Read and learn the following dialogues by heart



A. What do you usually have for breakfast?
B. Well, as a rule, I don’t feel hungry early in the morning, so I usually have a light breakfast: just a sandwich with cheese or sausage and a cup of strong tea with lemon. What about you?
A. Oh, I am a hearty eater, and I always have a big breakfast. I begin with a plate of porridge, then I eat bacon and eggs, after which I have a cup of tea with a piece of cake or some cookies. I like my tea with a lot of sugar.



Rachel: I am hungry.What about having a bite?
Sam: Good idea. Let’s drop into this small café.
Rachel: О.K. Oh, it’s very nice here. Let’s sit at that table.
Sam: All right.
Waiter: Hello. Here’s the menu. What will you order?
Sam: Thank you. Rachel, what would you like?
Rachel: My supper is usually a very simple meal, so I’d like some roast chicken, salad and coffee.
Waiter: I can offer you sliced cucumbers with sour cream.
Rachel: I prefer tomatoes to cucumbers.
Sam: As for me, I would take cabbage salad. And I will have roast beef and smashed potatoes. And coffee, of course.
Waiter: Any wine?
Sam: Oh, yes, a bottle of port wine and non-carbonated water.
Waiter: Yes, sir.



Waiter: Good evening, sir, madam. Here’s the menu. May I have your order?
John: Now, let’s see. Let’s start from the appetizers. I would take a herring and some pickled cucumbers. For the first course I’d like a red-beet soup. And for the second course I’d take a beefsteak in mushroom sauce and baked potatoes.
Waiter: How do you prefer the beefsteak, sir? Rare, medium-rare or well-done?
John: Medium, I think.
Waiter: O. K. What about you madam?
Lora: What would you recommend for the first course?
Waiter: Well, I should say that fish soup is the speciality of the house.
Lora: I think I’ll take it. And for the second course I can’t decide between the veal and roast beef. What do you recommend?
Waiter: I would have the veal with the special white sauce. It comes with French fried potatoes.
Lora: O. K. I’ll take it. As to the vegetables, would you bring me some green peas?
Waiter: Of course. Would you like something to drink?
Lora: Orange juice for me, I think. What about you John?
John: I’ll have the same.
Waiter: Anything for the dessert?
John: Yes, please. Two fruit salads. And give us the bill please.
Waiter: Do you need separate bills?
John: No, thank you.



Bob: Hello, Ted. Hello, Helen. Come in. Dinner is nearly ready.
Helen: Where’s Ann?
Bob: Oh, she’s in the kitchen. She’ll be here in a minute. Go into the dining room, please. How about a drink before dinner?
Ted: That’s a good idea!
Ann: Dinner is ready. Let’s start with salad.
Helen: Thank you, Ann. It looks wonderful and it smells delicious.
Ann: Shall I serve some roast meat?
Helen: No, it’s all right. I can help myself.
Ann: Bob, will you pour the wine, please? Ted, help yourself to vegetables.
Bob: Would you like some more brandy, Ted?
Ted: Oh, no thanks… no more for me. I’m driving tonight.
Ann: Now I want to treat you to a dessert.
Ted: Oh, that’s great. What is it?
Ann: I’ve cooked a delicious chocolate pudding.
Ted: The pudding is really great. Will you give a receipt to Helen?
Ann: With pleasure. Take another helping of the pudding.
Helen: Everything is so tasty. Thank you for the dinner.



Chief manager: Hello. Restaurant “Europe”. The chief manager is speaking. Can I help you?
Mr. Sanders Yes, I’d like to order a table for tomorrow’s evening.
Chief manager: Yes, sir. What time?
Mr. Sanders For six o’clock.
Chief manager: Certainly, sir. For how many people?
Mr. Sanders There will be eleven of us.
Chief manager: Eleven of you? I’m sorry sir, but we don’t usually accept large parties.
Mr. Sanders I know this, but I’m a patron. I dine at your place every day. Besides I regularly arrange business meetings at your restaurant. Last time there were fifteen of us.
Chief manager: What’s your name, sir?
Mr. Sanders Mike Sanders.
Chief manager: Oh, Mr. Sanders. Of course that’ll be all right. We’ll put two tables together then.
Mr. Sanders That’s great. Thank you.

Complete the following dialogues.


A: May I take your order, sir?
A: Of course you can. Here you are.
B: … … …
A: Nice choice, sir. Potatoes?
B: … … …
A: How about vegetables?
B: … … …
A: Anything to drink?
B: … … …
A: Dessert?
B: … … …


A: I’m so hungry. Can we go somewhere to have dinner?
A: Oh, good idea.
A: Yes, I’d like the fried chicken with some rice.
A: Yes, tomatoes, please
A: Peach juice and a glass of mineral water.
B: I want a roast beef with potato, and Italian salad.
B: Green tea with a slice of lemon, please.
B: Chocolate cake, please.

8. Agree or disagree with the following statements beginning your answers with the expressions: Yes, you are quite right. It’s really so. I really do. That’s not quite so. In my opinion… I’m afraid you are wrong. On the contrary. Extend your answers wherever possible.

1. You prefer mineral water to lemonade, don’t you? 2. The cabbage salad is always very tasty, isn’t it? 3. Too much sweet food like pastry increases your weight, doesn’t it? 4. Men can usually cook very well, can’t they? 5. You are not overfond of sweets, are you? 6. You will cook dinner tomorrow, won’t you? 7. Herbal tea isn’t very good for our health, is it?

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