Working Day and Responsibilities

ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК: (Английский язык)

Учебно-методическое пособие

для студентов экономических специальностей и направлений ИПЭУ


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Н.Ю.Басуева. ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский язык):

Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов экономических специальностей и направлений ИПЭУ. Тюмень: Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2012. 76 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие включает лексический минимум, а также специально разработанные лексические, грамматические, коммуникативные задания по темам «Профессии и профессиональные качества», «Рабочий день и обязанности», «В офисе», Образование в России и за рубежом». Пособие включает подборку оригинальных текстов, которые расширяют кругозор студентов и позволяют познакомиться с зарубежным опытом и реалиями в рамках изучаемых тем. Цель пособия – способствовать приобретению студентами иноязычной профессионально-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции.

Рабочая учебная программа дисциплины опубликована на сайте ТюмГУ: Иностранный язык (английский язык) [электронный ресурс]/ Режим доступа:, свободный.

Рекомендовано к изданию кафедрой иностранных языков и межкультурной профессиональной коммуникации ИПЭУ. Утверждено проректором по учебной работе Тюменского государственного университета.

ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: И.Л. Плужник, доктор педагогических

наук, профессор

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ: Т.В.Хвесько, доктор филологических наук, профессор

Ю.А.Шумилова,кандидат экономических наук,


© Тюменский государственный университет, 2012.

© Н.Ю. Басуева, 2012.


1. Jobs and Professional Qualities……………………………………………. 4

2. Working Day and Responsibilities………………………………………….11

3. In the office……………………………………………………………………16

4. Education in Russia and Abroad…………………………………………...18

5. Texts for Class and Home Reading………………………………………..29

Jobs and Professional Qualities.

Jobs and Posts.

Vocabulary list.

Check what you know.

manager менеджер
bank manager менеджер банка
finance manager финансовый менеджер
sales manager менеджер по продажам
marketing manager менеджер по маркетингу
personnel manager менеджер по персоналу
customer service manager менеджер по обслуживанию клиентов
PR (public relations) manager менеджер по связям с общественностью
advertising manager менеджер по рекламе
office manager офис-менеджер
accountant бухгалтер
assistant помощник
banker банкир
clerk служащий
consultant консультант
economist экономист
electrician электрик
firefighter пожарный
lawyer юрист
MD (Managing Director) генеральный директор
mechanic механик
police officer полицейский
receptionist администратор
secretary секретарь
security guard охранник
shop-assistant продавец (в магазине)
stock broker биржевой брокер
travel agent агент по туризму
university lecturer преподаватель университета

How to ask and answer about one’s job:

- What do you do? Чем Вы занимаетесь?
- What’s your job? Какая у Вас работа?
- I’m an economist. I work in a bank (with ‘in’ say about place or general area, industry). Я экономист. Я работаю в банке.
- I work for Gazprom (with ‘for’ use the name of a company). Я работаю в «Газпроме».

Exercise 1

Match the jobs and the definitions.

lawyer shop-assistant electrician receptionist

manager university lecturer stock broker mechanic

Someone whose job is to organize and control the work
someone who repairs (ремонтирует) cars
someone who teaches university students
someone who buys and sells stocks (акции)
someone whose job is to provide (предоставлять) people with legal services
someone whose job is to serve (обслуживать) people in a shop
someone whose job is to welcome and help visitors in a hotel or office
someone who fits and repairs electrical things

Exercise 2

You are planning to open a small shop. Your assistant has made a list of vacancies. Do you agree with the list? Do you really need all the people?

List of vacancies:

Director, 2-3 Shop-Assistants, Sales Manager, Customer Service Manager, Accountant, Personnel Manager, Cleaner, Security Guard.

Exercise 3

Think about at least one job that is impossible for the following people.


People who understand nothing about cars.

The job of a mechanic is impossible for such people.

- people who are afraid of dogs;

- people who didn’t go to the university;

- people who are terrible at numbers and figures;

- people who will not work in the evening or at weekends.

Exercise 4

Look at the vocabulary list and say what professionals you will need in the followingsituations:

- you are planning to open a travel agency;

- you are recruiting the staff for a bank;

- you are the Personnel Manager and are recruiting all the necessary staff for a factory.


Vocabulary list.

