Vocabulary and listening

2.1 Look at the plan of a flat and label the rooms.

Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru

2.2 Listen and repeat.

Look at the rooms in 2.1. What’s in them? Complete the lists.

in the kitchen in the … in the … in the … in the … on the …
cupboards ________   ________ ________   ________ ________   ________ ________   _________ _________   _________ _________  

2.3 Louise and Harry are American tourists in England. They want to rent a house for the summer. Cover the dialogue and listen. Which three rooms in the house do they go into?

Listen again and complete the dialogue.

Estate agent: Well, this is the hall. There are six ____ on this floor. There’s a ____ , a dining room, a ____ , a study, a ____ …
Harry: Wow! There’s a ____ !
Louise: What’s that room?
Estate agent: That’s a ____ , madam.
Harry: How many ____ are there?
Estate agent: There’s one downstairs and three upstairs.
Louise: Are there any showers?
Estate agent: No, there aren’t, madam. This is an old house.
Estate agent: This is the ____ .
Louise: Are those paintings original?
Estate agent: Yes, I think so, madam.
Harry: Is there a ____ ?
Estate agent: No, there isn’t, sir. But there’s a piano.
Estate agent: And the ____ .
Louise: There isn’t a ____ !
Estate agent: Yes, there is. It’s over there.
Louise: You call that a ____ ? Are there any glasses? I need a glass of water.
Estate agent: Yes, madam. There are some glasses in that ____ . Now let’s go ____ .


3.1 Complete the sentences about the house from 2.3 with is,isn’t,are and aren’t.

There ____ a piano. There ____ six rooms on this floor.
There ____ a fridge. There ____ any showers.
___ there a television? – No, there ___. ____ there any glasses? – Yes, there ____.

Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru 3.2 Listen to Rory describing his room. Make sentences about

sofa armchair table PlayStation book picture poster lamp

his room, use the words from the box. Listen again and check.

e.g. There is a sofa in his room.

Make six sentences about your room. Use there is/isn’t, there are/aren’t.

3.3 Look at the photo of a dormitory/hall of residence room and answer the questions.

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a.How many girls are there in the room?

b.Is there a television?

c.Are there any flowers in the room?

Student A: Ask three more questions about the room.

Student B: Cover the picture and answer the questions.

Swap the roles.

3.4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your room/flat.

3.5 Match the prepositions and pictures. Use between, next to/beside, on, under, above/over, in, opposite, behind, in front of, near.

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a. b. c. d. e.
Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru
f. g. h. i. j.

3.6Complete the sentences about the picture.

a. Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru The lamp is on the table.

b.The flowers are ___ the vase.

c.The cat is ___ the armchair.

d.The ball is ___ the table.

e.The clock is ___ the table.

f.The chair is ___ the table.

g.The carpet is ___ the table.

h.The lamp is ___ the vase and the book.

i.The cushions are ___ the armchair.

3.7Listen to Jerry and his mum.

What is she looking for?

a.TV remote control



Where is it?

a.on the sofa

b.behind the sofa

c.under the sofa

3.8 Describe Rory’s room. Use the prepositions of place.

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4.1 Look at the pictures of rooms. What is different?

4.2 Listen to a description of one of the rooms. Which room is it?


5.1 Read this advert from a site where students can find rooms for rent. Check the meaning of the underlined words with a dictionary.

Studentrooms.co.uk Room for rent in a nice big house
We are offering a room for rent in a nice big furnished house. The house has three floors: 1 - a huge living room with a digital TV, surround system, fireplace, big dining table, sofa, armchairs, coffee table; a well-equipped kitchen and a bathroom; 2 - two bedrooms, occupied by Erasmus University students and a bathroom with a shower; 3 - the bedroom offered for rent: a huge king-sized bed, desk, arm-chair, coffee table, night stand and clothes shelves. The house has front and back yards with a barbecue and some garden furniture. Parking is free. Everything is well equipped: there’s central heating for the bedrooms, a dish-washer, washing machine, hair dryer, microwave oven, coffee machine. The neighbourhood is very peaceful: mostly families with children. There is a beautiful park with a lake and a beach next to the neighbourhood. Shops are located in 10 minutes’ walk. You can go to Erasmus University by metro, and Alexandrium shopping center is within 5 minutes’ walk. We also have a bicycle that you can use. Address: 17 Raymond Brulezpad, Zevenkamp, Rotterdam, 3069JX.

