Раздел 2. Условное наклонение



По переводу




Федеральное агентство по образованию

ГОУ ВПО «Пятигорский государственный

Линвгистический университет»


Пособие По переводу




УДК 811.11 У 80 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ ВПО «Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет»

Практическое пособие по переводу (для студентов 2 курса пере-водческого факультета) / Л.А. Горохова; / сост. Л.А. Горохова; Пятиг. гос. лингвист. ун-т.. – 2-е изд., испр. – Пятигорск: ПГЛУ, 2010. – 55 с.

Пособие предназначается для аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы студентов 2 курса переводческого факультета, обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение». Пособие содержит упражнения, посвященные переводу основных грамматических трудностей английского языка, а также микротексты для глобальной трансформации на русском и английском языках и упражнения на перевод англоязычных имен собственных.

Рецензенты: кафедра западноевропейских языков ПГЛУ; кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии АГУ Е.А. Долуденко.


2010 г.

Методическая записка

Настоящее пособие предназначается для аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы студентов 2 курса переводческого факультета, обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение».

Пособие состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит упражнения по основным «проблемным» грамматическим темам: неличные формы глагола, условное наклонение, модальные глаголы и артикли. Число упражнений примерно соответствует количеству занятий по практическому курсу перевода на 2 курсе. Все упражнения рекомендуются для письменного выполнения. В конце каждого раздела имеется дополнительное упражнение на устный перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, предназначенное для отработки навыка устного перевода безэквивалентных грамматических структур.

Часть II содержит микротексты, предназначенные для глобальной трансформации (замены синонимами максимального числа элементов текста без потери передаваемой информации). Рекомендуется начинать этот вид работы с текстов на русском языке, представляющих меньшую трудность для трансформации, и по мере формирования соответствующих навыков переходить к текстам на английском языке. Общественно-политическая тематика всех текстов отражает актуальные проблемы современности. Впоследствии данные микротексты могут также использоваться для письменного и устного последовательного перевода.

Упражнения второго раздела Части II предназначены для обучения переводу разнообразных прецизионных единиц: имен собственных, географических названий, торговых марок и т.п. Мы рекомендуем работать с данными упражнениями в два этапа: сначала студенты выполняют упражнение дома, пользуясь лингвострановедческими и специальными словарями; затем на уроке преподаватель предлагает им перевод-диктовку, построенный на материале одного или нескольких упражнений.

Материалы данного пособия позволяют сформировать у студентов 2 курса те умения и навыки, которые необходимы для обучения более сложным видам перевода на старших курсах.


Часть I. 3

Раздел 1. Неличные формы глагола. 3

Раздел 2. Условное наклонение. 3

Раздел 3. Модальные глаголы.. 3

Раздел 4. Артикли. 3

Часть II. 3

Раздел 1. Тексты для глобальной трансформации. 3

Раздел 2. Имена собственные. 3

Часть I

Раздел 1. Неличные формы глагола

Упражнение 1

1. That turned out to be true. 2. He seemed to have gained all he wanted. 3. He appeared to have no close relations with anyone in the office. 4. The gossip seemed not to have been taken seriously by my brothers. 5. My father listened gravely, or at least he appeared to be listening. 6. He did not appear to have heard what she had said. 7. I never knew the fellow, but everyone seems to have liked him. 8. I happened to be the first to hear about it. 9. Ann met her young man at a dance and later on she went out with him a lot because he proved to be a good boy. 10. Before long I ceased to be useful to them. 11. They forgot to invite me. 12. I shall never forget staying in your house in Kent. 13. Do you remember delivering the grape juice to this house that morning? 14. Did you remember to send the money to Leeds? 15. He tried growing potatoes there. 16. I knew that he was trying to save money. 17. I was tired of pretending to write or to read. 18. He couldn’t afford to be late these days. 19. When I got back into the house I remembered to wipe the rain off my face. 20. I remember mentioning it to you, Lewis.

1. After a three-day meeting to discuss the projected commission, UNESCO’s communications program will also be reviewed.

2. The report, to be submitted to the General Assembly this month, emphatically rejects as complacent the view that economic aid for emergent Africa is no longer necessary.

3. Information comes in floods now, but we haven’t installed a way to use the brains with the capacity to filter and distil it.

4. Britain had the most extensive network of double taxation agreements in the world to protect companies trading in Britain and other countries from paying tax twice over.

5. Washington. – A draft report produced by the Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that there is not enough evidence to support that charge.

6. Chicago. – A new report on the impact of plant closings shows they affect Black, Hispanic and women workers the hardest and that some plants close to avoid equal employment opportunity laws.

7. To meet the need for increasingly precise forecasts, meteorologists hope to extend their observational system until it covers every corner of the earth.

8. Education standards are bound to be hit by the government’s latest round of spending cuts, Education Secretary admitted yesterday.

9. It was supposed that uncertainty was bound to continue unless major efforts were made to solve Western Europe’s currency crisis.

10. The commercial broadcasting industry convinced Americans that it was «good citizenship to consume news at regular intervals».

Упражнение 2

1. Her lower lip trembled as if she were ready to burst into tears. 2. Her smile faded quickly: «You were crazy to come.» 3. Their argument was hard to follow. 4. I’m not very likely to do that. 5. The offer was not so easy for Doris to accept. 6. He took off his glasses and looked vainly for something with which to clean them. 7. He had little time left in which to sleep. 8. There were more knives, forks and spoons than he knew what to do with. 9. I don’t think it amused him to quarrel. 10. His fingers trembled so violently that it took four matches to light a cigarette. 11. It irritated Mary to hear Willy use a German word or phrase. 12. It tortured him to see her body shaken by sobs. 13. It might be of interest for you to see what sort of person this Allen is. 14. It was rather sweet of him to hurry home in order to tell her all about it without delay. 15. It is not natural for a young man to spend all his evenings at home. 16. It was not unusual for dinner parties to end in that way. 17. The noise made it impossible for me to hear what they were talking about. 18. They all felt it unreasonable of Ann to have left them without a word. 19. Would you find it convenient for me to call on you on Monday? 20. Grant thought it best to deny everything.

