В зависимости от их функций в предложении.

1.а) The man telling us about the history of this country isa very experienced guide.   в)The man telling us about the history of that country was a very experienced guide. (определение) Человек, рассказывающийнам об истории этой страны, - очень опытный гид.   Человек, рассказывавший нам об истории этой страны, был очень опытным гидом. Человек, который рассказывал нам…
2.Answering questions, our guide showed us the pictures of monuments. (обстоятельство) Отвечая на вопросы, наш гид демонстрировал снимки памятников. Гид показывал нам снимки памятников архитектуры, когда отвечал на наши вопросы.
3. Places of interest being visitedby tourists are worth seeing. Places of interest being visited by tourists were worth seeing. (определение) Достопримечательности, посещаемыетуристами, достойны внимания. Достопримечательности, которые посещались туристами, были достойны внимания.
4. Being sent on a mission, he is always given a number of important tasks. (обстоятельство) Когда его посылают в командировку за рубеж, то ему дают много поручений.
5. Having made a lot of pictures during his field expedition, the scientist sent them to the magazine “The World”. (обстоятельство) Сделав много фотографий во время своей экспедиции, ученый отправил их в журнал «Мир». После того, как ученый сделал много фотографий во время своей экспедиции, он отправил их в журнал «Мир».
6. Having been published, the article was widely discussed by the public. (обстоятельство) После того, как статья была опубликована, она широко обсуждалась общественностью.
7. Tours to the Red Sea organized by this tour agency are much in demand among divers. (определение) Туры на Красное море, организованныеэтим турбюро, пользуются большим спросом среди дайверов.
8. When registered the passengers went to the Gate №1. (обстоятельство) Когда пассажиры прошли регистрацию, они направились к выходу №1.
9. All tickets being sold, we had to cancel our trip to Egypt. (обстоятельство) Так как все билеты были проданы, нам пришлось отказаться от поездки в Египет.
10. Our luggage having been brought, we started to unpack it. (обстоятельство) После того, как наш багаж был доставлен, мы начали его распаковывать.
11. She was packing her warm clothes, sorting them in different trunks. (обстоятельство) Она упаковывала свои теплые вещи, раскладывая их в разные чемоданы.

Способы перевода Герундия в зависимости от его функции в предложении

1. Swimming in the Mediterranean sea - is a great pleasure. (подлежащее) Плавание (плавать) в Средиземном море большое удовольствие.
2 Waiting in the airport terminal bored him (подлежащее) Ожидание в аэропорту утомляло его.
3 My hobby is studying national stereotypes. (именная часть составного именного сказуемого) Мое хобби – изучение национальных стереотипов.
4. I think of going to Paris (дополнение) Я думаю о поездке в Париж.
5. I don't remember having heard (hearing) the legend before. (дополнение) Я не помню, чтобы когда-нибудь слышал эту легенду.
6. He is proud of having reached the North Pole. (дополнение) Он гордится тем, что достиг Северного полюса.
7. It is difficult finding your way around in a strange town. (дополнение) Трудно сориентироваться в незнакомом городе.
8 I am fond of diving. (дополнение) Я люблю нырять.
9 I'm sorry forkeeping you waiting. (дополнение) Простите, что заставил вас ждать.
10. He left without saying good-bye. (обстоятельство) Он ушел, не попрощавшись.
11. The day was spent in packing. (обстоятельство) День прошел за упаковкой вещей.
12. In spite of being busy, he rang her. (обстоятельство) Несмотря на то, что он был занят, он позвонил ей.


Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова в следующих предложениях

А) герундий; Б) причастие; В) отглагольное существительное

1. The cinema being built in our street is of modern design.

2. Being built of coloured stone and plastic the cinema will look fine.

3. This is a good beginning.

4. Having passed the examinations, he went to his native town.

5. Examples being given by the teacher in class help the students to understand the rule.

6. He read the document without looking at us.

7. Technique having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible.

8. He succeeded in getting betterwith computers.

9. He displayed great skill in writing essays.

10. Ring me up before goingto the University.

11. Reading books is a necessary part of our studies.

12. Without constant studying it is impossible to translate original texts.

13. Having been asked for the book, the librarian promised to look for it.

14. This man was greatly interested in collectingminerals.

15. A great many young people studying at various educational establishments combine work and studies.

16. By doingso he helped me greatly.

17. All the students having finished the translation in time, we could check it in class.

18. The students were drawingwhen we entered the studio.

19. The conversation was interesting, many oversea students taking part in it.

20. Who does the cooking oflunch in your family?

21. Many bridges over the river having been built, it became possible to reach the distant part of the region.

22. Would you mind switching on the TV set?

23. He failed bringingus the necessary materials.

24. Having achieved the necessary results, we decided to describe them in our article.

25. Learning rules without practice is useless.


Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.

