II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. The buffalo is large animal living in

The buffalo is ... large animal living in ... North America. Many years ago ... people from ... other lands came to America. ... immigrants crossed ... country in ... wagon trains. They killed ... buffalo for ... food. Today you can sometimes buy ... buffalo meat at a restaurant.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послеслог, где не­обходимо.

1. Who is responsible in your family ... washing the dishes ... dinner?

2. Jane has been interested ... ancient history ... her first year ... college.

3. My coat is similar ... yours but different ... Ben's.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. just/I/for/waiting/he/have/man/is/the/been.

2. understand/the/about/you/teacher/is/do/what/talking?

3. mother/to/take/me/advised/my/English/course/another.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Mr. X is going to Mexico on business. He is talking to the secretary.

X ____________________________.__________________________

S: No, you needn't. We have reserved a room in a good hotel for you.


S: It's the Sunday morning flight.

X _

S: Take only light clothes and, perhaps, an umbrella.

X ___.__________________

S: Yes, we'll contact you every day.


S: The information will be sent by mail to the hotel.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб­ках.

1. There are (меньше)__________mistakes in your test than in


2. He had two choices but he didn't want (ни один)__________of


3. Tim works (усердно)__________at school but Tom is a bit lazy.

4. Will you (сделать)__________me a favour?

5. I don't want (ничего)_____________at all.

6. It isn't as (легко)__________as that.

7. The flag (поднялся)__________on the mountain peak.

8. Every evening he (рассказывает)__________a story to his son.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) The bill isn't such expensive as I thought it would be.

b) The bill isn't so expensive as I thought it would be.

c) The bill isn't more expensive as I thought it would be.

2. a) I haven't been at the cinema for ages.

b) I wasn't at the cinema for ages.

c) I won't be at the cinema for ages.

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло­нок.

1. Your ticket, please. a. Sure.

2. May I have another biscuit? b. You are welcome any time.

3. Can I see your new house? c. Here you are.


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре­менной форме.

An interesting thing (to happen) ____________to me last night. I

(to sit)_______________in my room reading, when the phone (to ring)

__________Usually I (not to run)_______________to the phone so

quickly. But this time I (to know) ___________it was something


The voice on the phone (to belong)___________to an old friend

of mine from whom I (not to hear) _________________ for ten

years. I said, «Let's meet tomorrow after I (to finish) ___________

work. I can't wait to see what you (to look)_________like now. I

wonder if you (to change) ________________». But suddenly our

talk (to interrupt)________________In vain I hoped he (to ring)

____________ back.

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. ... recent newspaper article on ... British teenagers' use of ... pocket money proves what ... most parents already know. ... teenager these days spends nearly all ... pocket money given by ... parents on ... computer games.

2. ... vase is a kind of pot for holding ... flowers.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ­ходимо.

1. I tried ... several dresses but ... my friend's opinion none of them suited ... me all right.

2. Jill starts her new job ... Monday morning but she is not sure she'll

be good ... programming.

3. We are angry ... our neighbours ... their making so much noise last


IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. start/no/meeting/before/there/the/to/o'clock/is/more/need/nine.

2. interested/countries/other/are/reading/you/in/cultures/about/and?

3. Rita/new/every/tries/learn/day/to/words/twenty-five.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Jane is back from her trip to Cambridge and she is talking to her mother.


J: I spent the day with Mrs. Tate.


J: No, no one else went with us.


J: We went to King's College.


J: No, most of the students were on holiday.


J: After we'd looked round King's College, we did some shopping.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб­ках.

1. I think it's (самая худшая) _______________programme

on TV.

2. One boy played the guitar while (другие)____________sang.

3. He won't go to a good university and he won't be able to get a good job (также)________

4. Modern aeroplanes fly (намного)_________higher than old-fashioned ones.

5. When I arrived at work I realized that I had (забыл)_________my

watch at home.

6. The report will be ready (через два дня)___________________

7. I am going to (сдавать)_________the examination with another


8. Your words (делают)_______the whole thing even more strange.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) The play was worth to see.

b) The play was worth seeing.

c) To see the play was worth.

2. a) I am painting since I can remember.

b) I was painting since I can remember.

c) I have been painting since I can remember.

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло­нок.

1. Thank you for the dance. a. You are welcome.

2. Would you like a sandwich? b. It's a pleasure.

3. I'd like to have another look at it. c. Yes, please.


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре­менной форме.

Не (to sit) .___________________inside the bar for about half an

hour when he (to find) _________ that a little girl (to stand)

--------------------_ alongside him. «You (to know)_______________

that children under the age of sixteen (not to allow)_________________

in here? You (to see)_________________the notice on the door?» The

girl (to shake)_________ her head. He (to think)_________that the

assistant (to ask)_______her to leave the place. Instead, in a more kindly

tone he said: «Is there anyone you (to look)____________for here? If

you (to stay)_______outside for a while, I (to give)___________you

a lift home». He didn't know why he (to make)____________that offer.

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