5.2 Mark the statements true or false.

a.There’s no furniture in the room for rent.

b.The room for rent is on the third floor.

c.There are no other people living in the house.

d.There are mostly student houses near the house.

e.There’s a metro station in the neighbourhood.

f.There are some shops near the house.

5.3 Cover the advert and try to remember the details about:

a.the room for rent

b.the house

c.the neighbourhood

Conversation patterns

Read the phrases and place them in the table.

How about this one? I don’t like it. I prefer the first one. It’s great! What about the second one? I like it. The last one is better. It’s too expensive. Which one do you like? It’s too far. I suggest this one. It’s too small. What do you think?
Suggestions Opinions
How about this one? I don’t like it.


7.1 Read more adverts from Studentrooms.co.uk. Which one do you like best?

1. Extra large room in a friendly house with the host family. The room is bright and airy, fully furnished with double bed, night stand, lamp and wardrobe. Communal shower room, kitchen, dining area, TV area. 25 min to the train station. £433 a month.
2. One-room flat to share. One sofa, one bed, two tables, TV, wireless Internet. City centre. 5 min to university. £120 per person.
3. Ground floor large room, single bed in family shared house. Fully furnished including own fridge, TV and wireless Internet. Shared bathroom and kitchen areas, large garden and parking. 10 min to university by bus. Pets allowed. £310 a month.
4. Two lovely rooms to let. No furniture. Central heating, hot water all year round, lift. Bus stop next to the house. Supermarket, park, stadium in the neighbourhood. £560 per room.

7.2Work in pairs. You are going to rent a flat for two. Discuss the adverts from 6.1 and agree to rent one of them. Act out this conversation. Use the conversation patterns from 6.


8.1 Read the advert from a website. Arrange the parts of the advert in the correct order.

  It’s a fully furnished flat on the ninth floor of a new building. There are two bedrooms, a cosy living room with a large balcony, a well-equipped kitchen and a bathroom. The flat has very big windows, so it’s bright and airy, and you have a beautiful view of the city.
Rent this nice two-bedroom flat. It’s perfectly situated next to the city university, five minutes from the city centre, and a fifteen-minute walk from the city park.
  This flat is great for students or young couples. Sorry, no pets, and no-smoking.
  The neighbourhood is perfect for young active people. There is a stadium, a sports complex, night clubs and cafes. A popular supermarket is five minutes away from the house, and a bus stop is right behind it.

8.2Write out the adjectives describing the flat and neighbourhood. Check the meanings with a dictionary. Think of more adjectives to describe a place.

e.g. cosy, perfectly situated

8.3Write an advert of your flat (real or imaginary) for the website. Plan what you are going to write. Try to answer the following questions.

a.What kind of flat is it? Where is it?

b.Describe the flat, its rooms, furniture.

c.Describe the neighbourhood. Are there places of interest, entertainment, shops, public transport?

d.Say who the flat is suitable for? Are there any restrictions?


1. Can you describe your flat/a flat you know?

2. Can you say what there is in your room?

3. Can you describe your neighbourhood?

4. Can you describe a dormitory/hall of residence room in your university?

Module 3


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Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru

Look at the pictures and match them with the activities.

surf the Internet play sport games go fishing go to the gym play video games relax and enjoy the weather

Which shows your ideal day-off? Why? Say what you like doing on your day-off.

e.g. I like playing basketball with my friends.


Listen to the verbs and place them in three columns. Practise saying them.

think watch play fix show look listen live speak start teach dress
[ s ]     [ z ]     [ ɪz ]    


2.1 Listen to the conversations and choose the verb you hear.

a. 1. - I want/wants a guitar for my birthday. 2. - You don’t/doesn’t play the guitar. 3. - I know/knows, but I want/wants to learn.
b. 4. - I work/works in a bank. 5. - I don’t/doesn’t work. I’m a student.
c. 6. - Jane and Alan are in Tokyo. 7. - Do they live there? 8. - Yes, they do. They teach/teaches English at a language school.
d. 9. - My brother’s a nurse. 10. - Does he work in a hospital? 11. - No, he don’t/doesn’t. He work/works in a school. He’s a school nurse.
e. 12. - Mr. and Mrs. Brown? 13. - Sorry. They don’t/doesn’t live here.
f. 14. - Let’s take a taxi. 15. - We can’t. We don’t/doesn’t have any money.

