Раздел 1.2. Книги в нашей жизни. Books in our life

Тема 1.2.1. Книги в нашей жизни. Books in our life


Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол to be в форме Past Simple (Indefinite).

1. He … a pupil.

2. She … not a doctor. She … a teacher.

3. They … workers.

4. He … ill last week. He … not at work.

5. We … at home on Sunday.

6. The weather … not cold yesterday. It … fine.

7. … he at school yesterday? No, he … not. He … ill.

8. … they students last year? No, they … pupils.

9. There … a lot of books in this room.

10. When … you at home yesterday?

11. There … newspapers on the table.

12. Why … not you at work last Friday?

13. There … a pencil in my pencil-box.

14. Where … his sister last week? – She … not at home. She … in the country.

Задание 2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present или Past Simple (Indefinite).

1. Он водитель. 2. Они были в театре. 3. Мы школьники. 4. Он был рабочим. Сейчас он инженер. 5. Мои родители дома. 6. Мой брат не был в школе вчера. 7. Его мама молодая. Она студентка. 8. Моя бабушка учительница. Она не на работе. 9. Мой дядя был летчиком. 10. Вы были в театре вчера? – Нет, не были. 11. В прошлом году его сестра была студенткой. Сейчас она доктор. 12. Он больной? – Да, он сейчас болеет. 13. Погода сегодня ясная, а вчера погода была плохой. 14. Где ты был? – Я был на работе. 15. Она в театре? – Нет, в кино.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употреьляя глаголы в форме Present или Past Simple (Indefinite).

1. I (to watch) television at seven o clock every evening.

2. I (to watch) television yesterday.

3. She (to comp) her hair every morning.

4. Yesterday she (to comb) her hair.

5. They (not to rest) yesterday.

6. I usually (to walk) to my school but yesterday I (to take) a tram.

7. Yesterday he (to have) a holiday. He (not to go) to the office. He (to get) up at eleven o’clock, (to wash) his fase, (to have) and (to go) for a walk.

8. As a rule my mother (to cook) dinner. But yesterday she (to decide) not to cook. She (to invite) us to the restaurant.

9. He (not to like) coffee. But yesterday he (to drink) a cup of coffee as he (to be) very tired.

10. You often (to take) your brother for a walk? – Yes. – Why you (not to take) him for a walk the day before yesterday?—He (to be) ill.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употреьляя глаголы в форме Present или Past Simple (Indefinite).

1. They (to be) in London last month.

2. Who of your friends (to speak) English?

3. How many lessons you (to have) every day?

4. I (not to be) at home yesterday, I (to go) for a walk.

5. He usually (to sleep) well. But last night he (to sleep) bad.

6. Your sister (to be) a doctor? – Yes, she (to become) a doctor two years ago.

7. He (not to shave) today because he (not to have) time.

8. You (to get) up early on Sundays/ Yes. But last Sunday I (to sleep) till ten o’clock.

9. When you (to leave) the meeting yesterday?

10. She (to enjoy) the film, which we (to see) last week?

11. Why your parents (to be) so angry last night? – Because my brother (to be) late.

Задание 5.Переведите следующие предложения (Past Indefinite).

1. Были ли вы на занятиях по французскому языку вчера? – Да.

2. Понравилось ли вам его новая книга? – К сожаленью, не понравилась.

3. Выучили ли вы новые слова? - Да, я выучил все новые слова и перевёл предложения с русского на английский. – Это было трудно? – Нет.

4. Когда вы видели Билла? – Вчера вечером. Я встретил его в университетской библиотеке.

5. Вчера на занятиях по английскому языку мы читали новый текст, задавали вопросы, отвечали на них и переводили предложения с английского языка на русский.

6. Вчера мы пообедали в столовой.

7. Вчера вечером он написал письма родителям и старшему брату.

8. Вы поблагодарили его? – Да, конечно.

Задание 6. Перепешите текст в прошедшем времени.

He gets up at seven o’clock. He washes his face, cleans his teeth and combs his hair. He goes to the kitchen and has his breakfast. For breakfast he has a cup of coffee and cheese. When the breakfast is over, he goes to the office. He takes a bus to get to his work.

At the office he works till two’oclock. At two o’clock he has dinner. He finishes his work at seven o’clock in the evening. He decides to walk a little after his working day. He returns home at nine. He doesn’t want to have supper, he only drinks tea. Suddenly he remembers that he has to phone his friend. He dials the number but nobody answers. His friend is not at home. He goes to his room and decides to watch TV. When the TV programme is over, he sleeps.



Books… I think that we can’t live without them.

I consider that books are with us during all our life. When I was a child my parents read them to me. I was pleased to listen to the stories and tales. I learned a lot of interesting things from books. I remember I liked thick books.

Later I could read myself. I like to read books about animals, nature, and children.

I like to get presents on my birthday, I am happy if it is a book. It doesn’t matter what kind of book it is. I like to read almost all the books. If I have free time I like to spend it with my favourite book. When I was 15 I was fond of reading too. But I preferred to read books about travels. I travelled with the heroes of the stories. I saw many interesting places and learned a lot of important facts about other countries and people.

Now I like to read books on science. You can learn many things from books. I am sure, that books play a very important role in my life.

Our family has many books. All the members of our family buy books and read them. My mother says that books help us in self-education. In ancient times books were written by hand. It was difficult to write a book with a pen. Then printing came into our life. Printing played an important role in the development of literature and culture.

Now there are a lot of books in the shops, there are many books in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That’s why we get books in public libraries. Sometimes it is difficult to solve some problems of life. I think that books help us.

Last year I read a very interesting book “An American Tragedy” by Theodore Dreiser. This novel was published at the beginning of the 20th century. This novel describes the tragic fate of a boy and a girl, Clyde and Roberta by name. It is a sad story. This novel was written many years ago, but it is popular nowadays. Books must be our friends during all our life.

Working Vocabulary

ancient [`ein∫ənt]-древний printing- печатание, печать development [di`veləpmənt]- развитие human [`hju:mən]-человеческий solve- решать remember- помнить be fond of- нравиться be sure [`∫uə]- быть уверенным self-education[self,edju`kei∫ən]- самообразование sad [sæd]- грустный publish [pžbli∫]- опубликовать  

Задание 1. Найдите в тексте ангийские эквиваленты к следующим словам.

1. в течение всей нашей жизни 2. рассказы и сказки 3. узнал много интересного из книг 4. получать подарки 5. неважно, какая это книга 6. моя любимая книга 7. общественная библиотека 8. этот роман был опубликован 9. роман описывает трагическую судьбу 10. популярен в наши дни

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. Is it possible to live without books for you? 2. Who read books for you when you were a child? 3. What kind of books do you like to read? 4. You like to read books, don’t you? 5. Do you prefer to read English books? 6. Have you many books at home? 7. Where can you buy books/ 8. Can you buy all the books which you want to read? 9. What is your favourite book? 10. Books are our friends, aren’t they?

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