Choose the right form of the verb

1. Agatha Christie… many detective stories.

a) writes b) wrote c) will write.

2. We … not make many mistakes in reading.

a) do b) does c) -

3. Where … your brother study?

a) do b) does c) -

4. What … her to look so beautiful?

a) help b) helps c)does help

5. She … not fulfill her plan last month.

a) does b)will c)did

6. … you speak Spanish ?

a) do b)does c) -

7. When … your brother come home yesterday?

a) does b) will c) did

8. He … not come back late tomorrow.

a) does b) will c)did

9. My son … not like to watch TV.

a) do b) does c) -

10. It was hot, so he … the window.

a) opens b) will open c)opened

11. What … we buy in a month?

a) shall b) did c)do

12. John … school last year.

a) leaves b) will leave c) left

13. His friend … here tomorrow.

a) comes b) came c) will come

14. … you meet her at the station the day before yesterday?

a) do b) did c) will

15. We … to them next week.

a) wrote b)write c) shall write

Choose the right form of the verb:

1. Who speaks French in your family? – I …

a. have b. do c. am

2. When … you buy the new TV set?

a. did b. were c. are

3. We … never been to London.

a. had b. were c. have

4. Where … you going when I met you last night?

a. did b. were c. are

5. … your friend like to watch TV in the evening?

a. do b. does c. is

6. What are you doing? – I … reading a book.

a. was b. am c. is

7. We thought they … be late.

a. would b. shall c. will

8. Many new buildings … built in our town last year.

a. had b. were c. were

9. The letter … sent tomorrow.

a. will be b. has c. will

10. I … Dick today.

a. haven’t seen b. hadn’t seen c. didn’t see

11. Were you tired after skiing yesterday? – Yes, I …

a. were b. did c. was

12. When we came into the hall they … this problem.

a. were discussing b. discussed c. have discussed

13. We … from institute in five years.

a. have graduated b. graduated c. shall graduate

14. Don’t go out. It … hard.

a. is raining b. was raining c. rains

15. They … the institute three years ago.

a. have entered b. entered c. had entered

16. Does the professor … a lot of experience?

a. has b. have c. had

17. Did he … the week-end in the country?

a. spent b. spend c. spends

18. I shall ring you up as soon as I … home.

a. came b. shall come c. come

19. The report … ready by 6 o’clock yesterday.

a. was b has been c. had been

20. She usually … to bed very early.

a. goes b. has gone c. going

7.2. Оценочные средства текущего контроля: модульно-рейтинговая технология оценивания работы студентов

Таблица 5. Виды и формы оценочных средств в период текущего контроля

1 семестр:

№ Темы Устный опрос Письменные работы Технические формы контроля Информа-циионные системы и технологии Итого количество баллов
коллоквиумы собеседование ответ на семинаре лабораторная работа контрольная работа тест реферат эссе программы компьютерного тестирования комплексные ситуационные задания электронные практикумы другие формы
Модуль 1
Модуль 2
Модуль 3

2 семестр:

№ Темы Устный опрос Письменные работы Технические формы контроля Информа-циионные системы и технологии Итого количество баллов
коллоквиумы собеседование ответ на семинаре лабораторная работа контрольная работа тест реферат эссе программы компьютерного тестирования комплексные ситуационные задания электронные практикумы другие формы
Модуль 1
1.1           -   -    
1.2   -              
Модуль 2
Модуль 3

3 семестр:

№ Темы Устный опрос Письменные работы Технические формы контроля Информа-циионные системы и технологии Итого количество баллов
коллоквиумы собеседование ответ на семинаре лабораторная работа контрольная работа тест реферат эссе программы компьютерного тестирования комплексные ситуационные задания электронные практикумы другие формы
Модуль 1
1.1           -   -    
1.2   -              
Модуль 2
Модуль 3

4 семестр:

№ Темы Устный опрос Письменные работы Технические формы контроля Информа-циионные системы и технологии Итого количество баллов
коллоквиумы собеседование ответ на семинаре лабораторная работа контрольная работа тест реферат эссе программы компьютерного тестирования комплексные ситуационные задания электронные практикумы другие формы
Модуль 1
1.1           -   -    
1.2   -              
Модуль 2
Модуль 3