Check what you know.

hard-working трудолюбивый
lazy ленивый
punctual пунктуальный
late опаздывающий
reliable надежный
unreliable ненадежный
clever умный
flexible гибкий
inflexible негибкий
ambitious амбициозный
unambitious не амбициозный
sensible разумный
stupid глупый
friendly дружелюбный
unfriendly недружелюбный
kind добрый
nice милый
pleasant приятный
optimistic оптимистичный
cheerful жизнерадостный
pessimistic пессимистичный
generous щедрый
mean скупой
sensitive чувствительный
insensitive нечувствительный, равнодушный
honest честный
dishonest нечестный
self-confident уверенный
helpful готовый помочь, отзывчивый
shy застенчивый
use one’s initiative инициативный
easy-going легкий, общительный
emotional эмоциональный
responsible ответственный

Exercise 5

Delete the qualities of character which, in your opinion, the people below should not have:

Personal assistant (hard-working, punctual, flexible, reliable, clever, talkative, friendly).

Bank manager (honest, clever, ambitious, cheerful, generous, emotional, sensible).

Stock broker (hard-working, flexible, reliable, clever, emotional).

Write your own (1-2) similar tasks.

Exercise 6

Complete the sentences:

Your receptionist is very helpful and (дружелюбная).

The accountant is (честный и пунктуальный).

The stock broker is (умный, амбициозный и трудолюбивый).

This manager is (надежный и инициативный).

This girl is too (застенчивая) to work as Sales Manager.

Work in pairs and make up 3 similar sentences for your group mate.

Exercise 7

Which qualities do you find positive? Negative?Write twocolumns of 7-8 qualities.

Exercise 8

Try to guess about your group mate’s character, write 5-6 leading qualities. Let him (her) write his (her) own list. Compare your lists. Now change the roles.

Exercise 9

Write 2-3 descriptions or situations for a quality of character; let your group mates to guess the quality.


He often promises to do things and forgets about it (unreliable).

He can work with different people, both in a team and on his own (flexible).

Exercise 10

Make up a list of 3-4 qualities necessary for the following professions:

- an accountant

- a manager in a bank

- a receptionist

- a stock broker

- a lawyer

- a PR manager.

Exercise 11

Add prefixes to form the opposites of the following words:

- pleasant

- honest

- kind

- friendly

- reliable

- flexible

- sensitive

- ambitious.

Exercise 12

Discuss the following with your group mate; present briefly your common conclusion:

1 What, in your opinion, is the worst quality (from the Vocabulary list)?

2 What qualities, in your opinion, should most people in a society have?

3 Which qualities, in your opinion, are born and which can be developed?

4 Have you ever heard about cross-cultural differences in management? How different, in your opinion, are qualities of American, German, Japanese, Chinese and other managers?

Exercise 13

Write a short essay on the topic:

Are there any qualities you do not have but would like to have? Why do you want to have them? How are you going to develop the qualities if that is possible?

Working Day and Responsibilities.

Working Day.

Vocabulary list.

Check what you know.

regular (normal) working hours обычный график работы
to work from 9 to 5 работать с 9 до 5
to have flexi-time иметь гибкий график
to do shift work работать по сменам
to work overtime работать сверхурочно
salary (wages) зарплата
to receive holiday pay получать «отпускные»
to receive sick pay получать оплату по «больничному листу»


Vocabulary list.

Check what you know.

What does your (his, her, their) job involve? Что включает ваша работа?
What do you do in your job? Что вы делаете на работе?
I am responsible for…….. я отвечаю за…
a department отдел
some people людей
sales продажи
accounts счета
customer service обслуживание клиентов
insurance страхование
security безопасность
finance финансы
personnel персонал
delivery доставка
complaints жалобы
My job involves meeting a lot of people. Моя работа включает встречи со многими людьми
I am in charge of ……… Я во главе (возглавляю, отвечаю за…)
I have to deal with………. Мне приходится заниматься (чем-либо)….
I run a restaurant (a shop, a company etc.) Я управляю рестораном…..
I have to go /attend a lot of meetings. Мне приходится посещать…
I visit clients. Я посещаю клиентов
I advise clients. Я даю советы клиентам
I do paperwork (write letters, fill in forms). выполняю бумажную работу (пишу письма, заполняю бланки)
I maintain computers. Я обслуживаю компьютеры
I work at a computer. Работаю за компьютером
Input information into a computer ввожу информацию в компьютер
answer phone calls отвечаю на телефонные звонки
make phone calls делаю телефонные звонки
arrange meetings организовываю встречи
welcome clients встречаю клиентов
send invoices посылаю счета
write reports пишу отчеты

Exercise 14

Correct the sentences where they are false.

