Причастный оборот в функции обстоятельства

Обстоятельственные причастные обороты характеризуют сказуемое и отвечают на вопросы: когда?, как?, по какой причине?, при каком условии? и т. п. В функции обстоятельства употребляются все формы причастий.

Причастие I переводится деепричастием несовершенного вида или обстоятельственным придаточным предложением, время действия которого определяется по времени действия сказуемого:

Demonstrating his finds the archaeologist usually gives a detailed description of the excavation site.

Демонстрируя (когда демонстрирует, при демонстрации) свои находки, археолог всегда дает подробное описание места раскопок.

Demonstrating his new finds the archaeologist gave a detailed description of the excavation site.

Демонстрируя (когда демонстрировал) свои новые находки, археолог дал подробное описание места раскопок.

Being demonstrated at the Institute the new finds produced an impression.

Когда их демонстрировали (будучи показаны, при демонстрации) в институте, новые находки произвели впечатление.

Примечание 1. Причастие I от некоторых глаголов движения и чувственного восприятия имеет значение предшествующего действия и переводится деепричастием совершенного вида:

Arrivingat the gallery he paid his shilling and entered.

Приехавна выставку, он заплатил шиллинг и вошел.

Причастие II в функции обстоятельства переводится соответствующим придаточным предложением:

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The drama, consideredas literature, for almost a century, was dead in England.

Драма, если ее рассматривать как род литературы, почти в течение столетия не существовала в Англии.

П р и м е ч а н и е 2. Причастие II от глаголов to give и to grant — given и granted — переводится: «если дано», «если имеется», «при», «в том случае если имеется»:

Given certain conditions, such work can be done by anybody.

Если имеются определенные условия, каждый может выполнить такую работу.

Сочетания given that, granted that переводятся: «в том случае если».

Примечание 3. Причастие I following в функции обстоятельства в некоторых случаях переводится: «вслед за», «следом за».

Причастие II followed в этой же функции можно переводить «в сопровождении»:

I rushed to the bushes following Peter. Я бросился в кусты вслед за Питером. She entered the hall followed by her pet-dog. Она вошла в холл в сопровождении собачки.


Переведите предложения, определив форму причастия и тип обстоятельства.

1. Не painted in black and white not being fond of colours.

2. Many of these questions are fundamental to the problem of the collapse of ancient civilization, yet, having raised them, the author left them unanswered.

3. Most people, asked if they can think without speech, would probably answer, «Yes, but it is not easy for us to do so».

4. Blows fell thick and fast until one group, having lost some of its warriors, fled from the field.

5. Deprived of their leaders, the English became disorganized.

6. This letter, having been addressed to the wrong house, never reached my friend.

7. William's 8 ship was in the van, 9 and, being less heavily laden than the transports, outdistanced them du-

8 William — Вильгельм Оранский (Завоеватель), вторгшийся на о. Британию в 1066 г.

9 to be in the van — быть впереди, в авангарде (ср. a vanguard).

ring the night and appeared alone at dawn off the English coast.

8. Again he asked if the enemy were defeated; and being told that they were, observed: «It is a great satisfaction to me to know that we have beaten the French».

9. Given certain conditions, such work could be done by everybody.

10. His prose essays were written at various times, being as a rule prefixed to his poems and dramas.

11. Being brought to his lodging, the surgeons examined his wound but there was no hope; that very evening he died.

12. Granted different historical conditions, it is quite possible that the official language of Italy today might be a polished Sicilian, or Umbriari, or Bolognese, instead of a polished Tuscan.

13. Taken in this ordinary literary sense this phrase refers only to time, but colloquially it is often used to mean «at any circumstances».

14. These poets developed their particular style so far that they drove from poetry all signs of natural feeling. Thus, following nature without art came art without nature, and following that, a fairly good combination of the two.

15. A cloud of suspicion had gathered about him, and he found it best to flee the country for England, closely followed by eighteen chests of books.

16. Given a minimal nonredundant valuation, as above, we can define a phoneme as a set of segments with identical values.

17. The rains in Egypt begin to fall in March, and being supplemented by the melting of the mountain snows in the following months, occasion a perceptible rise in the river about the end of June.

18. This is an extreme example of a periodic style. It demands close attention; read cursorily, it is hard to understand.

19. Given to the world in 1938 this work was translated into English only twenty years later.

20. Abandoning the study of law, Oliver Holmes graduated in medicine, finishing his course with a two years study in Paris.

21. This hospital was created by Harun-al-Rashid at the beginning of the ninth century, following the Persian model, as its name indicates.

22. Given any specific vocabulary of speech signals, we can calculate the relative importance of each feature for distinguishing the alternative signals and so devise a weighting factor for each channel.



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