1. The cosmonauts had been expected to land in the Kazakhstan area (from which the spaceship was launched) as in the case of all other spaceships.

2. The discussion is expected to focus on four broad subjects: raw materials and world trade, food supplies and agriculture, prospection, production and consumption of energy, and international financial and monetary problems.

3. An attempt to cover up the differences which came to the surface last weekend will be made by both Foreign Ministers in talks expected to take place at the end of next month.

4. Another demonstration was expected to protest the shipment of U.S. arms to El Salvador.

5. Neither he nor any other politician could be expected to solve West Berlin’s pressing problems at the wave of a hand.

6. The US proposal is likely to arouse new US – West Germany friction over the two countries’ military budgets.

7. No one will refuse to pay less tax, but if they think that by this means they will bribe the electors to vote for them in large numbers, they are likely to be disappointed.

8. The present fine spell is likely to be brief, predicted the meteorological office last night in its long-range weather forecast.

9. The three parties likely to take part in a coalition are the Republican People’s Party, the Justice Party, and the New Turkey Party.

10. The Minister of Economic Affairs referred today to the statement reported to have been made by the Foreign Secretary at Dundee on Friday.

Упражнение 3

1. In his talk with my father the visitor was heard to mention some accident. 2. The girl was told to fill the cups with tea. 3. He was reported to have changed his mind. 4. She was made to understand that she must move out of the flat. 5. Bill was led into the drawing-room and left there to look at the pictures. 6. He was found to be a very engaging man. 7. She was believed to have left her husband. 8. John could not bring himself to return to London. 9. He got me to tell him stories of my family. 10. I watched the second car depart and then went slowly back into the cool house. 11. He saw John pouring himself a cup of coffee. 12. He saw John pour himself a cup of coffee. 13. I don’t like people to come and see me off at airports. 14. I rely upon you to be discreet. 15. After half an hour I began to long for the children to come back. 16. He got up as if to join his guests. 17. He moved about very slowly as if swimming. 18. He was so tired as to be unable to undress. 19. I’m sure you are too young to remember. 20. He was not an easy person to help.

1. Disenchantment with the President appears to be growing. The political scene has been transformed in the past two months to the point where people are openly talking of the possibility: (1) that the President will not seek re-election; and (2) that he might be beaten if he runs.

2. Recently these plans seemed to have assumed a new reality and to have become more aggressive.

3. Spanish authorities have confiscated copies of last month’s edition of «Working Youth». No reason for the action was given, but it was believed to have resulted from an article discussing sackings in a Madrid motor factory.

4. France had what was believed to be its coldest Christmas for 83 years, and in the Jura Mountains the temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees Centigrade.

5. The meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, is understood to have taken place at the Prime Minister’s request.

6. U.S. officials were said to consider that uncertainty was bound to continue unless some drastic measures were taken.

7. Turkey’s rulers were said to fear that expulsion from the Council of Europe might make it more difficult to obtain necessary economic credit and aid.

8. The warnings are now shown to have been fully justified: thousands of workers will get the sack.

9. The rapidity with which people are arming themselves with tear gas worries a number of law enforcement officials. Some officials say that they expect the disabling spray to be used increasingly by criminals bent on robbery, rape or assault.

10. At that moment Western governments were anxiously waiting for Saudi Arabia to provide new finances for the International Monetary Fund.

Упражнение 4

1. He liked being in the company of his relations. 2. He kept glancing at his watch, and when he finished his tea he said he must be going back. 3. Dan could never resist showing his work. 4. Even in the darkened room, I could not help seeing that Mrs. Jones’ face was swollen with tears. 5. She never minded being alone at the cottage. 6. The news was worth writing about to his father. 7. His wife was in London. She was busy finding themselves a new home. 8. When it came down to cooking dinner she burst into tears. 9. It was wonderful having Bart. 10. In this rain it’s tough getting a taxi. 11. They were heard arguing on the terrace a few minutes ago. 12. I thought that matches were not left lying about in the garden for nothing. 13. Fox was found waiting for us on the terrace. 14. He lit himself a cigar and tried to relax as he heard the front door being opened. 15. John did not want to find himself playing the role of a teacher. 16. I heard him crying for us to stop. 17. Of course, I have the advantage of knowing the man very well. 18. He gave up the pretence of packing. 19. I was in despair at the thought of losing the job. 20. Do you think there’s any chance of our being believed?

1. The Belgium Prime Minister offered his resignation to the King in Brussels yesterday after failing to reconcile a cabinet split over tough new economic measures.

2. Instead of cutting overseas military costs by bringing our troops home, the ruinous drain on Britain’s finances is being continued by the Government.

3. The Secretary of State was not enthusiastic, and made the mistake of letting his lack of enthusiasm be widely known.

4. It is nonsense for its supporters to claim that the present policy is a success. It has succeeded in increasing the number out of work, and in reducing production.

5. Far from helping the low-paid the Prime Minister has hit them hardest of all.

6. All the evidence of past words and deeds is against such agreement being possible.

7. Jobs and living standards depend on the industrial capacity of the nation being used to the full.

8. More troops going there will only make things worse.

9. What police described as «appalling» weather conditions prevented the two helicopters borrowed from the Army taking part in the search.

10. The whole system was nothing but an alarm system designed to go off in case of raw materials being illegally removed or utilised.

