Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого

1.They (be) ever abroad? 2. My son often (read) detective stories. 3. I (read) this book since early morning. 4. The delegation (arrive) next week. 5. What you (do) in my room now? 6. Your daughter (go) to the cinema when I met her. 7. The Petrovs (live) in our city for 10 years. 8. By the fall 1980 I (work) at the Rostselmash for 20 years. 9. Who (know) this young woman? 10. It (rain) since the morning. 11. Your train just (arrive), sir. 12. What they (do) since nine o'clock? 13. Our guests (come) tomorrow. 14. The students (write) their course papers by the end of the term. 15. The boy said that he (wait) for me for a long time. 16. His family (leave) for the South yesterday. 17. The tourists (visit) all places of interest in some days.

Задание 6. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. Will you has been waiting for another week? 2. The partners will have be discussing this contract for some hours by the time I get here. 3. What has his son been do since he came to Moscow? 4. Our friends went for a walk some hours ago and have be walking ever since. 5. We had been worked in the garden for many hours when our father joined us.

6. This is the book I shall have been reading since yesterday.

7. His family have been living here for ten years.

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мы много читаем. 2. Что читала твоя сестра, ког­да я вошел? 3. Он читал эту книгу весь день. 4. Когда ты прочтешь мою статью? 5. К концу недели мы прочтем ваше сочинение. 6. Мой друг пригласил нас в кино. 7. Нас пригласят завтра на конференцию? 8. Я уже пригласил наших гостей в театр. 9. Она обычно приглашает много гостей на свой день рождения. 10. Уже много лет отец приглашает своих друзей к нам на лето. 11. Что вы писа­ли, когда пришел мой брат? 12. Мы часто пишем сочине­ния. 13. Кто уже написал это упражнение? 14. Ко втор­нику он напишет статью. 15. На прошлой неделе я на­писал письмо родителям. 16. Я уже несколько часов пи­сал свой доклад, когда вернулся мой брат. 17. Студенты пишут контрольные работы с 9 часов утра.

Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого - student2.ru Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого - student2.ru Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого - student2.ru ТЕМА 13



Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь с примерами построения общих вопросов. Переведите предложения на рус­ский язык.

1. Не speaks English well.

— Does he speak English well?

— Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.

2. She is a student.

— Is she a student?

— Yes, she is. / No. she is not.

3. They have 2 sisters.

— Have they 2 sisters?

— Yes, they have./No,they have not.

4. The weather is fine today.

— Is the weather fine today?

— Yes,it is./ No, it isn't.

5. We saw this film yesterday.

— Did we see this film yesterday?

— Yes, we did./No, we didn't

6. You can swim well.

— Can you swim well?

— Yes ,you can./ No, you can't.

7. There will be a seminar soon.

— Will there be a seminar soon?

— Yes,there will/No,there won't.

8. The students were translating the text last lesson.

— Were the students translating the text last


— Yes, they were./ No,they were not.
9. They have seen your film.

- Have they seen your film?

— Yes, they have./ No,they haven't. 10. She didn't leave for Kiev.

— Didn't she leave for Kiev?

— No, she didn't.

Задание 2. Составьте письменно общие вопросы к дан­ным предложениям и дайте краткие утверди­тельные и отрицательные ответы.

1. The students were writing tests from nine till ten. 2. His father isn't a doctor. 3. They speak many languages. 4. The Petrovs have a new car. 5. These books were published in France. 6. He wasn't born in Moscow. 7. There are many journals on that shelf. 8. Our friends study at the University. 9. They have been waiting for you since 10 o'clock. 10/ Both engineers are working together now. 11. At present my father works at the plant. 12. She has already passed her exams. 13. Your son will read this book tomorrow. 14. The delegation went to the USA yesterday. 15. By Monday we shall have written our course papers. 16. He doesn't know you.

Задание З. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие ответы.

1. The book was very interesting. 2. The operator has finished his work in time. 3. You know their address. 4. My brother invited us to the cinema. 5. Our friends will visit you next week. 6. I am listening to you attentively. 7. At present Ann works in our laboratory. 8. The Smiths left for London yesterday. 9. We shan't go home together. 10. Her son had worked at the Rostselmash before the army. 11. The assistants will have finished this experiment by 10 o'clock. 12. She has many relatives abroad. 13. The boys have been reading this book since early morning. 14. They aren't at home now. 15. There were many trees in our street. 16.You both have

Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого - student2.ru Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого - student2.ru Задание 5. Употребите нужное время сказуемого - student2.ru done the task well. 17. His daughter wasn't watching TV when he returned. 18. Everybody knew this man. 19. She doesn't like detective stories. 20. Our parents live in a small house.

Задание 4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительно-отри­цательную форму.

1. Your friend left for Moscow yesterday. 2. He can speak English and French. 3. This film was interesting. 4. Her son knows me. 5. My sister had many friends at school. 6. We shall return home tomorrow. 7. The operator has just finished his work 8. You were happy to see my sons again. 9. There are many children in the park now, 10. Everybody came to this meeting. 11. The detective asked you some questions. 12. You could do your work in time.

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