Put the verbs from the conversations in the right place of the table.

I want/know
They   don’t live

2.2 Study the rule and fill the gaps with the correct forms. Then listen and repeat after the speaker.

look → looks love → loves try → tries stay → stays teach → teaches finish → finishes do → does have → has

a.Kate Smith … in London (live).

b.She … magazines (read).

c.She … sport (watch).

d.She … tennis (play).

e.She … French (study).

f.She … black coffee (drink).

Make more sentences about one of your friends.

a.My friend (live) …

b.He/she (study) …

c.He/she (play) …

d.He/she (speak) …

e.He/she (watch)… on TV.

f.He/she (drink) … in the mornings.

g.He/she (like) … on a day-off.

h.He/she (have) …

2.3 Listen to John’s mother about her son’s life. Write positive and negative sentences with the words below. go out

a.play football

b.go to the cinema

c.listen to pop music

d.play computer games

e.watch TV

f.sit in his room

g.read books

2.4 Complete the text with the correct forms.

My brother Max is Russian, but he (have) an American wife, Nicole. Max and Nickie (live) in Toronto, in Canada, and they both (work) in a hospital. Max (teach) young doctors. Nickie (work) as a medical nurse. They (speak) English at work, but at home they usually (speak) Russian. They (have) a 21-year-old son, Andrew. He (study) languages at university. Andrew (play) the guitar and (have) lots of friends. I usually (go) to Toronto every summer, and we (have) great time together.

2.5 Make the sentences positive üor negative û.

a.We / play football at university ü

b.I / speak German well û

c.They / have a lot of money û

d.My sister / study economics ü

e.You / like dogs û

f.It / work well û

g.He / play the guitar in a band ü

h.My dad and I / go fishing together ü

i.My brother / have a car û

j.You / play volleyball professionally ü

k.He / have an old car ü

2.6 Complete the sentences with negative forms.

a.They are married, but they … children.

b.I speak English, but I … French.

c.She has a brother, but she … a sister.

d.We … in London, we live in Glasgow.

e.He has a TV, but he … it very often.

f.You are not a vegetarian, but you … meat?

g.The green light is on, but the coffee machine …

2.7 Some of these sentences are wrong. Can you correct them?

a.In Canada they speak English and German.

b.The river Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

c.In Britain people have dinner at 2 p.m.

d.Some students study Spanish at the University.

e.You don’t know who Barack Obama is.

f.Your English teacher comes from the USA.

g.We don’t wear a uniform in the university.

2.8Write about you.

e.g. I eat meat. or I don’t eat meat.

ü play basketball/volleyball/hockey/… well

ü go fishing/shopping/swimming/…at weekends

ü speak German/French/Japanese/…

ü have a car/laptop/pet/…

ü study languages/physics/technology/…

2.9 Listen to the questions and short answers to them. Give your answers to these questions.

- Listen to 12 more questions and give short answers.

- Practise asking and answering these questions with a partner.

2.10 Read Brittany’s story about her typical day at college and complete her answers to the questions below.

Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Hi! I’m Brittany, and I’m a freshman at Pitt (that’s short for the University of Pittsburgh). That means I’m in my first year here, and I just LOVE college life!

My days usually start around 8 or 9 a.m., when I wake up. I get dressed and go to class. After my morning class, I come back to my room and do the homework that I have for my afternoon classes, watch my favorite TV series, or take a nap. Naps are so, so wonderful. :)

After a few hours of these activities, I go to my afternoon classes. They are over at about 4:30 or 5 p.m. After that, I go back to my room and relax for a while until some of my friends take me down to the cafeteria to eat dinner. After that, there’s hanging out with them and playing the guitar (I’m not very good at it yet) and watching TV shows. Around 10 or 11 p.m.

we all go back to our rooms and begin working on our homework for the night. I take a shower and then I sleep.