Упражнение 5

1. She sat gazing straight before her. 2. She lay crying a long while. 3. We stood waiting for the doors to open. 4. With the first gust of wind her husband’s hat went sailing through the air. 5. They both paused, listening to the voices on the stairs. 6. Oh, Bert, I never thought I would end my life wrapping brown paper round strange objects. 7. She won’t have any trouble getting you a job in Hollywood. 8. They had a hard time living in Dublin. 9. The old man had difficulty chewing the meat. 10. She had a dull time looking after her aunt. 11. He did not object to others being there. 12. I had nothing to do with his making the decision. 13. Then I suspected him of teasing me. 14. We had no difficulty in being nice to each other. 15. There was nothing to prevent him from returning to London. 16. He apologised for keeping me. 17. My father often accused me of treating the house as a hotel. 18. I was not really sure what I felt about Jack coming home. 19. I told him about Phil wanting to come with us. 20. The doctor began by feeling his pulse.

1. Paris. – A grim new year of record-high unemployment, slow growth and unnervingly high inflation stretching into the next year is in store for the major industrialised countries, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reports.

2. Tenants have presented to the mayor a petition signed by 1,600 urging the council to press for lower interest rates.

3. Mexico City. – Having long considered a strong military unnecessary, Mexico suddenly decided to spend a portion of its oil earnings on armaments – and for the first time intended to buy supersonic jet fighters in the United States.

4. Considering the complexity of the problem, the decision was reached at a rather early date.

5. While seeing the dangers it is also essential to confront the pessimism created by a section of the mass media.

6. Even counting Britain’s North Sea oil bonanza total industrial production dropped 9 per cent – pulling the British economy back to levels of 1967. Unemployment had burgeoned to 10 per cent of the British labour force – another post-Depression record – and is rising rapidly.

7. Decisions have been taken at Brussels, which, if carried out, would lead straight to further controversies.

8. Fears of radiation contamination from forgotten waste dumps, nuclear testing and transportation accidents grew this week as investigations expanded beyond the initial discovery of an old radioactive waste dump in Denver. The dump was found emitting contaminates last week.

9. They wanted a Government freely chosen by the will of the people.

10. The peoples of all countries are vitally interested in seeing further steps taken at the Foreign Ministers’ Conference in October.

Упражнение 6

1. Jack lit a cigarette while waiting for the waiter to come back with the ice. 2. Phil stuck the money in his pocket without counting it. 3. He lit a cigarette before answering. 4. Did Grant show any emotion on opening the parcel? 5. He hesitated a moment before crossing the bridge. 6. The terrace was crowded with women drinking tea. 7. I strapped the watch on my wrist with trembling fingers. 8. I had to wait two hours in the hospital to have a tooth filled. 9. She slammed the drawer shut. 10. I left my wife well provided for. 11. He was determined to make himself respected. 12. It was hard to see him defeated. 13. One can’t get anything done in our house. 14. In the drawing-room the music of Mozart was being played by an orchestra seen on the TV screen. 15. Taken by surprise they had nothing to say. 16. In the box there were some negatives rolled up in a tight coil. 17. How did you account for buying that car? 18. He reproached himself for not having tried to talk with her. 19. I felt proud of having been of use to him. 20. The doctor was used to listening to all sorts of people.

1. With Britain gripped by recession and 2.5 million unemployed, intense competition for job tends to leave black youths behind.

2. With domestic demand slack, the Japanese economy has had to depend on exports for much of its growth – particularly of such high-priced items as automobiles, which now provide 17% of the country’s total exports.

3. With 70 per cent of Japan’s land area mountainous and a small percentage devoted to farmland, two-thirds of Japan’s urban population resides and works in less than 5 per cent of the total land area.

4. Strasbourg. – The European Parliament is coming under sharp criticism with allegations made by members of inflated expenses – too much money spent on overseas trips, expensive quarters, and office cleaners.

5. England emerged from the war only a formal ‘victor’, its economy shaken and entering a period of permanent stagnation and decline.

6. Foreign-owned companies that set up British subsidiaries to channel their profits pay no tax provided their management and control remain outside.

7. Objections to this plan, supposing there is any, should be reported to the committee at once.

8. If Saudi Arabia decides to maintain its production at the current level, the highest prices are almost equally certain to continue to decline, given the state of the market.

9. This was what the Tories want. They are against the Bill, but failing its complete defeat they are aiming to get it amended into uselessness.

10. The Cabinet decided to consider the agreement pending ratification by the Majlis.

Упражнение 7

1. My will was weakened. I wanted someone to lean on. 2. We stood for a while watching a man training an Alsatian puppy. 3. There was a lot of noise all around now, and amongst it you could hear a plane flying unusually low. 4. I heard Arthur make a slight noise which may have been a sigh or a chuckle. 5. I don’t like girls to smoke. It takes away the fragrance of youth. 6. After supper Willy switched on the wireless and John left him dancing round the drawing-room to the sound of Mozart’s piano concerto in C minor. 7. I caught her looking at me. 8. He explained his behaviour as trying to make up their quarrel. 9. If you go on talking like this you’ll have me crying. 10. I found myself living almost entirely on the grapes which the cook found it hard to spoil. 11. They watched me walk away, wiping my nose on my arm. 12. I remember the telegram coming about Mary’s arrival. 13. Just as habit kills love I should have thought habit would prevent its arising. 14. I can’t see my nephew making much of a soldier. 15. If he finds it necessary, the district attorney may require an inquest to be held. 16. He felt the money being taken from his grasp. 17. In London she bought a lipstick. I remember her trying the various shades on the back of her hand. 18. He shouted to them to come inshore when they ventured out too far into the sea. 19. I sat up till one o’clock waiting for Ted to ring up again, but he never did. 20. He motioned to the waiter to put the tray down.

