Read the dialogue and dramatize it.

A. Olya! Hi!

B. Hello, Katya!

A. Monday’s a real bind/grind, isn’t it?

B. Sure it is! It’s always really hard to come back on a Monday, after the weekend. Especially now we’ve

got lessons on Saturday, too.

A. Can’t beat Sundays! Have a lie in, no rushing off anywhere. And my mum always tries to arrange

something special. Bakes a cake, makes us something really nice.

B. Fab! I love nice food. Then I watch some TV – there’s a good programme on Art. I really love things

like “History of a Pointing” or “Russian Museum”.

A. So do I. It’s really nice just sitting in front of the box, when the weather’s bad.

B. Right. But when it’s nice, it’s such a shame to stay indoors. After all, we’re inside all week with no

fresh air. So you really need to get out when it’s fine on Sunday.

A. Last Sunday we decided to do go back and relive our childhood, so we went to the Zoo. It was really


B. Oh, I haven’t been for ages. I must go sometime.

A. Do you like the cinema? Maybe we can go one evening – there’s a first night this Sunday – Oleg

Menshikov’s in the film.

B. I really prefer the theatre. But if you think this film’s worth watching. I’ll go.

A. I’ll phone you. OK?

B. Fine. But you knew, sometimes I just enjoy staying at home with my family.

A. Nothing beats your day off. Anything’s better than Monday.

На дом: prepare your own topic about your Daily Routine.

ПР № 18: Интернет

(4 часа)

Тип занятия: формирование умений и навыков.

Форма занятия: практическая работа.

Цель занятия: совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, навыков чтения и перевода текста профессиональной направленности на английском языке.

Образовательные задачи занятия:

- выработать навыки чтения, письменной и устной речи на английском языке

Воспитательные задачи занятия:

- развитие понимания сущности и значимости английского языка для получаемой профессии, устойчивого интереса;

Развивающие задачи занятия: продолжить развитие умений

- осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения задач, профессионального и личностного развития;

- работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами;

Обеспечение занятия: методические указания к практическим работам, проектор, экран.

Структура занятия:

1) Организационный этап.

2) Целеполагание.

3) Актуализация знаний (фронтальный опрос).

4) Выполнение практических заданий.

5) Контроль результатов выполнения практической работы.

6) Подведение итогов занятия, выставление оценок.

7) Домашнее задание, пояснения по его выполнению.


Read and answer the questions.

Internet Facts

The prototype for the Internet was created in the sixties by the US Defense Department. To ensure that communication could be kept open in the event of a nuclear attack, it created a computer network known as Arpanet — the Advanced Research Project Agency Network.

The first attempt to connect two computers and allow them to communicate with one another was made by researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute on 20 October 1969.

The first people to coin the term 'internet' were two scientists, Vinton Cerf (known as 'father of the Internet') and his collaborator Bob Kahn, who in 1974 devised a means by which data could be transmitted across a global-network of computers.

An Oxford graduate, Tim Berners-Lee, set up the first 'www server' (a Server receives and sends messages) to store the archive of the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland.

The first e-mail ever sent was in 1972 between computers in two American universities. The most frequently used search word on the net is "sex", typed in 1,550,000 times every month.


Defense Department — Министерство обороны

ensure — обеспечивать

network — сеть

coin — придумывать

collaborator — сотрудник

devise — изобретать

means — средство

store — сохранить

net — сеть

link – соединять, связывать


1. Who was the prototype for the Internet created by?

2. Why was the prototype for the Internet created?

3. Who was the first attempt to connect two computers and allow them to communicate with one another made by?

4. Who is known as father of the Internet'?

5. Why was the first 'www server'set up?

6. What is the most frequently used search word?

7. Do you think 'The Internet' will have an important influence on our daily lives?

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