1. The lecturer who is delivering a lecture is a well-known professor.

2. I came up to the students who were discussing their schedule.

3. He didn’t like the people who were surrounding him.

4. I noticed the tourists who were taking pictures.

5. We are not the fans of the football team which has lost the final match.

6. When she came home she phoned her friend.

7. As the wind was blowing, it was very cold.

8. As he was afraid of the dog, the boy was running quickly across the yard.

9. The question which is being discussed now is very important.

10. Do you like the film which is being discussed in the press?


Инфинитив(Infinitive) - неопределенная форма глагола, отвечающая на вопрос «Что (c)делать», не имеющая времени, числа, лица.

  В зависимости от их функций в предложении. - student2.ru

to be -ing

В зависимости от их функций в предложении. - student2.ru В зависимости от их функций в предложении. - student2.ru to V to have

-ed (3форма)

to have to be -ed (3форма)

В зависимости от их функций в предложении. - student2.ru been -ed (3ф)

Упражнение 4

Определите грамматическое значение инфинитива (актив-пассив, характер действия)

1) to be asking to have asked to have been asked to ask to be asked to have been asking
2) to be dictating to have dictated to have been dictated to dictate to be dictated  
3) to discuss to have discussed to be discussing to be discussed to have been discussed
4) to be informed to inform to have informed to be informing to have been informed
    5) to be cooked to have cooked to have been cooked to be cooked to cook    

Упражнение 5

Определите личные и неличные формы глагола

1) To book, with booking, booked, has booked, books, to have been booked, having been booked, have been booked, is booking, without booking, being booked, was booked.

2) Were presenting, will present, to be presented, presented, am presenting, will have presented, is being presented, to present, presents, on presenting, to have been presenting.

3) On leaving, to have been leaving, have been leaving, should leave, has been left, left, to leave, having left, leaves, are left, to be leaving.

4) Will be written, to be written, being written, wrote, will write, to write, writes, having written, will have been written, writing, are written, have written, upon writing, was being written, .

Способы перевода инфинитива

1. To choose an exotic country to have a rest is a very difficult task. Выбор экзотической страны для отдыха -очень трудная задача.
2. His aim was to survive in a foreign country. Его цель была выжить в чужой стране.
3. A travel agent should find a proper route for his clients. Турагент должен подобрать наилучший маршрут для своих клиентов.
4. Tourists try to visit as many places of interest as possible. Туристы стараются увидеть как можно больше достопримечательностей.
5. Travelers are afraid to be bitten by poisonous snakes. Путешественники боятся укусов ядовитых змей.
6. To be solved by them the problem must not be difficult. Для того чтобы они решили эту задачу, она не должна быть трудной.
7. He had to be brought to the ancient castle. Его должны были доставить к старинному замку.
8. The return ticket to be booked is very expensive. Билет в оба конца, который должны заказать, – очень дорогой.
9. We were the first guests to have been accommodated in a new five-star hotel. Мы были первыми постояльцами, которых должны были разместить в новом пятизвездочном отеле.
10. We were curious to learn about the way of life of young Americans. Нам было любопытно познакомиться с образом жизни молодых американцев.

Упражнение 6

Составьте предложения с этими сказуемыми и переведите их на русский язык.

….must be reading

…may have read

…should have been read

…might have been reading

…could be read

…can read

…can’t have been read

…is to read

…was to read

…was allowed to be read

…had to be read

…has to read

…was able to read

…will be able to read

…was to be read

…must have been read

…can translate

…could translate

…was to translate

…was able to translate

…was allowed to translate

…was allowed to be translated

…should translate

…should have been translated

…was to translate

…had to be translated

…must be translating

…may have been translating

…could have been translated

…can’t have translated

…can’t have been translated

Упражнение 7

Найдите общее в структуре предложений в каждой колонке и проанализируйте отличия между ними.

He is believed to be right. I believe him to be right.
She was seen to cross the street. I saw her cross the street.
They are thought to be good specialists. We think them to be good specialists.
He is known to have been abroad. She knows him to have been abroad.
The tickets are expected to be bought in advance. He expects them to buy tickets in advance.