Regular (normal) working hours in Russia are from 11a.m. to 17p.m.

Most people work 10 hours a day in Russia.

In Russia women start their work at 8 a.m., while men start their work at 8.30 a.m.

Any employee at any work can work flexi-time.

It’s your choice whether to have normal working hours or to do shift work in your job.

If you work overtime you must receive extra pay.

According to the Russian legislation, employees who get sick receive sick pay.

Most people receive their salaries in cash.

Exercise 15

Work in pairs with your group mate: tell each other about your parent’s (sister’s, friend’s etc.) working hours; use the following vocabulary:

· regular (normal) working hours

· to work ….. hours a day

· start one’s work at ….. a.m.

· work flexi-time

· to do shift work

· work overtime


My mother works regular working hours.

She works 8 hours a day.

She starts her work at 9 a.m. and finishes at 6 p.m. (1 hour for lunch).

She doesn’t work flexi-time.

She never does shift work.

Sometimes she works overtime.

Make notes and be ready to present the information you hear to the class.

Exercise 16

Do you know what responsibilities the following jobs involve? Work in pairs and complete the sentences, using Vocabulary list:


The job of a secretary involves the following: she welcomes clients, makes and answers phone calls. Besides, she does a lot of paperwork.

The job of a manager involves the following:…

The job of an accountant involves the following:….

The job of a lawyer involves the following:….

Exercise 17

Think about your future work. What would you like to be responsible for?

What duties would you like to have in your future work?

Make up the list of them.

Write about the duties you would not like to have.

Make notes and be ready to present the information to the class.

Exercise 18

Work in pairs with your group mate: find out about his/her future responsibilities and duties at work.

For homework:

Exercise 19

Go to the website WORKSMART (or any other site) which giveslegal advice to emloyees who have problems related to working hours in GB.

Find the answers to the following questions:

· My employer does not keep records of my working hours. Is this permitted? more...

· The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) inspector is coming to investigate our compliance with the Working Time Regulations. What should I do if he or she calls me in? more...

· What are my working hours rights in a nutshell? more...

· Which groups of workers are not covered by working time rules, or treated as a special case? more...

· What counts as working time? more...

· What unpaid overtime counts as working time? more...

· How is my average working week calculated? more...

· Can the period over which my average hours are calculated be varied? more...

· Can I opt out of the 48-hour limit? more...

· Can I opt back into the 48-hour limit? more...

· Can I be made to sign an opt-out? more...

· How do I reverse a working time opt-out? more...

· What does my employer mean when they say my working time is 'unmeasured'? more...

In the office.

Vocabulary list.

Check what you know.

office equipment оборудование для офиса
stationery канцелярские товары
paper clips скрепки
punch дырокол
stapler степлер
staples скобы для степлера
felt tip pen фломастер
correction pen «штрих», замазка
calculator калькулятор
pencil sharpener точилка
ruler линейка
file папка
filing cabinet шкаф для папок
drawers выдвижные полки (в столе)
tray лоток
wastepaper bin (basket) корзина для мусора
rubber (eraser) ластик
note pad блокнот
scissors ножницы
hardware «машины» в офисе
photocopier копировальный аппарат
fax machine факс
printer принтер
computer компьютер
monitor монитор
screen экран
keyboard клавиатура
mouse «мышь»
hard disc жесткий диск
software программное обеспечение
open a document открыть документ
save the data in the document сохранить данные в документе
cut вырезать
copy копировать
paste вставить
print распечатать

Exercise 20

Describe an office employee’s working place (the desk). What does he (she) usually need for office work?

Exercise 21

You work in an office. Think what stationery should your secretary order every month, every half a year, every year? Make the lists of them.

Exercise 22

You are opening a new office for 10 employees. Together with your group mate (your assistant) write down an order for all the stationery you may need for a month.

Exercise 23

You are creating a Word document. What are the common operations?

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