Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя сочетания to be с прилагательным или причастием

1) Не говорите глупостей. 2) Вы говорите серьезно? 3) Все это (ее) очень озадачивало. 4) Фрэнк говорил очень уклончиво об этом деле (evasive). 5) У него был такой вид, как будто он прекрасно понял ее грубую выходку (rudeness), и это (ее) раздражало. 6) Но она надеялась, что встретит его когда-нибудь. 7) Его дочь настаивала на том, чтобы мы не сообщали об этом отцу. 8) Она абсолютно не верила этому. 9) Если он сдержанно говорил о своих намерениях, так это, возможно, потому, что и сам их хорошенько не знал. 10) Он говорил с ней очень резко. 11) Не понимайте все так буквально. 12) Он очень волновался за свое здоровье, и его врач посещал его два раза в неделю. 13) Я не совсем понял (clear) конец этой истории. 14) Коллеги относились к нему дружески и с сочувствием. 15) Мне казалось (I thought), я объяснила все абсолютно ясно (clear). 16) Поди собери вещи. Но поторопись! У нас осталось мало времени. 17) Почему вы так хорошо ко мне (nice) относитесь? 18) Она купила бутерброд с сосиской (a hot dog) и стакан кофе, и вид этих двух предметов подействовал на нее ободряюще (reassuring). 19) «У вас истерика», — холодно сказала Гвен. 20) Не могли бы вы говорить конкретнее? 21) Вагоны с углем продвигались слишком медленно. 22) Она настаивала на том (firm), чтобы они сделали это немедленно. 23) Не будет ли вам удобнее, если я включу свет? 24) Что, ужин не готов? Мы просто умираем от голода.

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод сочетаний «to be + существительное».

1) John is a strong believer in fresh air. 2) My folks are great readers of newspapers. 3) We're neither of us great letter-writers. 4) Dr Saunders was an early riser. 5) The skipper was a bad loser. His face was set and hard. His shifty eyes glanced at each card he turned up with a sneering look.
6) The children enjoy the warm weather. I saw seven or eight of them in the river after school. Most of them were good swimmers. 7) He was a good talker if only you could keep him off the subject of dukes and duchesses. 8) I am a poor and dilatory correspondent, and Isabel was no letter-writer. 9) But I am a wine drinker... you don't know how I long for wine. 10) You are a nice kisser. 11) Mr Harrington was an after-dinner speaker and had read all the best books on speaking in public. 12) I take it he had been a hard liver and a heavy drinker. 13) But the twenty dollars a week had been a life-saver. 14) Good seeing you again, Ross. Don't be a stranger. 15) She's going to be a heart-breaker. 16) Huple was a light sleeper, but claimed he never heard Hungry Joe scream. 17) My son could not afford to marry a penniless girl, but he's not a fortune-hunter and he loves your daughter. 18) He had all the accepted characteristics of the politician — back-slapper, baby-kisser and shoulder-hugger. 19) Over the years he has become not merely a handshaker. He is also an accomplished back-slapper, elbow-squeezer and shoulder-thumper. 20) In a very short while she knew all her fellow-passengers. She was a good mixer.

Упражнение 6.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение глагола to be с различными постпозитивами.

1) "Is Alec around?" I asked. 2) I'll be back in a couple of hours. 3) His mother was still up of course, waiting for him. 4) It is up to the President to undo the 14 years of a disastrous policy. 5) I've only been out two days.
6) She found that someone was up before her. 7) "Where's Mrs Linsell?" asked Mrs Hamlyn. "Oh, I don't know. She's about somewhere." 8) His bag would be pretty heavy sometimes by the time he was through. 9) You're up early too. 10) I'll go and see if she's in. 11) There were people who cared for him and people who didn't, and those who didn't hated him and were out to get him. 12) "The same person," General Peckem replied with a definite trace of alarm. "Now he's after me." 13) Chief White Halfoot was out to revenge himself upon the white man. 14) What are you up to, Collin? 15) The remedy you suggest is evidently worth trying, and it is up to you to apply it.

Упражнение 7.Переведите следующий рассказ. Обратите внимание на употребление постпозитивов.

What a Language!

"What a language English is!" a Frenchman exclaimed in despair. "I once called on an English friend and the maid who came to the door said, 'He's not up yet. Come back in half an hour."

"When I came again, she was setting the table for breakfast and said, “He's not down yet.”

"I asked: “If he's not up and he's not down, where is he?" "She said, “He's still in bed. When I say “He's not up”, I mean he has not yet got up; when I say, “He's not down”, I mean he has not yet come downstairs!”

Упражнение 8. А. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глагола to have.

1) I have no pencil. 2) You have no other way out. 3) His face had that small subtle smile that was characteristic of him. 4) There were two saucers only. And all the rest to match: seven large brown teapots, of which five had broken spouts. 5) I won't have you all starve, simply because I've thrown myself at your head. 6) He came to her swiftly, and in a moment had her in his arms. 7) Oh, to have this happen when he was right at the point of a declaration. 8) Jack whipped his coat off and went to the shed for wood and coal, and soon had a lavish fire in the open hearth. 9) Have some more cake! 10) I won't have you do this sort of thing. 11) I cannot have my clients disturbed in the middle of the night. 12) They had a gin and a tonic, Ashe doing most of the talking. 13) I'd be more likely to remember that I'm working for doctor Page if I had my month's salary. 14) "Her name," the woman went on, "is Anita. I was sick when I had her," she explained as if to excuse her child's delicacy. 15) Many households have two, or even three, newspapers every day. 16) Women's clothes today have plenty of colour. 17) Isabel, when she awoke, sometimes told Antoinette to take her coffee into her mother's room so that she could talk to her while she had it. 18) "I've had a letter from Sarah," he said. 19) I wrote her as though I were still that boy, told her of the gun I'd got for Christmas, how the dog had had pups and what we'd named them. 20) He had me around the waist. 21) I can work, can't I? I can get a job at Payne and Perkins. They'll be glad to have me. 22) "What will you have?" "Oh, I don't want anything. I had a cocktail and a tremendous lunch." 23) "Where is he — your son?" "Up in his father's studio, I think." "Perhaps you'd have him down." 24) I had your father here yesterday afternoon, who made further valuable suggestions. 25) Soames knows the house well — he'll tell you it's too dear — his opinion's worth having.

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