S + be V – ed + to V passive   1. say (said), report, inform, declare, announce, state   2. see, hear, feel, watch, notice   3. know, think, believe, consider, find, mean, expect, suppose, regard, admit, assume, presume, predict, understand     4. make     He is said to play tennis. (Говорят, что он играет в теннис). She was announced to be the winner. The plan is reported to have been discussed.   That man has never been seen to smile, he is so reserved. Soon he was heard to open the front door. He is supposed to be leaving tonight. She is believed to be a clever girl. Her father was thought to have died long ago.   He was made to book tickets in advance. (Его заставили забронировать билеты заранее)
S + V to V active   1. seem, appear, prove, turn out, happen   2. be likely((вероятно), be unlikely(мало вероятно), be sure(несомненно), be certain(безусловно, определенно)   We all seem to like this voyage. (Кажется, нам всем нравится это морское путешествие.) I didn’t seem to have understood our guide correctly. It proved to be an exciting journey. He turned out to be an experienced diving instructor. Do you happen to know Jane Crooks, a well-known explorer of the Universe? They seem to have been living on water and bread for a month.   He is likely to return soon. (Вероятно, он скоро вернется). The tourists are sure to return to the hotel in due time.  

Упражнение 8

Поставьте инфинитив в нужную форму.

1. She seems to (read) books a lot.

2. She seems to (read) a book now.

3. She seems to (read) a book already.

4. She seems to (read) a book since two o’clock.

5. The book seems to (read).

6. The book seems to (read) already.

7. Jane is sorry (to break) a cup.

8. We were happy (to do) all the work in advance.

9. I am glad (to communicate) with him for a long time.

10. The students are likely (to meet) by the representatives of the home University.

11. The student managed (to pass) a difficult exam.

12. He pretended (to sleep).

13. My friend seems (to lose weight).

14. I forgot (to take) an umbrella yesterday.

15. We decided (not to buy) a car.

16. The students appear (to wait) for the professor.

17. Not many people can afford (to visit) a foreign country.

18. One day I hope (to go) to Egypt.

19. I would like to learn (to swim) at last!

20. The project was agreed (to accept).

Упражнение 9

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции с инфинитивом.

1. She is said to visit this fitness club.

2. He was said to study national customs and traditions of many English-speaking countries.

3. They are said to have conquered some mountain peaks.

4. They were said to be going sight-seeing for a week.

5. You are said to do a bit of yoga.

6. A famous explorer was known to have written that article about safari in South Africa.

7. That big elephant was reported to have been shot in the jungles.

8. English Rivera is considered to be the place admired by the majority of English people.

9. The weather is unlikely to change in the near future.

10. He proved to be a bold free rider.

11. The boat is reported to be passing the Channel.

12. Our journey proved to come to the end.

13. Do you happen to know the way to the railway station?

14. The Pyramids are thought to have been erected by aliens with the help of special devices.

15. The Kremlin is sure to be the glory of the ancient Russian architecture.

16. The Beatles are unlikely to be forgotten by rock-music fans of forthcoming generations.

17. He was made to open his trunk in the customs area.

18. Our flight seems to be delayed for three hours.

19. VAT refund is certain to be got in a special office in the airport before registration.

20. Their flight has been announced to arrive in due time.


1. see watch observe look notice feel hear listen to smell     smb/smth     V V-ing V-ed   him change the wheel;(Я видел, что… ) I sawhim changing the wheel; (Я видел; I want youкак… ) the wheel changed (by him) (Я видел, что колесо было заменено им).    
2. want wish like dislike prefer would like desire intend love hat   smb/smth     to V   V-ed       I want you to answer the question.   I want the question answered at once.
3. know find think guess consider expect believe rely (on) suppose understand   smb/smth     to-V   V-ed     I guess him to go shopping now. I find the hotel (to be) comfortable. I consider our trip finished.
4. order command allow tell ask beg     smb     to-V     The customs officer allowed me to proceed to the green corridor. He asked me to help him with packing his trunks.
5. keep, leave, set   have, get   make, let   smb   smb/smth   smb   V-ing   V-ing   V-ed   V   Don’t keep me waiting. I’m in a hurry. Your words set me thinking about coming back home. I have my watch fixed.(Мои часы починили) She made me obey her.(Она заставила подчиниться ей). He made me declare that sum of money. Don’t let her walk at night in the strange city. Let’s go for a short walk after dinner.

Упражнение 10

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции с инфинитивом.

1. I want you to visit as many foreign countries as possible.

2. I know him to have traveled a lot.

3. She knew him to have booked a single room in a three-star hotel.

4. They prefer her to stay with us in this country.

5. The tourists left their luggage to be brought upstairs.

6. Local traditions made mobility students think over their behavior in public.

7. Their words set me thinking about coming back home.

8. I consider our trip finished at last.

9. We guess her to go shopping now.

10. He made me declare some items.

Упражнение 11

Какое из русских предложений соответствует английскому?

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