1. The candidate said this morning that he was fully aware of the obstacles to be faced and the charges that would be made.

2. The cutback in housing programmes has been so sharp that the national campaign for the homeless reports that in the next two years no families are likely to be rehoused from the waiting list at all.

3. Neither the federal government nor the nation as a whole needs to be reminded of the necessity of saving and conserving energy, especially by finding substitutes for oil. The message has been forcefully driven home by declining deliveries from Iran and Iraq.

4. Television, meanwhile, has become a major means of solidifying power and creating – or controlling – national utility in that country.

5. Though President has the sense to reject an outrageously optimistic forecast produced by some of his advisers, the government’s crystal ball still has a rosy hue.

6. Yet never were problems confronting the country so acute, with the electorate in fact divided on policy issues to a greater degree than for years past.

7. His proposals differ sharply from those offered by both the President and his Republican opponent. Both candidates favour reducing corporate taxes and increasing corporate profits above the current $250 billion annual profit level arguing that subsidising big business will result in a stimulation of the economy, with monies trickling down to workers. However, experience has shown that these subsidies have only resulted in unemployment and double-digit inflation.

8. Even if he belatedly shifts his policy, the president has little time left to influence the economy before the elections. Considering how long it takes for a policy change to be pushed through Congress and then to have an impact, a new «game plan» would have to be adopted now in order to score points before the election.

9. All major currencies sunk against the dollar, and fears were expressed in business circles that the dollar’s strength was adding to inflation in Europe by making imports more expensive in the huge trade with the United States.

Упражнение 8

1. He took the advantage of this confusion to escape and ran up the stairs to the studio. 2. To hear him, one would think he was as poor as a church mouse. 3. He rarely went out except to take part in the social life of the town. 4. «I must be getting old», she said, «to be talking like that». 5. He built a fire and put a tin pot of water on to boil. 6. You ought to know better than to ask questions like that. 7. How can she be content with you there to nag all the time? 8. But I did not come here in order to gain anything. 9. He ran his hand through his hair as though to tidy it. 10. I bumped into a man. Without looking I apologised and proceeded on my way. 11. That morning my father said to me: «In sending you to this school, Henry, I’m making a sacrifice. I can’t really afford it.» 12. It must be swell to get anything you want just by asking, I thought. 13. The musicians had vanished without his having seen them to go. 14. The cigarette burned down to my fingers and I threw it over the banister without putting it out. 15. We strolled back to the camp, it being then about twenty minutes to six. 16. I took my temperature and, upon finding it was a hundred point four, went back to bed again. 17. I showed my boredom by refusing to find any interest in the view. 18. That being understood, the conference was over. 19. He hardly looked at her while talking. 20. He had scarcely ever drunk tea at all until knowing Gwen.

1. The said tax increases to reduce government borrowing would do little to help recession hit industry or reduce unemployment.

2. The factory is producing light passenger cars, which are expected to form the largest part of the country’s drive to boost automobile production from 200,000 to 800,000 by 1990.

3. Far from doing anything to reduce the number of jobless, the Government is planning to throw more out of work with its rail and pit closures.

4. But if this experiment fails then it is obvious that, far from there being an improvement in the standards of life of the British people, there will be a steady diminution.

5. All his criticisms were reserved for Labour backbenchers who want the British Army withdrawn.

6. The decision this month, according to the sources, was to postpone any such changes pending a large policy review regarding relations with China and Taiwan.

7. The capital siphoned off through taxes to the Pentagon has meant that it is unavailable for civilian enterprises. Less capital investment means fewer jobs. Important areas of the economy are severely undernourished. Railroads, mass transit, and the solar energy industry are all areas which need massive infusions of capital both because of declining oil supplies, and to enhance the quality of life while depolluting the environment.

8. It seems unduly cynical, however, to accuse media folk of deliberately building Presidents up in order to knock them down. The fact is quite the opposite. Media people thrive on telling Americans what they want to hear.

9. Any other activities of the world organisation will be financed by the whole membership only by their unanimous and active support. And even in those rare cases it will be by having the Secretary-General solicit voluntary contributions.

Упражнение 9

1. Freddy felt very relieved. 2. You bet I’m burning myself out. I’ve been doing it for so many years now – and who cares? At this moment I feel quite played out. 3. The doll lay deserted on the porch. 4. Friendship restored, we walked along together. 5. The plant has withered because it was left exposed to the sun. 6. He sat straight in his bed with his feet tucked under him. 7. He felt a curious relief at the delay and at the fact that whether sent or not the letter was written. 8. But this friend of yours looks odd to me and he gets himself talked about. 9. If done prematurely, your move might provoke opposition. 10. They stared at each other, Dan still standing with his tea cup and Willy stretched out in the chair. 11. While waiting for a flight, and without ever leaving the terminal, a visitor could have his hair cut, suit pressed and shoes shined. 12. The snow never stopped falling that afternoon. It was dreadful to be outdoors. 13. Then we strolled round the place watching preparations being made to set the tent. 14. The door did not open. She left off ringing, and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, buried her face in her hands. 15. The thought came flashing into his mind. 16. To find them in so short a time would have been next to impossible. 17. I spent some time with Tom studying maps of the country. 18. He was accustomed to sleeping through the morning noises of the neighbourhood. 19. To describe the confusion that followed would be impossible. 20. He was beyond caring about what was going to happen to him.

1. Washington. – A draft report produced by the Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that there is not enough evidence to support that charge.

2. So, said an official, much of the discussion is likely to be about a suitable form of words, and the fact that Mr M. will negotiate on the basis of the latest proposals of the Nine means that he has already gone more than halfway to surrender.