7.2.1. Распределение рейтинговых баллов по модулям и видам работ

Таблица 6

1 семестр

Виды работ Максимальное количество баллов
Модуль 1 Модуль 2 Модуль 3 Итого
Аудиторные занятия
Практические занятия
Самостоятельная работа
Итого за работу в семестре
Обобщающий контроль        

2 семестр

Виды работ Максимальное количество баллов
Модуль 1 Модуль 2 Модуль 3 Итого
Аудиторные занятия
Практические занятия
Самостоятельная работа
Итого за работу в семестре
Обобщающий контроль (экзамен)      

3 семестр

Виды работ Максимальное количество баллов
Модуль 1 Модуль 2 Модуль 3 Итого
Аудиторные занятия
Практические занятия
Самостоятельная работа
Итого за работу в семестре
Обобщающий контроль        

4 семестр

Виды работ Максимальное количество баллов
Модуль 1 Модуль 2 Модуль 3 Итого
Аудиторные занятия
Практические занятия
Самостоятельная работа
Итого за работу в семестре
Обобщающий контроль (экзамен)      

7.2.2. Оценивание аудиторной работы студентов

Таблица 7

Наименование раздела дисциплины Формы оцениваемой работы Максимальное количество баллов Модуль (аттестация)
Работа на практических занятиях
Я и моя семья. Роль семьи в жизни человека. Дом и бытовые условия. Досуг и увлечения в семье. Путешествия. Чтение и перевод текстов. Составление тематического словаря. Выполнение упражнений. Коллоквиум. Составление диалога. Словарный диктант. Контрольная работа.   1,2   1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
Мой вуз. Учеба. Студенческая жизнь в России и за рубежом. Система высшего образования в России и за рубежом. Чтение и перевод текстов. Составление тематического словаря. Выполнение упражнений. Коллоквиум. Составление диалога. Словарный диктант. Контрольная работа.    
Образ жизни человека в современном мире. Праздники и традиции в отечественной и иноязычной культуре. Чтение и перевод текстов. Составление тематического словаря. Работа в парах. Ролевая игра. Составление диалога. Словарный диктант. Контрольная работа.   1,2   1,2 1,2
Избранное направление профессиональной деятельности. Чтение и перевод текстов. Аннотирование текста. Составление тематического словаря. Ролевая игра. Контрольная работа.    
Культурное наследие России. Чтение и перевод текстов. Коллоквиум. Выполнение упражнений. Составление тематического словаря. Составление диалога. Словарный диктант. Контрольная работа.   1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3   1,2,3 1,2
Составление деловых писем. Реферирование текстов социально-культурного характера. Чтение, перевод, реферирование текста. Контрольная работа.     1,2,3  
Культура стран изучаемого языка. Реферирование текстов социально-культурного характера. Работа с текстом. Выполнение упражнений. Чтение, перевод, реферирование текста. Аннотирование текста. Контрольная работа.   1,2 1,2 1,2   1,2 1,2
Написание и отправление электронных писем. Аннотирование текстов профессиональной направленности. Реферирование текстов социально-культурного характера. Чтение, перевод, реферирование текста. Аннотирование текста. Выполнение упражнений. Тест. Ролевая игра. Работа в группах.          

