Задание 1.9. Употребите глагол to be в правильной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. Paper … very expensive today.

2. How many pieces of furniture … there?

3. His watch … ten minutes slow.

4. No news … good news.

5. These trousers … too small.

6. There … mice in my country house.

7. Where on earth … the scissors?

8. My friend says that physics … a very interesting subject.

9. Where … my spectacles?

10. A very strange phenomenon … observed by astronomers yesterday.

11. Statistics … the study of figures.

12. Clothes … part of the image.

13. My knowledge of English … very limited.

14. English money … not accepted here.

15. Say how many members … there in your family? – There … five persons.

Задание 1.10. Употребите правильную форму глагола to be или to have. Переведите пословицы на русский язык.

1. Nothing … impossible to a willing heart.

2. A friend in need … a friend indeed.

3. There … no smoke without fire.

4. Every land … laugh, and every corn … its chaff.

5. Still waters … deep bottom.

6. The lion … not so fierce as he is painted.

7. Every dog … its day.

8. There … no place like home.

9. If there … a will, there … a way

10. It … Greek to me.

11. It … too good to be true.

12. A cat … nine lives.

13. Time … money.

14. Every cloud … a silver lining.

15. East or West, home … best.

16. Life … not a bed of roses.

17. All … not saints that go to church.

18. The game … worth candle.

19. Every day … not Sunday.

20. Everyone … its own path.

Задание 1.11. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Английский язык – международный язык.

2.Они сейчас в Москве.

3.Русский язык – мой родной язык.

4.Январь – первый месяц года.

5.Твой брат студент? – Да.

6.Они ведь сейчас не в Лондоне, не так ли?

7.Новый год – мой любимый праздник.

8.Вашингтон – столица США.

9.Май и июнь – прекрасные месяцы в Москве.

10.История – интересный предмет.

11.Сигареты вредны для нашего здоровья.

12.Он сейчас в Лондоне или в Париже?

13.Кто твой друг? – Он студент.

14.Кто был в Англии?

15.У нас отпуск будет в июне.

16.У них есть компьютеры на столах.

17.В нашем офисе есть холодильник.

18.Чем он увлекается?

19.Вы женаты/замужем?


Задание 2.1. Переведите предложения с конструкцией there is/are на русский язык.

1. There is a good programme on TV tonight. 2. There aren’t any theatres in my town. 3. There is a cat in the window. 4. There are a few changes in the text. 5. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard. 6. There were a lot of people at the stadium. 7. There isn’t anything on the plate. 8. There wasn’t anybody in the room. 9. There are difficult exercises in this book. 10. There is something on the shelf. 11. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow. 12. There are several empty seats int the room. 13. There weren’t any pears on the plate. 14. There will be a meeting at our college on Friday. 15. Will there be any interesting numbers at the concert? 16. How many students were there at the meeting?

Задание 2.2. Употребите конструкцию there is/are в необходимой временной форме.

1. Look! … their telephone number in the letter. 2. Chichester is very old town. … many old buildings there. 3. Excuse me, … a restaurant near here? 4. How many students … in your group? 5. I was hungry but …not anything to eat. 6. … a football match on TV last night. 7. … many people at the meeting? 8. Look! … an accident. Call the ambulance! 9. … 24 hours in a day. 10. This box is empty. … nothing in it. 11. … somebody at the airport to meet you when you arrive tomorrow. 12. When we arrived at the cinema … a long queue outside.

Задание 2.3. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени.

1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are 5 thea­tres in our city. 3. There is no lift in our house. 4.There are many new books in our library. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are 3 rooms in our flat. 7. There is a map on the wall.8. Is there a book on the shelf? — Yes, there is. 9. Are there any flowers in the vase? — Yes, there are. 10. There are no magazines under the table. 11. There are many words in this sentence. 12. There are some forks among spoons and knives. 13. Are there any cups in the cupboard? — Yes, there are. 14. There is a lamp above the table. 15. There is an armchair in front of the TV-set. 16. There is a fridge between the stove and the sink. 17. There are some chairs near the win­dow.

Задание 2.4. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there is/are.

1.На подоконнике — много цветов. 2. Посередине ком­наты стоит стол. 3. Около кресла — пылесос. 4. Над ракови­ной — два крана. 5. В комнате — две двери. 6. Вокруг сто­ла — много стульев. 7. На окнах — шторы. 8. В тексте — не­сколько ошибок. 9. Около компьютера — много дисков. 10. В бутылке было мало молока. 11. На остановке было много народу. 12. На столе лежали письма. 13. В группе было несколько зарубежных студентов. 14. Завтра в университете будет собрание. 15. На этой улице будет построен новый театр.

Задание 2.5. Переведите текст на русский язык и опишите свою комнату.

My room is large. There is a computer in the room. The computer is near the window. There are some magazines on the computer. There is a table in the room. There are some newspapers on the table. There are some armchairs in the room. The armchairs are near the table. There is a TV set in the room. The TV set is near the door. There are some pictures in my room. The pictures are on the walls. My girl friend presented them for my birthday. She is a student of a design department. She paints rather well. I am sure she is very talented. There are many precious things in my room. Mostly they are presents from my parents and friends.


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