3. By not losing sight of the long-term objectives they made themselves masters and not servants or victims of economic forces operating in the world.

4. Another important American statement shows that the military chiefs object to any idea of each country having its own independent forces and are opposed to the idea of disarmament being discussed at an international forum.

5. We will not seek to frustrate that consensus, since it is not in the world interest to have the work of the General Assembly immobilised in those troubled days.

6. Athens. – The political opposition has called on the government to resign, following U.S. press reports that nuclear warheads are being stored in Greece under the exclusive control of the U.S. military.

7. We should have no illusions – a nuclear war anywhere is a nuclear war everywhere. There are no hiding places. There are no safe conduct passes. If the explosion doesn’t get you the radiation will!

8. Now that big business has produced a real crisis they’re hell-bent on solving the economic crisis without losing a penny of their $250 billion per year profits. So their message: the crisis can’t be solved without cutting people’s living standards.

9. One person in ten can expect to be seriously injured or killed in a road accident during their lifetime, according to Prof. W.G., Director of the Road Injuries Research Group at the Birmingham Accident Hospital, in a report issued today.

10. «The only alternative to letting the British Motor Corporation company close and a thousand people become redundant, was for the Government to take over responsibility», said the Minister of Aviation.

Упражнение 10

1. She could not help bringing into her conversation the names of people she knew. 2. The state I’m in I’m liable to burst out crying. 3. It is true that to understand is to pity and to forgive. 4. «I cannot see what my having been divorced three times has to do with my books», she said. 5. He walked down the street, not knowing where to turn or what to do. 6. At the top of the third flight she paused for breath, and holding on to the banisters, stood listening. 7. Bob glanced away from his mother so as not to see the tears in her eyes. 8. The girl was only four but it delighted us to talk with her. 9. I had seen to many examples of the process not to recognize it now. 10. I’ve seen many a man ruined through having extravagant habits. 11. Not having read your letters, I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. 12. He took the first opportunity to apologise for his rudeness. 13. I’m too old to change my ways. 14. Taking the business over meant spending money. 15. I couldn’t resist showing my money or spending it treating my friends. 16. He sat for hours by the river as the trains ran shrieking across the bridge. 17. It might be worth trying. 18. I was hurrying to the booking office to see about our tickets. 19. He was sitting with his hands clasped round his knee, staring at the water. 20. She opened the door just in time to see Tom disappear round the corner.

1. The Home Secretary is expected to make a statement next week on the validity of the practice of allowing outside observers, photographers, and television cameramen to be present at the counting of the votes at a parliamentary election.

2. The meeting which was said to have lasted several hours on Thursday night, was confirmed Saturday. However, little more than the fact that it had taken place was revealed in the apparently co-ordinated statements provided by foreign policy spokesmen in the three countries involved.

3. Mexico City. – After years of taking Latin America for granted, the United States is now finding that much of the region no longer shares its view of the world.

4. A shadow minister is to challenge the government over reports that prescription charges may be increased next April. An opposition front bench spokesman in health said: «It is evidence of people being denied medicines on their doctors’ advice by the price being charged, and is a tragic breach of the idea of the National Health Service.»

5. With the problems facing the voters becoming more and more acute and the reform candidates offering the only solutions, there is no doubt that hard campaigning can bring about real changes in city hall.

6. Absorbed by Africa, tried by immigration, with the imperial feeling ebbing, India and Pakistan no longer hold the place in the British imagination that they once had.

7. Far from steering a middle course, or a modern course, or making changes, or bringing Socialist aims up to date, as in turn he claimed, he is operating a Tory – Right Wing Labour mixture of policies as old-fashioned as top hats on Palace coachmen, but not nearly as harmless or funny. The Prime Minister said that the July measures, «so far from threatening the nation with continuing unemployment, by creating the opportunity for a new break-through in exports and production, hold out the surest guarantee we have of full employment for a generation».

8. Having refused to recognize this in time, Washington was forced to retreat, under the pressure of rather embarrassing circumstances, from the juridically sound but politically unrealistic position it had enjoined on the United States delegation to the UN.

9. Speaking to a Conservative audience in Putney, London, the Leader of the House warned that «changed circumstances make adjustments necessary in both tactics and timing to meet altered conditions», although he added that the changes will all be made in pursuit of the same strategy.

Упражнение 11

1. Твои туфли нужно отремонтировать. 2. Увидев его, она побледнела. 3. Вы не возражаете, если я возьму вашу ручку? 4. Никогда не спрыгивай с движущегося поезда. 5. На этом заводе большое внимание уделяется защите здоровья рабочих. 6. Она вышла из комнаты, не сказав ни слова. 7. Испугавшись собаки, кошка забралась на дерево. 8. Выращивание роз требует большого внимания и труда. 9. Только представь себе: он пришел к финишу первым! 10. Он уже предвкушал, как вернется домой и встретится с семьей. 11. Бесполезно с ним разговаривать таким тоном. 12. Много лет назад я взял себе за правило вставать с рассветом. 13. Он имел обыкновение прогуливаться по пляжу по вечерам. 14. Не беспокойтесь: я привык вставать рано. 15. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы ехать на вокзал на такси. 16. Тебе надо подстричь волосы. 17. Что ты имел в виду, сказав это? 18. Работа в саду благотворно отражается на здоровье. 19. Она первая написала контрольную работу. 20. Я всегда узнаю обо всем последним. 21. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочли эту книгу. 22. Я видел, как он вошел в эту дверь. 23. Она не любит, когда я с ней спорю. 24. Дождь заставил нас вернуться домой. 25. Я рассчитывал, что письмо придет завтра. 26. Она знала, что он очень добрый человек. 27. Я чувствовал, что у меня дрожат руки. 28. Она уже сфотографировалась на паспорт? 29. Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языки мира. 30. Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода наступит так рано.

