Arrange the paragraphs to make the whole text. It is the beginning of the text «LABOUR LAW»

a) Thus employees have certain rights enforceable by law:

· the right of fair treatment regardless of age, race, religion, gender, or disabilities;

· the right to equal treatment, also with regard to wages;

· the right not to be dismissed without proper cause and the correct procedures;

· the right not to be dismissed for giving birth to a child;

· the right for compensation when employees are retrenched.

b) The basic feature of individual labour law is that the rights and obligations of the worker and the employer between one another are mediated through the contract of employment between the two. Many terms and conditions of the contract are however implied by legislation or common law, in such a way as to restrict the freedom of people to agree to certain things in order to protect employees, and facilitate a fluid labour market.

c) In general, there are two broad categories of labour law. First, collective labour law relates to the three-party relationship between employee, employer and union. It mostly concerns the inequality of bargaining power between employers and workers.

d) Second, individual labour law concerns employees' rights at work and conditions and terms of employment.

e) Labour law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organisations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees.


Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

1. evidence in the case a) вещественное доказательство

2. evidence on oath b) давать показания, представить доказательства

3. to give/offer/introduce/ c) доказательства вины; улики

produce evidence

4. to plant evidence d) доказательства или показания по делу

5. to weigh evidence e) доказательства, показания, полученные с нарушением закона

6. to withhold evidence f) доказательство из первых рук

7. evidence wrongfully obtained g) заключение эксперта

8. evidence of guilt h) косвенное доказательство

9. circumstantial evidence i) лжесвидетельство

10. conclusive/decisive evidence j) ложное доказательство, показание

11. expert evidence k) недостаточное доказательство

12. false evidence l) неопровержимое доказательство

13. first hand evidence m) окончательное, решающее доказательство

14. insufficient evidence n) оценить доказательства

15. irrefutable evidence o) показания под присягой

16. perjured evidence p) скрыть доказательства

17. physical evidence q) сфабриковать доказательства


Test 6.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. The Queen in Parliament ________the supreme authority within the UK.

a. dissolves

b. includes

c. signs

d. represents

2. The UK has no________.

a. the House of Lords

b. Ministry of Justice

c. the House of Commons

d. the Prime Minister

3. Members of Parliament represent an area in ________.

a. England and Scotland

b. Scotland and Wales

c. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

d. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland

4. The House of Commons consists ________ MPs.

a. in

b. out of

c. by

d. of

5. The Federal Assembly is the highest ________organ of Russia.

a. Executive

b. legislative

c. limited

d. fundamental

6. The highest legislative organ of Russia consists of ________ chambers.

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

7. All citizens must observe ________.

a. impeachment

b. interrogation

c. innocence

d. laws

8. The Supreme Court of Russia is ________ court in the country.

a. high

b. bigger

c. the highest

d. the biggest

9. In our country in 1960 ________ than three per cent of all criminals were people younger than 18 years of age.

a. little

b. the least

c. less

d. more

10. There was no lecture in Administrative Law ________.

a. today

b. tomorrow

c. yesterday

d. the day after tomorrow

11. There are many branches of law and penal law is one ________ them.

a. in

b. of

c. during

d. within

12. The International Court of Justice in the United Nations consists of ________.

a. 10 judges

b. 13 judges

c. 15 judges

d. 16 judges

13. Norman French terms alongside Anglo-Saxon ones were introduced in legal procedure ________ the Norman conquest ________ England ________ 1066.

a. before, in, on

b. during, of, on

c. in front of, of, in

d. after, of, in

14. In Russia all citizens at the age of 18 have the right ________.

a. to vote

a. to study

b. to elect

c. to be accused

15. We shall ________ the University in 5 years.

a. finish

b. graduate from

c. be elected

d. punish

16. The investigation didn’t last long because the investigator ________.

a. was very poor educated

b. wasn’t very mobile

c. was very inexperienced

d. was very experienced

17. Russian criminal courts consist of ________.

a. a prosecutor and a judge

b. a prosecutor and a jury

c. a lawyer and a judge

d. a judge and two assessors

18. In the US a Chief Justice and 8 associate justices are appointed by ________ and approved by the Senate.

a. the Mayor of New York

b. the Tribunal

c. the U.S. Supreme Court

d. the President

19. The purposes of the United Nations are ________ international peace and security.

a. to break

b. to maintain

c. to unite all nations

d. to burst out wars

20. The county courts deal with ________ cases.

a. highly paid

b. expensive

c. governmental

d. minor

21. In the cases are heard by the judge alone or by the collegial.

a. the County courts

b. the Crown courts

c. district courts

d. the Magistrate’s courts

22. According to ________ judges are independent and subject only to the law.

a. the local acts

b. the governmental regulation

c. the legal recommendation

d. the Constitution

23. People’s assessors are ________ of different professions.

a. foreigners

b. governmental officers

c. legal leaders

d. citizens

24. The work of the jury is ________.

a. highly paid

b. not paid

c. rather expensive

d. rather cheap

25. There is no written constitution ________.

a. in Russia

b. in France

c. in Japan

d. in the UK

26. The institution of legal defense was created in ________ in 1864.

a. Great Britain

b. the USA

c. Spain

d. our country

27. The job of ________ is to advice a person on legal matters of all kinds.

a. a barrister

b. a solicitor

c. a judge

d. a jury

28. Scotland has its own ________ in Edinburgh.

a. the House of Lords

b. the European Court of Human Rights

c. the House of Commons

d. High Court

29. ________ do not have public offices in any street.

a. prosecutors

b. judges

c. lawyers

d. barristers

30. ________ is a signing of a check or some other document with another person’s name.

a. a smuggle

b. a forgery

c. a burglary

d. a bribery


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