College time really flies by. The first semester is almost over! I really can’t believe it. Do you guys have any more questions about day-to-day college life? Ask me please!

nap short sleep fly by go fast

a.Brittany, do you live in the USA? – Yes, I do.

b.Do you like your new life? –

c.Do you stay in the class all day? –

d.Do you sometimes sleep after classes? –

e.Do you watch TV in the middle of the day? –

f.Do you have classes after lunch? –

g.Do you usually have dinner in your room? –

h.Do you see your friends in the evenings? –

i.Do you play the guitar well? –

j.Do you do your homework in the evenings? –

k.Do you take a shower in the morning? –

Now write about Brittany’s life in college.

e.g. Brittany is a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh. She loves her college life. She usually wakes up at …


3.1 Which questions from 2.9 can you answer? Practise asking and answering them with a partner.

3.2 Use some words and phrases from Brittany’s story to complete the sentences.

a.I’m in my … … at university.

b.I usually … up at 7.30.

c.I … dressed and have a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

d.My … start at 8.30.

e.Classes are … around 3 or 4 p.m.

f.After classes I sometimes take a …

g.I always watch my favourite TV … in the evening.

h.My friends … me down to a cafe.

i.I love hanging … with friends.

j.I begin … on homework late in the evening.

soaps on TV concerts a football match dancing the guitar/piano/… shopping/fishing/cycling a friend’s house parties for a meal magazines music the net with friends  
3.3What do you and your friends do in your free time? Write sentences using the words and phrases from the bubbles.

often usually sometimes always never
go go to listen to go out surf watch play read

e.g. We sometimes go out for a meal.

Listening and grammar

4.1 Listen to Steve from Vancouver, Canada. Tick ü the things he talks about. his brother

a.his apartment b.his job c.his girlfriend d.his working hours e.weather f.running g.winter sports h.summer sports i.shopping j.food k.beautiful places

- Listen again and answer the questions.

a.Does Steve live in a big apartment?

b.Where does he work?

c.Do many people from different countries live in Vancouver?

d.What do Steve and his girlfriend do in Chinatown?

e.What does Steve hate about Vancouver’s weather?

f.Is Vancouver good for sports?

g.What sports does Steve do in winter?

h.Does he go swimming in summer?

i.What do Steve and his girlfriend do on Fridays?

j.Does Steve like living in Vancouver?

4.2 Anna is 26, and she works in an office in the centre of London. Listen to the interview with her. Is she an early riser?

- Complete Anna’s answers to the questions. Then listen again and check.

a.What time do you get up?

b.Do you have a shower?

c.What do you have for breakfast?

d.What time do you go to work?

e.Do you like mornings?

4.3 Listen to the questions and give true answers about you. Listen again and repeat the questions. Copy the rhythm.

4.4 Look at the table and make more questions. Practise asking and answering them with your partner.

What time Where do does you Steve get up? live?
  Do Does you he have a shower? like living in Vancouver?

4.5 Write quiz questions. Can you answer them?

e.g. sushi / where / come from – Where does sushi come from? – Japan.

a.kangaroos / live / where

b.what / eat / penguins

c.Eric Clapton / what / play

d.what sport / Wayne Rooney / play

e.come from / Fiat cars / where

f.live / the US President / live

g.how many states / the USA / consist of

h. Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru where / the Nile / flow to


Tiago Hoisel is a very talented illustrator from Sao Paulo, Brasil. He is famous for his funny and clever caricatures. Here are his answers from an interview. Think of the questions the journalist asks Tiago.

a.At 5.30. I’m an early bird!

b.I don’t really have a schedule. It depends on the project.

c.I don’t have a TV. I get news from the net.

d.Every day. I usually work on several projects at a time.

e.First, I check my emails, and then I start drawing.

f.No, I don’t. Sometimes I go to meet my clients.

g.Mexican food. It’s delicious!

h.Usually late. I always have a lot to do in the studio.

i.No, I don’t. I’ve seen one episode of House, M.D. and one episode of Lost. That’s all.

j.Yes, very much. It’s a fantastic city, full of life.

k.I’d like to work for Pixar or DreamWorks one day.