7.2.3. Оценивание самостоятельной работы студентов

Таблица 8

Наименование раздела (темы) дисциплины Формы оцениваемой работы Максимальное количество баллов Модуль (аттестация)
Я и моя семья. Сочинение. Устное сообщение.
Досуг и увлечения в семье. Эссе.
Внеаудиторное чтение. Чтение, перевод текста. Составление вокабуляра.
Роль семьи в жизни человека. Эссе.
Мой дом/квартира. Сочинение. Устное сообщение.
Путешествия. Эссе.
Внеаудиторное чтение. Чтение, перевод текста. Составление вокабуляра.
Планы на будущее. Письмо.
Я учусь в академии Сочинение. Устное сообщение.
Система высшего образования в России и за рубежом. Подготовка реферата. Составление вокабуляра.
Внеаудиторное чтение. Чтение, перевод текста. Составление вокабуляра.
Мой обычный день. Сочинение. Устное сообщение.
Внеаудиторное чтение. Чтение, перевод текста. Составление вокабуляра.
Праздники в отечественной и иноязычной культуре. Слайд-презентация.
Внеаудиторное чтение. Чтение, перевод текста. Составление вокабуляра.
Моя будущая профессия. Сочинение. Устное сообщение.
Времена групп Simple, Continuous, Perfect. Составление сводной таблицы (правила и примеры).
Внеаудиторное чтение. Чтение, перевод текста. Составление вокабуляра.
Выдающиеся достижения и личности нашей страны. Подготовка реферата.  
Работа с текстом профессиональной направленности. Чтение, перевод, аннотирование текста.
Российская Федерация. Сообщение по теме.
Москва – столица России. Сообщение по теме.
Работа с текстом профессиональной направленности. Чтение, перевод, аннотирование текста. Составление вокабуляра.  
Москва и ее достопримечательности. Слайд-презентация.
Тобольск и его достопримечательности. Слайд-презентация.
Тобольск – город, в котором я учусь. Сообщение по теме.
Деловое письмо. Письмо.
Работа с текстом профессиональной направленности. Чтение, перевод, аннотирование текста.
Великобритания и Лондон. Сообщение по теме.
Достопримечательности Лондона. Слайд-презентация.
Соединенные Штаты Америки и Вашингтон. Сообщение по теме.
Достопримечательности Вашингтона. Слайд-презентация.
Устройство на работу. Заполнение анкеты, составление резюме.
Советы по поиску работы и трудоустройству. Эссе.

7.2.4. Оценочные средства для текущего контроля успеваемости

Текущий контроль успеваемости осуществляется в течение семестра в виде устных опросов, сообщений, диалогов и монологов, тестовых заданий, контрольных работ; также учитывается выполнение творческих работ на иностранном языке (проекты, презентации, рефераты, резюме, мини-доклады, реферирование статей, аннотации текстов) и внеаудиторное чтение.

Оценивается уровень владения как речевыми навыками (произносительными, лексическими, грамматическими, орфографическими навыками, техники чтения), так и уровня владения иноязычными речевыми умениями (аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма).

Письменные контрольные работы могут включать тесты, задания на подстановку или раскрытие скобок, дополнение предложений, выбор ответа, а также задания на перевод с английского языка на русский и с русского на английский.

Темы для написания мини-сочинения:

1) My family.

2) My new flat.

3) The daily life.

4) Our Academy.

5) The role of education.

6) My future plans.

Темы для написания реферата:

1) Образование в России и за рубежом.

2) История и традиции нашей академии.

3) Научная, культурная и спортивная жизнь студентов.

4) Образ жизни человека в современном мире.

5) Роль путешествий в современном мире.

6) Праздники и традиции в отечественной и иноязычной культуре.

7) Духовно-нравственные принципы России.

8) Москва-сердце России.

9) Тобольск-жемчужина Сибири.

10) Английские традиции как элемент культуры.

11) Лондон-город контрастов.

12) США и Канада: сходства и различия.

Темы для составления презентации:

1) Система образования в Великобритании.

2) Система образования в США.

3) Достопримечательности Москвы.

4) Достопримечательности Лондона.

5) Политическая система Великобритании.

6) Выдающиеся люди Великобритании.

7) Праздники и традиции Великобритании.

8) Политическое устройство США.

9) Города США.

10) Провинции Канады.

Образцы тестов для текущего контроля в 1 семестре:

Circle the correct answer.

1. What ________ at?

a) do you look

b) you look

c) are you looking

d) is looked

2. What ______ fresh air!

a) a

b) no article

c) the

3. Whose flat are you living in?

a) My mother-in-law.

b) My mother’s-in-law.

c) My mother-in-law’s.

d) Mine mother-in-law.

4. Something unexpected has probably happened ______ them.

a) at

b) with

c) to

5. Why _______ you ______ so fast today?

a) do walk

b) are walking

c) is walking

6. Classes ______.

a) are from nine to three

b) are at nine to three

c) begin from nine to three

7. They plan to go to the Trade fair ______ Sunday.

a) at

b) on

c) in

8. There ______ a lot of people in this café on Sundays.

a) was

b) has been

c) are

d) is

9. I’d like a cup _______.

a) coffee

b) of coffee

c) with coffee

10. The president, with his wife and daughter, … returning from a brief vacation at Sun Valley.

a) is

b) are

c) have been

Circle the correct answer.