Раздел 2. Условное наклонение

Упражнение 1

1. He then suggested that we should drop the discussion and talk about something else. 2. My mother’s name was Lydia, and she always insisted that we should call her by this name. 3. He is angry that I should have fallen in love with his sister. 4. My father wanted to walk, but my mother insisted that we should go in the car. 5. He suggested on a postcard that they should meet in the National Gallery. 6. As soon as we sat down he demanded that the candles should be removed. 7. He requested that we should keep the evening free. 8. He arranged that Edward go to Italy for a year or two. 9. In this case it is essential that he shouldn’t make a mistake. 10. Suddenly it seemed terribly important to him that they should not leave him alone. 11. It was arranged that we should meet at his flat for a glass of sherry. 12. It was desirable that he should go to a law school following the family tradition. 13. She knew it was urgent that she should buy herself a new coat. 14. It’s time we were off. 15. It’s high time he explained what he is up to. 16. It’s about time he were taught a lesson. 17. When I woke I felt that it was time I called a doctor. 18. It’s really about time we had dinner. 19. He was told in public that it was time he learned to do as he was told. 20. His aunt made a peremptory demand that he should send her ten pounds a month. 21. When one reads Goethe’s «The Sorrows of Werther» today one can hardly fail to ask oneself what there was in it to cause so great a sensation. I suppose the answer is that it exactly suited what we now call the climate of opinion. 22. My only wish was that he should be altogether honest. 23. His intention was that his two sons should continue his trade.

1. The United Nations Human Rights Commission yesterday urged that economic sanctions and an oil embargo should be introduced against South Africa.

2. Western and Arab diplomats and other specialists on Gulf affairs have suggested that the American administration should clearly outline its policy towards the Gulf countries.

3. The analysts recommended that the United States, in formulating its policies for the region, should demonstrate a sensitivity to the internal pressures felt by the Gulf rulers.

4. Bonn. – It has been learnt here that the United States proposed that an «European rapid reaction corps» should be urgently set up.

5. It is important that the real situation should be examined because anything which promotes irrational differences between earnings in an industry is bound to cause trouble.

6. In addition the UN Charter provided that the United Nations should not intervene in the internal affairs of a State.

7. They insisted that the exact demands of the three main groups should be outlined so that the Common Market could be in no doubt about them.

Упражнение 2

1. He was afraid that he might be taken for a burglar. 2. He seemed nervous lest he should set his son a bad example. 3. I passed the door quickly, fearful lest the nurse who sat up all night should hear me. 4. I said: «You know, doctor, I’m afraid I might tend to be a little inquisitive sometimes». 5. He told us to get into the back of the car so that we could talk. 6. He pretended to speak to someone, so that the servant should not think that he was alone in the room. 7. The girl kept her window open day and night so that the cat could come into her room whenever it felt inclined. 8. She lowered her voice so that her mother should not hear us. 9. Grace took the necessary steps so that they could get married at once. 10. He sat at his desk as though he were writing, but he neither wrote nor read. 11. The dog greeted Frank as if they had not met for a year. 12. He was flushed and looked as if he might burst into tears. 13. She kept on glancing round the room as if she were looking for somebody. 14. She used to look as though she had been crying. 15. If you were to ask me I couldn’t tell you. 16. If you were travelling alone you would have got to the city by now. 17. If he were to be invited to the party he wouldn’t know what to wear. 18. If anything should happen to him I shall stay in my office the whole day. 19. I wonder what effect it will have on my sister’s nerves if John should turn his back to her. 20. However, if it should be proved on him, he will have to leave my house. 21. If I were a playwright I’d write a nice, old-fashioned play in which the heroine is pure and beautiful and makes a man out of her husband. 22. If he knew he would have told me. I’m sure he knows nothing. 23. Her lips were parted as if she were out of breath.

1. It appears doubtful whether the formula will meet the Government’s insistence that the UN sanctions should not lead to economic confrontation with South Africa.

2. New York. – As the House of Representatives is getting ready to debate the President’s proposed budget, young people across the country will gather in the halls of Congress to demand that the government provide a job for every single youth willing and able to work.

3. The paper also recommended that the eligibility age for retirement benefits be raised gradually from 65 to 68 by the year 2012.

4. The pragmatists argue that the president cannot afford to take the political risk of seeing hundreds of thousands of automobile workers thrown out of jobs because of foreign competition. They urge that the administration ask the Japanese government to restrain the level of Japanese automobile exports for three years.

5. One of the first suggestions he made shortly after he took office, was that a lottery be run to rescue UN finances.

6. Time and again he attempted to make the apparently reasonable request that the General Assembly reach decisions through voting.

7. The majority of people, be they politicians, trade unionists or employers, are now all in favour of East-West trade. The problem today is how to break down the remaining barriers.

Упражнение 3

1. These are things which would be hard for a child to understand. 2. Lock the door so that nobody should disturb us. 3. «Look at this scene», she said, «Where else in the world would you ever see anything like that?» 4. It wouldn’t have made any difference. 5. «I don’t want to go there.» «Why not? I wouldn’t miss the match for anything. We could watch it from quite far away.» «Mother wouldn’t like it». 6. I think it would be wise to wait till the evening. 7. If any difficulty should arise, call me up at once. 8. He smiled as if he did not believe what I was saying. 9. The girl sat quiet, with her hands in her lap, as though she were watching TV. 10. He spoke of the book as if he had read it. 11. I left a note for him on the desk so that he would see it the moment he came back. 12. He didn’t utter a word as though he hadn’t heard us talk about him. 13. The floor in the room was so dusty as if it hadn’t been swept for days. 14. He smiled and patted her shoulder as if she were a child. 15. He felt that if he were to refuse the offer his father would be angry with him. 16. I put on my hat so that I should not have to come up again. 17. I wouldn’t do it if I were you. 18. In case you should have to leave unexpectedly, send me a note. 19. «You must always watch out for the traffic here», said the nanny. «What would your mother say if you were to get run over?» 20. Stay with him, please, and if he should ask for anything, let me know. 21. If I were to say a thing like that to your aunt she would think me a lunatic. 22. I’ll be at the flat all evening in case you should change your mind. 23. Possibly he would feel and act differently in his reaction to his daughter’s marriage if the circumstances were different.

