Have / has bought been eaten phoned

She: Are you going to the library today?

You: I ________ already ____________ there.

She: Are you going to buy some bread and milk?

You: I ________ just _______________them.

She: Very good. Are you going to eat your curds today?

You: I ________ just ______________ it.

She: And what about your girlfriend? Are you going to phone her this evening?

You: I _________ already _____________ her.

She: And your sister. Is she going to the hairdresser?

You: She __________ already ___________ there. She is now on the balcony. She is watering

the flowers.

She: Well, where is your father? Is he going to phone his boss this evening?

You: He ___________ just ____________ him. He is in the bathroom now. He is taking

a shower.

She: Uh, all right. And your brother …

You: He _________ already _____________ eggs. And now he is playing football in the yard.

She: Do you know if your father has bought a new car today?

You: Yes, he has. He ____________________ it.

She: Well, I’d like to have a look at it.

Ex. 85. Write answers using present perfect and already.

Example: Don’t forget to do your English homework!

I’ve already done it.

1 Don’t lose your key! 6 Remember to write that letter!

2 Don’t forget to close the window! 7 Don’t open your birthday present now!

3 Clean your bike! 8 Drink your coffee!

4 Have your breakfast! 9 Don’t miss the bus!

5 Don’t eat the last cake! 10 Make your bed!

Example: Have they arrived yet? Yes, they have.

Ex. 86. Ask your partner. Make up sentences from the table.

  Have / has bought been eaten phoned - student2.ru



    Have / has bought been eaten phoned - student2.ru your friend they your parents you     taken Have / has bought been eaten phoned - student2.ru seen bought visited sold been to eaten watered a new house Have / has bought been eaten phoned - student2.ru Egypt the flowers their breakfast the art museum your girlfriend the photographs his old car   yet?         Yes, ______ Notyet.
Example: He hasn’t had his breakfast yet.

Ex. 87. Make up sentences as in the example.

Example: I - write a letter / mail it

Tom – learn English / learn French

I have already written the letter but I haven’t posted it yet.

Tom has already learnt English but he hasn’t learnt French yet.

I -cook a dinner / eat it

Sue - buy shoes / buy boots

My brother - sell a house / buy a new one

They – come back from their holiday / stated to work

John – give up smoking / give up drinking

She – finish school / enter university yet

Susan – put to bed her son / put to bed her daughter.

Ex. 88. What has the nurse done / just done / not yet done?

Have / has bought been eaten phoned - student2.ru Mr Walker

Take his temperature - Yes.

Make his bed - Not yet.

Check his pulse - Yes.

Give him his pills - Just.

Fill in his chart - Not yet.

Change his bandages - Not yet.

Bring him his letters - Just.

Tidy his room - Yes.

Open the window - Yes.

Empty the wastepaper basket - Not yet.

Example: She’s taken his temperature.

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