- Work in pairs. Student 1 is Tiago, Student 2 is the journalist. Act out the interview; discuss Tiago’s way of life and his ordinary day.


6.1 Read the story written by an American mother and choose the best summary:

a.She thinks her family is different from other families.

b.She thinks her children don’t love her.

c.She thinks that now families don’t have a normal life.

I’m married and have three kids. My husband and I both work and the kids go to school. We live in a nice house in a suburb (пригород). In the morning our house is a madhouse. The kids eat breakfast while I run around trying to do laundry (стирка), grab some coffee and get ready for work. The kids get home when Dave and I are still at work and eat whatever they can find in the fridge. We don’t eat at the table. We always have quick meals like pizza, fast food, frozen meals or hot-dogs. I don’t cook because I'm so tired in the evenings. Then, it's a hassle (ругань) to get the kids ready for bed. My husband and I are constantly like this, "Do your homework! Go and have your shower! It's late!" At weekends I have housework to do. The kids usually get their own meals. And I don't know half of the kids my kids hang around with. We argue (спорим) a lot about clothes because the styles today are crazy. They each have their own computer, iPod and television and spend too much time in their rooms. My husband and I work a lot, and our lives are hectic (напряженный). We live to pay off our debts (выплачивать долги). When I talk to other parents, I see that they live the same way (точно так же). Nobody has a normal family life. We simply live in the same house. The kids don’t realize the importance (важность) of the family. Who knows how the future families will live? by Pat Lunsford (adapted)

6.2 True or false?

a.Pat doesn’t work.

b.Pat doesn’t have much free time in the mornings.

c.The family don’t eat together.

d.Pat usually cooks every day.

e.The family spend weekends together.

f.Pat doesn’t like her children’s styles of clothes.

g.Pat thinks she spends too little time with her children.

h.Pat thinks that many other families don’t live a normal life.

6.3 What do you think?

a.Do families in Russia have the same problems?

b.What is an ideal family?

Conversation patterns

Hardly ever. Practically never. Quite often. Once a week. Every year. Four times a month. From time to time. Quite rarely. Almost always. It depends. No, never. Too often. Every other day. Twice a day.

7.1Study the phrases in the box. Use them to answer the questions in the questionnaire. If necessary, change them.

Do you have a healthy lifestyle?
1. How often do you exercise? 7. How often do you use a lift?
2. Do you smoke? 8. How often do you drink coffee?
3. How often do you travel by bus? 9. Do you always have time for breakfast?
4. How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat a day? 10. Do you often oversleep?
5. How often do you drink alcohol? 11. How often do you take a walk in a park?
6. Do you do any sports? 12. How often do you eat in fast food restaurants?

7.2 Make your own questionnaire. Interview your partner with it. You can use the topics Are you adventurous? Are you a good friend? or any other topic you like.


8.1 Read this post from an Internet blog. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words. What do the highlighted words mean?

My Favorite Day of the Week... Posted Jan 22 6:22pm The _____ I like most is Saturday. Early in the _____ I go to the orchestra’s practice. I learn a lot of things about music, especially from my coach, Mr.Takeda. He is a nice and humorous person, but when he teaches us Japanese drums, he becomes strict. We try very hard. Normally, I stay there until 12 p.m., and then I have my extra language _____. I don’t have much time at home on Saturdays. If I do, I usually play computer online _____ or just chat with my friends online. At the same time, I do some revision of my studies. I’m off to bed quite late on Saturdays.

8.2 Choose a topic and write a post for an Internet blog (150-200 words)

- What is your favourite day of the week?

- What is your favourite time of the day?

- What is your favourite day of the year?


1. Can you describe one of your typical workdays?

2. Can you describe your day-off?

3. Can you describe a typical day in your family?

Module 4

Vocabulary and listening - student2.ru A LIFE OF LEARNING

These are five of the oldest higher schools of the world. Match

the names of the universities and the countries of their location.

Harvard University England
Oxford University Czech Republic
University of Bologna Spain
University of Salamanca USA
Charles University of Prague Italy


Listen and repeat the subjects. What do you call a person who is a specialist in them? Listen and complete the list. Mark the stress and pronounce the words.

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