1. ______ journeys to unknown places require a lot of preparation.

a) the

b) a

с) —

2. In ancient times many people believed that the earth ______ motionless.

a) is

b) wasn’t

c) was

3. We ________ our report last time.

a) had written

b) haven’t written

c) wrote

4. There’s hardly ______ cheerful news in the papers.

a) any

b) some

c) no

5. Are ______ English people you know friendly?

a) —

b) the

c) some

6. What _______ I to do?

a) must

b) should

c) am

7. Don says it’s difficult to learn two foreign languages at the same time.

a) I am not agree.

b) I am not agreeing.

c) I don’t agree.

8. What ______ fresh air!

a) a

b) —

c) the

9. There ______ one sofa and two armchairs in this set.

a) is

b) are

c) be

10. When we wear woolen clothing, ______ in the wool that protects us from the cold.

a) the air

b) there is the air

c) it is the air

Circle the correct answer.

1. Days are ______ in June.

a) the longest

b) the long

c) longest

2. Let’s go out now. It ______ anymore.

a) doesn’t rain

b) isn’t raining

c) hasn’t rained

3. You will take an umbrella, if it ______.

a) will rain

b) is rain

c) rains

4. ______ the weather forecast it will rain heavily later this morning.

a) On account of

b) According to

c) Because of

5. There was ______ snow here this winter than three years ago.

a) less

b) little

c) fewer

6. Steven will go to the party if he ______.

a) will have time.

b) does have time.

c) has time.

7. I don’t like this house. I prefer ______ houses.

a) moderner

b) more modern

c) much moderner

8. He works more ______than anyone else I know.

a) hardly

b) hard

c) steadily

9. When will she come back?

a) Next summer, after will finish school.

b) Next summer, when she is going to finish school.

c) Next summer, when she finishes school.

10. He was ______ polite to me.

a) the most

b) most

c) the more

11. I have ______ friends than Sam.

a) more

b) many

c) much

12. ______ not very far to walk.

a) It isn’t

b) There is

c) It is

13. It ______ hot here, ______ the boy take off his coat.

a) gets/lets

b) is getting/let

c) is getting/to let

Образцы тестов для текущего контроля во 2 семестре:

Circle the correct answer.

1. How ______ money is there on the table?

a) much

b) many

c) lot of

2. He can’t explain why he ______ this mistake again.

a) made

b) has made

c) has done

3. If anyone wants to go ______ may.

a) they

b) he

c) she

4. I’ve asked my mother for some money so that I ______ go to the pictures.

a) may

b) can

c) have to

5. I ______ my tea yet.

a) don’t have

b) haven’t had

c) didn’t have

6. When the children ______ their toys, I donated them to a charity.

a) outwore

b) outgrew

c) outdated

7. You can have as ______ of this material as you want.

a) much

b) many

c) few

8. There are never ______ taxis when you want one.

a) some

b) any

c) no

9. The jacket you bought is very good quality. It ______ be very expensive.

a) was to

b) could

c) must

10. Tom ______ study hard but now he doesn’t study very hard.

a) used to

b) used

c) didn’t used to

11. His clothes ______ quite new.

a) are

b) is

c) was

Circle the correct answer.

1. Alice was ________ unhappy, and I didn’t understand why.

a) so

b) such

c) alone

d) many

2. He speaks French fluently but he makes ________ of mistakes.

a) quite a lot

b) quite many

c) quite lot

d) pretty lot

3. How much coffee do you want?

a) A lot of

b) A lot

c) Lots of

4. Which is more expensive, a motorcycle or a bicycle?

a) a motorcycle is more expensive a bicycle.

b) a motorcycle is more expensive that a bicycle.

c) a motorcycle is more expensive than a bicycle.

5. We ________ our report yet.

a) had written

b) haven’t written

c) wrote

d) write

6.Snowdon is one of the _________.

a) highest mountain in Great Britain.

b) highest mountains in Great Britain.

c)most high mountain in Great Britain.

7. I can’t decide right now.

a) I need a little time

b) I need a few time

c) I need many time

8. This restaurant is even ________.

a) more bad than the other

b) worse than the other

c) worst than the other

9. On our trip to Spain we crossed ______ Atlantic Ocean.

a) an

b) the

c) no article

10. The population increase in Britain is not very high because families are _____ than they used to be.

a) the smallest

b) small

c) the smaller

d) smaller

Circle the correct answer.

