Практическая работа № 35

Final resume

Read the interview with Sally Roberts from Scotland. Retell it and make your own one.

Sally Roberts is head technician at a service and repair garage in Scotland.

What does your job involve?

I deal with the service and repair of vehicles that come into the garage. When a customer brings a car in, I talk to them about the problem and then run some diagnostic tests to confirm the fault and decide whether it can be repaired or needs a replacement part. I then price up the job for the customer.

Do you have a typical day?

The hours are quite regular. I work from 8.00am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday and from 8.00am to 12.00pm on Saturdays. However, I never know what model of car I'll be working on or what problem it might have. I also liaise with our suppliers on a daily basis to ensure we have all the parts we need for the jobs coming in.

Do you spend all your time in the workshop?

Yes – I can frequently be found in one of the engine pits working on an engine in my overalls and covered in oil!

Do you use a lot of tools?

I use all types of hand tools, including burning or heat guns which heat things by using a mixture of oxygen and acetylene. These help to release bolts. I also use air tools such as ratchets and guns, a hydraulic press and a diagnostic machine which I plug into a car's computer to locate faults.

How did you become a car mechanic?

I was training for a career with horses but changed my mind when I passed my driving test and became interested in modifying cars! My dad is the owner of a garage and you could say that I've followed in his footsteps.

What training have you undertaken?

I studied for my BTEC National Certificate in Engineering (Motor Vehicle Studies) college on block release. At the same time, I started my Modern Apprenticeship training through ReMIT (the training arm of the Retail Motor Industry Federation), which led to SVQ Level 3 in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair.

What do you like best about your job?

I enjoy the satisfaction of fixing a car on the first attempt.

Are there any disadvantages?

I don't enjoy having to work in freezing cold temperatures in the winter. Another downside is the constant need to scrub oil from my skin, although I use latex gloves to protect my hands.

Do you have to be very strong to be a car mechanic?

You do need physical strength but it is not the only skill required. You have to be technically minded, good with your hands and good with people, whether you are dealing with them face to face or on the telephone. I also think it's important to be able to think on your feet, be efficient and very patient.

What do you plan to do in the future?

I definitely want to stay in the motor trade and move on to work with performance cars. I would also like to do some teaching at a later stage.

Практическая работа № 36

Additional vocabulary

1. Learn new words and call the parts on the pictures bellow :

air conditioner — кондиционер air-bag— подушка безопасности arm rest— подлокотник back seat— заднее сиденье boot— багажник brake— тормоз brake lights— стоп-сигналы breakdown van— эвакуатор buckle— пристегнуться buckle up— пристегнуться— бампер caravan — жилой фургон, трейлер clutch — сцепление cowl — капот diesel— дизельное топливо door handle — дверная ручка driver's license — водительские права driver's seat — сиденье водителя engine — двигатель fender bender — легкое столкновение автомобилей filling station — топливозаправочная станция first gear — первая скорость fix — починить flat tyre — спущенное колесо freeway — магистраль, шоссе, автострада fuel — топливо garage — гараж gas — газ gas gauge — указатель уровня топлива gas pedal— педаль газа gas station— автозаправочная станция gas tank door— люк бензобака gasoline — бензин gear lever— рычаг переключения передач gear shift— рычаг переключения передач, коробка передач gear stick — рычаг переключения передач glove compartment — бардачок handbrake— ручной тормоз head light— передние фары high beam— дальний свет horn — звуковой сигнал - клаксон ignition key— ключ зажигания ignition switch — замок зажигания indicator — указатель поворота - поворотник indicator switch — рычаг включения указателей jack — домкрат jump start— завести с "толкача", "прикурить" от другой машины lens— стекло фары license plate — номерной знак license plate number — номерной знак lock — замок, фиксатор, блокировка low beam — ближний свет moonroof — люк motor — мотор motorway — автомагистраль neutral— нейтральная скорость number plate — номерной знак oil — масло outside mirror — боковые зеркала заднего вида parking — стоянка parking light — габариты parking ticket — штраф за стоянку вне положенном месте. passenger seat— пассажирское сиденье petrol — бензин petrol cap — люк бензобака petrol gauge — указатель уровня топлива petrol station — автозаправочная станция power locks— замки с электроприводом pump — насос rear light — задний габаритный фонарь rear seat — заднее сиденье rear window— заднее стекло rear-view mirror— зеркало заднего вида reverse — задний ход reversing lights — фонари заднего хода rim — колесный диск roundabout — перекресток с круговым движением safety belt — ремень безопасности safety seat— детское сиденье screwdriver — отвертка seat— сиденье seat belt — ремень безопасности shift — включать передачу

Практическая работа № 35 - student2.ru



1.Агабекян, И.П. Английский для технических ВУЗов: учеб. пособие / И.П.Агабекян, П.И.Коваленко.- Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2008.-349с.


1. Голубев, А.П. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студ. проф. учеб. заведений /А.П. Голубев, Н.В. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова. – М.: Академия, 2010. – 336 с.

2. Карпова, Т.А. English for Colleges. Английский для колледжей: учеб. пособие. – 6-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Дашков и К, 2008. – 320 с.

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