1. If Bonn should decide to buy less gas, it would certainly soften U.S. opposition. But if the West Germans conclude they need all the gas they are slated to get, there could be trouble.

2. He said that he had been told by his CIA contact that the US was in a position to arrange a coup in Mozambique through South Africa and that should he be in danger of discovery, he was to take a flight to South Africa where he would be «very warmly received».

3. Should the Tories succeed in finding a candidate we may yet see the spectacle of the three brands of Tories fighting each other for the votes.

4. Today’s talks, therefore, will certainly lay down guide-lines for a Tory Manifesto should an early election materialise.

5. Even should it be decided to extend the session, only ten days can be gained; so – the argument runs – it is better to wait for the new session, especially as the Lords may impose its veto and delay the Bill 12 months.

6. Objections to this plan, supposing their should be any, should be reported to the committee at once.

7. If the two weaker companies were to collapse, hundreds of thousands of jobs would be lost in the auto industry, alone, and perhaps a million jobs taking into account the industries that produce materials for cars such as steel and glass.

Упражнение 4

1. I wouldn’t have thought it possible if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. 2. I would have liked the play better if it were not so long. 3. If it had not been for his illness the family would have moved to town. 4. If he had come in time it might not have happened. 5. If it had rained I would have got wet through, I had a very light dress on. 6. If you were not so busy we might go somewhere for dinner. 7. If I had stayed a moment longer I don’t know what I might have said. 8. If we had no luggage we could walk to the station. 9. I did not blame him. I would have done the same. 10. «I was curious, you see.» «I’d have been curious, too.» 11. I should never have thought that you would learn to drive so soon. 12. He would have said a lot more, but he was tired. 13. It would be much more convenient if he were to move to a hotel. 14. If I were to tell you of the things the girl does, you would open your eyes. 15. I should certainly try to deserve your confidence if you would give me another chance. 16. «I don’t care if the whole school knows.» «If that should happen, we shall have to send you home.» 17. The situation was embarrassing. If I went in at once it would be obvious that I had overheard the words that had just been spoken. 18. He’s been so quick. I wouldn’t have done half of it in this time. 19. But for that accident the thought of you would never have crossed his mind. 20. She was glad that her statement was truthful. This curious man, she felt, would have recognized a polite evasion. 21. We often ran when walking would have done as well. 22. Charles would not have thought of coming that night, but for me. 23. Her husband agreed to hiring a grand piano though, he said, an upright piano would have done.

1. One of their fears is that the auto industry, if given relief, would increase prices rather than production.

2. Any proposal to go ahead with this disgusting weapon should be vigorously combated. It may be immensely profitable to the chemical industry, but if ever it were used, it would bring an agonising death to thousands.

3. Arguing that ignoring Third World grievances would be politically short-sighted, the French and West German foreign ministers urged the US administration to attend the summit session.

4. Mr M. believes that granting citizenship to more foreigners would consolidate loyalty to the state, simplify manpower problems, lessen dependence on more immigration and motivate Kuwaitis to work harder.

5. If it were just another scandal bringing down Italy’s 40th post-war government, editors and readers alike would have to fight to stifle yawns and keep their eyes from glazing over. But this time, a tantalising series of scandals wrapped inside a medieval secret society has provoked the crisis.

6. It would be foolish to think that all this will be easy.

7. Even if this proposal were acted upon, and it is now evident that the President has disavowed it, the fundamental guns-instead-of-butter nature of the economy would in no way be altered.

Упражнение 5

1. I wish I had a lab of my own. 2. She almost wished she hadn’t asked them to dinner. 3. I wish I could drop the whole matter. 4. I wish it had happened to anyone but you. 5. I wish you had brought your sister with you. 6. «I wish Paul could have stayed a few minutes», I said. 7. He wished they would let him enjoy his dinner in peace. 8. Oh, how I wish it would rain! 9. I wish you wouldn’t be so horrid, Willy, just when I’m so miserable. 10. I wish that your daughter were just a little like you. 11. I wish you’d make up your mind one way or another. 12. He wished the evening were already over. 13. I sometimes wish you hadn’t decided to write that book, Hugh. 14. I do wish we had a proper garden. 15. Oh, God, how I wish I’d never done it. 16. I do wish Willy would change his mind about taking up German. 17. He wished he knew how to console his wife. 18. I wish you would start writing poems again. 19. I wish more people in the office had your sense of humour, Jack. 20. She wished she could hear what they were saying downstairs. 21. I wish he would stop writing to me. 22. I wish I had found him at home. 23. I wished I had not told them about my life.

1. This veto provision reflects the conviction of those who drafted the Charter that the United Nations would be unable to take an important initiative for the maintenance of peace and security unless there was unanimity among the big powers and that to attempt so would be a futile gesture, endangering the organisation.

2. Some black leaders made charges that help would have come more quickly if the dead and missing children had been white.

3. The blacks believe that if white children had been involved the tragedy would have received huge public and press attention.

