Task 9. Think about one of the most interesting inventions and speak about it

Тема 1.6.2. Great inventors and scientists.

Чтение: работа с учебным текстом “Isaac Newton”. Грамматика: пассивный залог, прошедшее простое время. Говорение: Диалог-расспрос по теме занятия. Письмо: План-конспект сообщения о русском учёном.

Task 1. Match the name of a famous inventor and his invention.

Alexander Graham Bell (1847 - 1922) A traffic signal
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723) B gasoline-powered automobile
Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) C jet engine
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) D jeans
Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877 - 1963) E telephone
Hans von Ohain (1911 - 1998) F electric light
Karl Benz (1844 - 1929) G microscope
Levi Strauss (1829 - 1902) H compression combustion engine
Rudolf Diesel (1858 - 1913):   telescope, military compass

Task 2. Make sentences as in the example. Use the information in task 1.

Example: A telephone was invented byAlexander Graham Bell.

Task 3. Study the vocabulary:

Plague — чума, discovery — открытие, differential calculuses — дифференциальные исчисления, rainbow — радуга, to draw — привлекать, law of gravitation — закон всемирного тяготения, straight — прямо, sideward — в сторону, laws of motion — законы движения, physical universe — материальный мир, derive — получать, извлекать, the same — такой же, account for — объяснять, tide — прилив (отлив), remove — удалять, doubt — сомнение, validity — достоверность, heliocentric model — гелиоцентрическая система мира, was buried — был похоронен.

Task 4. Read and translate the text about the British scientist Isaac Newton.

Text: Isaac Newton.

Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born.

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King's School, Grantham.

After the school, Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge university and received his degree in 1665. Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague and Newton went home for eighteen months. It was most important period in his life when he made his three great discoveries — the discoveries of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and the law of gravitation.

These discoveries are still important for the modern science. Newton had always been interested in the problems of light. Many people saw colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed, by his experiments, that white light consists of these colours.

It is interesting how he discovered the law of gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such an usual thing before. But it was Newton who asked himself a question: "Why does that apple fall straight down to the ground? Why doesn't it go sideward or upwards?" The answer to this question was the theory of gravitation, discovered by Newton.

Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, which dominated scientists' view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. By deriving Kepler's laws of planetary motion from his mathematical description of gravity, and then using the same principles to account for the trajectories of comets, the tides and other phenomena, Newton removed the last doubts about the validity of the heliocentric model of the cosmos.

Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument stands today.

Task 5. Answer the questions.

1. When and where was Newton born? 2. Where did he study? 3. What three major discoveries did Newton make? 4. When did Newton make these discoveries? 5. How did the idea which led to the discovery of the law of gravitation first come to him? 6. When did Newton die and where is he buried?

Task 6. Choose any Russian inventor (scientist) you like and make a short report about him (her).

Тема 7.1 Повседневная жизнь. Условия жизни.

Мой обычный день.

Чтение: Работа с учебным текстом “My day”. Лексика по теме занятия. Грамматика: употребление глаголов в формах настоящих времён. Говорение: диалог расспрос и монолог по теме занятия. Письмо: письмо другу.

Task 1. Study the vocabulary about daily routine.

get up вставать   lessons begin уроки начинается
have a shower принимать душ   have a break иметь перерыв
wash myself умываться   have a snack перекусить
clean my teeth чистить зубы   have lunch пообедать (легко)
dry my face with a towel вытирать лицо полотенцем   attend meetings, clubs посещать собрания, кружки
comb my hair расчесывать волосы   go home (go to the hostel) идти домой (в общежитие)
make my bed убирать постель   have dinner обедать (плотно)
go to the kitchen идти на кухню   go for a walk идти на прогулку
switch on the TV-set включать телевизор   do the shopping делать покупки
cook breakfast готовить завтрак   go to the sport club идти в спорт клуб
watch TV смотреть телевизор   tidy the room убирать комнату
wash the dishes мыть посуду   water the flowers поливать цветы
switch on the comp включать компьютер   sweep the floor мыть пол
play computer games играть в комп. игры   dust the furniture вытирать пыль
do my homework делать уроки   clean my shoes (boots) чистить туфли (ботинки)
leave for college уходить в колледж   meet with friends встречаться с друзьями
lock the door запирать дверь   chat on the phone болтать по телефону
go on foot идти пешком   have a bath принимать ванну
go by bus, ехать на автобусе,   go to bed идти спать
come to college приходить в колледж   fall asleep засыпать

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