I want him to show us the places of interest of this city.

a). Я хочу показать ему достопримечательности города.

b). Я хочу, чтобы он показал нам достопримечательности города.

c). Я хочу, чтобы ему показали достопримечательности города.

2) The travel agency is reported to have published a new guide book.

a).Турфирма сообщила, что они выпустили новый путеводитель.

b).Сообщают, что турфирма выпустила новый путеводитель.

c). Сообщают, что выпускают новый путеводитель.

3) I don’t want him to be interrupted.

a). Я не хочу перебивать его.

b). Я не хочу, чтобы он перебивал меня.

c). Я не хочу, чтобы его перебивали.

4) The scientist is sure to have made a great contribution to science.

a). Ученый уверен, что он сделал большой вклад в науку.

b). Ученый, несомненно, сделал большой вклад в науку.

c). Ученый обязательно должен сделать большой вклад в науку.

5). The passport control officer made him produce his passport.

а). Пограничник заставил его предъявить паспорт.

b). Пограничник просит его показать паспорт.

c). Он показал свой паспорт пограничнику.

6) The doctor must be sent for as soon as possible.

a). Доктора необходимо послать туда как можно скорее.

b). За доктором необходимо послать как можно скорее.

c). За доктором необходимо было послать как можно скорее.

7).We want our room in the hotel to be changed as soon as possible.

a). Мы хотели поменять в отеле наш номер как можно скорее.

b). Мы хотим, чтобы наш номер в отеле поменяли как можно скорее.

c). Мы хотели, чтобы наш номер в отеле поменяли как можно скорее.

8). I guess him to be jogging now.

a). Я думаю, что он на пробежке сейчас .

в). Я думаю пробежаться с ним сейчас.

c). Я думаю, что его можно догнать сейчас.

9). They noticed their luggage have been stolen.

a). Их багаж украли.

b). Они заметили, что их багаж украли.

c). Они увидели, как крали их багаж.

10). Let’s reserve a double room in a five-star hotel.

a). Забронируйте нам двухместный номер в пятизвездочном отеле.

b). Пусть нам забронируют двухместный номер в пятизвездочном отеле.

c). Давайте забронируем двухместный номер в пятизвездочном отеле.


Упражнение 1

Переведите предложения, используя знания о структуре предложения.

1.Suspended sentences are today introduced for the first time in the penal system in Britain.

2.Any court now passing a jail sentence of two years or less may suspend its operation for a period of between one and three years.

3.Quantities of the hallucinatory drug LSD worth $ 250,000 on the illicit market were found by Scotland Yard Drugs Squad men, a Bow Street magistrate was told yesterday. Six men and women who appeared on charges of possessing or receiving drugs were remanded for a week.

4.Sentence of nine months imprisonment was passed yesterday on Det. -Con. G.S. Dilley for assaulting a man being questioned at a police station.

5.Mr. H.S. Pears, prosecuting, said that while Mr. Bradshaw was being questioned, Dilley punched him a number of times. In May Dilley was fined on a charge of assault occasioning bodily harm.

6.An eight-man jury took only eight minutes to reach their verdict.

7.The appeals of 21 people convicted of assaulting a former U.S. Presidential Press Secretary seven years ago during anti-American demonstrations were rejected today by Tokyo High Court.

8.Prison terms ranging from eight to 18 months were imposed for assaulting Games C. Haggerty. He arrived in Tokyo in 1960 to prepare a visit by former President Eisenhower.

9.President Eisenhower's visit was later cancelled because of anti-American feeling. Mr. Haggerty, who had just flown in from Washington, was kept confined in his car for more than 20 minutes.

10.The defendants are reported to be planning appeals to the Supreme Court.

11.Six Madrid factory workers were seat to jail yesterday for taking part in street demonstrations a year ago. J. Santiago was sentenced to one year's jail, and five other men, to six month on charges of having demonstrated illegally.

12.The 585 draft resisters arrested during the week of demonstrations at the Whitehall Induction Center went on trial last week at the Criminal Court. They are charged with disorderly conduct and/or resisting arrest.

13.In the closing days of the last session of Congress, the discredited Subversive Activities Control Board was given a new lease on life and a blank check to expose for enclosure's sake and establish “a Register” of "Communist Action members, Communist Front and Infiltrated organizations".