1. It’s late. I _______ to bed.

a) should go

b) must to go

c) was to go

2. You _______ the film. It’s very good.

a) can’t miss

b) mustn’t miss

c) should miss

3. It was raining hard outside and we ________ our raincoats.

a) must put on

b) had to put on

c) have to put on

4. We ______ to the cinema tonight.

a) are to go

b) were to go

c) had to go

5. There is a man at the door, ______?

a) is there

b) isn’t he

c) isn’t there

6. She had to do it at once. - ______?

a) Hadn’t she

b) Did she

c) Was she

7. Who knows the answer? – We ______.

a) did

b) do

c) does

8. Let’s arrange a party, ______?

a) will they

b) shall we

c) will you

9. This ticket ______ one person to the museum.

a) permits

b) admits

c) enters

10. He ______ the translation by six o’clock tomorrow morning.

a) will finish

b) will have finished

c) will have been finished

Образцы тестов для текущего контроля в 3 семестре:

Circle the correct answer.

1. You’ve been very strange ______.

a) later

b) lately

c) late

2. If only I ______ my mouth shut yesterday.

a) have kept

b) had kept

c) kept


4. If I ______ in your place, I would think as you do.

a) will be

b) were

c) be

5. It is said that Einstein felt ______ about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons of war.

a) very badly

b) so badly

c) very bad

6. What a ______ dressed girl!

a) loudly

b) loud

c) louder

7. They wanted to know who ______.

a) next was

b) will next be

c) was next

8. If I were you. I ______ the book in the original.

a) will read

b) would read

c) won’t read

9. The students _______ translating the article by 5 o’clock.

a) finished

b) had finished

c) finish

10. She was writing a letter when the phone ______.

a) had rung

b) was ringing

c) rang

Circle the correct answer.

1. I wonder ______.

a) what he is doing now

b) what is he

c) what does he do now

d) what is he doing

2. He postponed ______ a decision till it was too late to do anything.

a) making

b) make

c) to make

3. At first I found it difficult to get used ______ on the other side of the road.

a) to drive

b) to driving

c) driving

4. In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed ______ football.

a) to play

b) playing

c) play

5. Though it was late he went on ______ at his report.

a) to work

b) work

c) working

6. Andrew insisted ______ paying the bill.

a) on

b) in

c) for

7. I know my hair wants ______ but I never have time to go to the hairdresser’s.

a) cutting

b) being cut

c) to cut

8. Jane asked if the postman had come ______.

a) yet

b) yet not

c) already

9. Have you decided ______ her for her birthday?

a) what you are going to get

b) what are you going to give

c) what you are going to give

10. I am looking forward ______ you again.

a) to see

b) to seeing

c) seeing

Circle the correct answer.

1. Do you want her ______ you to her mother?

a) introduce

b) introducing

c) to introduce

2. His mother _______ him before he came.

a) didn’t see

b) doesn’t see

c) wasn’t seeing

d) hadn’t seen

3. The Professor ______ the material for two hours before he gave the quiz.

a) reviewed

b) had reviewed

c) was reviewed

d) would review

4. Tell us about the countries you ________last year.

a) visits

b) have visited

c) visited

5. At 8 o’clock last night, I ______ TV.

a) am watching

b) was watching

c) were watching

d) watched

6. Which is the highest mountain in ________ Cordillera?

a) the

b) a

c) no article

7. Lake Erie is one the five Great Lakes ________ North America.

a) no article

b) the

c) a

8. She recited the poem, ______?

a) doesn’t she

b) didn’t she

b) did she

c) wasn’t she

9. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by ______ Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

a) an

b) the

c) no article

10. They watched her ______ with her dog.

a) playing

b) to play

c) played

Circle the correct answer.

1. Peter has changed a lot. I didn’t recognize him ______.

a) firstly

b) at the first time

c) at first

2. I haven’t seen her since we ______ school.

a) had finished

b) have finished

c) finished

3. She hates arriving ______.

a) lately

b) late

c) the latest

4. Nobody was late ______?

a) was he

b) were they

c) was it

5. I ______ never ______ Australia before and I’m enjoying my stay.

a) has … visited

b) did … visited

c) have … visited

6. How long ______ here?

a) are you waiting

b) have you been waiting

c) were you waiting

7. We shall go for a swim tomorrow.

a) So we shall

b) So do we

c) So shall we

8. Have you read the book ______?

a) still

b) else

c) yet

9. How long ______ Chinese?

a) are you learning

b) have you learned

c) have you been learning

10. Most of the products ________ in this factory are exported.

a) made

b) are made

c) making

Образцы тестов для текущего контроля в 4 семестре:

Circle the correct answer.

