The verb “to be” (present simple)

to be
am is are
I he, she, it you, we, they
I am a student. He is a student. You are students.
Am I a student? Is he a student? Are you students?
Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, you are.
No, I am not. No, he is not. No, you are not.
I am not (I’m not) a student. He is not (isn’t) a student. You are not (aren’t) students

Alternative Questions.

Are trees green or yellow in winter? - They are without leaves.

Is his friend in London or Paris? - He is in Paris.

Special Questions.


what + существительное



why am

how much + is + подлежащее ?

how many are

how old

how long


Who are you? I’m Bob.
What is he? He is a doctor.
Where are they? They are at the University.
When are you at a bank? I’m at a bank at eight o’clock.

Tag (tail) questions.

+ _

You are from Russia, aren’t you? - Yes, I’m. (No, I’m not).

_ +

You aren’t from London, are you? - No, I’m not.

Dane isat the University, isn’ t he? Yes, he is.

My friend and I aren’t at work, are we? - No, we aren’t.

Bess and Betty are bosom friends, aren’t they? - Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t).

Exercise I. Put in am, is or are.

1.London…a big city. 2. My mother ….at home. 3. We…..students. 4. David …..English. 5. Mary and Steve …..very happy. 6. I ….Russian. 7. He ….from London. 8. What ……his name? 9. His name …..Dane. 10. She …..married. 11. This man …my friend. 12. It ….cold today.

Exercise II. Make the following sentences negative.

1. She is twenty. 2. My friend is ill. 3. We are at the University. 3. Pete is from Russia. 4. I am tired. 5. Mr. Black is a businessman. 6. These students are lazy.7. I am old. 8. That hat is funny. 9. This apple is red. 10. The exam is easy. 11. I am hungry. 12. He is interested in hockey.

Exercise. III. Make up general questions.

1.This seat is free. 2. He is late. 3. His pen is on the table. 4. You are interested in art. 5. My parents are from Italy. 6. It is nine o’clock. 7. It is cold today. 8. It is frosty today. 9. I am hungry.10.They are on holidays. 11. This winter is warm. 12. Ben and Tom are tall.

Exercise IV. Ask questions with Who/ What/ When/ Where/ How/ How much/ How many/How old/

1. My bag is on the bench. 2. His parents are from Canada. 3. Betty is at home at five. 4. I am twenty. 5. Ten students are at the lesson. 6. My dress is twenty nine dollars. 7. He is tired. 8. I am cold. 9. She is an economist. 10. Our teacher is angry. 11. It is seven o’clock. 12. Her name is Pat.

Exercise V. Transform these sentences into tag questions.

1. His wife is a housewife. 2. David is very busy. 3. Their children are at home. 4. The students are at the English lesson. 5. Mr. Brown is from Canada. 6. His office is not far from here. 7. The keys are in the bag. 8. It is windy today. 9. They are married. 10. My friend is a first year student.11. It is late. 12. Her child is in bed.

Exercise VI. Read the text.


London is the capital of England. It is a very big city.

There are lots of things to see in London. Trafalgar Square is popular with tourists. There is a statue of Lord Nelson there, and two beautiful fountains.

Oxford Street is a very busy place. It is famous for its shops and restaurants.

The River Thames is in the middle of London. It is 200 miles long. Tower Bridge is over the River Thames. It’s next to the Tower of London.

Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England lives. It is very big and beautiful.

London is a wonderful city. It is a great place for a trip.


Exercise I. Read the text and ask the questions.

My name is Boris. I am Russian. I am from Sochi. I am a student. I am a first year student at the Technical University. Our University is not far from my hostel. It is a big four storey building. Our University is young. Our studies and computer studies are very comfortable. The library of our University is very rich. The swimming pool is very large and clean. My fellow students are very kind and well brought up. My friend’s name is Pete. He is a good student. He is from Pskov. He is tall and handsome. His eyes are blue. He is a fair-haired man. He is my bosom friend.

Exercise II. Translate from Russian into English.

Сегодня пятница. День холодный. Ветрено и морозно. Петр и Дейн в университете. Они на уроке английского языка. Их классная комната большая и светлая. Сегодня отсутствует два студента. Они больны?- Нет, они опаздывают. Они хорошие или плохие студенты? Они хорошие студенты, но ленивые.

-Петр, возьмите учебник, пожалуйста. Откройте его и читайте текст. Текст легкий, не так ли? – Да, он легкий.

-Дейн, дайте мне, пожалуйста, ручку.

- Это красная ручка?

- Нет, это синяя ручка.

- Дайте мне, пожалуйста, красную ручка.


PHONETICS : Gg, Rr, igh, qu, ng,nk,Ww, wh,

GRAMMAR:Местоимения (личные, притяжательные). Притяжательный падеж существительных. Глагол to have


[g] bag, get, gift, girl, go, glad, begin


[dз] - на конце слова page, stage, age, badge

Rr [ r ] -перед гласным звуком red, bread, rain, train, tree, free

Qu [ kw] queen, quilt.quality, quick, question

Ng [ή] long, spring, ring, sing, song

Nk [k] ink, sink, bank, think, thank

Ww [w] wet, well, wind, we,

Wh [w ] what, when, where, why

Wh + o [h] who, whom, whose

A + ll [o:] small, tall, ball, all, call

Y + гл. [j ] yes, yard, yet

Igh [ai] high, night, knight, bright, right

[u] перед к look, book, cook


[u:] zoo, food, tool, moon, room


Exercise I. Listen, repeat, read.

Gas, garden, game, gate, give, sledge, edge, badge, page, rain, raise, run, rich, ready, receive, remember, rest ,return, right, ring, roof, room, drink, sing, song, rink, tank, tongue, thank, which, while, whisper, wake, walk, wall, want, war, watch, way, weather, week,west,whole, whoever, yellow, yesterday, year, you, your, zoo, fool, soon, shook, hook, spoon, moon, proof, took, might, sight, bright, knight, high.

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