14.Persons offending against the law are summoned before a court of law. The summons issued by a court states the charges moved against the offender by the persons suing him. When a defendant is brought before a court the charge is read out to him and he is asked whether he pleads guilty or not guilty. If he pleads guilty, he is sentenced by the court. If he pleads not guilty, .a jury of 12 persons must be formed and summoned to attend the court. When the jurors are sworn the trial proceeds.

15.The decision was expected to result in the dismissal of all charges against the Davises.

16.Most 10-year-old children are incapable understanding and waiving their own rights, much less those of their parents.

17.Some civil libertarians had compared the prosecution to the way Hitler enticed Germany's children to snitch on their parents by offering them rewards.

18.In oral arguments before the court, Atlanta lawyer Jay Boulding, who represented the Davises, had asked the justices to draw a bright line to make it clear that anyone under age 13 is not mature enough to consent to a search of his or someone else's property. The court, however, refused to go that far.

19.Prosecutors, who did not appear to argue the case, have not ruled out an appeal to the US Supreme Court when asked for comment, Douglas County District Attorney David McDaue responded:"Did they suggest what a 10-year-old should do when he finds drugs in his parents’ possession? I'm at a loss to give kids advice in the future."

20.They just wanted our family to snitch at each other and send each other to jail.

21.A juvenile court judge ruled that Darrin was not old enough to understand what he had done.

22.Guarino 71 was removed from the bench in November by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for persistently punishing those who he felt were trying to get out of jury duty.

23.After getting the news, Guarino recessed a criminal trial and left the court house, reportedly in a state of shock. The judge could not be reached for comment.

24.Jeffrey Levy was punished last January for telling the judge he couldn't sit on a jury hearing a drug case because he is opposed to the criminalization of drugs.

25.Presser said there are ways for a judge to discipline prospective jurors who may be lying without violating their constitutional rights.

26.The duty of the US, attorney general is to seek justice without fear or favor.

27.To crack down on this hardened core of violent criminals you should draw a line leap in the sand.

28.Prosecution of white-collar crime and public corruption is important not only to punish illegal action, but also to send a powerful message to the public and potential law-breakers.

*Упражнение 2

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на их структуру.

1.Since late summer, the business press has been full of stories about hard times hitting law firms.

2. Big firms nationwide held down increases in starting salaries for new lawyers.

3. For Mark Peterson, an unemployed grocery clerk convicted for having sex with a woman suffering from multiple personalities disorder (MPD), the publicity has faded.

4. Now the spotlight has turned to the man who prosecuted him.

5. Paulus had joined Peterson’s attorney Mary, in asking Hawley to set aside the verdict and grant a new trial.

5. Both newspapers independently decided that they had to break their promise of confidentiality, and did so. The day the story ran, naming Cohen as its source, Cohen was fired from his job.

6. The duty of the U.S. attorney general is to seek justice without fear or favor.

7. The goal was to bring in challenging work.

8. Prosecution of white-collar crime and corruption is important not only to punish illegal action, but also to send a powerful message to the public and potential law-breakers.

9. If justice is to be done and be perceived to be done, it is essential that all who are touched by the functions you will supervise are certain that the rules to which they are subject are rules to all that apply.

2. Our law used to recognize litigation as a destructive thing and make people think twice about using it, except as a last resort.

3. The decision was expected to result in the dismissal of all charges against the Davises.

4. A committee appointed by the state bar president recommended changes in December that respond directly to weaknesses identified in the Murray and Arthur cases.

5. The bar committee, chaired by Richmond attorney W. Horsley also called for a «searching investigation» of the charges that some lawyers had failed to report Murray’s misconduct as required by ethics rules.

6. Virginia State Bar President William R.Rakes says he has been giving speeches to emphasize the obligation.

7. The changes being considered in Virginia are in line with recommendations contained in a comprehensive report adopted by the ABA’s House of Delegates in February 1992. Discipline reform, however, is likely to come slowly, state by state.

8. Lightning may not strike twice in the same place, but last year Virginia’s legal community was shocked twice by multimillion - dollar.

Стратегии понимания предложения, абзаца, текста:

1. Используйте значение других слов в предложении, (параграфе) и смысл предложения в целом, чтобы выбрать нужное значение слова.

2. Используйте грамматические и пунктуационные ключи, которые указывают на взаимоотношения слов в предложении.