1. Noise pollution generally receives less attention than ______ air pollution.

a) it does

b) does

c) is

2. He wondered where ______ the oranges.

a) I have bought

b) did buy

c) I had bought

3. The work ______ done tomorrow morning.

a) can be

b) has be

c) may

4. When he left I remembered that I … to return him the book.

a) forgot

b) had forgotten

c) would forget

5. This work must ______ at once.

a) do

b) be done

c) have done

6. He asked me where they ______ the week before.

a) went

b) had gone

c) would go

7. We saw her in May, but we ______ her since.

a) didn’t see

b) don’t see

c) haven’t seen

8. Since my parents did not approve of ______ to London to study, I decided to study by correspondence.

a) me to go

b) my going

c) I go

9. This game ______ by two or more players.

a) can play

b) could play

c) can be played

10. People should sometimes stop ______ before speaking their minds.

a) thinking

b) to think

c) think

Circle the correct answer.

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral _______ destroyed in the Great Fire of London.

a) is

b) had been

c) was

d) has

2. Well, you’d better tell me about it, ______ you?

a) didn’t

b) wouldn’t

c) hadn’t

3. Rice _______ in China.

a) grown

b) is growing

c) is grown

d) has grown

4. It ______ better if I had stayed at home to get there.

a) would be

b) would have been

c) would have had been

5. Johnny broke a lamp.

a) Which one did he break?

b) Which one did he broke?

c) Which one broke he?

6. A party _______ in his honour.

a) gives

b) is given

c) gave

7. Jane likes her job. She is very _______ in her work.

a) interested

b) interesting

c) interest

8. ______ Tretyakov Gallery is one of the most famous world galleries.

a) The

b) A

c) No article

9. I didn’t see you at the office yesterday.

a) Where was you?

b) Where were you?

c) Where did you be?

10. If you ______ the piano all on your own, you wouldn’t have strained your back.

a) didn’t move

b) hadn’t moved

c) had moved

Circle the correct answer.

1. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I ______ so tired.

a) weren’t

b) wouldn’t have been

c) hadn’t been

2. The battle ______ in 1623.

a) was being fought

b) was fought

3. There ______ many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success ______.

a) were/had been achieved

b) have been/has been achieved

c) have been/would have been achieved

4. Mr. Wilson wasn’t ______ the others in that respect.

a) calmer

b) as calm as

c) as calmly as

5. All passengers ______ a free sightseeing trip.

a) offered

b) were offer

c) are offered

6. An ancient town ______ underwater while fishermen ______ for sponges.

a) discovered/were dived

b) was discovered/diving

c) was discovered/were diving

7. The news of their success ______ to her yesterday.

a) has been brought

b) brought

c) was brought

8. The dress looked ______. She was ______ with it.

a) beautiful/delighted

b) beautifully/delighted

c) beautifully/delighted

9. He wondered where she ______ when she ______ from the University.

a) will work/will graduate

b) would work/would graduate

c) would work/graduated

10. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he ______ after that incident.

a) had resigned

b) resigned

c) would have resigned

Circle the correct answer.

1. By the time they got home it ______.

a) stopped raining

b) had stopped raining

c) had been stopped to rain

2. If I had known you were in hospital, I ______ to visit you.

a) would go

b) would have gone

c) had gone

3. ______ you ______ your holiday last summer?

a) Have … enjoyed

b) Did … enjoy

c) Had … enjoyed

4. Jennifer was amazed when Tom told her that she ______ a lottery.

a) won

b) had won

c) has won

5. I couldn’t recognize him because I ______ him since we went to school together.

a) haven’t seen

b) hadn’t seen

c) didn’t see

6. That’s the only book by Galsworthy that he ______ read.

a) didn’t

b) hasn’t

c) hadn’t

7. The weight was too great and the string ______.

a) broke

b) destroyed

c) ruined

8. If a year ago the sailors had been told that they were to make such a trip, they ______ surprised.

a) would be

b) would have been

c) will be

9. She wanted to know if we ______.

a) will join them

b) joined them

c) would join them

10. Ann ______ television for a long time when she fell asleep on the sofa.

a) is watching

b) has been watching

c) had been watching

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