4. Had he not been forced to manoeuvre the craft to avoid a boulder-filled crater, he would have touched down with almost two minutes of fuel remaining.

5. U.S. Embassy sources stressed that the visas would never have been issued to the five officers, who were represented as diplomats going for routine consultations with their own embassy, if their military function had been known.

6. Unemployment of those proportions, were it general, would be a national catastrophe.

7. Had the election campaign been still in progress the wage squeeze might have become an issue.

Упражнение 6

1. Oh, if only you’d be as you used to be. 2. It’s desirable that the issue should be settled as soon as possible. 3. He asked me to stay with him in the country so that he could read his novel to me when it was finished. 4. She arranged that next morning the boy should come to the house where she had taken a room so that they could spend the day together. 5. He feared that after twenty years he would find his sister a rather disillusioned woman. 6. His mother knew very well who the man was, but wanted to act as though she had no idea of it. 7. He got his sister to make herself scarce for a few hours so that his new friend shouldn’t know that he did not live alone. 8. When the boys learned of Peter’s diary it was inevitable that they should also set writing diaries of their own. 9. He insisted that people in plays should talk as they talked in real life. 10. I wish I had seen more of them before the war. 11. Now if I were to get Helen sacked, this of course would mean telling everybody what she did. 12. «I’m afraid I can’t stay», I said. «If I stayed I’d have to tell things that they wouldn’t like and that would spoil their fun.» 13. I wouldn’t tell you anything even if I could remember the facts. 14. I know I’ve broken your life. And we might have been happy. 15. He was afraid that he might forget the name and asked me to put it down for him. 16. There was a wonderful concert at the Victoria Hall we could have gone to. But now we are late for anything. 17. He was not well off and he went about in dread lest he should be dismissed. 18. In the old days she would have argued, but now she only nodded sadly. 19. I wish I had a lot of money. I wouldn’t live another day in London. 20. Of course, I told myself, he might have been detained, but in this case he would have telephoned me. 21. When he rang up home, his wife was not in. Normally it wouldn’t have upset him, but today he needed her advice badly. 22. Edward proposed that he should fetch Bateman at five so that they could drive out together to Jackson’s house. 23. It would have made small difference to the universe if I had never existed.

1. February’s trade figures showed a £62 million deficit. There would have been an even worse result had it not been for the £559 million that foreign businessmen invested in Britain.

2. But for import restrictions, quotas and American-imposed embargoes, Anglo-Soviet trade would be larger than it is today.

3. The Prime Minister refused to be drawn yesterday into saying what he would do if his attempt to «renegotiate» the agreement were to fail.

4. Opposing the introduction of Cruise and Trident missiles in Britain, Mr K. said it was ludicrous to talk as if the West was defenceless. The military budget of the US alone was more than a third of total world arms spending.

5. It was time that those supporting heavy defence spending and nuclear missiles emerged from 1914 and 1939 thinking to the real world of 60,000 nuclear weapons with the risks of accidents, proliferation and first strike.

6. It is high time that Canada abandoned this course and changed course while there is still time to do so.

7. The British Foreign Secretary will now be entering what are officially termed «the pre-negotiations» with an ardent will to succeed. But the Prime Minister would hardly have taken the unprecedented step of deciding to go along, too, had he been sure they would fail.

Упражнение 7

1. It was decided that the children should go to the Zoo right after breakfast. 2. I wish you wouldn’t smoke so much. 3. He demanded that he should be paid at once. 4. I wish I had told the truth. 5. It’s necessary that you should take a month’s holiday. 6. There are not many people who would have taken the whole thing so calmly. 7. I went to my room so that no one should disturb me for an hour or two. 8. Now he wouldn’t have made such a mistake. 9. I do wish this term were over. 10. For a moment he was afraid that Fred would sit down beside him and go on talking. 11. If only someone would believe me! 12. I should think he might be capable of it. 13. «Will you do it?» «Oh, I’d rather you did it.» 14. Someone suggested that a doctor should be sent for. 15. It’s time we got down to work. 16. We were afraid that he might fall ill. 17. One always spoke of her like that, in the third person, as though she were not there. 18. He knew if his mother were to sit beside him and touch his hand, all would immediately be well. 19. You would not understand my difficulty even if I were to tell you. 20. He looked at Roberta as if he had never before seen anything like her. 21. He left instructions that we should be taken on a sightseeing tour of the town. 22. Oh, if she had only known where to write to him!

1. It is not for this administration to be more selective about the international responsibilities that the United States should be ready to bear. Rather, its choice is to show with greater certainty that it can bear them all.

2. In addition Congress may be reluctant to approve the sale of eight Lockheed antisubmarine planes to Brazil because they must be used to apprehend U.S. fishing vessels inside the 200-mile territorial limit proclaimed by the Brazilian government. But Administration staffers have made clear that were it not for fear of an explosive reaction in Congress, the arms lid would be off altogether.

3. The president was to be wined, dined and entertained, but he was also expected to be confronted with demonstrations and protests. A demonstration was planned by environmental groups to protest the alleged reneging by the United States on promises to limit fallout of acid rain on Canada.

4. Washington. – The House of Representatives will begin deliberations Tuesday on a bill to increase transportation aid to cities.

The nation’s handicapped are demanding the bill include regulations requiring cities with mass transit systems to improve facilities for handicapped and disabled people.

A bill on mass transit passed the Senate in June, and supporters are pushing for passage in the lame duck House session. They anticipate a tougher battle should the bill have to face next year’s more conservative congress.

5. An unemployed black man was discriminated against because of his race when he applied to become a census enumerator, an industrial tribunal has decided.

Mr J. 31, who was the only black person in Liverpool to apply to take part on Britain’s population survey last year as an enumerator, was refused a post.

Упражнение 8

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