We had reserved a table but when we arrived, there weren’t enough (chair) for us to sit on. Even though we’d checked beforehand, we were told that there were no (meal) especially for (child). We had to keep asking the waiter to bring us some (glass) and when he gave us our (knife) and (fork), they were dirty. We were informed that not all the (dish) were available that evening and, when we did receive our food, the (potato) were raw and the meat was so tough I nearly broke my (tooth) when I bit into it. However, that was nothing! The real horror was when I saw two (mouse) running across the floor. I think I’m entitled to some compensation as long as it doesn’t include free (meal) at your restaurant! I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, M. Benne


Задание 9.1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосход­ную степень от следующих прилагательных и наречий.

1. large, tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, bad, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy, well,little, many, far.

2. Wonderful, necessary, quickly, Interesting, com­fortable, popular, active, famous, pleasant, beautiful, slowly, clearly.

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