3. Довольствуйтесь общим значением незнакомого слова; нет необходимости искать его точное определение или синоним.

4. Учитесь распознавать важные грамматические и пунктуационные ключи, которые могут изменить предложения.

1. I removed the _____ from the shelf and began to read. испо   book magazine paper newspaper Набор предметов с полки, которые можно взять и прочитать, так что слово «книга» скорее всего придет на ум. Ассоциация между предметом и целью его использования так близка, что нетрудно догадаться о значении пропущенного слова.  
2. Harvey is a thief; he would _____ the gold from his grandmother’s teeth and not feel guilty.   steal take rob Харви – вор. Вор крадет. Точка с запятой в английском языке показывает, что после нее идет объяснение предыдущей части предложения.  
3. Our uncle was a _____ an incurable wanderer, who never could stay in one place. nomad roamer traveler drifter Запятая в английском языке может обозначать синонимический род объясняемого слова.  
4. Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Hogartty is quite_____. н ugly homely рlain Unlike сигнализирует, что в отличии от своего красивого брата, Хогарти некрасив.
5. The Asia _____, like other apes is specially adapted for life in trees.   gibbon monkey аpe chimp   “Like” сигнализирует о том, что значения слов сходны.
6. But surely everyone knows that if you step on an egg it will ______ .   break Контекст однозначно подсказывает значение пропущенного слова.
7. Tom got a new______ for his birthday. It is a sports model, red with white interior and bucket seats. car Контекст однозначно подсказывает значение пропущенного слова.

Значение слов – сигналов.

Причинно-следственные связи: as a result of –

because of –

2. Начало и конец периода: from to (fill)

3. равнозначность обеих частей предположения “not only . . . but also”

4. указывает на то, что одно событие произошло вместо другого

Слова – сигналы

I want him to show us the places of interest of this city. - student2.ru Условие, определяющее возможность наступления действия, следует за словами:


So long as если

Provided (that) при условии, что

Unless если не

1. Ifadditional objects are Если дополнительные цели

«political objects», they являются «политическими»,

must satisfy the statutory то они должны быть в рамках

requirements. закона.

2. So long as a trade union Если профсоюз отвечает

satisfies the requirements требованиям в отношении

as to the principal objects, главных целей, то он может

it may have any additional иметь любые дополнительные

objects provided that they цели при условии, чтоони

are lawful and authorized являются законными и

by its constitution. предусмотрены его уставом.

3. A strike is lawful unless Забастовка является законной,

its purposes and means are если ее цели и средства не

illegal. являются незаконными.

I want him to show us the places of interest of this city. - student2.ru I want him to show us the places of interest of this city. - student2.ru Высказывания, дополняющие и продолжающие мысль, содержат слова:

I want him to show us the places of interest of this city. - student2.ru also and а также

Too again

as well (as) besidesдалее

similarly furtherкроме того

likewise (furthermore)более того

I want him to show us the places of interest of this city. - student2.ru in addition (to) moreover

along withнаряду с

Together with

1. The principal objects of Главные цели профсоюза

a trade union are set out in изложены в его уставе.

its rules. Besides, it may Кроме того, он может

have some additional иметь и дополнительные

objects. цели.

2. The legality of a strike Законность забастовки

depends on the means by зависит от средств,

which it is enforced and которыми она

on its objects. Further, осуществляется, и от ее

it depends on the nature and целей. Далее, она также

mode of the concerted зависит от характера и

cessation of labour. способа соглашения

о прекращении работы.

3. “Collective agreements” «Коллективные договоры»

are gentlemen’s agreements. являются джентльменскими

They have no legal validity соглашениями. Они не имеют

in them selves. Moreover, an юридической силы. Более того,

individual workman can agree отдельный предприниматель или

to work on terms differing from отдельный работник могут

those of the collective agreements. прийти к соглашению работать

на условиях, отличных от условий

коллективного договора.

Возможность выбора определяется наличием таких слов, как:

I want him to show us the places of interest of this city. - student2.ru orили

either . . . or . . .или . . . или . . .

whether . . . or . . .то ли . . . то ли . . .

  1. The Emergency Powers По закону о Чрезвычайных

Act, 1920, does not make Полномочиях 1920 г. участие в

it an offence for a person забастовке илимирное

to take part in a strike or побуждение к участию в ней

peacefully persuade others не считается преступлением.

to strike.

