The network below shows the most important types of industry in the UK

The network below shows the most important types of industry in the UK -

How much do you know about Great Britain’s imports and exports. Examine the network and share this information with your groupmates.

  The network below shows the most important types of industry in the UK -

II. 1. Comment on the following problems and quotations:

1. The British monarch reigns but does not rule.

2. “People who want to understand democracy should spend less time in the library with Aristotle and more time on the buses and in the subway.” Simeon Strunsky

3. “It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them. The walls of London may be battered, but the spirit of the Londoner stands resolute and undismayed”. George VI (1895-1952)

Speak about

… the differences between the House of Commons and the House of Lords of the British parliament. Describe their activities and say what role they play in passing the laws which regulate the life of the country.

Make a poster for a tourist information centre in London.

III. Writing Section

Imagine you visited a place in Great Britain (e.g. the Tower of London, the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, etc.) you really liked. Describe it using the paragraph plan below.



1) where the place is and why you went there


2) further details about the place

3) what you saw and what you did there


4) how you feel about the place and whether you recommend it or not.

An international travel magazine has asked its readers to describe a famous city. Write your description.

Your teacher has asked you to describe a visit to a place you will always remember. Write your composition.

A travel magazine is running a competition for the best description of a festival in Great Britain. Write a description for the competition.

Make up a quiz to test the students’ knowledge of Great Britain

IV. Project

You have just returned from the Students Scientific Conference in London. Plan a sightseeing trip around London for one day for those students who are going to take part in the conference next year. Plan to visit no more than four places and have a picnic lunch in a park.



Nouns and Noun Phrases
ancestor /'xnsestq/ предок
antiquity /xn'tIkwqti/ древность
aurochs /'O:rPks/ зубр
ballot /'bxlqt/ голосование
bondage /'bOndIdZ/ рабство, зависимость
chamber /'CeImbq/ палата
court /kO:t/ суд
elevation /"elI'veISn/ возвышенность
grove /grqVv/ роща
lowland /'lqVlqnd/ низменность
prosecutor /'prPsIkju:tq/ прокурор
reservation /"rIzq'veISn/ заповедник
suffrage /'sAfrIG/ голос, голосование
supervision /"su:pq'vIZn/ надзор, наблюдение
swamp /"swPmp/ болото
Verbs and Verbal Phrases
approve / 'qpru:v/ одобрять, утверждать
attain /q'teIn/ получить, приобрести
be situated (in) /'sICueItId/ располагаться
border (on) /'bO:dq/ граничить
head /hed/ возглавлять
rout /raVt/ обратить в бегство, разбить
span /spxn/ простираться
stick (stuck) /stIk/ прикрепляться, закрепляться
swallow /'swPlqV/ поглощать, подавлять
total /'tqVtl/ насчитывать
executive /Ig'zekjqtIv/ исполнительный
immense /I'mens/ огромный
judicial /Gu'dISl/ юридический
legislative /'leGIslqtIv/ законодательный
marshy /'ma:SI/ болотистый
primordial /preI'mO:dIql/ исконный, первобытный
representative /"reprI'zentqtIv/ представитель(-ный)
supreme /su:pri:m/ высший, верховный

Practise saying the following words:

Dregovichi /'dregOvICI/ Дреговичи
Krivichi /'krIvICI/ Кривичи
Radimichi /'rq'dImICI/ Радимичи
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania /'grxn 'dACI qv lITju: 'eIniq/ Великое Княжество Литовское

I. Oral Practice Section

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