Task 1. Answerthequestions

1) Where is English spoken?

2) Is English very popular now?

3) Where do the native speakers of English live?

4) Is English the most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations?

5) What is English used for?

6) Half of the world's scientific literature is in English, isn`t it?

7) What is English associated with?

8) Is English the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport?

9) Why is absolutely necessary to know English today?

10) Is English the most efficient means of information exchange between people?

Task 2.Give Russian equivalents:

language, mother tongue, native speakers of English, official languages, politics, science, trade, cultural relations, communication, broadcasts, commerce, travel, quarter, scientific literature,development, computer technology, medium , diplomacy, foreign language, outlook, efficient, means of information exchange.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with words from task 2.

Task 4. False or true?Correct, if it is necessary.

1. It is not necessary to learn foreign languages.

2. There are a lot of native speakers of English in the world.

3. English is associated only with reading.

4. It is easy to learn English.

5. 50 % of information storedin the world’s computers is in English.

6. English helps to find a common language between people.

Task 5.Use the expressions:It’s beyond all doubt that ... There is no doubt that... I believe that ... I am sure that ... .It is certain that ... Complete the sentences with given words.: total number, all over the world, mother tongue, native speaker, science, trade, relation, broadcast, travel, quarter, to transmit, to exceed, deal, to be conducted, to be associated, development, aid, medium, to store, major, necessary, foreign language, outlook, common, need, efficient, exchange.

1. English is the language of communication because ….

2. English is the language of information exchange because …

3. English is the language of technological progress because …

4. English is the language of reading because …

5. English is the language of culturalrelations because …

6. English is the language of travelling because …

7. English is the language of commerce because ….

8. English is the language of science because …

9. English is the language of politics because …

10. English is the language of sport because …

Task 6.Ask your friend about role of English in modern life. Use Task 1.

Task 8.Read the text and do the tasks follow.

Britain ruled over many countries in different parts of the world at the beginning of the century (3). Those countries were called colonies. In some of them people still (1) speak English as а second language. The British Empire existed until 1949 when Britain and the former colonics agreed to found the Commonwealth. The Queen of Great Britain became the Head of Commonwealth as well. She is also the queen of such countries as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Some people in this countries don't like the (2) idea of being ruled by someone who doesn't even live in their country. But others don't mind. They (4) say that the Queen does not haveany real power anywhere outside (5) Great Britain so she can't change anything really.

Choose the best title for the text

а) The Commonwealth

b) Modern politics

с) The Queen of England

d) The elections

2. "century" (point 3) stands for

а) the eighteenth century

b) the nineteenth century

с) the twentieth century

d) the twenty-first century

According to the text the Queen

а) hasа lot of colonies

b) is the head of the Commonwealth

с) rules in all English-speaking countries

d) speaks English as а second language

According to the text the Commonwealth

а) consists of colonies only

b) no longer exists

с) was formed in the middle of the century

d) helps the Queen to rule the world

5. "still" (point 1) means

а) quiet

b) calm

c) now

d) up to now

6. "idea" (point 2) means

a) thought

b) plot

с) plan

d) story

7. "they" (point 4) stands for

а) former colonics

b) countries of the Commonwealth

с) people who don't mind the Queen

d) people who are against the Queen

8. "outside" (point 5) is

a) an adverb

b) а preposition

с) аnoun

d) аverb

Britain and Europe

Britain’s most important relationship today is with the European Union (EU). But in 1957, when the Common Market (the original name for the EU) was first set up, Britain was not keen to join.

After the Second World War, Britain still believed it was a world power. In fact, Britain had no money. After 1956, Britain knew it could not rely on America. In 1963, Britain realized it had to join the Common Market, but its application was not accepted. It was only in 1973 that Britain was allowed to become a member.

Now half of Britain’s trade is with the EU. Even so, not all British people are sure that Europe is a good thing for Britain. About half of Britain people believe that Britain needs Europe because it offers British companies a market of over 350 million people to buy its products. Britain also needs Europe so that it can buy food, clothes and fuel which it does not produce. Other people think that Britain has always been separate from Europe, that it is an Island and should try to keep its differences.

Britain because it is an island, has always been forced to have good trading relationswith other countries. During the 19thcentury Britain traded all over the world and had a large colonial Empire. Britain’s international links with the Commonwealth have many different styles of government. Some of the countries, such as Canada, are monarchies and recognize the Queen as their Head of State; others, such as India, are republics, and choose their own Heads of State; some countries, such as Falkland Islands, are British colonies and rely on Britain for defense. All of the countries recognize the Queen as the head of the Commonwealth.

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