  1. The 1927 Act prohibited Закон 1927 г. запрещал

“sympathetic strikes” and забастовки солидарности и

declared that strikes or lock – объявлял незаконными

outs calculated to coerce the забастовки и локауты,

Governments eitherdirectly or рассчитанные на то, чтобы прямо

indirectly by inflicting hardship или косвенно оказывать

on the community were illegal давление на правительство путем создания

трудностей для жизни общества.

  1. A Trade Union is any Профсоюз – это такое

combination (whether объединение (временное или

temporary orpermanent) постоянное), основные цели

whose principal objects are которого записаны в его уставе.

determined in its constitution.

начинающие противопоставления одной мысли другой или вводящие противоположное высказывание:

but, and, still, yet(однако),however, nevertheless, at the same time

Практика перевода.

Переведите текст, используя приемы перевода.

Settlement of claims

1. It often happens that one of the parties to the contract considers that the other party has infringed the terms of the contract. In such cases the dissatisfied party may think it necessary to send the other party a letter of complaint which often contains a claim, i. e. a demand for something to which the sender of the letter, in his opinion, has a right as, for instance, a claim for damages or for a reduction in the price etc. Complaints and claims may arise in connection with inferior quality of the goods, late delivery or non-delivery of the goods, transportation, insurance and storage of the goods and in many other cases.

The Sellers, for example, may hold the Buyers responsible for omitting to give transport instructions in time, and the Buyers may make a claim on (against) the Sellers for damage to the goods caused by insufficient packing.

2. Very often the parties agree upon an amicable settlement of the claim in question. If, however, an amicable settlement is not arrived at, the dispute is decided either by a court of law or, which the case is more often, by arbitration. Contracts usually stipulate that in case of arbitration each party should appoint its arbitrator, and, if the two arbitrators cannot agree, they have to appoint an umpire whose decision (award) is final and binding upon both parties.

Disputes between Russian organizations and foreign firms arising out of foreign trade transactions are very often settled by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission at the Russian Chamber of Commerce*. This Commission consists of fifteen members appointed by the Presidium of the Russian Chamber of Commerce. When the parties refer their dispute to the Arbitration Commission, each party chooses its Arbitrator from among the members of the Commission. These two Arbitrators appoint an Umpire - another member of the same Commission. If the Arbitrators fail to agree on Umpire, the Umpire is appointed from among the members of the Arbitration by the President of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission.

3. Arbitration clauses in some contracts stipulate that all disputes and differences should be settled by arbitration in a third country, while some other contracts provide for arbitration in the country of the respondent party.

Contracts concluded in accordance with the Rules of different trade associations in the United Kingdom (the Coffee Trade Federation, the London Rubber Trade Association, the London Corn Trade Association, the London Cocoa Association) provide for arbitration to be held in conformity with these Rules.

In contracts for the sale of timber concluded on a standard form adopted by the Timber Trade Federation of the U.K. and V/O «Exportles», it is provided that certain kinds of disputes should be referred for settlement to arbitration in the U.K. and others - to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission at the Russian Chamber of Commerce in Moscow.

Слова и выражения:

1. complaint - жалоба, рекламация (на - about)

party to the contract - участник договора, сторона в договоре

to infringe -нарушать

dissatisfied - неудовлетворенный,

letter of complaint - рекламационное письмо, письменная жалоба

demand - требование

sender - отправитель

reduction - снижение; reduction in the price - снижение цены, скидка

non-delivery - непоставка, несдача

2. amicable - дружественный, дружелюбный; amicable settlement - дружественное разрешение спора

court of law - суд (государственный)

to be the case - иметь место; which is more often the case - что чаще имеет место

by arbitration - арбитражем, арбитражным судом

arbitrator - арбитр

from among - из числа

umpire - супер-арбитр, третейский судья

to be binding – быть обязательным

to settle – решать

to conclude - заключать

3. respondent - ответчик; respondent party - ответная сторона

to provide - обеспечивать

rules - правила, устав

the Coffee Trade Federation - федерация по торговле кофе (в Англии)

the London Rubber Trade Association - Лондонская ассоциация по торговле каучуком

the London Corn Trade Association - Лондонская ассоциация по торговле зерном

the London Cocoa Association - Лондонская ассоциация по торговле какао.



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